Hogg WILD!

So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

What will make me "happy", Candy...is for you to be honest for a change! Admit that there never WAS "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! Admit that there WAS collusion between the Clinton campaign and foreign agents to manufacture a phony dossier against Trump! Admit that the Obama Justice Department used what they KNEW was a phony dossier as part of the "proof" they presented to a FISA court judge to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

Unicorn dust? That's what you on the left have been spraying in the air since this FARCE began!

Trump supporter demanding honesty. Too damn funny. Try demanding it from Trump. I have been honest. You have just been ignoring it.

What is more likely, that the AG, Deputy AG, Former FBI director, Former USMC Officer Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, Direct of National Intel, all of the FBI agents are all banding together to railroad poor Donald...

Or that Donald Trump and his campaign did something wrong?

Of course, you'd have to be honest, take your blinders off, your head out of your rectum and open your eyes to see it. You're not prepared to do it.
what's more likely -

the fbi / obama spied on congress -
A Brief History of the CIA's Unpunished Spying on the Senate

the fbi / obama spied on reporters
Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?
Superstar reporter goes public with Obama’s creepy spying on her

aw hell - everyone:
Obama administration spying included press, allies, Americans

but he didn't spy on trump

or that he did also?

i'm putting in links to show my work, you just slap some keys and go "but i'm honest!"

uh huh. now go sell some used cars.


Senator Rubio said there was nothing improper.
Congressman Gowdy said there was nothing improper.
Even Fox commentators have said nothing was improper about it.

Your own back yard is contradicting you. Perhaps you should address them instead clutching your pearls. We all know Trump is an angel, farts unicorn dust, donates blood to crack whores (before he fucks them), yada yada yada.
so - you can't stand on your own and make your own points and back them up.

you don't refute the other occurrences. given that we've established he spies on people.

once you've established a pattern of behavior, don't act so shocked when you see it continue. this game is far from over and your PFFT WHATEVAS is a sign of you just going on emo-feelz and trying to sell you fiction as fact.
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?

Seriously, you think you can just legislate the shootings away. Lol. Unbelievable.

No. I think we can do common sense things to mitigate the shootings.
can you define these "common sense things" or do you just spit that out and expect people to go "oh, yea - common sense!"
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?

Seriously, you think you can just legislate the shootings away. Lol. Unbelievable.

No. I think we can do common sense things to mitigate the shootings.

We have gun laws in place. Too many. This wasn't occuring 30 years ago and we had less gun laws.

Sure it was.
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?
i do my research when i present my points so you know where i'm coming from. i'm not about to do your research for you and try to figure it out.

and you put the bitch pants on why should i or anyone treat you with the respect you seem to think you want?

Well…no you don’t. You didn’t know the name of the legislation for one thing. You do no research and are apparently never going to answer my questions so…I guess I have to tell you to buzz off until you’re ready to act like an adult in our discussion.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?

Seriously, you think you can just legislate the shootings away. Lol. Unbelievable.

No. I think we can do common sense things to mitigate the shootings.
can you define these "common sense things" or do you just spit that out and expect people to go "oh, yea - common sense!"

Limiting mag size. Does a “sportsman” really need a 30 round clip to hunt deer?
I never did figure out why leftists didn’t demonstrate over the gun shootings in the Obama years and demand Obama to do something.
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?
i do my research when i present my points so you know where i'm coming from. i'm not about to do your research for you and try to figure it out.

and you put the bitch pants on why should i or anyone treat you with the respect you seem to think you want?

Well…no you don’t. You didn’t know the name of the legislation for one thing. You do no research and are apparently never going to answer my questions so…I guess I have to tell you to buzz off until you’re ready to act like an adult in our discussion.

gunned down isn't about legislation now is it?

as for the rest - you're just being a bitch intentionally so later on.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?

Seriously, you think you can just legislate the shootings away. Lol. Unbelievable.

No. I think we can do common sense things to mitigate the shootings.
can you define these "common sense things" or do you just spit that out and expect people to go "oh, yea - common sense!"

