Hoffa! Hoffa! Hoffa!

Ahhh yes... The derangement we feel towards Palin is NOTHING like the derangement we feel against Bachmann or BOOOOOOOSHH!!! or Perry or..... or... or....

Day Two of the "Boedecea fights her Terminal Hypocrisy Disease.

Gonna take the cure and condemn your friends for doing what you claim they don't?
I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
Sorry, I'm not playing your game.

You're a goddamn hypocrite, you've been caught, publicaly exposed, and although nobody else doubts your status as such, you still wander around like a fool in denial.

Why the fuck should anyone play your little game?

How, pray tell, have I been exposed? Just because you say so? :lol::lol::lol:
Still playing dumb. I didn't call Moochele Bachmann an idiot, YOU just did. I showed that taken out of context by not including the whole quote, Moochele could be said to be calling for violence too, but with the whole quote it is clear that, like Hoffa, she is calling for people to vote.

However the Steve King (R) Iowa quote in context was calling for violence not votes. You can tell by the words "Let’s beat that other side to a pulp!" that preceded "Let’s take them out." A call to beat people to a pulp is not a call to vote. Neither is a call to "chase them down" a call to vote.
Get it?

Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!
-Steve King R Iowa March 21, 2010
No shit i was summarizing what your post read like to me and that summary is "Bachman is an idiot" and I agree she is an idiot.

Both King and Hoffa are referring to doing things by "Voting" and both used violent imagry to express their desire for the outcome of their constituents/supporters voting. Yet you say king's is violent but hoffa's isn't. The only difference between the 2 is political party affiliation so it shows that your just being a partisan hack.

Your very reasoning for why king's comments about voting are violent can be equally applied to hoffa's comments about voting
Then please show the words King used to indicate he was talking about VOTING! I've never heard "beating people to a pulp" or "chase them down" used to indicate voting.

Sure but can you provide proof that those were his exact words (i can't find a phsyical transcript/video of him saying what you claim.....unlike the full context video that i posted of hoffa's comments)

EDIT: I found it but am still trying to find the full context surrounding the actual comment. I remember hearing it and I remember king saying that they needed to win in the election just prior to that comment......sooooo......get the context if your going to claim he was just being violent and not talking about an election just like hoffa.
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I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
Sorry, I'm not playing your game.

You're a goddamn hypocrite, you've been caught, publicaly exposed, and although nobody else doubts your status as such, you still wander around like a fool in denial.

Why the fuck should anyone play your little game?

How, pray tell, have I been exposed? Just because you say so? :lol::lol::lol:
Actually, just because you keep opening your fat trap.

So, ready to condemn those organizations again?

Or are you gonna pop lavender smoke and run away from intellectual honesty and hide in the hypocrisy bush, again?
Sorry, I'm not playing your game.

You're a goddamn hypocrite, you've been caught, publicaly exposed, and although nobody else doubts your status as such, you still wander around like a fool in denial.

Why the fuck should anyone play your little game?

How, pray tell, have I been exposed? Just because you say so? :lol::lol::lol:
Actually, just because you keep opening your fat trap.
OK, so you are admitting it's because I DARE to speak my mind. You don't like it that people disagree with you. We get that. But you'll have to have better evidence than that...at least in an adult world.
So, ready to condemn those organizations again?

Easy peasy...any VIOLENT organization, Left, Right, Anarchist is condemned, strongly, by me...have been condemned and continue to be condemned.

Or are you gonna pop lavender smoke and run away from intellectual honesty and hide in the hypocrisy bush, again?

Oh, how fabulous! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Now....tote that water, boy.
No shit i was summarizing what your post read like to me and that summary is "Bachman is an idiot" and I agree she is an idiot.

Both King and Hoffa are referring to doing things by "Voting" and both used violent imagry to express their desire for the outcome of their constituents/supporters voting. Yet you say king's is violent but hoffa's isn't. The only difference between the 2 is political party affiliation so it shows that your just being a partisan hack.

Your very reasoning for why king's comments about voting are violent can be equally applied to hoffa's comments about voting
Then please show the words King used to indicate he was talking about VOTING! I've never heard "beating people to a pulp" or "chase them down" used to indicate voting.

Sure but can you provide proof that those were his exact words (i can't find a phsyical transcript/video of him saying what you claim.....unlike the full context video that i posted of hoffa's comments)

EDIT: I found it but am still trying to find the full context surrounding the actual comment. I remember hearing it and I remember king saying that they needed to win in the election just prior to that comment......sooooo......get the context if your going to claim he was just being violent and not talking about an election just like hoffa.

the context of the king quote is that hcr was just passed, he was addressing angry teabaggers and then threatened secession.
No shit i was summarizing what your post read like to me and that summary is "Bachman is an idiot" and I agree she is an idiot.

