Hogg's 5 wishes to end gun violence are just as pointless as all the other new anti gun laws

Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

Wrong....we do not dismiss them out of hand we have given in depth reasons why they won't even reduce crime or mass shootings...you just refuse to acknowledge the truth that they are useless and only target law abiding gun owners.

After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school.

Well, dumb shit....there actually are kids who survived the same shooting who actually support the 2nd Amendment and understand that nothing their buddy Hogg is advocating will do anything, Kyle Kashuv is the most well known to everyone but the anti gun, democrat media......

School Shooting Survivor: 'Someone Has to Represent the Second Amendment'

In February, Kashuv survived the heartbreaking shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

As his fellow students organized protests and a national walkout demanding gun restrictions, Kashuv publicly opposed that direction, arguing restrictions are the last thing that will protect students from shooters bent on killing them.

"I'm only doing this because I feel like I have to - I feel like someone has to represent the Second Amendment," he said.

His brave stance led to meetings with President Trump, the First Lady and top lawmakers in Washington, but for Kyle it's a lonely existence.

And here you go....dumb shit....another survivor of a mass school shooting, Columbine in fact, who wants to get rid of stupid, democrat gun free zones....

Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, who was a Columbine High School sophomore at the time of the 1999 mass shooting, is pushing legislation that he says would protect students — by getting rid of gun restrictions in schools.

He has introduced the bill annually since he was elected in 2014, The Washington Times reported. Previous attempts have been turned down.

Neville, a Republican, told The Times the current law “creates a so-called gun free zone in every K-12 public school.”

Neville has contended, according to The Times, that more of his classmates would have survived the attack if faculty had been armed. In April 1999, two teens killed 12 fellow students and a teacher before killing themselves inside Columbine High School, in Littleton, Colorado
David Hogg has come out with 5 points on how to not end gun violence. I type Not End Gun Violence because that is exactly what you get with his 5 points..... oh, you do get to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril for owning a magazine with more than 10 bullets.....and considering the guy who shot up his school used 10 round magazines.....points out that Hogg needs to do some research...

Why David Hogg's Plan To End Gun Violence Betrays His Ignorance

1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

This is why we don't leave policy in the hands of obnoxious teenagers....

The bill Trump signed in March does finally allow the CDC to study gun violence, but it didn't supply a penny for that to happen. You got any hints on how to do a credible gun violence study without any money to do it?

Why are you anti gunners so freaking stupid.....the CDC was never banned from doing gun research.......that is a lie you guys keep repeating because it is the last thing you heard an anti gun extremist screech on t.v. It isn't true, I have listed studies on guns from the CDC in other threads......do you feel intelligent when you talk out of your ass like this?

No, The Government Is Not 'Banned' From Studying Gun Violence

Absolutely nothing in the amendment prohibits the CDC from studying “gun violence,” even if this narrowly focused topic tells us little. In response to this inconvenient fact, gun controllers will explain that while there isn’t an outright ban, the Dickey amendment has a “chilling” effect on the study of gun violence.

Does it? Pointing out that “research plummeted after the 1996 ban” could just as easily tell us that most research funded by the CDC had been politically motivated. Because the idea that the CDC, whose spectacular mission creep has taken it from its primary goal of preventing malaria and other dangerous communicable diseases, to spending hundreds of millions of dollars nagging you about how much salt you put on your steaks or how often you do calisthenics, is nervous about the repercussions of engaging in non-partisan research is hard to believe.

Also unlikely is the notion that a $2.6 million cut in funding so horrified the agency that it was rendered powerless to pay for or conduct studies on gun violence. The CDC funding tripled from 1996 to 2010. The CDC’s budget is over six billion dollars today.

And the idea that the CDC was paralyzed through two-years of full Democratic Party control, and then six years under a president who was more antagonistic towards the Second Amendment than any other in history, is difficult to believe, because it’s provably false.

In 2013, President Barack Obama not only signed an Executive Order directing the CDC to research “gun violence,” the administration also provided an additional $10 million to do it. Here is the study on gun violence that was supposedly banned and yet funded by the CDC. You might not have heard about the resulting research, because it contains numerous inconvenient facts about gun ownership that fails to propel the predetermined narrative. Trump’s HHS Secretary Alex Azar is also open to the idea of funding more gun violence research.

It’s not banned. It’s not chilled.

Meanwhile, numerous states and private entities fund peer-reviewed studies and other research on gun violence. I know this because gun control advocates are constantly sending me studies that distort and conflate issues to help them make their arguments. My inbox is bombarded with studies and conferences and “webinars” dissecting gun violence.

