Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

idiot you used the pic in a negative way. As I said to the old man tea bagging does not mean the same to him as it does to you. So stop being a fucking dumbass.

An old man is smiling and gladly holding up a pin he bought. How is that a "negative way"?

BTW....did I mention that linking threads about people being upset about Palin is NOT the same as showing people upset at Bachmann?

BTW...did I mention you have 6 days left?
of course a warped bitch like you would see it that way
Did I mention Bachmann was also mentioned in that thread?
But did the Left show false outrage for Moochele Backmann saying this in that thread: "We need you to take out some of these bad guys.” If you remember, that was the original claim!
You were saying?


Talk about moving the goal post
You said

That whole thread is full of libs getting upset.

Ah, there it is. Yes...that whole thread is full of libs getting upset about a SHOOTING and about flyers PALIN put out.

But...let's look at how you are trying to use a thread about a SHOOTING and PALIN to prove.....what again? Oh yes....this assertion of yours:
Show us all those "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments.

Bachman is NOT Palin.....I know that they might be indistinguishable to some of you...:lol::lol:

So, unless you've got something else, LittleTraitor.....linking a post in a thread about a SHOOTING and flyers put out by PALIN proves nothing about people getting upset at BACHMAN and her comments.

Different time.

Different place.

Different person.


6 days left.

Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

My word is good....and if Bachman is mentioned in that thread which is over 500 pages, why did you ONLY link to a post which is about Palin and her flyer.

Still waiting for your evidence that "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments

Show the Left all upset
Show that in threads about our upset
Show it's about BACHMAN and her comments.....NOT about Palin.

Tick Tock....6 more days.
You are flat out wrong...this is the video I keep posting

James Hoffa 'Let's Take These Son of a Bitches Out Video' RightFace.us - YouTube

And both King and Hoffa use the same line "lets take them out" - King "lets take these sons a bitches out" -Hoffa

You sound so full of shit.
And so does Bachmann, the difference is the context for Hoffa and Bachmann is VOTING and the context for King is "Let's beat the other side to a pulp."

4 times in the video you keep posting and ignoring Hoffa refers to VOTING, setting the context for how to take the SOBs out. No matter how many times you ignore those 4 VOTING references they won't go away, and you just make a fool of yourself.

We have to keep an eye on the battle we face — a war on workers. And you see it everywhere there is the Tea Party. And you know there is only one way to beat and win that war.
The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what, they’ve got a war, they’ve got a war with us and there is only going to be one winner. It is going to be the workers of Michigan and America – we are going to win that war. All the way.
But it starts with your involvement, it starts with next November. We’ve got a bunch of people there that don’t’ want the president to succeed, and they are called the Tea Party – the people who don’t want him to do anything right and he is working hard for us.
President Obama is frustrated by what’s going on. Well, guess what, we’ve got the vote. And the answer to what we say is, we remember in November. We will beat the Tea Party and give this country back to workers and America. We can do it together.”
We’ve also got to talk about jobs. I get so tired about people who …(inaudible) these big corporations that send our jobs to Mexico, they send our jobs to China, and they’ve got the audacity to say ‘where are the jobs?’
Well I’ve got news for you. It’s time to bring those jobs back to America and bring America back to work. That’s what we’ve got to do.
We are going to hear from President Obama in a few minutes, and I am so glad that he has come to Michigan because this is where he sees the real America. He looks out on this army of people and you know what I say? President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march. President Obama, we want one thing: Jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs, jobs…(The crowd joins the chant.)
That’s what we are going to tell America…..When he sees what we are doing here, he will be inspired, but he needs help. And you know what? Everybody here has got a vote. If we go back, we keep the eye on the prize, lets take these sons-of-bitches out and give America back to America where we belong.”

So your comeback to that is Bachman is an idiot? :lol:

Thanks for proving my point and showing that you realize you picked a horrible comparison since the one you said was violent used identical rhetoric to Hoffa, the guy you quoted was referring to voting too.
Still playing dumb. I didn't call Moochele Bachmann an idiot, YOU just did. I showed that taken out of context by not including the whole quote, Moochele could be said to be calling for violence too, but with the whole quote it is clear that, like Hoffa, she is calling for people to vote.

However the Steve King (R) Iowa quote in context was calling for violence not votes. You can tell by the words "Let’s beat that other side to a pulp!" that preceded "Let’s take them out." A call to beat people to a pulp is not a call to vote. Neither is a call to "chase them down" a call to vote.
Get it?

