Hogg's 5 wishes to end gun violence are just as pointless as all the other new anti gun laws

Isn't it odd that gun lovers get away with this crap? They look at gun control proposals and dismiss them out of hand. They say none of these measures will eliminate gun violence. And they're right. No law eliminates the crime it is written to punish. And no single measure, or set of measures, will eliminate gun violence. Seat belts and air bags and speed limits did not eliminate car deaths. But they do help. Are fun lovers saying nothing should be done because whatever it is isn't perfect?

And these alleged adults arguing for more guns and guns for everyone turn their blunt, stunted wit against a high school kid whose school was shot up. Here's a clue, gun lovers. After the next school shooting happens, find some surviving kids and have them extol the many virtues of the assault weapon and high capacity ammo magazine the lunatic used at their school. Find the kids who slipped in puddles of blood and stepped over the bodies of their classmates and teachers. Find the kids who have been trained to shelter in place and then run out of their school with their hands raised.

Find the kids who attended a different funeral for one of their friends every day of the week. The articulate, motivated kids with leadership qualities. Have them organize rallies and face TV cameras and banks of microphones and tell America of the wonderful things guns have done for them. Have those kids appear on camera and sing the praises of the AR-15 and the AK-47. Have those kids say what you've been saying: no gun legislation will do a damn thang no to stop gun violence so
let's throw up our hands, face the music and give up. Your own high schoolers shilling for the NRA and the gun manufacturers. It should be easy.

But until then, gun lovers, do yourselves and everyone else a favor and act as grownup son for once. You might find you have more respect coming your way when you show more respect.

I agree with most of what you say, but you're statement is a little too broad. Most of us gun owners like guns, and some even love them, but gun owners aren't all gun nuts. Those that have been brainwashed by the NRA are only a fraction of the reasonable gun owners who want reasonable gun control. Gun nuts would like you to think they represent all gun owners. They do not.

If you own guns, I have two nut sacks with 3 balls each!!:113:
-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

The CDC has been banned from studying gun violence since Kellerman proved guns are more likely to kill their owners than bad guys.

That's because we aren't doing background checks... we are typing names into a computer A REAL background check would be someone goes outs and talks to your coworkers, neighbors and the local police.

Confiscation? Music to my ears.

The weapon used was a civilan version of the M16, a weapon of war.

But I have a much better one.

If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, the families of the victims can sue you.

Put a few gun manufacturers and sellers out of business, I promise you the gun industry will suddenly see the light and be a lot more responsible to who they sell to.

Here's my other one. Use the power of the purse. Gun manufacturers who irresponsibly sell to the public will not be eligible for government contracts. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, that would mean a real hit.

Yeah s0n well you can forget about confiscation. You'll be in your box a long time before that is he even in the realm of possibility. Not happening. In New York State they banned "assault" weapons.... you know, those scary looking ones. How many owners complied? Exactly 3%!!:cul2::cul2::cul2::cul2:
David Hogg has come out with 5 points on how to not end gun violence. I type Not End Gun Violence because that is exactly what you get with his 5 points..... oh, you do get to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril for owning a magazine with more than 10 bullets.....and considering the guy who shot up his school used 10 round magazines.....points out that Hogg needs to do some research...

Why David Hogg's Plan To End Gun Violence Betrays His Ignorance

1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

This is why we don't leave policy in the hands of obnoxious teenagers....

The shit stain is pointless. Nobody cares kid
1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

Smart kid
Works for me

The CDC was never denied funding to do research on guns.

The CDC was never given money to do research on guns.

The CDC was never prohibited from doing research on guns.
And Obama signed an executive order that prompted the CDC to publish this


Obama Presents Gun Control Agenda; Includes 23 Executive Orders (VIDEO)

so if the CDC got no funding how did they publish that report?
1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

Smart kid
Works for me
Treason works for all regressive stains.
1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

Smart kid
Works for me

The CDC was never denied funding to do research on guns.
Bull shit they didn’t
On Trumps orders


And Congress not the president holds the purse strings
The CDC has never been prohibited from doing any gun research
-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

The CDC has been banned from studying gun violence since Kellerman proved guns are more likely to kill their owners than bad guys.

