Hogg WILD!

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.

Yep…kids and young adults are asking why the administration isn’t doing anything about the monthly massacres….

Even Sarah Sanders had a human moment yesterday when she had to confront one of them…you could actually see the embarrassment she has for being the mouthpiece for the pervert.

You see Fox starting to tell it’s drones the President is full of shit, you see Congressmen starting to say the pervert is full of shit, ABC wasn’t afraid to send Roseanne packing….
good god you are a walking talking billboard of stupid.

why didnt obama? and why is YOUR preferences the ONLY right ones?

get over yourself.

technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.

Yep…kids and young adults are asking why the administration isn’t doing anything about the monthly massacres….

Even Sarah Sanders had a human moment yesterday when she had to confront one of them…you could actually see the embarrassment she has for being the mouthpiece for the pervert.

You see Fox starting to tell it’s drones the President is full of shit, you see Congressmen starting to say the pervert is full of shit, ABC wasn’t afraid to send Roseanne packing….
good god you are a walking talking billboard of stupid.

why didnt obama? and why is YOUR preferences the ONLY right ones?

get over yourself.

im just toying with you. cant you tell?
Gender 101: Females are less physically violent than males.


When a guy drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often he gets a ticket
When a gal drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often she gets a ticket

When a guy takes an antibiotic, it attacks an infection in his body.
When a gal takes an antibiotic, it attack an infection in her body.

When a guy takes Aderall, the NRA would have you believe that it turns him into a homicidal maniac.
When a gal takes Aderall, the drug has no effect except to address her depression.

Shocking it only happens in the US….

I seriously doubt it only happens in the US. But we probably consumer more medications than anybody else around the world as well.

If you know what the word "inherently" means, that's what I meant when I said men are generally more violent than women. I seriously doubt you want to challenge me on that. All men? No. Are all women passive and not prone to violence? No. But again, generally speaking.

And drugs make you act ________________. Anti depressants work to cure your depression. Sedatives sedate you. Anti-inflammatory meds reduce swelling. It works the same way for men and women. Apparently somehow the SSRIs according to the medical experts at the NRA testify that they make kids homicidal maniacs while ignoring the fact that only one gender is affected by the drugs.

As for the US takes more drugs...so? Platoons of whacked out kids are not storming schools; it's individuals.

Some drugs work on people in different ways. Take pot for instance. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do was sit somewhere and be left alone. Maybe just close my eyes with headphones on listening to Black Sabbath records for a couple of hours. Other people that were smoking were throwing footballs around and playfully chasing each other.

Alcohol too works on different people in different ways. I know people who many times got violent when drinking. I've know people that got sentimental and sometimes cried. I was always the happy drunk. I would be goofing around with friends and very creative at making jokes.

I don't think drugs and alcohol make people that way, it's that it amplifies who they always were. So I don't think it's that far off of a theory to believe males get more violent on certain medications than females. The only reason? Not really.

I don't know how it is in other countries, but over here, we don't do a good job identifying and treating people who have mental problems. Years ago we used to commit people. You seldom hear of that term today because it seldom happens. Years ago if a family member, friend, or even a police officer found an individual they believed couldn't take care of themselves, they took that individual to court and allowed a judge to determine if that persons freedom should be limited. Many times they were institutionalized.

We have ways now to allow someone with mental problems to actually live a productive life, instead of just being squirreled away in an institution. The problem becomes that Americans can be rather lazy sometimes and try to opt for quick fixes. "Hey, there are meds for that now", and we airbrush out the part where you STILL have to monitor the drugs and their side effects (which can crop up out of nowhere, even if you've been taking the meds with no problems for a while), and you have to combine the drugs with WORK and EFFORT to help the patient deal with their lives. We always want a silver bullet that will take that part away for us.

I take psych meds for clinical depression and anxiety issues, and they're very effective, but I never lose sight of the fact that I'm monkeying around with the chemistry in my BRAIN. That's a big deal. I visit my doctor regularly to have her monitor my progress; I call her immediately if anything the least bit out-of-the-ordinary happens. My primary care physician, even though he is not the one who prescribes those meds, was chosen very specifically because he has experience with patients using those drugs, and knows how to assist in monitoring my progress. My family has gotten educated on what to expect and any danger signs to look for, and my husband periodically talks to my doctor about my condition, because he sees things that I can't.

What surprises me is that so many people are surprised by the idea that psych meds can affect men differently than women. How ignorant of biology we are, all the while priding ourselves on what a scientifically and technologically advanced and educated society we are, not to know how deeply, fundamentally different men and women actually are from each other.

But the core of women and men are different biology aside.

Like I said, some drugs enhance the feelings and desires of people. For instance you can give two people with the same exact condition the same dosage and drug, and both may behave differently based on who they always were. Men are more prone to violence than women.

How else can anyone explain why girls don't shoot up schools and boys do? Whether drugs are involved or not, boys think differently than girls to start off with.

You will never turn a passive girl or boy into a murdering maniac just because of drugs. They may have mood swings, get pissed off more often, or otherwise seclude themselves from society, but it won't make them into a murdering maniac. If that were the case, girls who take the same medication as boys would be equally violent when taking the prescription.
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.