Limiting mag size. Does a “sportsman” really need a 30 round clip to hunt deer?
you ever use an AR15? great - slap it down to 10. they have speed loaders to reload them faster than changing them anyway. gonna outlaw those next? or they can tape them together and swap them out easily enough also.

you're not addressing the core issue, only the one you can so easily see. so you lobbing out some token mag crap point only goes to show you are 210% clueless in what the problems are and double that in what to do about them. poppin out bullet points from an anti-gun demonstration powerpoint is all you got.
It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

What will make me "happy", Candy...is for you to be honest for a change! Admit that there never WAS "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! Admit that there WAS collusion between the Clinton campaign and foreign agents to manufacture a phony dossier against Trump! Admit that the Obama Justice Department used what they KNEW was a phony dossier as part of the "proof" they presented to a FISA court judge to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

Unicorn dust? That's what you on the left have been spraying in the air since this FARCE began!

Trump supporter demanding honesty. Too damn funny. Try demanding it from Trump. I have been honest. You have just been ignoring it.

What is more likely, that the AG, Deputy AG, Former FBI director, Former USMC Officer Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, Direct of National Intel, all of the FBI agents are all banding together to railroad poor Donald...

Or that Donald Trump and his campaign did something wrong?

Of course, you'd have to be honest, take your blinders off, your head out of your rectum and open your eyes to see it. You're not prepared to do it.
what's more likely -

the fbi / obama spied on congress -
A Brief History of the CIA's Unpunished Spying on the Senate

the fbi / obama spied on reporters
Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?
Superstar reporter goes public with Obama’s creepy spying on her

aw hell - everyone:
Obama administration spying included press, allies, Americans

but he didn't spy on trump

or that he did also?

i'm putting in links to show my work, you just slap some keys and go "but i'm honest!"

uh huh. now go sell some used cars.


Senator Rubio said there was nothing improper.
Congressman Gowdy said there was nothing improper.
Even Fox commentators have said nothing was improper about it.

Your own back yard is contradicting you. Perhaps you should address them instead clutching your pearls. We all know Trump is an angel, farts unicorn dust, donates blood to crack whores (before he fucks them), yada yada yada.
so - you can't stand on your own and make your own points and back them up.

you don't refute the other occurrences. given that we've established he spies on people.

once you've established a pattern of behavior, don't act so shocked when you see it continue. this game is far from over and your PFFT WHATEVAS is a sign of you just going on emo-feelz and trying to sell you fiction as fact.

No, I don’t refute them. Obama did spy on Americans; just like his predecessor did which, IN NO WAY, excuses his actions which is what I have always said.

This is what I wrote in May 2013:

Uh no....
Ben-gotcha is nonsense and I think the majority of the people see that. The IRS and the AP phone record scandals are just that; scandals. Whether or not "Bush did it too" this is garbage. Whereas Bush left a destroyed economy for the President to deal with and his approval ratings were what, 23%???, Bush didn't cause Obama's IRS to do what it did, nor did it cause his DOJ to do what it did.

Scandals injure presidential agendas. So no, this is not a good day to be a Democrat

Now…getting back to the subject at hand, Trump’s collusion with Russia.

at least 3 prominent figures in CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN POLITICS say that there was nothing improper with what the FBI did.
So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?
no, just want honesty. and to date there is nothing there. even clapper stated it again today. so what's with you? why do you think something is there? you want something to be there. you are a hack for that.

Why do people think there was involvement?
Because none of the campaign braintrust was forthcoming about their Russia involvement except for Roger Stone who has ties to Guccifer 2. Because our intel agencies confirm Russia tried to influence the election and the Trump Administration has done nothing about it. Because the President’s private lawyer now has ties to a Russian oligarch.

That’s just for starters.

Then there is the orchestrated smear campaign against Mueller. Why do YOU think that is? He was confirmed 100-0 and 98-0 as FBI director as recently as 2011. Now you guys have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at this man.

Now you’re going to minimize the lies/half turths/omissions told by Flynn, Sessions, Trump Jr. Manafort etc…, rationalize… “Well Clinton….” blah blah blah, and of course criticize the investigation as having nothing there.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
So say what they were influencing! Why are you against that?

Here is the report.

I would like to think that someone who seeks office wouldn’t enlist what Governor Romney called our most serious international rival, someone who has thousands of warheads pointed at us, and whose leader was a former head of the KGB.

