Hogg WILD!

These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.

Gender 101: Females are less physically violent than males.


When a guy drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often he gets a ticket
When a gal drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often she gets a ticket

When a guy takes an antibiotic, it attacks an infection in his body.
When a gal takes an antibiotic, it attack an infection in her body.

When a guy takes Aderall, the NRA would have you believe that it turns him into a homicidal maniac.
When a gal takes Aderall, the drug has no effect except to address her depression.

Shocking it only happens in the US….

I seriously doubt it only happens in the US. But we probably consumer more medications than anybody else around the world as well.

If you know what the word "inherently" means, that's what I meant when I said men are generally more violent than women. I seriously doubt you want to challenge me on that. All men? No. Are all women passive and not prone to violence? No. But again, generally speaking.

And drugs make you act ________________. Anti depressants work to cure your depression. Sedatives sedate you. Anti-inflammatory meds reduce swelling. It works the same way for men and women. Apparently somehow the SSRIs according to the medical experts at the NRA testify that they make kids homicidal maniacs while ignoring the fact that only one gender is affected by the drugs.

As for the US takes more drugs...so? Platoons of whacked out kids are not storming schools; it's individuals.

Some drugs work on people in different ways. Take pot for instance. When I smoked it, all I wanted to do was sit somewhere and be left alone. Maybe just close my eyes with headphones on listening to Black Sabbath records for a couple of hours. Other people that were smoking were throwing footballs around and playfully chasing each other.

Alcohol too works on different people in different ways. I know people who many times got violent when drinking. I've know people that got sentimental and sometimes cried. I was always the happy drunk. I would be goofing around with friends and very creative at making jokes.

I don't think drugs and alcohol make people that way, it's that it amplifies who they always were. So I don't think it's that far off of a theory to believe males get more violent on certain medications than females. The only reason? Not really.

I don't know how it is in other countries, but over here, we don't do a good job identifying and treating people who have mental problems. Years ago we used to commit people. You seldom hear of that term today because it seldom happens. Years ago if a family member, friend, or even a police officer found an individual they believed couldn't take care of themselves, they took that individual to court and allowed a judge to determine if that persons freedom should be limited. Many times they were institutionalized.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests

It would be fun to push carts into them, step on them, fart, and drop food on them (like a quart of cottage cheese. - oops).
I must admit....this thread sure brings out that lust for violence lived vicariously (and safely) thru the internet in our resident trumpanzees.

Your man crush on Hogg is cute.
Weinstein, Lauer, Rose, Oreskes, Halperin, Affleck & Hoffman? They're all libs and they're all serial sexual predators. You on the left "embraced" all of them far more than we on the right ever embraced Zimmerman! Like I said, Candy...you progressives need to find a new narrative to run on because claiming the right "hates women" when what so many of your prominent liberals have been doing makes that FARCE!

Quote some liberal on this board embracing them then. I've shown where posters here have embraced GZ....it's your turn.

I simply pointed out that your usual claim that conservatives "hate women"...a claim that you on the left have been making for the last two election cycles...becomes laughably farcical when so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators. It's your turn to address that...

Liberal Icons like who? TV morning show hosts? A Hollywood producer? A night time PBS host? Basically anyone on TV is suddenly a Liberal Icon? I don’t know their politics and neither do you.

As long as Trump who calls women pigs, as long as Trump who cheats on his wife with whores, as long as Trump, the pussy grabber, as long as Trump who insinuates women who have the temerity to question him are on their period is in office, the women’s vote isn’t going anywhere.

You don't know their politics? Amusing, Candy...

You seem to know who they are...and the jobs that they held. Funny how you suddenly don't have a clue as to what their politics are!
I don’t know their politics….

If you do, I’m sure you can support it with some evidence….

Betcha can’t.
Gee, Candy...you don't know about the politics of the people on the Mueller team...you don't know the politics of a whole host of famous people accused of being sexual predators...

I'm starting to see a trend with you...whenever a liberal gets caught out...you know nothing about them and it has to be "proven" to you that they are liberals! I've already shown you that almost all of the Mueller team are registered as Democrats. Let me guess...they're conservative Democrats? (eye roll)
Quote some liberal on this board embracing them then. I've shown where posters here have embraced GZ....it's your turn.