The real problem here is two-fold. One, researchers want the CDC involved so they can access government data about American gun owners. Considering the rhetoric coming from Democrats — gun ownership being tantamount to terrorism, and so on — there’s absolutely no reason Republicans should acquiesce to helping gun controllers circumvent the privacy of Americans citizens peacefully practicing their Constitutional rights.

Second, gun control advocates want to lift the ban on politically skewed research because they’re interested in producing politically skewed research. When the American Medical Association declares gun violence a “public health crisis,” it’s not interested in a balance look at the issue. When researchers advocate lifting the restrictions on advocacy at the CDC, they don’t even pretend they not to hold pre-conceived notions about the outcomes.


There’s no reason to allow activists — then or now — to use the veneer of state-sanctioned science for their partisan purposes. For example, we now know that Rosenberg and others at the CDC turned out to be wrong about the correlation between guns and crime — a steep drop in gun crimes coincided with the explosions of gun ownership from 1996 to 2014.

1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

Smart kid
Works for me

The CDC was never denied funding to do research on guns.

The CDC was never given money to do research on guns.

Moron....tell us again how they don't have money to research guns? And do you realize that obama had them spend 10 million dollars in 2013 to study guns?.....and that was just one study on top of all the other research they do on guns...

The CDC’s budget is over six billion dollars today.
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

Wrong....we do not dismiss them out of hand we have given in depth reasons why they won't even reduce crime or mass shootings...you just refuse to acknowledge the truth that they are useless and only target law abiding gun owners.

After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school.

Well, dumb shit....there actually are kids who survived the same shooting who actually support the 2nd Amendment and understand that nothing their buddy Hogg is advocating will do anything, Kyle Kashuv is the most well known to everyone but the anti gun, democrat media......

School Shooting Survivor: 'Someone Has to Represent the Second Amendment'

In February, Kashuv survived the heartbreaking shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

As his fellow students organized protests and a national walkout demanding gun restrictions, Kashuv publicly opposed that direction, arguing restrictions are the last thing that will protect students from shooters bent on killing them.

"I'm only doing this because I feel like I have to - I feel like someone has to represent the Second Amendment," he said.

His brave stance led to meetings with President Trump, the First Lady and top lawmakers in Washington, but for Kyle it's a lonely existence.

And here you go....dumb shit....another survivor of a mass school shooting, Columbine in fact, who wants to get rid of stupid, democrat gun free zones....

Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, who was a Columbine High School sophomore at the time of the 1999 mass shooting, is pushing legislation that he says would protect students — by getting rid of gun restrictions in schools.

He has introduced the bill annually since he was elected in 2014, The Washington Times reported. Previous attempts have been turned down.

Neville, a Republican, told The Times the current law “creates a so-called gun free zone in every K-12 public school.”

Neville has contended, according to The Times, that more of his classmates would have survived the attack if faculty had been armed. In April 1999, two teens killed 12 fellow students and a teacher before killing themselves inside Columbine High School, in Littleton, Colorado
I especially like being called dumb shit. It elevates you and your argument to such exalted levels.
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

Wrong....we do not dismiss them out of hand we have given in depth reasons why they won't even reduce crime or mass shootings...you just refuse to acknowledge the truth that they are useless and only target law abiding gun owners.

After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school.

Well, dumb shit....there actually are kids who survived the same shooting who actually support the 2nd Amendment and understand that nothing their buddy Hogg is advocating will do anything, Kyle Kashuv is the most well known to everyone but the anti gun, democrat media......

School Shooting Survivor: 'Someone Has to Represent the Second Amendment'

In February, Kashuv survived the heartbreaking shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

As his fellow students organized protests and a national walkout demanding gun restrictions, Kashuv publicly opposed that direction, arguing restrictions are the last thing that will protect students from shooters bent on killing them.

"I'm only doing this because I feel like I have to - I feel like someone has to represent the Second Amendment," he said.

His brave stance led to meetings with President Trump, the First Lady and top lawmakers in Washington, but for Kyle it's a lonely existence.

And here you go....dumb shit....another survivor of a mass school shooting, Columbine in fact, who wants to get rid of stupid, democrat gun free zones....

Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, who was a Columbine High School sophomore at the time of the 1999 mass shooting, is pushing legislation that he says would protect students — by getting rid of gun restrictions in schools.

He has introduced the bill annually since he was elected in 2014, The Washington Times reported. Previous attempts have been turned down.

Neville, a Republican, told The Times the current law “creates a so-called gun free zone in every K-12 public school.”