I answered your questions..answer mine please.
Why all of the lies about meetings with the Russians?
Why the smear campaign against Mr. Mueller?
Why no action on the report of the intel agencies?

what a joke. I know it's all you got. there is nothing in that report that defines influencing an election. anyone can buy air time to campaign for a candidate or release information about an opponent. It isn't against the law. opposition research. if this was influencing, then giving questions to candidates ahead of debates, and rigging primaries would count but for you and the dems. I get it. you all love double standards, it's who you are. Neither the FBi nor the DOJ looked at the DNC server. just didn't, stated under oath they didn't. So how any intelligence agent can say it was hacked by russia is a flat out lie. I call it as I see it. Taking someone's word in an investigation ain't our country. Maybe in russia and again, it's the dems who had more contact with russia. but you'll never agree, so that's wasted time. we on the right know it's true based on many things including the Dossier. Now to your questions.

Why all of the lies about meetings with the Russians? what meetings? I have no idea nor do I care. having dinner at a table that had a russia person at it isn't a meeting. and the other meeting with Jr. didn't account to anything other than some witch hunt.

Why the smear campaign against Mr. Mueller? what smear campaign? what is it you think someone is doing? Mueller has free reign on anything. what's holding him up? Thirteen months and he's shown his value as zip. LOL

Why no action on the report of the intel agencies? I don't understand this question.

BTW, was any information used by wikileaks inaccurate? Look at what has been scrubbed out because trump won. holy fk.
Last edited:
View attachment 196134

Obama did try to do something. Massacre aficionados sponsored by the NRA blocked him.
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?
i do my research when i present my points so you know where i'm coming from. i'm not about to do your research for you and try to figure it out.

and you put the bitch pants on why should i or anyone treat you with the respect you seem to think you want?

Well…no you don’t. You didn’t know the name of the legislation for one thing. You do no research and are apparently never going to answer my questions so…I guess I have to tell you to buzz off until you’re ready to act like an adult in our discussion.

gunned down isn't about legislation now is it?

as for the rest - you're just being a bitch intentionally so later on.

From the transcript of the show:

Screen Shot 2018-06-01 at 9.01.14 AM.png

Later on fuck face.
It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?
no, just want honesty. and to date there is nothing there. even clapper stated it again today. so what's with you? why do you think something is there? you want something to be there. you are a hack for that.

Why do people think there was involvement?
Because none of the campaign braintrust was forthcoming about their Russia involvement except for Roger Stone who has ties to Guccifer 2. Because our intel agencies confirm Russia tried to influence the election and the Trump Administration has done nothing about it. Because the President’s private lawyer now has ties to a Russian oligarch.

That’s just for starters.

Then there is the orchestrated smear campaign against Mueller. Why do YOU think that is? He was confirmed 100-0 and 98-0 as FBI director as recently as 2011. Now you guys have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at this man.

Now you’re going to minimize the lies/half turths/omissions told by Flynn, Sessions, Trump Jr. Manafort etc…, rationalize… “Well Clinton….” blah blah blah, and of course criticize the investigation as having nothing there.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
So say what they were influencing! Why are you against that?

Here is the report.

I would like to think that someone who seeks office wouldn’t enlist what Governor Romney called our most serious international rival, someone who has thousands of warheads pointed at us, and whose leader was a former head of the KGB.

I answered your questions..answer mine please.
Why all of the lies about meetings with the Russians?
Why the smear campaign against Mr. Mueller?
Why no action on the report of the intel agencies?

what a joke. I know it's all you got. there is nothing in that report that defines influencing an election. anyone can buy air time to campaign for a candidate or release information about an opponent. It isn't against the law. opposition research. if this was influencing, then giving questions to candidates ahead of debates, and rigging primaries would be ok for you and the dems. I get it. you all love double standards, it's who you are. Neither the FBi nor the DOJ looked at the DNC server. just didn't, stated under oath they didn't. So how any intelligence agent can say it was hacked by russia is a flat out lie. I call it as I see it. Taking someone's word in an investigation ain't our country. Maybe in russia and again, it's the dems who have more contact with russia. but you'll never agree, so that's wasted time. we on the right know it's true based on many things including the Dossier. Now to your questions.

