Hogg WILD!

These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.

Gender 101: Females are less physically violent than males.

For good reason. Unlike males, females live their entire lives with the knowledge that fully half, at least, of the rest of the population is physically much stronger than they are. Odds are really good that getting physically violent is not going to end well for us.

I think it's a little more than that. For instance if two guys get into a bar fight, the males in the bar enjoy the action. Females don't want to even look unless it's somebody they know and actually worried about. If anything, they might try to break up the fight.

I don't know many women who enjoy boxing as a sport. Some like football, I know plenty that like our Cleveland Indians, but never once did I meet a woman who likes to sit down with a beer and watch two guys beat the hell out of each other in a ring.

In general women just don't like violence be it with themselves or somebody else. I know a few times in my younger years where a girlfriend tried to calm me down because an argument got loud. I'm not a violent person by nature, and I'm sure my GF's were not worried about me getting beat up. I'm 6;3" I weighed 240 lbs, and a black belt. But the idea of me possibly getting in a fight win, lose or draw frightened women.

Well, admittedly, we also have a lot less testosterone in our bodies than men do.

But sadly, there are far too many women these days who are socialized to behave in traditionally-masculine (and dare I say it, trashy) fashion than before, but they are still more circumspect about offering physical violence than a similarly low-class man would be. Self-preservation makes you learn to calculate those odds fairly early on.

On a brief tangent, this is one of the things that annoys and offends me about biological men who think being a woman is nothing more than throwing on a dress and some makeup, maybe taking a few drugs. It makes it blatantly obvious how little men know, or could know, about what being female is truly like on anything but the most shallow surface level. Not that I'm going to take the leftist femi-victim line of screeching about how males are all predators, rape culture, poor little me in the patriarchy, what-the fuck-ever. It's just . . . a perspective that gets internalized and factored in subconsciously.
Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

Feel free to back up any of that with some quotes.

don't have too far to go:

"Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you."

there you are bitching at the mentality that created our constitution. their "world view" has lasted longer than most governments / countries and provided the foundation to be arguably the greatest country in the world.

and they did that back in 1776 - a time you're bitching at now for their lack of "world view". technology has changed in 250 years, to be sure. but people?

not so much. just because we can call people an asshole and they see it in china seconds later doesn't change human nature, just how fast we can show how bad we can be.

if you really need a quote to show this - here.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

if you need to know what that is from, i'll be glad to tell you.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

Feel free to back up any of that with some quotes.

don't have too far to go:

"Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you."

there you are bitching at the mentality that created our constitution. their "world view" has lasted longer than most governments / countries and provided the foundation to be arguably the greatest country in the world.

and they did that back in 1776 - a time you're bitching at now for their lack of "world view". technology has changed in 250 years, to be sure. but people?

not so much. just because we can call people an asshole and they see it in china seconds later doesn't change human nature, just how fast we can show how bad we can be.

if you really need a quote to show this - here.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

if you need to know what that is from, i'll be glad to tell you.

Review the discussion and the context.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.

Gender 101: Females are less physically violent than males.


When a guy drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often he gets a ticket
When a gal drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often she gets a ticket

When a guy takes an antibiotic, it attacks an infection in his body.
When a gal takes an antibiotic, it attack an infection in her body.

When a guy takes Aderall, the NRA would have you believe that it turns him into a homicidal maniac.
When a gal takes Aderall, the drug has no effect except to address her depression.

Shocking it only happens in the US….

I seriously doubt it only happens in the US. But we probably consumer more medications than anybody else around the world as well.

If you know what the word "inherently" means, that's what I meant when I said men are generally more violent than women. I seriously doubt you want to challenge me on that. All men? No. Are all women passive and not prone to violence? No. But again, generally speaking.

And drugs make you act ________________. Anti depressants work to cure your depression. Sedatives sedate you. Anti-inflammatory meds reduce swelling. It works the same way for men and women. Apparently somehow the SSRIs according to the medical experts at the NRA testify that they make kids homicidal maniacs while ignoring the fact that only one gender is affected by the drugs.