Neville has contended, according to The Times, that more of his classmates would have survived the attack if faculty had been armed. In April 1999, two teens killed 12 fellow students and a teacher before killing themselves inside Columbine High School, in Littleton, Colorado
I especially like being called dumb shit. It elevates you and your argument to such exalted levels.

Start acting like an adult and you will be treated like one. You attacked gun owners using false and easily verifiable information.........grow up and do some basic research.
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

Wrong....we do not dismiss them out of hand we have given in depth reasons why they won't even reduce crime or mass shootings...you just refuse to acknowledge the truth that they are useless and only target law abiding gun owners.

After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school.

Well, dumb shit....there actually are kids who survived the same shooting who actually support the 2nd Amendment and understand that nothing their buddy Hogg is advocating will do anything, Kyle Kashuv is the most well known to everyone but the anti gun, democrat media......

School Shooting Survivor: 'Someone Has to Represent the Second Amendment'

In February, Kashuv survived the heartbreaking shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

As his fellow students organized protests and a national walkout demanding gun restrictions, Kashuv publicly opposed that direction, arguing restrictions are the last thing that will protect students from shooters bent on killing them.

"I'm only doing this because I feel like I have to - I feel like someone has to represent the Second Amendment," he said.

His brave stance led to meetings with President Trump, the First Lady and top lawmakers in Washington, but for Kyle it's a lonely existence.

And here you go....dumb shit....another survivor of a mass school shooting, Columbine in fact, who wants to get rid of stupid, democrat gun free zones....

Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, who was a Columbine High School sophomore at the time of the 1999 mass shooting, is pushing legislation that he says would protect students — by getting rid of gun restrictions in schools.

He has introduced the bill annually since he was elected in 2014, The Washington Times reported. Previous attempts have been turned down.

Neville, a Republican, told The Times the current law “creates a so-called gun free zone in every K-12 public school.”

Neville has contended, according to The Times, that more of his classmates would have survived the attack if faculty had been armed. In April 1999, two teens killed 12 fellow students and a teacher before killing themselves inside Columbine High School, in Littleton, Colorado
I especially like being called dumb shit. It elevates you and your argument to such exalted levels.

Start acting like an adult and you will be treated like one. You attacked gun owners using false and easily verifiable information.........grow up and do some basic research.
Your message isn't getting through. Don't blame the media. Blame the message. And never call me childish names again. Ever.
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

Wrong....we do not dismiss them out of hand we have given in depth reasons why they won't even reduce crime or mass shootings...you just refuse to acknowledge the truth that they are useless and only target law abiding gun owners.

After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school.

Well, dumb shit....there actually are kids who survived the same shooting who actually support the 2nd Amendment and understand that nothing their buddy Hogg is advocating will do anything, Kyle Kashuv is the most well known to everyone but the anti gun, democrat media......

School Shooting Survivor: 'Someone Has to Represent the Second Amendment'

In February, Kashuv survived the heartbreaking shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

As his fellow students organized protests and a national walkout demanding gun restrictions, Kashuv publicly opposed that direction, arguing restrictions are the last thing that will protect students from shooters bent on killing them.

"I'm only doing this because I feel like I have to - I feel like someone has to represent the Second Amendment," he said.

His brave stance led to meetings with President Trump, the First Lady and top lawmakers in Washington, but for Kyle it's a lonely existence.

And here you go....dumb shit....another survivor of a mass school shooting, Columbine in fact, who wants to get rid of stupid, democrat gun free zones....

Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, who was a Columbine High School sophomore at the time of the 1999 mass shooting, is pushing legislation that he says would protect students — by getting rid of gun restrictions in schools.

He has introduced the bill annually since he was elected in 2014, The Washington Times reported. Previous attempts have been turned down.

Neville, a Republican, told The Times the current law “creates a so-called gun free zone in every K-12 public school.”

Neville has contended, according to The Times, that more of his classmates would have survived the attack if faculty had been armed. In April 1999, two teens killed 12 fellow students and a teacher before killing themselves inside Columbine High School, in Littleton, Colorado
I especially like being called dumb shit. It elevates you and your argument to such exalted levels.

Start acting like an adult and you will be treated like one. You attacked gun owners using false and easily verifiable information.........grow up and do some basic research.
Your message isn't getting through. Don't blame the media. Blame the message. And never call me childish names again. Ever.