Why all of the lies about meetings with the Russians? what meetings? I have no idea nor do I care. having dinner at a table that had a russia person at it isn't a meeting. and the other meeting with Jr. didn't account to anything other than some witch hunt.

Why the smear campaign against Mr. Mueller? what smear campaign? what is it you think someone is doing? Mueller has free reign on anything. what's holding him up? Thirteen months and he's shown his value as zip. LOL

Why no action on the report of the intel agencies? I don't understand this question.

So the administration lies about all the ties to Russia during the campaign….and you don’t care.
Would you extend Obama the same courtesy of indifference toward dishonesty? I don’t think so.

What Smear Campaign? You’ve got to be kidding me.

Aides Say Mueller Is An Asshole And A Screwup
Breaking! Mueller Honored Convicted Human Sex Trafficker/BackPage.com Founder With FBI Award
Ruh Roh!!! Mueller tied directly to Russian oligarch Deripaska Can we say "conflict of interest"?

The intel agencies say Russia was trying to interfere. What has our President done to punish Russia?

Thanks for answering the questions. More than I can say for your fellow ass-hats. The answers though, I’m sure you know, are pretty lame.
Yeeaaahhh . . . no.

I disagree with the "he hurts no one" attitude. If we decline to comment on things that are wrong and ridiculous under the "Oh, it'll pass" argument, it only encourages him to continue, and others to emulate, and it DOES hurt our society overall for such behavior to be allowed to stand unchallenged.

People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.

Yep…kids and young adults are asking why the administration isn’t doing anything about the monthly massacres….

Even Sarah Sanders had a human moment yesterday when she had to confront one of them…you could actually see the embarrassment she has for being the mouthpiece for the pervert.

You see Fox starting to tell it’s drones the President is full of shit, you see Congressmen starting to say the pervert is full of shit, ABC wasn’t afraid to send Roseanne packing….
:auiqs.jpg:how about those adults whose job it is to protect kids protect the kids and leave the WH alone.

if all you want to do is blame a gun, then you lose everytime. the gun is not the issue. until you move off of that, then there will never be progress to any debate. the NRA was not present, nor encouraged nor any fking thing to the shootings. You know it and still blame them. that's on you. and personally you become the problem for additional shootings by ignoring facts.
People are free to criticize him if they like, I'm okay with that, I just don't take him or his movement seriously, he is a kid and will soon lose interest.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.

Yep…kids and young adults are asking why the administration isn’t doing anything about the monthly massacres….

Even Sarah Sanders had a human moment yesterday when she had to confront one of them…you could actually see the embarrassment she has for being the mouthpiece for the pervert.

You see Fox starting to tell it’s drones the President is full of shit, you see Congressmen starting to say the pervert is full of shit, ABC wasn’t afraid to send Roseanne packing….
:auiqs.jpg:how about those adults whose job it is to protect kids protect the kids and leave the WH alone.

if all you want to do is blame a gun, then you lose everytime. the gun is not the issue. until you move off of that, then there will never be progress to any debate. the NRA was not present, nor encouraged nor any fking thing to the shootings. You know it and still blame them. that's on you. and personally you become the problem for additional shootings by ignoring facts.
Facts, other nations have the games, books, magazines, ethnicities, medicines, poronography and a smidgen of our gun murder rate… The only thing we have that they don’t is the 2nd amendment which allows anyone to purchase an arsenal. Those are the facts. We all know them. It’s only gun nuts who continually come up with different trial balloons to explain what happened after another bloodbath.

We all know where the discussion will go so lets do each other a favor and just skip it…

It was great to see Sarah get schooled by an 11 year old boy. Classic.
no, just want honesty. and to date there is nothing there. even clapper stated it again today. so what's with you? why do you think something is there? you want something to be there. you are a hack for that.

Why do people think there was involvement?
Because none of the campaign braintrust was forthcoming about their Russia involvement except for Roger Stone who has ties to Guccifer 2. Because our intel agencies confirm Russia tried to influence the election and the Trump Administration has done nothing about it. Because the President’s private lawyer now has ties to a Russian oligarch.

That’s just for starters.