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King R Iowa March 21, 2010
And so does Bachmann, the difference is the context for Hoffa and Bachmann is VOTING and the context for King is "Let's beat the other side to a pulp."

4 times in the video you keep posting and ignoring Hoffa refers to VOTING, setting the context for how to take the SOBs out. No matter how many times you ignore those 4 VOTING references they won't go away, and you just make a fool of yourself.

So your comeback to that is Bachman is an idiot? :lol:

Thanks for proving my point and showing that you realize you picked a horrible comparison since the one you said was violent used identical rhetoric to Hoffa, the guy you quoted was referring to voting too.
Still playing dumb. I didn't call Moochele Bachmann an idiot, YOU just did. I showed that taken out of context by not including the whole quote, Moochele could be said to be calling for violence too, but with the whole quote it is clear that, like Hoffa, she is calling for people to vote.

However the Steve King (R) Iowa quote in context was calling for violence not votes. You can tell by the words "Let’s beat that other side to a pulp!" that preceded "Let’s take them out." A call to beat people to a pulp is not a call to vote. Neither is a call to "chase them down" a call to vote.
Get it?

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King R Iowa March 21, 2010


"reckoning" is iowan slang. it means "election". whenever "reckoning" is mentioned at the end of a tirade, its meaning (election) extends to the whole tirade and gives the context needed to hand the tiradeur the moral high ground.
Ah, there it is. Yes...that whole thread is full of libs getting upset about a SHOOTING and about flyers PALIN put out.

But...let's look at how you are trying to use a thread about a SHOOTING and PALIN to prove.....what again? Oh yes....this assertion of yours:

Bachman is NOT Palin.....I know that they might be indistinguishable to some of you...:lol::lol:

So, unless you've got something else, LittleTraitor.....linking a post in a thread about a SHOOTING and flyers put out by PALIN proves nothing about people getting upset at BACHMAN and her comments.

Different time.

Different place.

Different person.


6 days left.

Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

My word is good....and if Bachman is mentioned in that thread which is over 500 pages, why did you ONLY link to a post which is about Palin and her flyer.

Still waiting for your evidence that "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments

Show the Left all upset
Show that in threads about our upset
Show it's about BACHMAN and her comments.....NOT about Palin.

Tick Tock....6 more days.

Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
Tic Toc Tic Toc
And so does Bachmann, the difference is the context for Hoffa and Bachmann is VOTING and the context for King is "Let's beat the other side to a pulp."

4 times in the video you keep posting and ignoring Hoffa refers to VOTING, setting the context for how to take the SOBs out. No matter how many times you ignore those 4 VOTING references they won't go away, and you just make a fool of yourself.

So your comeback to that is Bachman is an idiot? :lol:

Thanks for proving my point and showing that you realize you picked a horrible comparison since the one you said was violent used identical rhetoric to Hoffa, the guy you quoted was referring to voting too.
Still playing dumb. I didn't call Moochele Bachmann an idiot, YOU just did. I showed that taken out of context by not including the whole quote, Moochele could be said to be calling for violence too, but with the whole quote it is clear that, like Hoffa, she is calling for people to vote.

However the Steve King (R) Iowa quote in context was calling for violence not votes. You can tell by the words "Let’s beat that other side to a pulp!" that preceded "Let’s take them out." A call to beat people to a pulp is not a call to vote. Neither is a call to "chase them down" a call to vote.
Get it?

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King R Iowa March 21, 2010
No shit i was summarizing what your post read like to me and that summary is "Bachman is an idiot" and I agree she is an idiot.

Both King and Hoffa are referring to doing things by "Voting" and both used violent imagry to express their desire for the outcome of their constituents/supporters voting. Yet you say king's is violent but hoffa's isn't. The only difference between the 2 is political party affiliation so it shows that your just being a partisan hack.

Your very reasoning for why king's comments about voting are violent can be equally applied to hoffa's comments about voting
Last edited:
Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

My word is good....and if Bachman is mentioned in that thread which is over 500 pages, why did you ONLY link to a post which is about Palin and her flyer.

Still waiting for your evidence that "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments

Show the Left all upset
Show that in threads about our upset
Show it's about BACHMAN and her comments.....NOT about Palin.

Tick Tock....6 more days.

Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
Tic Toc Tic Toc
But was Moochele mentioned for the quote I posted??? You claimed the Left got upset when Moochele used the "take out" words and the false outrage over Hoffa was "your turn to get upset" That means YOU have to link to the Left's outrage over Moochele using the "take out" words before Hoffa.

PS - I love how you blame Obama for the false outrage on the Right. :cuckoo:
How exactly can a "good leader" prevent you perpetual VICTIMS from spewing your false outrage over nothing?????:confused:

“We need to have your help for candidates like me. We need you to take out some of these bad guys.”Moochele Bachmann April 15, 2010

But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.
Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

My word is good....and if Bachman is mentioned in that thread which is over 500 pages, why did you ONLY link to a post which is about Palin and her flyer.

Still waiting for your evidence that "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments

Show the Left all upset
Show that in threads about our upset
Show it's about BACHMAN and her comments.....NOT about Palin.

Tick Tock....6 more days.

Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
Tic Toc Tic Toc

"mentioned" is a lot different than "left got so upset" threads.

Beside, where IS that so-called "mention"? You've not shown us that "mention".

Show us all those "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments.

Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

Seriously? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tick Tock...6 more days.
Last edited:
My word is good....and if Bachman is mentioned in that thread which is over 500 pages, why did you ONLY link to a post which is about Palin and her flyer.

Still waiting for your evidence that "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments

Show the Left all upset
Show that in threads about our upset
Show it's about BACHMAN and her comments.....NOT about Palin.

Tick Tock....6 more days.

Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
Tic Toc Tic Toc

"mentioned" is a lot different than "left got so upset" threads.

Beside, where IS that so-called "mention"? You've not shown us that "mention".

Show us all those "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments.

Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.

Seriously? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Tick Tock...6 more days.

You're wasting time with all this distraction you have 6 days and thats all Tic Toc Tic Toc
My word is good....and if Bachman is mentioned in that thread which is over 500 pages, why did you ONLY link to a post which is about Palin and her flyer.

Still waiting for your evidence that "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments

Show the Left all upset
Show that in threads about our upset
Show it's about BACHMAN and her comments.....NOT about Palin.

Tick Tock....6 more days.

Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
Tic Toc Tic Toc
But was Moochele mentioned for the quote I posted??? You claimed the Left got upset when Moochele used the "take out" words and the false outrage over Hoffa was "your turn to get upset" That means YOU have to link to the Left's outrage over Moochele using the "take out" words before Hoffa.

PS - I love how you blame Obama for the false outrage on the Right. :cuckoo:
How exactly can a "good leader" prevent you perpetual VICTIMS from spewing your false outrage over nothing?????:confused:

But it's different when she says it. </channeling RWNJ>

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

You're snared in your own little trap.
So your comeback to that is Bachman is an idiot? :lol:

Thanks for proving my point and showing that you realize you picked a horrible comparison since the one you said was violent used identical rhetoric to Hoffa, the guy you quoted was referring to voting too.
Still playing dumb. I didn't call Moochele Bachmann an idiot, YOU just did. I showed that taken out of context by not including the whole quote, Moochele could be said to be calling for violence too, but with the whole quote it is clear that, like Hoffa, she is calling for people to vote.

However the Steve King (R) Iowa quote in context was calling for violence not votes. You can tell by the words "Let’s beat that other side to a pulp!" that preceded "Let’s take them out." A call to beat people to a pulp is not a call to vote. Neither is a call to "chase them down" a call to vote.
Get it?

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King R Iowa March 21, 2010
No shit i was summarizing what your post read like to me and that summary is "Bachman is an idiot" and I agree she is an idiot.

Both King and Hoffa are referring to doing things by "Voting" and both used violent imagry to express their desire for the outcome of their constituents/supporters voting. Yet you say king's is violent but hoffa's isn't. The only difference between the 2 is political party affiliation so it shows that your just being a partisan hack.

Your very reasoning for why king's comments about voting are violent can be equally applied to hoffa's comments about voting
Then please show the words King used to indicate he was talking about VOTING! I've never heard "beating people to a pulp" or "chase them down" used to indicate voting.
Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
Tic Toc Tic Toc
But was Moochele mentioned for the quote I posted??? You claimed the Left got upset when Moochele used the "take out" words and the false outrage over Hoffa was "your turn to get upset" That means YOU have to link to the Left's outrage over Moochele using the "take out" words before Hoffa.

