Hogg WILD!

Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

I'm personally admiring the assumption that a "21st century mentality" is automatically superior.
we were a lot tighter a country in 1778 than now. is this progress? tearing the foundation out from under you cause it's old?

shakespeare is relevant today because he wrote in universal terms. some people don't get that just because someone said something "way back when" its no longer relevant. the constitution was written in as much universal terms as they could in order to address human behavior, not talking about the "technology" around them. when people say "this isn't 1776" they're really saying "i don't get it, this constitution" and they become the problem.

Indeed. What distinguishes real Art and Literature from the pop culture dreck is that they speak to the eternal human condition.
You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

I'm personally admiring the assumption that a "21st century mentality" is automatically superior.
we were a lot tighter a country in 1778 than now. is this progress? tearing the foundation out from under you cause it's old?

shakespeare is relevant today because he wrote in universal terms. some people don't get that just because someone said something "way back when" its no longer relevant. the constitution was written in as much universal terms as they could in order to address human behavior, not talking about the "technology" around them. when people say "this isn't 1776" they're really saying "i don't get it, this constitution" and they become the problem.

Indeed. What distinguishes real Art and Literature from the pop culture dreck is that they speak to the eternal human condition.
and i think our constitution does that very well as it addresses our behavior, not climate in which we exercise it.
He has a talent? And what might that be?

This kid is high on himself thanks to the Democrat party and their associates in the MSM. He is meaningless, it's just that he doesn't realize it yet. When he does, he will just get angrier and perhaps more desperate to maintain the attention.

If he really wants to make change, the best way to do it is study. As we became a more armed society, our gun violence and violence in general reduced as much as 50%. In countries that created bans, their violent crime rates increased because people didn't have the ability to protect themselves, and in some cases, the bad guys still had guns.

If the NRA closed down tomorrow, it wouldn't prevent the next mass shooting, or the next, or the next. This kid doesn't understand that. He's been brainwashed by the Democrats that the NRA is the problem when the NRA had nothing to do with one mass shooting in this country.

Non-sense. The NRA funds Congress who keeps us from passing common-sense gun laws that should have been passed after Columbine.

As for his talents...activism for one. Sort of like your buddy Zimmerman with a brain. Remember the RW hero Zimmerman? Are you guys still embracing him?

Why shouldn't we? He's a person who used deadly force in self-defense after being attacked. Of course we support victims just like you support criminals.

The Republican constituency is mostly pro-gun. Their support has nothing to do with the measly few dollars the NRA gives them. Conservative Republicans are constitutionalists and they support the people who are also constitutionalists.

Now tell us all, what are "common sense" gun laws? We have thousands of gun laws on the books already. What more gun laws do you want to see? What laws would guarantee we would never see a school or mass shooting ever again?

A bet with anti-gunners
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

Another load of crap.

Most who wrote the constitution were involved in trying to maintain a good relationship with England.

It was only when they figured they had no way out that they rebelled.

Hence they were conservatives in that regard.

Once they got going, they behaved in true classical liberal fashion although to varying degrees.

They were great men.

When people mislabel you left winger (big government nanny state authoritarians) idiots....liberals....they do liberals a great disservice.

You are fascists. You take what you feel is "good" and attempt to shove it down the throats of everyone. You don't respect the choices of others (even the gay community is pretty rotten to gays who don't get on board with the general political direction of the day) and you hid behind all kinds of platitudes and name calling. You are the most intolerant group I have ever seen (call Obama a bad president....and you immediately call the offender a racist).

You don't know history...and in fact you don't know much of anything.
Excellent! A Benghazi survivor schools Muad Hogg:

The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
I don't think that is sanitary around the food. just saying.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
I don't think that is sanitary around the food. just saying.
In fact I'd give Hogg a bill for having to restock the food that was ruined. Or file charges for any sickness to him.
Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

I'm personally admiring the assumption that a "21st century mentality" is automatically superior.
we were a lot tighter a country in 1778 than now. is this progress? tearing the foundation out from under you cause it's old?

shakespeare is relevant today because he wrote in universal terms. some people don't get that just because someone said something "way back when" its no longer relevant. the constitution was written in as much universal terms as they could in order to address human behavior, not talking about the "technology" around them. when people say "this isn't 1776" they're really saying "i don't get it, this constitution" and they become the problem.

They're saying, "All these boundaries and constraints annoy me, because they prevent me from doing whatever I want. So I will declare them 'obsolete' and 'archaic'."

I'm not saying there aren't some universal truths that we haven't gained a deeper understanding of over time, but I don't think the determination over the last century or so to ignore, and therefore relearn, certain inconvenient truths has improved society. There are some times when reinventing the wheel just leaves you with a broken vehicle.

For example, we don't WANT to believe that it's necessary to protect and allow free speech when we find it repugnant, because it sucks to have to hear people saying things that mark them as ignorant, hateful, and evil. So we have to relearn what our Founding Fathers already knew and told us in our Constitution: that EVERYONE'S speech is disagreeable to SOMEBODY, and if everyone doesn't have that freedom, no one does.

We find etiquette to be stiff and formal and awkward, requiring too much patience and effort, so we pretend that we're "freer" and "more open" and "casual". And what happened? We basically can't tolerate each other outside our own Balkanized little cliques and people are astonishingly self-absorbed, crass, and rude . . . and violent.

It's inconvenient to have control of your life dependent on the whims and decisions of another person, so we "forget" why two-parent families, with one of each sex, are important to children. We "forget" that we even have an obligation to put the good of our children ahead of our own wishes. And then we stand around, wondering why so many of our young men are little better than violent animals, and so many of our young women are promiscuous, and both groups are so often incapable of maintaining normal lives and relationships.

Earlier generations just knew this stuff, it was obvious, and they didn't feel the need to question it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. WE, on the other hand, decided it was broke simply because it wasn't how we wished it were, and then we decided we were smart enough to "fix" the universe to our liking. And now we sit around, going, "Gosh, THIS is why these things are important", as though the proper response isn't "Duhhh."
i wish i could WINNER this one twice.

questioning is fine - but learn from the answers not reject them cause you don't like 'em.

And know the difference between actually, honestly questioning and merely rejecting out-of-hand.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

So are you.
You’re the expert on being lame.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?
no, just want honesty. and to date there is nothing there. even clapper stated it again today. so what's with you? why do you think something is there? you want something to be there. you are a hack for that.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

So are you.
You’re the expert on being lame.

That's it? Wow, you are disappointing. At least the kid is doing a lot better than you.
Instead of talking about it on a message board, he is actually out doing something about his issues. Irregardless of whether you agree with his politics or not, you should admire him for standing in front of the slings and arrows that are coming his way.

I do like how the right wing is trying to claim victory on this. It’s redefining the term pathetic.

Slings and arrows? This kid is loving every second of this.

I think it would be a good idea for his parents to insist he get a job. People with jobs don't have time for this nonsense. By the time you get home, have dinner, relax for an hour or two, it's getting late already and you have to get ready for work the next day.

People that do these things only demonstrate one thing, and that is they have too much free time on their hands.

This is good for him, let him protest, he hurts no one. When others stop supporting his lifestyle he will grow up and get a job. Until then, this kid is just a kid, smile, nod and move on.

The slings and arrows comment was pretty lame.

Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.

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