I simply pointed out that your usual claim that conservatives "hate women"...a claim that you on the left have been making for the last two election cycles...becomes laughably farcical when so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators. It's your turn to address that...

Liberal Icons like who? TV morning show hosts? A Hollywood producer? A night time PBS host? Basically anyone on TV is suddenly a Liberal Icon? I don’t know their politics and neither do you.

As long as Trump who calls women pigs, as long as Trump who cheats on his wife with whores, as long as Trump, the pussy grabber, as long as Trump who insinuates women who have the temerity to question him are on their period is in office, the women’s vote isn’t going anywhere.

You don't know their politics? Amusing, Candy...

You seem to know who they are...and the jobs that they held. Funny how you suddenly don't have a clue as to what their politics are!
I don’t know their politics….

If you do, I’m sure you can support it with some evidence….

Betcha can’t.
Gee, Candy...you don't know about the politics of the people on the Mueller team...you don't know the politics of a whole host of famous people accused of being sexual predators...
I know about the campaign contributions from Mueller's team to both parties. How they vote when they get into the booth? No. How they vote locally? No. What would happen if instead of Hillary V. Trump, we would have had Hillary V. Bush...dunno.

As for the famous people, I do know Roger Ailes was an advisor to Donald Trump...it seems sexual predators travel in packs

I'm starting to see a trend with you...whenever a liberal gets caught out...you know nothing about them and it has to be "proven" to you that they are liberals! I've already shown you that almost all of the Mueller team are registered as Democrats. Let me guess...they're conservative Democrats? (eye roll)

Almost all? How many...I'd like to see that data. According to Trump an his fawning worshipers like yourself, they're all democrats even though they work for a republican who was appointed by a republican who serves under a republican AG/Former Senator who was approved by a republican dominated Senate after being nominated by a republican President. Please bring fourth the data.

Again, I have no idea how Matt Lauer votes, how Charlie Rose votes or even how Weinstein votes although I assume he's a liberal. I actually thought he was homosexual before all of this was revealed. So what if they are liberal. When was the last time you heard a liberal here singing the praises of Lauer or Rose? Can you quote anyone here of any standing trumpeting Lauer or Rose? Get real. I don't mean to get personal here but you seem to think that everyone who is on TV is liberal until they prove otherwise. And if they are liberal, they, you seem to think in your warped mind that they somehow speak for the 67,000,000 who voted for Hillary Clinton.

Life isn't that simple. You should be more intelligent.
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
Such desperation in NRA shills

Yeah...they are the assholes laying on the floor.
I think he needs a job too. I think rightwinger thinks he does too. RW said "trivial job".... Your reflex to disagree with everything someone who thinks a little differently apparently prevented you from seeing that.

He has some talent. He should develop it. But the only way to make sustainable change (unless you really re-invent the mousetrap) is to work within the system and effect it from the inside out.

He has a talent? And what might that be?

This kid is high on himself thanks to the Democrat party and their associates in the MSM. He is meaningless, it's just that he doesn't realize it yet. When he does, he will just get angrier and perhaps more desperate to maintain the attention.

If he really wants to make change, the best way to do it is study. As we became a more armed society, our gun violence and violence in general reduced as much as 50%. In countries that created bans, their violent crime rates increased because people didn't have the ability to protect themselves, and in some cases, the bad guys still had guns.

If the NRA closed down tomorrow, it wouldn't prevent the next mass shooting, or the next, or the next. This kid doesn't understand that. He's been brainwashed by the Democrats that the NRA is the problem when the NRA had nothing to do with one mass shooting in this country.

Non-sense. The NRA funds Congress who keeps us from passing common-sense gun laws that should have been passed after Columbine.

As for his talents...activism for one. Sort of like your buddy Zimmerman with a brain. Remember the RW hero Zimmerman? Are you guys still embracing him?

Why shouldn't we? He's a person who used deadly force in self-defense after being attacked. Of course we support victims just like you support criminals.

The Republican constituency is mostly pro-gun. Their support has nothing to do with the measly few dollars the NRA gives them. Conservative Republicans are constitutionalists and they support the people who are also constitutionalists.