Yep…kids and young adults are asking why the administration isn’t doing anything about the monthly massacres….

Even Sarah Sanders had a human moment yesterday when she had to confront one of them…you could actually see the embarrassment she has for being the mouthpiece for the pervert.

You see Fox starting to tell it’s drones the President is full of shit, you see Congressmen starting to say the pervert is full of shit, ABC wasn’t afraid to send Roseanne packing….
good god you are a walking talking billboard of stupid.

why didnt obama? and why is YOUR preferences the ONLY right ones?

get over yourself.

im just toying with you. cant you tell?

No. But it was good to see SHS look like a dear in the headlights yesterday under intense questioning from an 11 y/o boy. LOL.
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
Screen Shot 2018-05-31 at 9.30.38 PM.png

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.

Gender 101: Females are less physically violent than males.

For good reason. Unlike males, females live their entire lives with the knowledge that fully half, at least, of the rest of the population is physically much stronger than they are. Odds are really good that getting physically violent is not going to end well for us.

I think it's a little more than that. For instance if two guys get into a bar fight, the males in the bar enjoy the action. Females don't want to even look unless it's somebody they know and actually worried about. If anything, they might try to break up the fight.

I don't know many women who enjoy boxing as a sport. Some like football, I know plenty that like our Cleveland Indians, but never once did I meet a woman who likes to sit down with a beer and watch two guys beat the hell out of each other in a ring.

In general women just don't like violence be it with themselves or somebody else. I know a few times in my younger years where a girlfriend tried to calm me down because an argument got loud. I'm not a violent person by nature, and I'm sure my GF's were not worried about me getting beat up. I'm 6;3" I weighed 240 lbs, and a black belt. But the idea of me possibly getting in a fight win, lose or draw frightened women.

Well, admittedly, we also have a lot less testosterone in our bodies than men do.

But sadly, there are far too many women these days who are socialized to behave in traditionally-masculine (and dare I say it, trashy) fashion than before, but they are still more circumspect about offering physical violence than a similarly low-class man would be. Self-preservation makes you learn to calculate those odds fairly early on.

On a brief tangent, this is one of the things that annoys and offends me about biological men who think being a woman is nothing more than throwing on a dress and some makeup, maybe taking a few drugs. It makes it blatantly obvious how little men know, or could know, about what being female is truly like on anything but the most shallow surface level. Not that I'm going to take the leftist femi-victim line of screeching about how males are all predators, rape culture, poor little me in the patriarchy, what-the fuck-ever. It's just . . . a perspective that gets internalized and factored in subconsciously.

Actually you are dead on. We men (especially at a younger age) think very differently than women. With us, sex is everything at a young age. With women, sex is about seventh to tenth of importance on the list. Women are more interested in the person than the gender. Women tend to be looking for a friend and a relationship more than a lover.

We men eventually get like that too.......somewhere in our 40's or so. :21:

Until that time whenever that is, we are very materialistic. Our mindset is the hotter chick we can be with, the more of a man we are. It matters not if the woman is a complete idiot, can't spell her own name, or is miserable to be around. She looks hot in front of our friends and family and that's all that counts.

But on that token, women to some degree are not that much different. They tend to treat men the way they want to be treated instead of treating them on their level.

Many years ago I was working at a place and a female coworker confided in me. She explained that she was having a problem with her husband. She did something (she didn't give details) that was entirely her fault, and didn't know how to make it up to him.

She went on to say that she was going to send flowers to her husband at work. The guy was a mechanic at an automobile dealership. I yelled at her I HOPE YOU DIDN'T DO THAT!!! She was shocked that I found her idea so appalling.

I told her that unless she wanted a divorce, don't even think about sending her husband flowers. He will be the laughing stock of the garage, and his peers will haunt him for weeks. She then asked what she should do, and when I told her, her eyes opened up in shock.

Long story short, everything worked out and she thanked me for all my help into the mind of the typical male.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

What will make me "happy", Candy...is for you to be honest for a change! Admit that there never WAS "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! Admit that there WAS collusion between the Clinton campaign and foreign agents to manufacture a phony dossier against Trump! Admit that the Obama Justice Department used what they KNEW was a phony dossier as part of the "proof" they presented to a FISA court judge to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

Unicorn dust? That's what you on the left have been spraying in the air since this FARCE began!
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

What will make me "happy", Candy...is for you to be honest for a change! Admit that there never WAS "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! Admit that there WAS collusion between the Clinton campaign and foreign agents to manufacture a phony dossier against Trump! Admit that the Obama Justice Department used what they KNEW was a phony dossier as part of the "proof" they presented to a FISA court judge to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

Unicorn dust? That's what you on the left have been spraying in the air since this FARCE began!

Trump supporter demanding honesty. Too damn funny. Try demanding it from Trump. I have been honest. You have just been ignoring it.

What is more likely, that the AG, Deputy AG, Former FBI director, Former USMC Officer Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, Direct of National Intel, all of the FBI agents are all banding together to railroad poor Donald...

Or that Donald Trump and his campaign did something wrong?