That's because we aren't doing background checks... we are typing names into a computer A REAL background check would be someone goes outs and talks to your coworkers, neighbors and the local police.

Confiscation? Music to my ears.

The weapon used was a civilan version of the M16, a weapon of war.

But I have a much better one.

If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, the families of the victims can sue you.

Put a few gun manufacturers and sellers out of business, I promise you the gun industry will suddenly see the light and be a lot more responsible to who they sell to.

Here's my other one. Use the power of the purse. Gun manufacturers who irresponsibly sell to the public will not be eligible for government contracts. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, that would mean a real hit.
The CDC was never banned from studying gun violence the only restriction was they not use money for any study to advocate for or against gun control as that is not their role
-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

The CDC has been banned from studying gun violence since Kellerman proved guns are more likely to kill their owners than bad guys.

That's because we aren't doing background checks... we are typing names into a computer A REAL background check would be someone goes outs and talks to your coworkers, neighbors and the local police.

Confiscation? Music to my ears.

The weapon used was a civilan version of the M16, a weapon of war.

But I have a much better one.

If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, the families of the victims can sue you.

Put a few gun manufacturers and sellers out of business, I promise you the gun industry will suddenly see the light and be a lot more responsible to who they sell to.

Here's my other one. Use the power of the purse. Gun manufacturers who irresponsibly sell to the public will not be eligible for government contracts. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, that would mean a real hit.
The CDC was never banned from studying gun violence the only restriction was they not use money for any study to advocate for or against gun control as that is not their role
It was a ban
-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

The CDC has been banned from studying gun violence since Kellerman proved guns are more likely to kill their owners than bad guys.

That's because we aren't doing background checks... we are typing names into a computer A REAL background check would be someone goes outs and talks to your coworkers, neighbors and the local police.

Confiscation? Music to my ears.

The weapon used was a civilan version of the M16, a weapon of war.

But I have a much better one.

If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, the families of the victims can sue you.

Put a few gun manufacturers and sellers out of business, I promise you the gun industry will suddenly see the light and be a lot more responsible to who they sell to.

Here's my other one. Use the power of the purse. Gun manufacturers who irresponsibly sell to the public will not be eligible for government contracts. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, that would mean a real hit.
The CDC was never banned from studying gun violence the only restriction was they not use money for any study to advocate for or against gun control as that is not their role
It was a ban
No it wasn't

CDC isn’t banned from studying gun violence; it’s just too scared to do its job | News | Dallas News
-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

The CDC has been banned from studying gun violence since Kellerman proved guns are more likely to kill their owners than bad guys.

That's because we aren't doing background checks... we are typing names into a computer A REAL background check would be someone goes outs and talks to your coworkers, neighbors and the local police.

Confiscation? Music to my ears.

The weapon used was a civilan version of the M16, a weapon of war.

But I have a much better one.

If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, the families of the victims can sue you.

Put a few gun manufacturers and sellers out of business, I promise you the gun industry will suddenly see the light and be a lot more responsible to who they sell to.

Here's my other one. Use the power of the purse. Gun manufacturers who irresponsibly sell to the public will not be eligible for government contracts. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, that would mean a real hit.

But since we know that most mass shootings are the result of the use of SSRI antidepressant use, it would be far more effective to allow the drug manufacturers to be sued and put those pushers out of business. Plus make a Physician that prescribes these drugs, take out a 2 million dollar insurance policy per patient that they prescribe these pills to. Then maybe those quacks can be driven out of business.

The difference between our two proposals? Mine stops these shootings, yours does not.

-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

The CDC has been banned from studying gun violence since Kellerman proved guns are more likely to kill their owners than bad guys.

That's because we aren't doing background checks... we are typing names into a computer A REAL background check would be someone goes outs and talks to your coworkers, neighbors and the local police.

Confiscation? Music to my ears.

The weapon used was a civilan version of the M16, a weapon of war.

But I have a much better one.