Both King and Hoffa are referring to doing things by "Voting" and both used violent imagry to express their desire for the outcome of their constituents/supporters voting. Yet you say king's is violent but hoffa's isn't. The only difference between the 2 is political party affiliation so it shows that your just being a partisan hack.

Your very reasoning for why king's comments about voting are violent can be equally applied to hoffa's comments about voting
Then please show the words King used to indicate he was talking about VOTING! I've never heard "beating people to a pulp" or "chase them down" used to indicate voting.

Sure but can you provide proof that those were his exact words (i can't find a phsyical transcript/video of him saying what you claim.....unlike the full context video that i posted of hoffa's comments)

EDIT: I found it but am still trying to find the full context surrounding the actual comment. I remember hearing it and I remember king saying that they needed to win in the election just prior to that comment......sooooo......get the context if your going to claim he was just being violent and not talking about an election just like hoffa.
You always make up personal shit, like having family members threatened by Hoffa. King was talking about secession not voting in an election before he called on the Teabaggers to beat Americans to a pulp.

“If I could start a country with a bunch of people, they’d be the folks who were standing with us the last few days. Let’s hope we don’t have to do that! Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!”
Then please show the words King used to indicate he was talking about VOTING! I've never heard "beating people to a pulp" or "chase them down" used to indicate voting.

Sure but can you provide proof that those were his exact words (i can't find a phsyical transcript/video of him saying what you claim.....unlike the full context video that i posted of hoffa's comments)

EDIT: I found it but am still trying to find the full context surrounding the actual comment. I remember hearing it and I remember king saying that they needed to win in the election just prior to that comment......sooooo......get the context if your going to claim he was just being violent and not talking about an election just like hoffa.

the context of the king quote is that hcr was just passed, he was addressing angry teabaggers and then threatened secession.

Yeah he was talking about beating them at the polls in the upcoming congressional election , i remember he said that if we can't beat them at the polls maybe we need to start our own country but "Let’s hope we don’t have to do that! Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!"

I notice none of the sources with this quote, all liberal blogs and web outlets, contain what was said leading up to those comments.

So ED, if you think king is being violent but not hoffa your being a hypocrite since both were talking about elections........i say both were wrong in their language, how about you?
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How, pray tell, have I been exposed? Just because you say so? :lol::lol::lol:
Actually, just because you keep opening your fat trap.
OK, so you are admitting it's because I DARE to speak my mind. You don't like it that people disagree with you. We get that. But you'll have to have better evidence than that...at least in an adult world.
So, ready to condemn those organizations again?

Easy peasy...any VIOLENT organization, Left, Right, Anarchist is condemned, strongly, by me...have been condemned and continue to be condemned.

Or are you gonna pop lavender smoke and run away from intellectual honesty and hide in the hypocrisy bush, again?

Oh, how fabulous! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Now....tote that water, boy.
Good girl. here's a rawhide. I guess you just have to be beaten repeatedly before you'll do the right thing.

Don't worry, it's typical for your breed of politics.
Sure but can you provide proof that those were his exact words (i can't find a phsyical transcript/video of him saying what you claim.....unlike the full context video that i posted of hoffa's comments)

EDIT: I found it but am still trying to find the full context surrounding the actual comment. I remember hearing it and I remember king saying that they needed to win in the election just prior to that comment......sooooo......get the context if your going to claim he was just being violent and not talking about an election just like hoffa.

the context of the king quote is that hcr was just passed, he was addressing angry teabaggers and then threatened secession.

Yeah he was talking about beating them at the polls in the upcoming congressional election , i remember he said that if we can't beat them at the polls maybe we need to start our own country but "Let’s hope we don’t have to do that! Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!"

I notice none of the sources with this quote, all liberal blogs and web outlets, contain what was said leading up to those comments.

So ED, if you think king is being violent but not hoffa your being a hypocrite since both were talking about elections........i say both were wrong in their language, how about you?
Here's a video, King edited the beat the pulp part out, obviously knowing it was a call to violence and not to vote. If you notice he also calls it a war, and this is well more than a year BEFORE Hoffa. In any case, there is no call to vote from King!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NwaSuUzgxg]Support the "Steve King Health Care Repeal Bill" Call Congress NOW! - YouTube[/ame]
Then please show the words King used to indicate he was talking about VOTING! I've never heard "beating people to a pulp" or "chase them down" used to indicate voting.