Then there is the orchestrated smear campaign against Mueller. Why do YOU think that is? He was confirmed 100-0 and 98-0 as FBI director as recently as 2011. Now you guys have thrown everything and the kitchen sink at this man.

Now you’re going to minimize the lies/half turths/omissions told by Flynn, Sessions, Trump Jr. Manafort etc…, rationalize… “Well Clinton….” blah blah blah, and of course criticize the investigation as having nothing there.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
So say what they were influencing! Why are you against that?

Here is the report.

I would like to think that someone who seeks office wouldn’t enlist what Governor Romney called our most serious international rival, someone who has thousands of warheads pointed at us, and whose leader was a former head of the KGB.

I answered your questions..answer mine please.
Why all of the lies about meetings with the Russians?
Why the smear campaign against Mr. Mueller?
Why no action on the report of the intel agencies?

what a joke. I know it's all you got. there is nothing in that report that defines influencing an election. anyone can buy air time to campaign for a candidate or release information about an opponent. It isn't against the law. opposition research. if this was influencing, then giving questions to candidates ahead of debates, and rigging primaries would be ok for you and the dems. I get it. you all love double standards, it's who you are. Neither the FBi nor the DOJ looked at the DNC server. just didn't, stated under oath they didn't. So how any intelligence agent can say it was hacked by russia is a flat out lie. I call it as I see it. Taking someone's word in an investigation ain't our country. Maybe in russia and again, it's the dems who have more contact with russia. but you'll never agree, so that's wasted time. we on the right know it's true based on many things including the Dossier. Now to your questions.

Why all of the lies about meetings with the Russians? what meetings? I have no idea nor do I care. having dinner at a table that had a russia person at it isn't a meeting. and the other meeting with Jr. didn't account to anything other than some witch hunt.

Why the smear campaign against Mr. Mueller? what smear campaign? what is it you think someone is doing? Mueller has free reign on anything. what's holding him up? Thirteen months and he's shown his value as zip. LOL

Why no action on the report of the intel agencies? I don't understand this question.

So the administration lies about all the ties to Russia during the campaign….and you don’t care.
Would you extend Obama the same courtesy of indifference toward dishonesty? I don’t think so.

What Smear Campaign? You’ve got to be kidding me.

Aides Say Mueller Is An Asshole And A Screwup
Breaking! Mueller Honored Convicted Human Sex Trafficker/BackPage.com Founder With FBI Award
Ruh Roh!!! Mueller tied directly to Russian oligarch Deripaska Can we say "conflict of interest"?

The intel agencies say Russia was trying to interfere. What has our President done to punish Russia?

Thanks for answering the questions. More than I can say for your fellow ass-hats. The answers though, I’m sure you know, are pretty lame.
So the administration lies about all the ties to Russia during the campaign….and you don’t care. Nope. I saw more evidence that hitlery and the DNC worked with Russia and you don't care. so, i don't either. BTW, why doesn't Mueller ask them? isn't that his job? I know Congress did and they had no issues with the answers. why don't you accept their findings? you want me to accept Mueller's right?

Would you extend Obama the same courtesy of indifference toward dishonesty? I don’t think so. Why not, if there is no evidence, there is no evidence. I am evidnce based in my life. you wish to accuse, you provide evidence. it's rather simple. so far you haven't provided anything.

What Smear Campaign? You’ve got to be kidding me.

Aides Say Mueller Is An Asshole And A Screwup so what, isn't he an adult? Are you telling me that words hurt him? It's ok to blast the President of the US, but not an investigator getting some attention? wow, you all are fking nuts.
Breaking! Mueller Honored Convicted Human Sex Trafficker/BackPage.com Founder With FBI Award I have no idea what you want on this.
Ruh Roh!!! Mueller tied directly to Russian oligarch Deripaska Can we say "conflict of interest"? Well I think true americans see this as a conflict of interest. So we're not allowed to read and judge? you just want us to lay there and accept it spying on an american in a campaign acceptable. You wouldn't I know. We have a critical development in hand right now that conflicts with our way of life. Saying otherwise will not be good for the country. Your call. Cause I won't listen to any crying if Trump puts in place the same procedures. I don't want it to come to that. I want the left to denounce the practice and go after those who were involved. the country doesn't stop because of Mueller. I think that is what you think. Can't do anything till mueller mueller russia russia. that has produced jack shit.