As for the US takes more drugs...so? Platoons of whacked out kids are not storming schools; it's individuals.

Some drugs work on people in different ways. Take pot for instance. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do was sit somewhere and be left alone. Maybe just close my eyes with headphones on listening to Black Sabbath records for a couple of hours. Other people that were smoking were throwing footballs around and playfully chasing each other.

Alcohol too works on different people in different ways. I know people who many times got violent when drinking. I've know people that got sentimental and sometimes cried. I was always the happy drunk. I would be goofing around with friends and very creative at making jokes.

I don't think drugs and alcohol make people that way, it's that it amplifies who they always were. So I don't think it's that far off of a theory to believe males get more violent on certain medications than females. The only reason? Not really.

I don't know how it is in other countries, but over here, we don't do a good job identifying and treating people who have mental problems. Years ago we used to commit people. You seldom hear of that term today because it seldom happens. Years ago if a family member, friend, or even a police officer found an individual they believed couldn't take care of themselves, they took that individual to court and allowed a judge to determine if that persons freedom should be limited. Many times they were institutionalized.

We have ways now to allow someone with mental problems to actually live a productive life, instead of just being squirreled away in an institution. The problem becomes that Americans can be rather lazy sometimes and try to opt for quick fixes. "Hey, there are meds for that now", and we airbrush out the part where you STILL have to monitor the drugs and their side effects (which can crop up out of nowhere, even if you've been taking the meds with no problems for a while), and you have to combine the drugs with WORK and EFFORT to help the patient deal with their lives. We always want a silver bullet that will take that part away for us.

I take psych meds for clinical depression and anxiety issues, and they're very effective, but I never lose sight of the fact that I'm monkeying around with the chemistry in my BRAIN. That's a big deal. I visit my doctor regularly to have her monitor my progress; I call her immediately if anything the least bit out-of-the-ordinary happens. My primary care physician, even though he is not the one who prescribes those meds, was chosen very specifically because he has experience with patients using those drugs, and knows how to assist in monitoring my progress. My family has gotten educated on what to expect and any danger signs to look for, and my husband periodically talks to my doctor about my condition, because he sees things that I can't.

What surprises me is that so many people are surprised by the idea that psych meds can affect men differently than women. How ignorant of biology we are, all the while priding ourselves on what a scientifically and technologically advanced and educated society we are, not to know how deeply, fundamentally different men and women actually are from each other.
You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.

Funny how that "old fashioned" mentality and world view managed to make the United States the most successful nation on the planet, Candy!
That happened in the 20th century when we started using immigrant labor, got rid of slavery, embraced technology, didn’t worry about who someone’s parents were, embraced differences, passed civi rights laws, etc… You know, all of the stuff that the framers would find offensive; the same guys who said blacks were 3/5 of a person.

Winger is claiming the Founding Fathers as part of the liberal hierarchy...you on the other hand seem to be calling them obsolete. So which is it? I'm seeing a serious problem with you progressives lately...you can't seem to make up your mind who you are...or what you have for solutions to our problems. For some reason you think a dislike of Trump's personality is going to elect a whole bunch of Democrats come the next mid term election and quite frankly...I don't see it.

Not sure how the mid-term will go.

I said those with an 18th century world view would find 2018 America uncomfortable….never said they would be obsolete. I would think that folks like Hamilton who was a bastard child if memory serves would be quite happy to see equality. Jefferson would likely be elated at the embracing of ingenuity. The other framers? Not sure….I don’t think any of them would like that women are so dominant nowadays compared to their time. That is just human nature. As I recall, the Wesley Methodist teachings said something along the lines of “Let the women be silent…” Not going to happen. Sorry. Ms. Cleaver is dead and she is not coming back.

As for the multiple personalities of the Democratic Party…that is the reason I’m not a democrat. Republicans have the same problem with the religious right and the pussy grabbers. Which is it? What do you support? Family values or a family of fornicators? Let me guess…a strong stock market somehow trumps (pun intended) anything else…right?