Now tell us all, what are "common sense" gun laws? We have thousands of gun laws on the books already. What more gun laws do you want to see? What laws would guarantee we would never see a school or mass shooting ever again?

A bet with anti-gunners
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution
The beanpole bully is behind a "lay in" at his local Publix grocery store. Seems the company made a contribution to a politician Hogg doesn't like. So his band of dingoes lay on the floor of the store like they are dead. And the customers ignore them, do their shopping and maybe "accidentally" step on one's head.


His charisma quickly fading, Hogg will be driven to plot more strange events like this one and eventually will fade from sight, becoming a violent alcoholic....well, as violent as an 80 pound pile of bones can be.

Shoppers Step Over Bodies at Hogg-Led Publix Protests
/——-/ I would accidentally (on purpose) trip on one of the guys and drive my elbow into his throat then scream bloody murder that I sprained my back and sue Hogg, the protestor and the store for allowing the sit in. But hey that’s just me.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution


The definitions of LIBERAL and CONSERVATIVE are totally warped at present.

Liberal means intolerant parrot of left wing lies

Conservative means big spending porker obsessed with re-conquering the Promised Land for Israel
I simply pointed out that your usual claim that conservatives "hate women"...a claim that you on the left have been making for the last two election cycles...becomes laughably farcical when so many of your liberal icons have been exposed as serial sexual predators. It's your turn to address that...

Liberal Icons like who? TV morning show hosts? A Hollywood producer? A night time PBS host? Basically anyone on TV is suddenly a Liberal Icon? I don’t know their politics and neither do you.

As long as Trump who calls women pigs, as long as Trump who cheats on his wife with whores, as long as Trump, the pussy grabber, as long as Trump who insinuates women who have the temerity to question him are on their period is in office, the women’s vote isn’t going anywhere.

You don't know their politics? Amusing, Candy...

You seem to know who they are...and the jobs that they held. Funny how you suddenly don't have a clue as to what their politics are!
I don’t know their politics….

If you do, I’m sure you can support it with some evidence….

Betcha can’t.
Gee, Candy...you don't know about the politics of the people on the Mueller team...you don't know the politics of a whole host of famous people accused of being sexual predators...
I know about the campaign contributions from Mueller's team to both parties. How they vote when they get into the booth? No. How they vote locally? No. What would happen if instead of Hillary V. Trump, we would have had Hillary V. Bush...dunno.

As for the famous people, I do know Roger Ailes was an advisor to Donald Trump...it seems sexual predators travel in packs

I'm starting to see a trend with you...whenever a liberal gets caught out...you know nothing about them and it has to be "proven" to you that they are liberals! I've already shown you that almost all of the Mueller team are registered as Democrats. Let me guess...they're conservative Democrats? (eye roll)

Almost all? How many...I'd like to see that data. According to Trump an his fawning worshipers like yourself, they're all democrats even though they work for a republican who was appointed by a republican who serves under a republican AG/Former Senator who was approved by a republican dominated Senate after being nominated by a republican President. Please bring fourth the data.

Again, I have no idea how Matt Lauer votes, how Charlie Rose votes or even how Weinstein votes although I assume he's a liberal. I actually thought he was homosexual before all of this was revealed. So what if they are liberal. When was the last time you heard a liberal here singing the praises of Lauer or Rose? Can you quote anyone here of any standing trumpeting Lauer or Rose? Get real. I don't mean to get personal here but you seem to think that everyone who is on TV is liberal until they prove otherwise. And if they are liberal, they, you seem to think in your warped mind that they somehow speak for the 67,000,000 who voted for Hillary Clinton.

Life isn't that simple. You should be more intelligent.

What I think it "speaks" to is that you on the left have campaigned accusing conservatives like Mitt Romney of waging a war on women with people like Lauer, Rose and Weinstein having the audacity to push that narrative when in fact they were FAR more abusive towards women than Mitt Romney EVER could be!

What's worse is that there is no way that those liberal men did what they did and nobody knew about it in the liberal camp! You all chose to look the other way! So spare me all of the mock outrage about Donald Trump paying for sex ten years ago. That PALES in comparison to all of the women who have been sexually abused by liberal hot shots! So who's REALLY waging a war on women, Candy? From where I'm sitting it seems like serial sexual abuse has been the dirty little secret of the Democratic Party.
He has a talent? And what might that be?

