Hogg WILD!

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong

Indeed, there is a lot of truth there.

1. 911
2. JFK
3. RFK
4. MLK
5. Pan Am 103
6 Marines in Lebanon 1983
7. Benghazi

To start getting truth on Benghazi, check out what the ISRAELI MEDIA has to say about Gaddafi...

Gaddafi killed anyone who discovered his mother was Jewish, aide claims

Libya’s Gaddafi had a history of reaching out to Israel

'Qaddafi is Jewish and I'm His Cousin'

Gaddafi is my Cousin says Elderly Jewish Woman

and then you begin to understand two things.....

1. the entity most angry about Gaddafi being overthrown is ISRAEL

2. Pan Am 103 was a JEWISH TERROR attack that murdered Americans
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.

Mmmm, his stated goals and his gravitas, I'm right there with you; not taking it at all seriously. The potential long-term damage possible? I take that very seriously, especially in a society which isn't overburdened with intelligence and common sense to begin with.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?
no, just want honesty. and to date there is nothing there. even clapper stated it again today. so what's with you? why do you think something is there? you want something to be there. you are a hack for that.

Why do people think there was involvement?
Because none of the campaign braintrust was forthcoming about their Russia involvement except for Roger Stone who has ties to Guccifer 2. Because our intel agencies confirm Russia tried to influence the election and the Trump Administration has done nothing about it. Because the President’s private lawyer now has ties to a Russian oligarch.

That’s just for starters.

Then there is the orchestrated smear campaign against Mueller. Why do YOU think that is? He was confirmed 100-0 and 98-0 as FBI director as recently as 2011. Now you guys have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at this man.

Now you’re going to minimize the lies/half turths/omissions told by Flynn, Sessions, Trump Jr. Manafort etc…, rationalize… “Well Clinton….” blah blah blah, and of course criticize the investigation as having nothing there.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

So are you.
You’re the expert on being lame.

That's it? Wow, you are disappointing. At least the kid is doing a lot better than you.

Hey, I cop to that…we all should be so active and passionate instead of commenting on an obscure message board.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

now that is hilarious….
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?
no, just want honesty. and to date there is nothing there. even clapper stated it again today. so what's with you? why do you think something is there? you want something to be there. you are a hack for that.

Why do people think there was involvement?
Because none of the campaign braintrust was forthcoming about their Russia involvement except for Roger Stone who has ties to Guccifer 2. Because our intel agencies confirm Russia tried to influence the election and the Trump Administration has done nothing about it. Because the President’s private lawyer now has ties to a Russian oligarch.

That’s just for starters.

Then there is the orchestrated smear campaign against Mueller. Why do YOU think that is? He was confirmed 100-0 and 98-0 as FBI director as recently as 2011. Now you guys have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at this man.

Now you’re going to minimize the lies/half turths/omissions told by Flynn, Sessions, Trump Jr. Manafort etc…, rationalize… “Well Clinton….” blah blah blah, and of course criticize the investigation as having nothing there.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
So say what they were influencing! Why are you against that?
Because our intel agencies confirm Russia tried to influence the election

When candycorn says "our" she means 100% owned by ISRAEL, and in the case of the CIA, she is 100% correct....

Where you hiding now, Candy, the West Bank or in Jerusalem next to the US embassy?
Russia is influencing...


Go get 'em, Barry.

Barry is really a nice guy. I hope the Caps win and he gets his name on the Cup.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?
no, just want honesty. and to date there is nothing there. even clapper stated it again today. so what's with you? why do you think something is there? you want something to be there. you are a hack for that.

Why do people think there was involvement?
Because none of the campaign braintrust was forthcoming about their Russia involvement except for Roger Stone who has ties to Guccifer 2. Because our intel agencies confirm Russia tried to influence the election and the Trump Administration has done nothing about it. Because the President’s private lawyer now has ties to a Russian oligarch.

That’s just for starters.

Then there is the orchestrated smear campaign against Mueller. Why do YOU think that is? He was confirmed 100-0 and 98-0 as FBI director as recently as 2011. Now you guys have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at this man.

Now you’re going to minimize the lies/half turths/omissions told by Flynn, Sessions, Trump Jr. Manafort etc…, rationalize… “Well Clinton….” blah blah blah, and of course criticize the investigation as having nothing there.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
So say what they were influencing! Why are you against that?

Here is the report.

I would like to think that someone who seeks office wouldn’t enlist what Governor Romney called our most serious international rival, someone who has thousands of warheads pointed at us, and whose leader was a former head of the KGB.

I answered your questions..answer mine please.
Why all of the lies about meetings with the Russians?
Why the smear campaign against Mr. Mueller?
Why no action on the report of the intel agencies?
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

So are you.
You’re the expert on being lame.

That's it? Wow, you are disappointing. At least the kid is doing a lot better than you.

Hey, I cop to that…we all should be so active and passionate instead of commenting on an obscure message board.

I disagree. I think we all should be mature and practical enough to find more effective methods of getting what we want than those used by a toddler who's overdue for his nap.

I don't doubt that YOU find this all thrilling and admirable. No one has ever accused you of being mentally an adult.
This Jordan Peterson quote is a warning about the evils of Muadd Hogg:

“And even if it were possible to permanently banish everything threatening—everything dangerous (and, therefore, everything challenging and interesting), that would mean only that another danger would emerge: that of permanent human infantilism and absolute uselessness. How could the nature of man ever reach its full potential without challenge and danger? How dull and contemptible would we become if there was no longer reason to pay attention? Maybe God thought His new creation would be able to handle the serpent, and considered its presence the lesser of two evils.”
Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

You're getting closer. :10:
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

The sooner he gets a job, pays taxes, learns what happens to his money, the faster he will divorce himself from leftist agendas like most people.

If he wants to protest, fine, but don't bring harm to other people such as the owners of this store or their customers. The leftist mentality seems to be to try and destroy others to get your way. And if he matures properly, he's going to regret and be embarrassed by this for the rest of his life.
This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.

Yep…kids and young adults are asking why the administration isn’t doing anything about the monthly massacres….

Even Sarah Sanders had a human moment yesterday when she had to confront one of them…you could actually see the embarrassment she has for being the mouthpiece for the pervert.

You see Fox starting to tell it’s drones the President is full of shit, you see Congressmen starting to say the pervert is full of shit, ABC wasn’t afraid to send Roseanne packing….
Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.

Yep…kids and young adults are asking why the administration isn’t doing anything about the monthly massacres….

Even Sarah Sanders had a human moment yesterday when she had to confront one of them…you could actually see the embarrassment she has for being the mouthpiece for the pervert.

You see Fox starting to tell it’s drones the President is full of shit, you see Congressmen starting to say the pervert is full of shit, ABC wasn’t afraid to send Roseanne packing….
good god you are a walking talking billboard of stupid.

why didnt obama? and why is YOUR preferences the ONLY right ones?

get over yourself.

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