Here’s your problem, Candy...all of you progressives keep trying to paint conservatives as "extreme" when in reality it's you folks that are the real extremists!
Yeah, who on this board sanctions ripping kids 0f illegal immigrants from their parents?
Yeah, who on this board sanctions gunning people down as they come across the border?

It's obvious that's the case simply by looking at who we nominate to run for President and who you do...or observing what kind of Justice you put into the Supreme Court when given the opportunity and what kind we do when given the same opportunity. You guys don't nominate moderates as your candidates...you don't name moderates to fill the Supreme Court. You consistently give us far left in all that you do!
Compared to Bernie, Hillary was moderate.

Who is more radical? Trump or Bush? Trump or Kasich? Trump or Rubio?

That was a ridiculous statement.

As for what "trumps" what? The American people have been quite clear for quite some time now that what's most important to them is jobs and the economy. You folks on the left haven't been paying attention. Trump has. You think someone who's now got a job and had his taxes cut is going to really care that Trump had sex with a porn star a decade ago? If that's what you're going to run on...you're going to get your ass handed to you...AGAIN!

You never answered…who are you with; the family values constituents or the family of fornicators.

Ya know, it is possible to have both a president who expands the economy AND doesn’t bang porn stars.
The stock market rose 149% under Obama’s 8 years who had to suffer both Bush’s recession and unprecedented stiff-arming from the opposition. And Obama remains 10X the man, the President, and the husband that your messiah is.

PS: the tax cuts are being paid for with another trillion dollars of debt. You used to care about that.

See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker...something that the left can never see!

As for the stock market growth? When you're growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country? The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates! Trump has grown the stock market despite having three increases in the interest rate by the Fed in the year since he was elected! I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
/——-/ I would accidentally (on purpose) trip on one of the guys and drive my elbow into his throat then scream bloody murder that I sprained my back and sue Hogg, the protestor and the store for allowing the sit in. But hey that’s just me.

See that woman standing in front of the watermelons, and that asshat lying right behind her? I would 100% have stepped right in the middle of his nads to get to that food display. And the only thing I'd have been sorry for was that I wasn't wearing high heels while I did it.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.

Gender 101: Females are less physically violent than males.


When a guy drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often he gets a ticket
When a gal drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often she gets a ticket

When a guy takes an antibiotic, it attacks an infection in his body.
When a gal takes an antibiotic, it attack an infection in her body.

When a guy takes Aderall, the NRA would have you believe that it turns him into a homicidal maniac.
When a gal takes Aderall, the drug has no effect except to address her depression.

Shocking it only happens in the US….

I seriously doubt it only happens in the US. But we probably consumer more medications than anybody else around the world as well.

If you know what the word "inherently" means, that's what I meant when I said men are generally more violent than women. I seriously doubt you want to challenge me on that. All men? No. Are all women passive and not prone to violence? No. But again, generally speaking.

And drugs make you act ________________. Anti depressants work to cure your depression. Sedatives sedate you. Anti-inflammatory meds reduce swelling. It works the same way for men and women. Apparently somehow the SSRIs according to the medical experts at the NRA testify that they make kids homicidal maniacs while ignoring the fact that only one gender is affected by the drugs.

As for the US takes more drugs...so? Platoons of whacked out kids are not storming schools; it's individuals.

Some drugs work on people in different ways. Take pot for instance. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do was sit somewhere and be left alone. Maybe just close my eyes with headphones on listening to Black Sabbath records for a couple of hours. Other people that were smoking were throwing footballs around and playfully chasing each other.

Alcohol too works on different people in different ways. I know people who many times got violent when drinking. I've know people that got sentimental and sometimes cried. I was always the happy drunk. I would be goofing around with friends and very creative at making jokes.

I don't think drugs and alcohol make people that way, it's that it amplifies who they always were. So I don't think it's that far off of a theory to believe males get more violent on certain medications than females. The only reason? Not really.