This kid is high on himself thanks to the Democrat party and their associates in the MSM. He is meaningless, it's just that he doesn't realize it yet. When he does, he will just get angrier and perhaps more desperate to maintain the attention.

If he really wants to make change, the best way to do it is study. As we became a more armed society, our gun violence and violence in general reduced as much as 50%. In countries that created bans, their violent crime rates increased because people didn't have the ability to protect themselves, and in some cases, the bad guys still had guns.

If the NRA closed down tomorrow, it wouldn't prevent the next mass shooting, or the next, or the next. This kid doesn't understand that. He's been brainwashed by the Democrats that the NRA is the problem when the NRA had nothing to do with one mass shooting in this country.

Non-sense. The NRA funds Congress who keeps us from passing common-sense gun laws that should have been passed after Columbine.

As for his talents...activism for one. Sort of like your buddy Zimmerman with a brain. Remember the RW hero Zimmerman? Are you guys still embracing him?

Why shouldn't we? He's a person who used deadly force in self-defense after being attacked. Of course we support victims just like you support criminals.

The Republican constituency is mostly pro-gun. Their support has nothing to do with the measly few dollars the NRA gives them. Conservative Republicans are constitutionalists and they support the people who are also constitutionalists.

Now tell us all, what are "common sense" gun laws? We have thousands of gun laws on the books already. What more gun laws do you want to see? What laws would guarantee we would never see a school or mass shooting ever again?

A bet with anti-gunners
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.
Liberal Icons like who? TV morning show hosts? A Hollywood producer? A night time PBS host? Basically anyone on TV is suddenly a Liberal Icon? I don’t know their politics and neither do you.

As long as Trump who calls women pigs, as long as Trump who cheats on his wife with whores, as long as Trump, the pussy grabber, as long as Trump who insinuates women who have the temerity to question him are on their period is in office, the women’s vote isn’t going anywhere.

You don't know their politics? Amusing, Candy...

You seem to know who they are...and the jobs that they held. Funny how you suddenly don't have a clue as to what their politics are!
I don’t know their politics….

If you do, I’m sure you can support it with some evidence….

Betcha can’t.
Gee, Candy...you don't know about the politics of the people on the Mueller team...you don't know the politics of a whole host of famous people accused of being sexual predators...
I know about the campaign contributions from Mueller's team to both parties. How they vote when they get into the booth? No. How they vote locally? No. What would happen if instead of Hillary V. Trump, we would have had Hillary V. Bush...dunno.

As for the famous people, I do know Roger Ailes was an advisor to Donald Trump...it seems sexual predators travel in packs

I'm starting to see a trend with you...whenever a liberal gets caught out...you know nothing about them and it has to be "proven" to you that they are liberals! I've already shown you that almost all of the Mueller team are registered as Democrats. Let me guess...they're conservative Democrats? (eye roll)

Almost all? How many...I'd like to see that data. According to Trump an his fawning worshipers like yourself, they're all democrats even though they work for a republican who was appointed by a republican who serves under a republican AG/Former Senator who was approved by a republican dominated Senate after being nominated by a republican President. Please bring fourth the data.

Again, I have no idea how Matt Lauer votes, how Charlie Rose votes or even how Weinstein votes although I assume he's a liberal. I actually thought he was homosexual before all of this was revealed. So what if they are liberal. When was the last time you heard a liberal here singing the praises of Lauer or Rose? Can you quote anyone here of any standing trumpeting Lauer or Rose? Get real. I don't mean to get personal here but you seem to think that everyone who is on TV is liberal until they prove otherwise. And if they are liberal, they, you seem to think in your warped mind that they somehow speak for the 67,000,000 who voted for Hillary Clinton.

Life isn't that simple. You should be more intelligent.

What I think it “speaks" to is that you on the left have campaigned accusing conservatives like Mitt Romney of waging a war on women with people like Lauer, Rose and Weinstein having the audacity to push that narrative when in fact they were FAR more abusive towards women than Mitt Romney EVER could be!
Quotes of Lauer, Rose, Weinstein pushing that narrative please. We both know you haven’t got them and are just making lame accusations based on them being in the entertainment field. Just like you cannot show proof where any of these people are “liberal” much less “liberal icons”. Again, Dylan Root can be deemed a conservative icon based on his posing with the confederate flag. How about that? I’ve shown just as much proof as you have except we know Root’s politics—we have photographs of him with the flag you see.…we still don’t know that about the folks you keep mentioning.