Sure but can you provide proof that those were his exact words (i can't find a phsyical transcript/video of him saying what you claim.....unlike the full context video that i posted of hoffa's comments)

EDIT: I found it but am still trying to find the full context surrounding the actual comment. I remember hearing it and I remember king saying that they needed to win in the election just prior to that comment......sooooo......get the context if your going to claim he was just being violent and not talking about an election just like hoffa.
You always make up personal shit, like having family members threatened by Hoffa. King was talking about secession not voting in an election before he called on the Teabaggers to beat Americans to a pulp.

“If I could start a country with a bunch of people, they’d be the folks who were standing with us the last few days. Let’s hope we don’t have to do that! Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!”
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnmmykiJSME]Paprika Scene - YouTube[/ame]

I dunno, this is all I'm hearing. Still waiting for him to run and jump out the window laughing hysterically though.
Actually, just because you keep opening your fat trap.
OK, so you are admitting it's because I DARE to speak my mind. You don't like it that people disagree with you. We get that. But you'll have to have better evidence than that...at least in an adult world.

Easy peasy...any VIOLENT organization, Left, Right, Anarchist is condemned, strongly, by me...have been condemned and continue to be condemned.

Or are you gonna pop lavender smoke and run away from intellectual honesty and hide in the hypocrisy bush, again?

Oh, how fabulous! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Now....tote that water, boy.
Good girl. here's a rawhide. I guess you just have to be beaten repeatedly before you'll do the right thing.

Don't worry, it's typical for your breed of politics.

Except I've been saying that for quite a while....apparently, you are one of those short - term memory loss people....you need constant affirmation from people of the obvious. That's ok...we don't discriminate against people with handicaps in this country.
the context of the king quote is that hcr was just passed, he was addressing angry teabaggers and then threatened secession.

Yeah he was talking about beating them at the polls in the upcoming congressional election , i remember he said that if we can't beat them at the polls maybe we need to start our own country but "Let’s hope we don’t have to do that! Let’s beat that other side to a pulp! Let’s take them out. Let’s chase them down. There’s going to be a reckoning!"

I notice none of the sources with this quote, all liberal blogs and web outlets, contain what was said leading up to those comments.

So ED, if you think king is being violent but not hoffa your being a hypocrite since both were talking about elections........i say both were wrong in their language, how about you?
Here's a video, King edited the beat the pulp part out, obviously knowing it was a call to violence and not to vote. If you notice he also calls it a war, and this is well more than a year BEFORE Hoffa. In any case, there is no call to vote from King!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NwaSuUzgxg]Support the "Steve King Health Care Repeal Bill" Call Congress NOW! - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for the vid, i do remember the speech and i remember him talking about voting out the dems prior to when that starts it.

So its either you find both king and hoffa's rhetoric wrong, you find nothing wrong with either one, or you personally are a hypocrite.

I'll go with saying both were wrong to use that type of violent rhetoric, even if they are both talking about voting, in light of what the new norm for this type of talk is in the country.
OK, so you are admitting it's because I DARE to speak my mind.

Speak your mind? You have no mind.

You merely post bullshit points from KOS and the other hate sites. You have no capacity for formulating a thought.

You don't like it that people disagree with you.

"Disagree" indicates an ability to reason, you are an automaton, you merely drone idiocy. You can neither agree nor disagree, you can only recite.

We get that. But you'll have to have better evidence than that...at least in an adult world.

Easy peasy...any VIOLENT organization, Left, Right, Anarchist is condemned, strongly, by me...have been condemned and continue to be condemned.

So you openly condemn Jimmy Hoffa Jr. and Barack Obama for their incendiary and violent rhetoric?

Yes or no, Doorknob?

Oh, how fabulous! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Now....tote that water, boy.

So you openly condemn Jimmy Hoffa Jr. and Barack Obama for their incendiary and violent rhetoric?

Yes or no, Doorknob?
Ahhh yes... The derangement we feel towards Palin is NOTHING like the derangement we feel against Bachmann or BOOOOOOOSHH!!! or Perry or..... or... or....

Day Two of the "Boedecea fights her Terminal Hypocrisy Disease.

Gonna take the cure and condemn your friends for doing what you claim they don't?
I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
Sorry, I'm not playing your game.

You're a goddamn hypocrite, you've been caught, publicaly exposed, and although nobody else doubts your status as such, you still wander around like a fool in denial.

Why the fuck should anyone play your little game?
Yep she knows shes wrong but too ignorant to say it.
I must say, you are in good shape for carrying LittleTraitor's water for him. Maybe YOU can find those Leftist Threads about Bachman's comments. He seems to be struggling and he only has 6 days left.
Sorry, I'm not playing your game.