If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, the families of the victims can sue you.

Put a few gun manufacturers and sellers out of business, I promise you the gun industry will suddenly see the light and be a lot more responsible to who they sell to.

Here's my other one. Use the power of the purse. Gun manufacturers who irresponsibly sell to the public will not be eligible for government contracts. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, that would mean a real hit.
The CDC was never banned from studying gun violence the only restriction was they not use money for any study to advocate for or against gun control as that is not their role
It was a ban
No it wasn't

CDC isn’t banned from studying gun violence; it’s just too scared to do its job | News | Dallas News
Still a ban

They know who the boss is and what he expects
-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

The CDC has been banned from studying gun violence since Kellerman proved guns are more likely to kill their owners than bad guys.

That's because we aren't doing background checks... we are typing names into a computer A REAL background check would be someone goes outs and talks to your coworkers, neighbors and the local police.

Confiscation? Music to my ears.

The weapon used was a civilan version of the M16, a weapon of war.

But I have a much better one.

If you sell a gun to a mass shooter, the families of the victims can sue you.

Put a few gun manufacturers and sellers out of business, I promise you the gun industry will suddenly see the light and be a lot more responsible to who they sell to.

Here's my other one. Use the power of the purse. Gun manufacturers who irresponsibly sell to the public will not be eligible for government contracts. Since 40% of gun sales are to government agencies, that would mean a real hit.
The CDC was never banned from studying gun violence the only restriction was they not use money for any study to advocate for or against gun control as that is not their role
It was a ban
No it wasn't

CDC isn’t banned from studying gun violence; it’s just too scared to do its job | News | Dallas News
Still a ban

They know who the boss is and what he expects

No it was not a ban

here's a definition for you

Definition of BAN

The CDC was never once prohibited from conducting any gun research.

The only thing they couldn't do was to spend money appropriated for a study to promote gun ownership or gun control as that is not their role
David Hogg has come out with 5 points on how to not end gun violence. I type Not End Gun Violence because that is exactly what you get with his 5 points..... oh, you do get to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril for owning a magazine with more than 10 bullets.....and considering the guy who shot up his school used 10 round magazines.....points out that Hogg needs to do some research...

Why David Hogg's Plan To End Gun Violence Betrays His Ignorance

1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

This is why we don't leave policy in the hands of obnoxious teenagers....

The shit stain is pointless. Nobody cares kid

You're wrong.

Most people care very deeply about the welfare and safety of school children.

In fact, the only ones who don't care are those who yammer on about being christian and pretend they care about fetuses. I'm sure you agree that its up to decent people to protect children from monsters like that.
David Hogg has come out with 5 points on how to not end gun violence. I type Not End Gun Violence because that is exactly what you get with his 5 points..... oh, you do get to put law abiding gun owners in legal peril for owning a magazine with more than 10 bullets.....and considering the guy who shot up his school used 10 round magazines.....points out that Hogg needs to do some research...

Why David Hogg's Plan To End Gun Violence Betrays His Ignorance

1. CDC funding for research into gun violance
2. Universal Background checks
3. Digitization of ATF records
4. High-Capacity magazine ban
5. Assault weapons ban

-CDC funding for gun research already exists.
-Universal Background checks would not have stopped the shooter at his school
-Digitization of ATF records will lead to confiscation
-Magazine bans are stupid, again, the shooter at his school used 10 round magazines.
-The weapon used at his high school was not an Assault weapon, a military weapon or a weapon of war.

This is why we don't leave policy in the hands of obnoxious teenagers....

The shit stain is pointless. Nobody cares kid

You're wrong.

Most people care very deeply about the welfare and safety of school children.

In fact, the only ones who don't care are those who yammer on about being christian and pretend they care about fetuses. I'm sure you agree that its up to decent people to protect children from monsters like that.

Trying to equate school shootings with abortion is a mere distraction. We know what the root cause of School shootings is and YOU choose to ignore it, even when one of the most PROGRESSIVE in this country provides the evidence:

Watch and learn:

You don't care about the body count, you just hate the right and the NRA!

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