The intel agencies say Russia was trying to interfere. What has our President done to punish Russia? There are more sanctions, he killed 200 russians in Syria. so what anyway? I don't trust the Intelligence Agencies of our country in the leadership role. PERIOD! so until the IA tells us what they have as far as evidence it is a really useless statement at this time.

Thanks for answering the questions. More than I can say for your fellow ass-hats. The answers though, I’m sure you know, are pretty lame.

No problem. I can only answer with what I have. tell Mueller to release all findings and let's see what's what. you for that?

BTW, I'm always open for a good debate with no name calling and actual points of interest to discuss.
technically the health department should have shut the store down due to their hair and clothes being all over the floor contaminating the food. sick shit. and it affects no one. nope wrong. funny how his life lesson taught him absolutely nothing. And that he enjoys hurting the innocent. after crying how hurt his innocence was.

What interests me is that Publix is apparently seeing a backlash from their ACTUAL customers in regards to their knuckling under to the bullying. Regular people are apparently fed up with this shit, and with corporations going along to smooth things over. I think we're entering a phase where corporations HAVE to take a stand, if not politically, then at least one way or another on the subject of these protests. And if that's the case, that companies are facing a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" scenario, then I'm betting most of them decide to tell the likes of David Hogg to piss off.
the tide is turning and those tired of it are hitting back.

Yep…kids and young adults are asking why the administration isn’t doing anything about the monthly massacres….

Even Sarah Sanders had a human moment yesterday when she had to confront one of them…you could actually see the embarrassment she has for being the mouthpiece for the pervert.

You see Fox starting to tell it’s drones the President is full of shit, you see Congressmen starting to say the pervert is full of shit, ABC wasn’t afraid to send Roseanne packing….
:auiqs.jpg:how about those adults whose job it is to protect kids protect the kids and leave the WH alone.

if all you want to do is blame a gun, then you lose everytime. the gun is not the issue. until you move off of that, then there will never be progress to any debate. the NRA was not present, nor encouraged nor any fking thing to the shootings. You know it and still blame them. that's on you. and personally you become the problem for additional shootings by ignoring facts.
Facts, other nations have the games, books, magazines, ethnicities, medicines, poronography and a smidgen of our gun murder rate… The only thing we have that they don’t is the 2nd amendment which allows anyone to purchase an arsenal. Those are the facts. We all know them. It’s only gun nuts who continually come up with different trial balloons to explain what happened after another bloodbath.

We all know where the discussion will go so lets do each other a favor and just skip it…

It was great to see Sarah get schooled by an 11 year old boy. Classic.
Dude, thanks for the discussion. you have to have more than take the guns. that is a really irrelevant point. BTW, the 2nd Amendment is what makes us unique to the rest of the world. You don't like that we are the best country in the world? Tell me you don't want to be like every other nation?
what exactly did he try to do? what legislation did he try to pass? don't give me an EO or two - what did he do to try and stop this?

and don't tell me the NRA stopped him cause that didn't matter, people still supported obama and never blamed him.
now we have trump and suddenly it's all the presidents fault AND NRA.

how ... odd.

The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?
i do my research when i present my points so you know where i'm coming from. i'm not about to do your research for you and try to figure it out.

and you put the bitch pants on why should i or anyone treat you with the respect you seem to think you want?

Well…no you don’t. You didn’t know the name of the legislation for one thing. You do no research and are apparently never going to answer my questions so…I guess I have to tell you to buzz off until you’re ready to act like an adult in our discussion.

gunned down isn't about legislation now is it?

as for the rest - you're just being a bitch intentionally so later on.

From the transcript of the show:

View attachment 196165

Later on fuck face.
that entire dialogue was one way partisan. where is the bi-partisan discussion?
Since you're obviously not going to admit that the people who were REALLY attempting to corrupt our election were liberals, Candy...I guess we'll just have to wait until the REAL investigation into what they did begins! I think I'm going to enjoy watching you squirm as more and more details are revealed.
So explain to me how this works, Candy! You've got two candidates running for President. The Democratic candidate pays foreign agents to concoct a phony "dossier" on the GOP candidate and release that dossier to their pet media outlets right before the election to smear their opposition. The Republican candidate's son schedules a meeting with someone who claims to have dirt on the other party's candidate but the meeting turns out to be a complete waste of time and that's as far as it goes.