You mean like shit head....or dumb ass? You don't want me to call you those names again? What about sticks and stones? You really are a dumb ass...
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

Wrong....we do not dismiss them out of hand we have given in depth reasons why they won't even reduce crime or mass shootings...you just refuse to acknowledge the truth that they are useless and only target law abiding gun owners.

After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school.

Well, dumb shit....there actually are kids who survived the same shooting who actually support the 2nd Amendment and understand that nothing their buddy Hogg is advocating will do anything, Kyle Kashuv is the most well known to everyone but the anti gun, democrat media......

School Shooting Survivor: 'Someone Has to Represent the Second Amendment'

In February, Kashuv survived the heartbreaking shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

As his fellow students organized protests and a national walkout demanding gun restrictions, Kashuv publicly opposed that direction, arguing restrictions are the last thing that will protect students from shooters bent on killing them.

"I'm only doing this because I feel like I have to - I feel like someone has to represent the Second Amendment," he said.

His brave stance led to meetings with President Trump, the First Lady and top lawmakers in Washington, but for Kyle it's a lonely existence.

And here you go....dumb shit....another survivor of a mass school shooting, Columbine in fact, who wants to get rid of stupid, democrat gun free zones....

Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, who was a Columbine High School sophomore at the time of the 1999 mass shooting, is pushing legislation that he says would protect students — by getting rid of gun restrictions in schools.

He has introduced the bill annually since he was elected in 2014, The Washington Times reported. Previous attempts have been turned down.

Neville, a Republican, told The Times the current law “creates a so-called gun free zone in every K-12 public school.”

Neville has contended, according to The Times, that more of his classmates would have survived the attack if faculty had been armed. In April 1999, two teens killed 12 fellow students and a teacher before killing themselves inside Columbine High School, in Littleton, Colorado
I especially like being called dumb shit. It elevates you and your argument to such exalted levels.

Start acting like an adult and you will be treated like one. You attacked gun owners using false and easily verifiable information.........grow up and do some basic research.
Your message isn't getting through. Don't blame the media. Blame the message. And never call me childish names again. Ever.

You mean like shit head....or dumb ass? You don't want me to call you those names again? What about sticks and stones? You really are a dumb ass...
Child. You need your mouth washed out with soap. You need a lesson, among many, your parents failed to teach.
Wrong....we do not dismiss them out of hand we have given in depth reasons why they won't even reduce crime or mass shootings...you just refuse to acknowledge the truth that they are useless and only target law abiding gun owners.

After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school.

Well, dumb shit....there actually are kids who survived the same shooting who actually support the 2nd Amendment and understand that nothing their buddy Hogg is advocating will do anything, Kyle Kashuv is the most well known to everyone but the anti gun, democrat media......

School Shooting Survivor: 'Someone Has to Represent the Second Amendment'

In February, Kashuv survived the heartbreaking shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

As his fellow students organized protests and a national walkout demanding gun restrictions, Kashuv publicly opposed that direction, arguing restrictions are the last thing that will protect students from shooters bent on killing them.

"I'm only doing this because I feel like I have to - I feel like someone has to represent the Second Amendment," he said.

His brave stance led to meetings with President Trump, the First Lady and top lawmakers in Washington, but for Kyle it's a lonely existence.

And here you go....dumb shit....another survivor of a mass school shooting, Columbine in fact, who wants to get rid of stupid, democrat gun free zones....

Colorado state rep, Columbine survivor, pushes to end gun-free zones in schools

Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, who was a Columbine High School sophomore at the time of the 1999 mass shooting, is pushing legislation that he says would protect students — by getting rid of gun restrictions in schools.

He has introduced the bill annually since he was elected in 2014, The Washington Times reported. Previous attempts have been turned down.

Neville, a Republican, told The Times the current law “creates a so-called gun free zone in every K-12 public school.”

Neville has contended, according to The Times, that more of his classmates would have survived the attack if faculty had been armed. In April 1999, two teens killed 12 fellow students and a teacher before killing themselves inside Columbine High School, in Littleton, Colorado
I especially like being called dumb shit. It elevates you and your argument to such exalted levels.

Start acting like an adult and you will be treated like one. You attacked gun owners using false and easily verifiable information.........grow up and do some basic research.
Your message isn't getting through. Don't blame the media. Blame the message. And never call me childish names again. Ever.

You mean like shit head....or dumb ass? You don't want me to call you those names again? What about sticks and stones? You really are a dumb ass...
Child. You need your mouth washed out with soap. You need a lesson, among many, your parents failed to teach.