You're a goddamn hypocrite, you've been caught, publicaly exposed, and although nobody else doubts your status as such, you still wander around like a fool in denial.

Why the fuck should anyone play your little game?
Yep she knows shes wrong but too ignorant to say it.

I'm wrong?

You didn't say this?
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

and when asked to prove the bolded part gave me a link to a 500+ page thread about a shooting in AZ and complaints about PALIN?

and then, when called on THAT, you mumble something about
Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
which PROVES you acknowledge your link to be inadequate.

6 days left...tick tock Plenty of time to show us those Leftist comments about being "so upset when Bachman said" whatever she said.
I have gone back 12 pages and there IS NO LINK....so...you provide that "so-called" link, or maybe have one of your toadies provide it. If not in 6 more days, you will do the honorable thing and self-ban for 30 days....then I get to pick your sig for 30 days. I've got a good one too.

You were saying?


Talk about moving the goal post
You said

That whole thread is full of libs getting upset
at Palin.
When are you going to ban yourself?

Still waiting for you to show proof of all those "left got so upset" threads about Bachman and her comments. Palin threads don't count. I know you confuse easily....but Palin is NOT Bachman.

Oh, 6 days left.
6 days left, or what?......Ya' fuckin' lunatic?

What are you gonna do, Chester, kick his ass?

Btw, did ya; ever make that link between Palin's map and Giffords hole in her head?

I mean, you've been infering there's a link, but have yet to see you provide it.:eusa_whistle:

Tic toc, tic toc, MOM!:eusa_whistle::lol:
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Threads Merged Hoffa:

Pub Propaganda Machine is an unbelievable POS. Poor Pub Dupes LOL!

Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence
September 05, 2011 4:55 pm ET by Matt Gertz

Right-wing bloggers misled by dishonest Fox News video editing are attacking Teamsters President James Hoffa, Jr. for supposedly urging violence against Tea Party activists during a Labor Day speech. Conservatives are also attacking President Obama, who appeared at the event, for "sanctioning violence against fellow Americans" by failing to denounce Hoffa. But fuller context included in other Fox segments makes clear that Hoffa wasn't calling for violence but was actually urging the crowd to vote out Republican members of Congress.

During the segment that the bloggers have latched onto, Fox edited out the bolded portion of Hoffa's comments:

HOFFA: Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back and keep the eye on the prize, let's take these son of a bitches out and give America back to America where we belong! Thank you very much!

In an initial report on Hoffa's speech at 1 p.m. on Fox News, Ed Henry reported that Hoffa said that "we'll remember in November who's with the working people" and "said of the Tea Party and of Republicans, 'let's take these sons of bitches out.'"

Henry made clear during that segment that Hoffa's comments were references to voting out Republican members of Congress, not to violence. And roughly 20 minutes later, he explained on Twitter that the "full quote" of the "take these son of a bitches out" comment is "Everybody here's got to vote. If we go back & keep the eye on the prize, let's take these sons of bitches out":

But in a second segment that ran at roughly the same time as Henry's tweet, Fox News dishonestly edited the speech in the manner seen above. Andrew Breitbart's Big sites, Real Clear Politics, The Daily Caller, the Media Research Center, and the Drudge Report have all highlighted that footage, using it to condemn "the violence emanating from union thug bosses" and demand that Obama "denounce" the comments.

Link- Fox Doctors Hoffa Speech To Fabricate Call For Violence | Media Matters for America

Another Pub circle jerk for the dupes- from media matters...

funny - - - - when gabby gifford was shot - communist demokrats and the communist media went nuts because PALIN had a map of districts she was trying to convert - WITH CROSS HAIRS on them !


Sorry, I'm not playing your game.

You're a goddamn hypocrite, you've been caught, publicaly exposed, and although nobody else doubts your status as such, you still wander around like a fool in denial.

Why the fuck should anyone play your little game?
Yep she knows shes wrong but too ignorant to say it.

I'm wrong?

You didn't say this?
The left got so upset when Bachmann said now it's our turn to get upset. Fuck it, all this is doing is causing more division between the people of this country. Thats why I say obama is not an effective leader. A good leader would not allow this to happen.

and when asked to prove the bolded part gave me a link to a 500+ page thread about a shooting in AZ and complaints about PALIN?

and then, when called on THAT, you mumble something about
Oh and Bachman was metioned in that thread.
which PROVES you acknowledge your link to be inadequate.

6 days left...tick tock Plenty of time to show us those Leftist comments about being "so upset when Bachman said" whatever she said.

Tic toc Tic Toc the ball is in your court. I have provided the link that was part of the agreement are you gouing to be known as a traitorous welcher? Come on little boopeep do not tell me you lost your sheep.

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