What's worse is that there is no way that those liberal men did what they did and nobody knew about it in the liberal camp! You all chose to look the other way! So spare me all of the mock outrage about Donald Trump paying for sex ten years ago. That PALES in comparison to all of the women who have been sexually abused by liberal hot shots! So who's REALLY waging a war on women, Candy? From where I'm sitting it seems like serial sexual abuse has been the dirty little secret of the Democratic Party.

Hey, you’re actually correct about someone knowing and doing nothing. Just like Ailes and O’reiley who are confirmed conservative icons; mentioned frequently here.

Trump is on the ballot; none of the people you mentioned were.

As long as he’s on the ballot…you’ll have to defend his objectifying on women. Poor you.
Non-sense. The NRA funds Congress who keeps us from passing common-sense gun laws that should have been passed after Columbine.

As for his talents...activism for one. Sort of like your buddy Zimmerman with a brain. Remember the RW hero Zimmerman? Are you guys still embracing him?

Why shouldn't we? He's a person who used deadly force in self-defense after being attacked. Of course we support victims just like you support criminals.

The Republican constituency is mostly pro-gun. Their support has nothing to do with the measly few dollars the NRA gives them. Conservative Republicans are constitutionalists and they support the people who are also constitutionalists.

Now tell us all, what are "common sense" gun laws? We have thousands of gun laws on the books already. What more gun laws do you want to see? What laws would guarantee we would never see a school or mass shooting ever again?

A bet with anti-gunners
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
Why shouldn't we? He's a person who used deadly force in self-defense after being attacked. Of course we support victims just like you support criminals.

The Republican constituency is mostly pro-gun. Their support has nothing to do with the measly few dollars the NRA gives them. Conservative Republicans are constitutionalists and they support the people who are also constitutionalists.

Now tell us all, what are "common sense" gun laws? We have thousands of gun laws on the books already. What more gun laws do you want to see? What laws would guarantee we would never see a school or mass shooting ever again?

A bet with anti-gunners
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.

Funny how that "old fashioned" mentality and world view managed to make the United States the most successful nation on the planet, Candy!

Winger is claiming the Founding Fathers as part of the liberal hierarchy...you on the other hand seem to be calling them obsolete. So which is it? I'm seeing a serious problem with you progressives lately...you can't seem to make up your mind who you are...or what you have for solutions to our problems. For some reason you think a dislike of Trump's personality is going to elect a whole bunch of Democrats come the next mid term election and quite frankly...I don't see it.
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.

Funny how that "old fashioned" mentality and world view managed to make the United States the most successful nation on the planet, Candy!
That happened in the 20th century when we started using immigrant labor, got rid of slavery, embraced technology, didn’t worry about who someone’s parents were, embraced differences, passed civi rights laws, etc… You know, all of the stuff that the framers would find offensive; the same guys who said blacks were 3/5 of a person.

Winger is claiming the Founding Fathers as part of the liberal hierarchy...you on the other hand seem to be calling them obsolete. So which is it? I'm seeing a serious problem with you progressives lately...you can't seem to make up your mind who you are...or what you have for solutions to our problems. For some reason you think a dislike of Trump's personality is going to elect a whole bunch of Democrats come the next mid term election and quite frankly...I don't see it.

Not sure how the mid-term will go.

I said those with an 18th century world view would find 2018 America uncomfortable….never said they would be obsolete. I would think that folks like Hamilton who was a bastard child if memory serves would be quite happy to see equality. Jefferson would likely be elated at the embracing of ingenuity. The other framers? Not sure….I don’t think any of them would like that women are so dominant nowadays compared to their time. That is just human nature. As I recall, the Wesley Methodist teachings said something along the lines of “Let the women be silent…” Not going to happen. Sorry. Ms. Cleaver is dead and she is not coming back.