I don't know how it is in other countries, but over here, we don't do a good job identifying and treating people who have mental problems. Years ago we used to commit people. You seldom hear of that term today because it seldom happens. Years ago if a family member, friend, or even a police officer found an individual they believed couldn't take care of themselves, they took that individual to court and allowed a judge to determine if that persons freedom should be limited. Many times they were institutionalized.

Everyone has a unique chemical makeup. That is why one person that drinks alcohol will sleep great, while the next will be up all night. Women's basic chemical makeup is far different than men's. Mixing chemicals is risky business when you don't take into account for the basic chemical structure to begin with.

With certain drugs, that can be a relatively easy thing to do, with drugs that effect the brain it can be extremely difficult.
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

I'm personally admiring the assumption that a "21st century mentality" is automatically superior.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
/——-/ I would accidentally (on purpose) trip on one of the guys and drive my elbow into his throat then scream bloody murder that I sprained my back and sue Hogg, the protestor and the store for allowing the sit in. But hey that’s just me.

See that woman standing in front of the watermelons, and that asshat lying right behind her? I would 100% have stepped right in the middle of his nads to get to that food display. And the only thing I'd have been sorry for was that I wasn't wearing high heels while I did it.

Or tripped and made sure my knee hit on a certain organ. Then sued the grocer for allowing this dangerous situation, while being open to the public. a win/win.
You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

Feel free to back up any of that with some quotes.

don't have too far to go:

"Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you."

there you are bitching at the mentality that created our constitution. their "world view" has lasted longer than most governments / countries and provided the foundation to be arguably the greatest country in the world.

and they did that back in 1776 - a time you're bitching at now for their lack of "world view". technology has changed in 250 years, to be sure. but people?

not so much. just because we can call people an asshole and they see it in china seconds later doesn't change human nature, just how fast we can show how bad we can be.

if you really need a quote to show this - here.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

if you need to know what that is from, i'll be glad to tell you.

Review the discussion and the context.
i did.

i do not limit the discussion to current times in looking at a timeless document.
Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

I'm personally admiring the assumption that a "21st century mentality" is automatically superior.
we were a lot tighter a country in 1778 than now. is this progress? tearing the foundation out from under you cause it's old?

shakespeare is relevant today because he wrote in universal terms. some people don't get that just because someone said something "way back when" its no longer relevant. the constitution was written in as much universal terms as they could in order to address human behavior, not talking about the "technology" around them. when people say "this isn't 1776" they're really saying "i don't get it, this constitution" and they become the problem.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.
Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

Feel free to back up any of that with some quotes.

don't have too far to go:

"Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you."

there you are bitching at the mentality that created our constitution. their "world view" has lasted longer than most governments / countries and provided the foundation to be arguably the greatest country in the world.

and they did that back in 1776 - a time you're bitching at now for their lack of "world view". technology has changed in 250 years, to be sure. but people?

not so much. just because we can call people an asshole and they see it in china seconds later doesn't change human nature, just how fast we can show how bad we can be.

if you really need a quote to show this - here.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

if you need to know what that is from, i'll be glad to tell you.

Review the discussion and the context.
i did.

i do not limit the discussion to current times in looking at a timeless document.

No. You didn’t. Then you would know the context of our discussion that you’re jumping into.
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.
1. you don't like facts you don't approve of either.
2. hillary funded steeles work. they got dirt from the russians. only they called it "gathering intel" let's go back to those facts again, shall we?
3. bill banged a lot of ho-bags also. hillary kept him out of jail. i see again, facts move around you like water in a stream around a rock.
4. toying with people. well i suppose in the same light a 2 year old keeps nagging the adults cause they want their blinky, sure.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

Feel free to back up any of that with some quotes.

don't have too far to go:

"Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you."

there you are bitching at the mentality that created our constitution. their "world view" has lasted longer than most governments / countries and provided the foundation to be arguably the greatest country in the world.

and they did that back in 1776 - a time you're bitching at now for their lack of "world view". technology has changed in 250 years, to be sure. but people?

not so much. just because we can call people an asshole and they see it in china seconds later doesn't change human nature, just how fast we can show how bad we can be.

if you really need a quote to show this - here.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

if you need to know what that is from, i'll be glad to tell you.