Now that's what happened in this last election. So take a stab at explaining why Trump is the bad guy in that scenario?

It’s hopeless.

How about this..

Me, the AG, assistant AG, Former FBI director, USMC Captain Robert Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc…all have it wrong. Trump never did anything wrong; ever. He farts unicorn dust. We’re all together in a gigantic conspiracy against poor Donald. I apologize on behalf of everyone involved.

Will that make you happy?

What will make me "happy", Candy...is for you to be honest for a change! Admit that there never WAS "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia! Admit that there WAS collusion between the Clinton campaign and foreign agents to manufacture a phony dossier against Trump! Admit that the Obama Justice Department used what they KNEW was a phony dossier as part of the "proof" they presented to a FISA court judge to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign!

Unicorn dust? That's what you on the left have been spraying in the air since this FARCE began!

Trump supporter demanding honesty. Too damn funny. Try demanding it from Trump. I have been honest. You have just been ignoring it.

What is more likely, that the AG, Deputy AG, Former FBI director, Former USMC Officer Mueller, the FBI, NSA, CIA, Direct of National Intel, all of the FBI agents are all banding together to railroad poor Donald...

Or that Donald Trump and his campaign did something wrong?

Of course, you'd have to be honest, take your blinders off, your head out of your rectum and open your eyes to see it. You're not prepared to do it.
what's more likely -

the fbi / obama spied on congress -
A Brief History of the CIA's Unpunished Spying on the Senate

the fbi / obama spied on reporters
Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?
Superstar reporter goes public with Obama’s creepy spying on her

aw hell - everyone:
Obama administration spying included press, allies, Americans

but he didn't spy on trump

or that he did also?

i'm putting in links to show my work, you just slap some keys and go "but i'm honest!"

uh huh. now go sell some used cars.


Senator Rubio said there was nothing improper.
Congressman Gowdy said there was nothing improper.
Even Fox commentators have said nothing was improper about it.

Your own back yard is contradicting you. Perhaps you should address them instead clutching your pearls. We all know Trump is an angel, farts unicorn dust, donates blood to crack whores (before he fucks them), yada yada yada.

Nobody is claiming that Trump is an "angel", Candy. His character was known long before the election. The people elected him because they thought he could do the job...not because they thought he was the second coming of Jesus (unlike so many of you on the left when Barry was nominated!)

None of that changes what Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, Andrew McCabe and John Brennan did leading up to the election. What I find amusing is that you're steadfast in your belief that none of these people did wrong when it's been demonstrated that they did wrong on multiple occasions!

Let's not forget that the Mueller investigation was formed with the express intent of "protecting" our election process! That was the excuse given. So if you're REALLY concerned with protecting our elections...why wouldn't you be calling for the people who did their best to corrupt one of them with sleazy and quite possibly criminal actions to be investigated as well?
The Manchin rooney bill for one thing.

I’ll rely on you to do the research on your own.
You can start by viewing this Emmy award winning Frontline episode about the NRA and the Sandy Hook massacre.

Gunned Down | FRONTLINE

Of course we both know you won’t go anywhere near the show….God forbid you get informed.

Now, how about you answer my questions …What legislation has Trump proposed to stop school shootings? What legislation has the Republicans passed in their full control of the Senate to remedy the problem?
i do my research when i present my points so you know where i'm coming from. i'm not about to do your research for you and try to figure it out.

and you put the bitch pants on why should i or anyone treat you with the respect you seem to think you want?

Well…no you don’t. You didn’t know the name of the legislation for one thing. You do no research and are apparently never going to answer my questions so…I guess I have to tell you to buzz off until you’re ready to act like an adult in our discussion.

gunned down isn't about legislation now is it?

as for the rest - you're just being a bitch intentionally so later on.

From the transcript of the show:

View attachment 196165

Later on fuck face.
that entire dialogue was one way partisan. where is the bi-partisan discussion?

That wasn’t the whole discussion.

Gunned Down: The Power of the NRA - Transcript

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