As for the multiple personalities of the Democratic Party…that is the reason I’m not a democrat. Republicans have the same problem with the religious right and the pussy grabbers. Which is it? What do you support? Family values or a family of fornicators? Let me guess…a strong stock market somehow trumps (pun intended) anything else…right?
Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.

Funny how that "old fashioned" mentality and world view managed to make the United States the most successful nation on the planet, Candy!
That happened in the 20th century when we started using immigrant labor, got rid of slavery, embraced technology, didn’t worry about who someone’s parents were, embraced differences, passed civi rights laws, etc… You know, all of the stuff that the framers would find offensive; the same guys who said blacks were 3/5 of a person.

Winger is claiming the Founding Fathers as part of the liberal hierarchy...you on the other hand seem to be calling them obsolete. So which is it? I'm seeing a serious problem with you progressives lately...you can't seem to make up your mind who you are...or what you have for solutions to our problems. For some reason you think a dislike of Trump's personality is going to elect a whole bunch of Democrats come the next mid term election and quite frankly...I don't see it.

Not sure how the mid-term will go.

I said those with an 18th century world view would find 2018 America uncomfortable….never said they would be obsolete. I would think that folks like Hamilton who was a bastard child if memory serves would be quite happy to see equality. Jefferson would likely be elated at the embracing of ingenuity. The other framers? Not sure….I don’t think any of them would like that women are so dominant nowadays compared to their time. That is just human nature. As I recall, the Wesley Methodist teachings said something along the lines of “Let the women be silent…” Not going to happen. Sorry. Ms. Cleaver is dead and she is not coming back.

As for the multiple personalities of the Democratic Party…that is the reason I’m not a democrat. Republicans have the same problem with the religious right and the pussy grabbers. Which is it? What do you support? Family values or a family of fornicators? Let me guess…a strong stock market somehow trumps (pun intended) anything else…right?

Here's your problem, Candy...all of you progressives keep trying to paint conservatives as "extreme" when in reality it's you folks that are the real extremists! It's obvious that's the case simply by looking at who we nominate to run for President and who you do...or observing what kind of Justice you put into the Supreme Court when given the opportunity and what kind we do when given the same opportunity. You guys don't nominate moderates as your candidates...you don't name moderates to fill the Supreme Court. You consistently give us far left in all that you do!

As for what "trumps" what? The American people have been quite clear for quite some time now that what's most important to them is jobs and the economy. You folks on the left haven't been paying attention. Trump has. You think someone who's now got a job and had his taxes cut is going to really care that Trump had sex with a porn star a decade ago? If that's what you're going to run on...you're going to get your ass handed to you...AGAIN!
Why shouldn't we? He's a person who used deadly force in self-defense after being attacked. Of course we support victims just like you support criminals.

The Republican constituency is mostly pro-gun. Their support has nothing to do with the measly few dollars the NRA gives them. Conservative Republicans are constitutionalists and they support the people who are also constitutionalists.

Now tell us all, what are "common sense" gun laws? We have thousands of gun laws on the books already. What more gun laws do you want to see? What laws would guarantee we would never see a school or mass shooting ever again?

A bet with anti-gunners
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.
These school shootings to me point out massive failures in our mental health professions (has giving all those kids all of those drugs for all of those years for ADD finally coming home to roost?) and how the authorities react to obviously troubled individuals! Gun control isn't the answer for either of those things.
Yet...isn't it odd that girls get those same drugs for ADD and they manage to not shoot up schools.

Gender 101: Females are less physically violent than males.


When a guy drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often he gets a ticket
When a gal drinks too much; he gets drunk. He uses his car (a tool) and plows down the road recklessly. Often she gets a ticket

When a guy takes an antibiotic, it attacks an infection in his body.
When a gal takes an antibiotic, it attack an infection in her body.

When a guy takes Aderall, the NRA would have you believe that it turns him into a homicidal maniac.
When a gal takes Aderall, the drug has no effect except to address her depression.

Shocking it only happens in the US….

I seriously doubt it only happens in the US. But we probably consumer more medications than anybody else around the world as well.

If you know what the word "inherently" means, that's what I meant when I said men are generally more violent than women. I seriously doubt you want to challenge me on that. All men? No. Are all women passive and not prone to violence? No. But again, generally speaking.