Review the discussion and the context.
i did.

i do not limit the discussion to current times in looking at a timeless document.

No. You didn’t. Then you would know the context of our discussion that you’re jumping into.
the only real context of any of your discussions are trump sucks and conservatives too.

did i miss anything?
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?
See there you go, Candy...instead of working to pass meaningful immigration reform and strengthening our border security to keep the bad actors out...you instead accuse those who want that of wanting to break up families and gun down innocents! You on the left are totally out of step with what the American people want. You think that demonizing Republicans takes the place of fixing problems.
Not accusations. I could find the quotes for you but you’re immune from facts.

As for who I'm "with"? I could care less about who's screwing who as long as they're doing their job. Didn't care when Clinton was unfaithful...couldn't care less that Trump was. What I DO care about is America losing the values that made us great in the first place...self reliance and hard work! Every time another law is passed to grow the Nanny State larger it only makes America weaker…something that the left can never see!
Yeah, we used to have presidents who didn’t enlist Russians to help “get dirt” on their rivals, call their rivals name to this degree, say moderators were on their period…. It isn’t that the pervert you’ve converted into your messiah banged a whore—actually it was a couple of whores; it is that he lied about it and continues to do so. We’ll see how the legality shakes out.

As for the stock market growth? When you’re growing the market with eight years of near zero interest rates and periodic quantitative easing have you really grown it in a way that helps the country?
You think those who had healthcare for the first time, those who benefitted from all those consecutive months of job growth care about qualitative easing? LOL

The wealthy got much richer under Obama because his economic policies stagnated the economy for everyone BUT those with access to investment capital at near zero rates!
Yeah, the rich are really suffering under Trump. It’s tragic I tell you.

I'm amused by your claim that Obama "suffered" opposition his entire two term! He was such a dick when Democrats controlled the White House, the Senate and the House that he INVITED opposition! Or have you forgotten his "Elections have consequences...I won!" lecture to the Republican leaders shortly after Barry was elected? Something that he conveniently forgot once the next election led to a GOP landslide!

So, when Republicans administer payback, it’s totally justified. When democrats do it, you clutch your pearls and wonder why not everyone is getting behind the Republican president?

As you can probably tell, I’m toying with you at this point.

When the Republicans resisted Obama's agenda after the first mid term election they were doing so with the blessing of the American people who had just voted out a record number of Democrats and sent Republicans to Washington to stop what they viewed as a total over reach by Barry, Harry and Nancy.

The Democrats have been resisting Trump's agenda DESPITE the wishes of the electorate and they've done so since the moment he was elected!

You can't see the difference between the two though...can you, Candy?
Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

Feel free to back up any of that with some quotes.

don't have too far to go:

"Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you."

there you are bitching at the mentality that created our constitution. their "world view" has lasted longer than most governments / countries and provided the foundation to be arguably the greatest country in the world.

and they did that back in 1776 - a time you're bitching at now for their lack of "world view". technology has changed in 250 years, to be sure. but people?

not so much. just because we can call people an asshole and they see it in china seconds later doesn't change human nature, just how fast we can show how bad we can be.

if you really need a quote to show this - here.

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

if you need to know what that is from, i'll be glad to tell you.

Review the discussion and the context.
i did.

i do not limit the discussion to current times in looking at a timeless document.

And anyone who thinks that universal truths "modernize" is a damned fool.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

I'm personally admiring the assumption that a "21st century mentality" is automatically superior.
we were a lot tighter a country in 1778 than now. is this progress? tearing the foundation out from under you cause it's old?

shakespeare is relevant today because he wrote in universal terms. some people don't get that just because someone said something "way back when" its no longer relevant. the constitution was written in as much universal terms as they could in order to address human behavior, not talking about the "technology" around them. when people say "this isn't 1776" they're really saying "i don't get it, this constitution" and they become the problem.

They're saying, "All these boundaries and constraints annoy me, because they prevent me from doing whatever I want. So I will declare them 'obsolete' and 'archaic'."