Of course, you'd have to be honest, take your blinders off, your head out of your rectum and open your eyes to see it. You're not prepared to do it.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

What will make me "happy", Candy...is for you to be honest for a change! Admit that there never WAS "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! Admit that there WAS collusion between the Clinton campaign and foreign agents to manufacture a phony dossier against Trump! Admit that the Obama Justice Department used what they KNEW was a phony dossier as part of the "proof" they presented to a FISA court judge to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

Unicorn dust? That's what you on the left have been spraying in the air since this FARCE began!

Trump supporter demanding honesty. Too damn funny. Try demanding it from Trump. I have been honest. You have just been ignoring it.

What is more likely, that the AG, Deputy AG, Former FBI director, Former USMC Officer Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, Direct of National Intel, all of the FBI agents are all banding together to railroad poor Donald...

Or that Donald Trump and his campaign did something wrong?

Of course, you'd have to be honest, take your blinders off, your head out of your rectum and open your eyes to see it. You're not prepared to do it.

Are you not paying attention to what's being revealed by the IG's report, Candy? It's not only "more likely"...it's becoming patently OBVIOUS that's what took place and how it was done is being revealed by members of the FBI and our intelligence services that saw what their politically appointed superiors did and were appalled by it!

Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Rosenstein, Mueller, Clinton & Obama? After a year of accusing Trump of wrong doing...now each of them have some explaining to do. There is a palpable stench lingering in Washington from what these people have attempted to do because they didn't like the fact that a sitting President was duly elected by the American voters!
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

What will make me "happy", Candy...is for you to be honest for a change! Admit that there never WAS "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! Admit that there WAS collusion between the Clinton campaign and foreign agents to manufacture a phony dossier against Trump! Admit that the Obama Justice Department used what they KNEW was a phony dossier as part of the "proof" they presented to a FISA court judge to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

Unicorn dust? That's what you on the left have been spraying in the air since this FARCE began!

Trump supporter demanding honesty. Too damn funny. Try demanding it from Trump. I have been honest. You have just been ignoring it.

What is more likely, that the AG, Deputy AG, Former FBI director, Former USMC Officer Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, Direct of National Intel, all of the FBI agents are all banding together to railroad poor Donald...

Or that Donald Trump and his campaign did something wrong?

Of course, you'd have to be honest, take your blinders off, your head out of your rectum and open your eyes to see it. You're not prepared to do it.
what's more likely -

the fbi / obama spied on congress -
A Brief History of the CIA's Unpunished Spying on the Senate

the fbi / obama spied on reporters
Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?
Superstar reporter goes public with Obama’s creepy spying on her

aw hell - everyone:
Obama administration spying included press, allies, Americans

but he didn't spy on trump

or that he did also?

i'm putting in links to show my work, you just slap some keys and go "but i'm honest!"

uh huh. now go sell some used cars.
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?

Seriously, you think you can just legislate the shootings away. Lol. Unbelievable.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

What will make me "happy", Candy...is for you to be honest for a change! Admit that there never WAS "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! Admit that there WAS collusion between the Clinton campaign and foreign agents to manufacture a phony dossier against Trump! Admit that the Obama Justice Department used what they KNEW was a phony dossier as part of the "proof" they presented to a FISA court judge to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

Unicorn dust? That's what you on the left have been spraying in the air since this FARCE began!

Trump supporter demanding honesty. Too damn funny. Try demanding it from Trump. I have been honest. You have just been ignoring it.

What is more likely, that the AG, Deputy AG, Former FBI director, Former USMC Officer Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, Direct of National Intel, all of the FBI agents are all banding together to railroad poor Donald...

Or that Donald Trump and his campaign did something wrong?

Of course, you'd have to be honest, take your blinders off, your head out of your rectum and open your eyes to see it. You're not prepared to do it.
what's more likely -

the fbi / obama spied on congress -
A Brief History of the CIA's Unpunished Spying on the Senate

the fbi / obama spied on reporters
Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?
Superstar reporter goes public with Obama’s creepy spying on her

aw hell - everyone:
Obama administration spying included press, allies, Americans

but he didn't spy on trump

or that he did also?

i'm putting in links to show my work, you just slap some keys and go "but i'm honest!"

uh huh. now go sell some used cars.


Senator Rubio said there was nothing improper.
Congressman Gowdy said there was nothing improper.
Even Fox commentators have said nothing was improper about it.

Your own back yard is contradicting you. Perhaps you should address them instead clutching your pearls. We all know Trump is an angel, farts unicorn dust, donates blood to crack whores (before he fucks them), yada yada yada.
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?

Seriously, you think you can just legislate the shootings away. Lol. Unbelievable.

No. I think we can do common sense things to mitigate the shootings.
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?

Seriously, you think you can just legislate the shootings away. Lol. Unbelievable.

No. I think we can do common sense things to mitigate the shootings.

We have gun laws in place. Too many. This wasn't occuring 30 years ago and we had less gun laws.
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?
i do my research when i present my points so you know where i'm coming from. i'm not about to do your research for you and try to figure it out.

and you put the bitch pants on why should i or anyone treat you with the respect you seem to think you want?

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