Holder headed for Ferguson

The only reason Washington should inject itself into a local problem is if their is clear evidence that local/state authorities are not upholding law.
Case in point - Alabama in the 1960's. Riot police were using brutal tactics against peaceful protestors. People simply walking down the street were beat/attacked by police dogs and arrested without any cause whatsoever.
That is not happening today.
There is no evidence that justice will not be served in this case.
Anything else is politics.
How many times has he gotten involved in the murder of a white girl or boy, slaughtered by someone who is black?? HOW MANY?? I've never heard of the Dept of Justice being used a racial whorehouse.. New low.
I don't understand what jurisdiction he could possibly have here. How could he even have the authority to order another autopsy? Let the locals and state handle it, as it SHOULD be. All this will do is raise the profile and the stakes higher, causing more unrest, not calming it down.
How many times has he gotten involved in the murder of a white girl or boy, slaughtered by someone who is black?? HOW MANY?? I've never heard of the Dept of Justice being used a racial whorehouse.. New low.

do you know the definition of minority?
do you know the definition of minority?

John Mitchell doesn't ring any bells either; Ferguson PD changed their story, a complete 180 within hours Friday, don't see the need for the AG...................but the CITY asked for state help, AND..............Ferguson PD got some Federal money for dash cams...........never purchased.
With the history of white racism in America and in the state police blacks will never trust white people for good reason. Stats history of white policers prove this from start of police force until now.
I get a thrill running up my leg just knowing that Holder's days are running out, and one way or another he'll be gone in just a couple years !!!!!:banana:
Since all the GOP is unwilling to even leave their vacations early like Oblama did, what else do you expect?
What is Congress supposed to do about a shooting and riots in a city in Missouri? Just how would their return to Washington help?

obama only returned because his pollsters told him it would look like he gave a shit.

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