I'm not saying there aren't some universal truths that we haven't gained a deeper understanding of over time, but I don't think the determination over the last century or so to ignore, and therefore relearn, certain inconvenient truths has improved society. There are some times when reinventing the wheel just leaves you with a broken vehicle.

For example, we don't WANT to believe that it's necessary to protect and allow free speech when we find it repugnant, because it sucks to have to hear people saying things that mark them as ignorant, hateful, and evil. So we have to relearn what our Founding Fathers already knew and told us in our Constitution: that EVERYONE'S speech is disagreeable to SOMEBODY, and if everyone doesn't have that freedom, no one does.

We find etiquette to be stiff and formal and awkward, requiring too much patience and effort, so we pretend that we're "freer" and "more open" and "casual". And what happened? We basically can't tolerate each other outside our own Balkanized little cliques and people are astonishingly self-absorbed, crass, and rude . . . and violent.

It's inconvenient to have control of your life dependent on the whims and decisions of another person, so we "forget" why two-parent families, with one of each sex, are important to children. We "forget" that we even have an obligation to put the good of our children ahead of our own wishes. And then we stand around, wondering why so many of our young men are little better than violent animals, and so many of our young women are promiscuous, and both groups are so often incapable of maintaining normal lives and relationships.

Earlier generations just knew this stuff, it was obvious, and they didn't feel the need to question it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. WE, on the other hand, decided it was broke simply because it wasn't how we wished it were, and then we decided we were smart enough to "fix" the universe to our liking. And now we sit around, going, "Gosh, THIS is why these things are important", as though the proper response isn't "Duhhh."
You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

I'm personally admiring the assumption that a "21st century mentality" is automatically superior.
we were a lot tighter a country in 1778 than now. is this progress? tearing the foundation out from under you cause it's old?

shakespeare is relevant today because he wrote in universal terms. some people don't get that just because someone said something "way back when" its no longer relevant. the constitution was written in as much universal terms as they could in order to address human behavior, not talking about the "technology" around them. when people say "this isn't 1776" they're really saying "i don't get it, this constitution" and they become the problem.

They're saying, "All these boundaries and constraints annoy me, because they prevent me from doing whatever I want. So I will declare them 'obsolete' and 'archaic'."

I'm not saying there aren't some universal truths that we haven't gained a deeper understanding of over time, but I don't think the determination over the last century or so to ignore, and therefore relearn, certain inconvenient truths has improved society. There are some times when reinventing the wheel just leaves you with a broken vehicle.

For example, we don't WANT to believe that it's necessary to protect and allow free speech when we find it repugnant, because it sucks to have to hear people saying things that mark them as ignorant, hateful, and evil. So we have to relearn what our Founding Fathers already knew and told us in our Constitution: that EVERYONE'S speech is disagreeable to SOMEBODY, and if everyone doesn't have that freedom, no one does.

We find etiquette to be stiff and formal and awkward, requiring too much patience and effort, so we pretend that we're "freer" and "more open" and "casual". And what happened? We basically can't tolerate each other outside our own Balkanized little cliques and people are astonishingly self-absorbed, crass, and rude . . . and violent.

It's inconvenient to have control of your life dependent on the whims and decisions of another person, so we "forget" why two-parent families, with one of each sex, are important to children. We "forget" that we even have an obligation to put the good of our children ahead of our own wishes. And then we stand around, wondering why so many of our young men are little better than violent animals, and so many of our young women are promiscuous, and both groups are so often incapable of maintaining normal lives and relationships.

Earlier generations just knew this stuff, it was obvious, and they didn't feel the need to question it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. WE, on the other hand, decided it was broke simply because it wasn't how we wished it were, and then we decided we were smart enough to "fix" the universe to our liking. And now we sit around, going, "Gosh, THIS is why these things are important", as though the proper response isn't "Duhhh."
i wish i could WINNER this one twice.

questioning is fine - but learn from the answers not reject them cause you don't like 'em.

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