Really? You lie, you attack innocent people, and then you get all offended when you are called out......you are a piece of work.
1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

Smart kid
Works for me

No surprise there....most 17 year olds are morons.
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. The articulate, motivated kids with leadership qualities. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

I agree with most of what you say, but you're statement is a little too broad. Most of us gun owners like guns, and some even love them, but gun owners aren't all gun nuts. Those that have been brainwashed by the NRA are only a fraction of the reasonable gun owners who want reasonable gun control. Gun nuts would like you to think they represent all gun owners. They do not.
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. The articulate, motivated kids with leadership qualities. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

I agree with most of what you say, but you're statement is a little too broad. Most of us gun owners like guns, and some even love them, but gun owners aren't all gun nuts. Those that have been brainwashed by the NRA are only a fraction of the reasonable gun owners who want reasonable gun control. Gun nuts would like you to think they represent all gun owners. They do not.
First, I never used the term 'gun nuts'. I am addressing those in the gun culture who dismiss any measure suggested as ineffective. I address those in the gun culture who fail to recognize the havoc wrought by gun violence. I address those in the gun culture who, while they have had pleasurable experiences with guns, others have had tragic experiences with guns and the gun culture folks seem to be indifferent to those tragedies.

Second, I agree that the talking points proffered by the NRA are not just baked in to the thinking of some people, they're kiln dried. Any reasonable, common s nose measure is dismissed out of hand. Because they are willing to make the perfect the enemy of the good.
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. The articulate, motivated kids with leadership qualities. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

I agree with most of what you say, but you're statement is a little too broad. Most of us gun owners like guns, and some even love them, but gun owners aren't all gun nuts. Those that have been brainwashed by the NRA are only a fraction of the reasonable gun owners who want reasonable gun control. Gun nuts would like you to think they represent all gun owners. They do not.
First, I never used the term 'gun nuts'. I am addressing those in the gun culture who dismiss any measure suggested as ineffective. I address those in the gun culture who fail to recognize the havoc wrought by gun violence. I address those in the gun culture who, while they have had pleasurable experiences with guns, others have had tragic experiences with guns and the gun culture folks seem to be indifferent to those tragedies.

Second, I agree that the talking points proffered by the NRA are not just baked in to the thinking of some people, they're kiln dried. Any reasonable, common s nose measure is dismissed out of hand. Because they are willing to make the perfect the enemy of the good.

We are discussing the same group. You prefer not to call them gun nuts. I don't have a problem doing that.
. .... SNIP.... FACT is, if 2aguy or any of the rest of you actually had to face up to what these CHILDREN did and do every day, you would shrivel and hide. And you know i

Children? When I was 17, I'd kick your ass for calling me a child. Hogg is no child, nor was he any where near the shooting. He's a fraud as most of the Regressive agenda.
Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. The articulate, motivated kids with leadership qualities. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

I agree with most of what you say, but you're statement is a little too broad. Most of us gun owners like guns, and some even love them, but gun owners aren't all gun nuts. Those that have been brainwashed by the NRA are only a fraction of the reasonable gun owners who want reasonable gun control. Gun nuts would like you to think they represent all gun owners. They do not.
First, I never used the term 'gun nuts'. I am addressing those in the gun culture who dismiss any measure suggested as ineffective. I address those in the gun culture who fail to recognize the havoc wrought by gun violence. I address those in the gun culture who, while they have had pleasurable experiences with guns, others have had tragic experiences with guns and the gun culture folks seem to be indifferent to those tragedies.

Second, I agree that the talking points proffered by the NRA are not just baked in to the thinking of some people, they're kiln dried. Any reasonable, common s nose measure is dismissed out of hand. Because they are willing to make the perfect the enemy of the good.

The premise that gun advocates dismiss any suggestions as ineffective is utter nonsense.

Each and every proposal has been discussed at length. They are dismissed not because they are anti gun, they are in fact dismissed when proven ineffective.

You lost the argument, don’t bitch and complain, come up with better solutions.
-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

The CDC has been banned from studying gun violence since Kellerman proved guns are more likely to kill their owners than bad guys.

That's because we aren't doing background checks... we are typing names into a computer A REAL background check would be someone goes outs and talks to your coworkers, neighbors and the local police.

Confiscation? Music to my ears.

The weapon used was a civilan version of the M16, a weapon of war.

But I have a much better one.

If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, the families of the victims can sue you.

Put a few gun manufacturers and sellers out of business, I promise you the gun industry will suddenly see the light and be a lot more responsible to who they sell to.

Here's my other one. Use the power of the purse. Gun manufacturers who irresponsibly sell to the public will not be eligible for government contracts. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, that would mean a real hit.

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