PS - I love how you blame Obama for the false outrage on the Right. :cuckoo:
How exactly can a "good leader" prevent you perpetual VICTIMS from spewing your false outrage over nothing?????:confused:

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

You're snared in your own little trap.
There is no link in THIS post of yours either.
I posted it you responded to it but ignored it It's not my fault you're stupid.

Ok, I"ve taken the time to do a little research on this thread and this is what I found up to the first of any links YOU have posted on this thread:

pg 55...this page
pg 54....4 posts by you, no links
pg 53...3 posts by you, no links
pg 52...no posts by you
pg 51...no posts by you
pg 50...1 post by you, no links
pg 49...no posts by you
pg 48...no posts by you
pg 47...no posts by you
pg 46...3 posts by you, no links
pg 45...1 post by you, a youtube video
pg 44...2 posts by you, no links
pg 43...1 post by you with a link to a post by MarkATL with two other people quoted (not me)...from a thread 534 PAGES long.

How much farther do I have to go back to see this so called "link" of yours that YOU can't even reproduce for us to see?

You've got a week to prove that you proved me wrong. It's not looking good for you....you can't even provide a so called "link".
Still waiting for those condemnations of all those leftwing radical organizations who purpotrate violence against political rivals.
Are you backing away from your word? You wanted a link I gave you one. Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
Tic Toc Tic Toc
But was Moochele mentioned for the quote I posted??? You claimed the Left got upset when Moochele used the "take out" words and the false outrage over Hoffa was "your turn to get upset" That means YOU have to link to the Left's outrage over Moochele using the "take out" words before Hoffa.

PS - I love how you blame Obama for the false outrage on the Right. :cuckoo:
How exactly can a "good leader" prevent you perpetual VICTIMS from spewing your false outrage over nothing?????:confused:

The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

You're snared in your own little trap.
He could slam his dick in a bear trap and not notice.

EdtheCretin has very advanced Rush Derangement Syndrome, and therefore has nothing of value to add to any conversation because he goes off like horses at the name "Blucher" whenever Rush's name is mentioned.
Ok, I"ve taken the time to do a little research on this thread and this is what I found up to the first of any links YOU have posted on this thread:

pg 55...this page
pg 54....4 posts by you, no links
pg 53...3 posts by you, no links
pg 52...no posts by you
pg 51...no posts by you
pg 50...1 post by you, no links
pg 49...no posts by you
pg 48...no posts by you
pg 47...no posts by you
pg 46...3 posts by you, no links
pg 45...1 post by you, a youtube video
pg 44...2 posts by you, no links
pg 43...1 post by you with a link to a post by MarkATL with two other people quoted (not me)...from a thread 534 PAGES long.

How much farther do I have to go back to see this so called "link" of yours that YOU can't even reproduce for us to see?

You've got a week to prove that you proved me wrong. It's not looking good for you....you can't even provide a so called "link".

You were saying?


Talk about moving the goal post
You said

That whole thread is full of libs getting upset.

Ah, there it is. Yes...that whole thread is full of libs getting upset about a SHOOTING and about flyers PALIN put out.

But...let's look at how you are trying to use a thread about a SHOOTING and PALIN to prove.....what again? Oh yes....this assertion of yours:
Show us all those "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments.

Bachman is NOT Palin.....I know that they might be indistinguishable to some of you...:lol::lol:

So, unless you've got something else, LittleTraitor.....linking a post in a thread about a SHOOTING and flyers put out by PALIN proves nothing about people getting upset at BACHMAN and her comments.

Different time.

Different place.

Different person.


6 days left.
Ahhh yes... The derangement we feel towards Palin is NOTHING like the derangement we feel against Bachmann or BOOOOOOOSHH!!! or Perry or..... or... or....

Day Two of the "Boedecea fights her Terminal Hypocrisy Disease.

Gonna take the cure and condemn your friends for doing what you claim they don't?
I posted it you responded to it but ignored it It's not my fault you're stupid.

Ok, I"ve taken the time to do a little research on this thread and this is what I found up to the first of any links YOU have posted on this thread:

pg 55...this page
pg 54....4 posts by you, no links
pg 53...3 posts by you, no links
pg 52...no posts by you
pg 51...no posts by you
pg 50...1 post by you, no links
pg 49...no posts by you
pg 48...no posts by you
pg 47...no posts by you
pg 46...3 posts by you, no links
pg 45...1 post by you, a youtube video
pg 44...2 posts by you, no links
pg 43...1 post by you with a link to a post by MarkATL with two other people quoted (not me)...from a thread 534 PAGES long.