And drugs make you act ________________. Anti depressants work to cure your depression. Sedatives sedate you. Anti-inflammatory meds reduce swelling. It works the same way for men and women. Apparently somehow the SSRIs according to the medical experts at the NRA testify that they make kids homicidal maniacs while ignoring the fact that only one gender is affected by the drugs.

As for the US takes more drugs...so? Platoons of whacked out kids are not storming schools; it's individuals.

Really? To listen to leftists talk, one would be forgiven for thinking it was hordes of ambulatory guns.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.

Funny how that "old fashioned" mentality and world view managed to make the United States the most successful nation on the planet, Candy!
That happened in the 20th century when we started using immigrant labor, got rid of slavery, embraced technology, didn’t worry about who someone’s parents were, embraced differences, passed civi rights laws, etc… You know, all of the stuff that the framers would find offensive; the same guys who said blacks were 3/5 of a person.

Winger is claiming the Founding Fathers as part of the liberal hierarchy...you on the other hand seem to be calling them obsolete. So which is it? I'm seeing a serious problem with you progressives lately...you can't seem to make up your mind who you are...or what you have for solutions to our problems. For some reason you think a dislike of Trump's personality is going to elect a whole bunch of Democrats come the next mid term election and quite frankly...I don't see it.

Not sure how the mid-term will go.

I said those with an 18th century world view would find 2018 America uncomfortable….never said they would be obsolete. I would think that folks like Hamilton who was a bastard child if memory serves would be quite happy to see equality. Jefferson would likely be elated at the embracing of ingenuity. The other framers? Not sure….I don’t think any of them would like that women are so dominant nowadays compared to their time. That is just human nature. As I recall, the Wesley Methodist teachings said something along the lines of “Let the women be silent…” Not going to happen. Sorry. Ms. Cleaver is dead and she is not coming back.

As for the multiple personalities of the Democratic Party…that is the reason I’m not a democrat. Republicans have the same problem with the religious right and the pussy grabbers. Which is it? What do you support? Family values or a family of fornicators? Let me guess…a strong stock market somehow trumps (pun intended) anything else…right?

Here’s your problem, Candy...all of you progressives keep trying to paint conservatives as "extreme" when in reality it's you folks that are the real extremists!
Yeah, who on this board sanctions ripping kids 0f illegal immigrants from their parents?
Yeah, who on this board sanctions gunning people down as they come across the border?

It's obvious that's the case simply by looking at who we nominate to run for President and who you do...or observing what kind of Justice you put into the Supreme Court when given the opportunity and what kind we do when given the same opportunity. You guys don't nominate moderates as your candidates...you don't name moderates to fill the Supreme Court. You consistently give us far left in all that you do!
Compared to Bernie, Hillary was moderate.

Who is more radical? Trump or Bush? Trump or Kasich? Trump or Rubio?

That was a ridiculous statement.

As for what "trumps" what? The American people have been quite clear for quite some time now that what's most important to them is jobs and the economy. You folks on the left haven't been paying attention. Trump has. You think someone who's now got a job and had his taxes cut is going to really care that Trump had sex with a porn star a decade ago? If that's what you're going to run on...you're going to get your ass handed to you...AGAIN!

You never answered…who are you with; the family values constituents or the family of fornicators.

Ya know, it is possible to have both a president who expands the economy AND doesn’t bang porn stars.
The stock market rose 149% under Obama’s 8 years who had to suffer both Bush’s recession and unprecedented stiff-arming from the opposition. And Obama remains 10X the man, the President, and the husband that your messiah is.

PS: the tax cuts are being paid for with another trillion dollars of debt. You used to care about that.
Other than the second amendment, Republicans have never read the Constitution

Left wingers haven't even read that, much less any of the rest of it.

Go Fluke yourself.
Liberals WROTE the Constitution

You're claiming the Founding Fathers as "yours", Winger? That's some amusing stuff. I'm of the belief that the Founding Fathers would be horrified by the modern progressive movement.

Yeah, people who have an 18th century mentality and world-view are not going to be comfortable. Look at you.
the 18th century mentality is the foundation of which you're using to bitch at it now.

maybe you underestimate common sense and long term vision of your short term need to cry a lot.

Feel free to back up any of that with some quotes.

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