How much farther do I have to go back to see this so called "link" of yours that YOU can't even reproduce for us to see?

You've got a week to prove that you proved me wrong. It's not looking good for you....you can't even provide a so called "link".
Still waiting for those condemnations of all those leftwing radical organizations who purpotrate violence against political rivals.

You missed my comments about Anarchists?
You were saying?


Talk about moving the goal post
You said

That whole thread is full of libs getting upset.

Ah, there it is. Yes...that whole thread is full of libs getting upset about a SHOOTING and about flyers PALIN put out.

But...let's look at how you are trying to use a thread about a SHOOTING and PALIN to prove.....what again? Oh yes....this assertion of yours:
Show us all those "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments.

Bachman is NOT Palin.....I know that they might be indistinguishable to some of you...:lol::lol:

So, unless you've got something else, LittleTraitor.....linking a post in a thread about a SHOOTING and flyers put out by PALIN proves nothing about people getting upset at BACHMAN and her comments.

Different time.

Different place.

Different person.


6 days left.
Ahhh yes... The derangement we feel towards Palin is NOTHING like the derangement we feel against Bachmann or BOOOOOOOSHH!!! or Perry or..... or... or....

Day Two of the "Boedecea fights her Terminal Hypocrisy Disease.

Gonna take the cure and condemn your friends for doing what you claim they don't?
I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
Ok, I"ve taken the time to do a little research on this thread and this is what I found up to the first of any links YOU have posted on this thread:

pg 55...this page
pg 54....4 posts by you, no links
pg 53...3 posts by you, no links
pg 52...no posts by you
pg 51...no posts by you
pg 50...1 post by you, no links
pg 49...no posts by you
pg 48...no posts by you
pg 47...no posts by you
pg 46...3 posts by you, no links
pg 45...1 post by you, a youtube video
pg 44...2 posts by you, no links
pg 43...1 post by you with a link to a post by MarkATL with two other people quoted (not me)...from a thread 534 PAGES long.

How much farther do I have to go back to see this so called "link" of yours that YOU can't even reproduce for us to see?

You've got a week to prove that you proved me wrong. It's not looking good for you....you can't even provide a so called "link".
Still waiting for those condemnations of all those leftwing radical organizations who purpotrate violence against political rivals.

You missed my comments about Anarchists?
So you are calling all of those organization I listed anarchists?

Nice try to muddy the waters, but sorry. Your heros like Cindy Sheehan are not anarchists. They are socialist fuckballs just like you.
Ah, there it is. Yes...that whole thread is full of libs getting upset about a SHOOTING and about flyers PALIN put out.

But...let's look at how you are trying to use a thread about a SHOOTING and PALIN to prove.....what again? Oh yes....this assertion of yours:

Bachman is NOT Palin.....I know that they might be indistinguishable to some of you...:lol::lol:

So, unless you've got something else, LittleTraitor.....linking a post in a thread about a SHOOTING and flyers put out by PALIN proves nothing about people getting upset at BACHMAN and her comments.

Different time.

Different place.

Different person.


6 days left.
Ahhh yes... The derangement we feel towards Palin is NOTHING like the derangement we feel against Bachmann or BOOOOOOOSHH!!! or Perry or..... or... or....

Day Two of the "Boedecea fights her Terminal Hypocrisy Disease.

Gonna take the cure and condemn your friends for doing what you claim they don't?
I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
Sorry, I'm not playing your game.

You're a goddamn hypocrite, you've been caught, publicaly exposed, and although nobody else doubts your status as such, you still wander around like a fool in denial.

Why the fuck should anyone play your little game?
But was Moochele mentioned for the quote I posted??? You claimed the Left got upset when Moochele used the "take out" words and the false outrage over Hoffa was "your turn to get upset" That means YOU have to link to the Left's outrage over Moochele using the "take out" words before Hoffa.

PS - I love how you blame Obama for the false outrage on the Right. :cuckoo:
How exactly can a "good leader" prevent you perpetual VICTIMS from spewing your false outrage over nothing?????:confused:


You're snared in your own little trap.

I love it when he talks to himself like that. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

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