Holder's WIFE and Mother has Executive Priviledge for Fast and Furious???

What a bunch of wacko's

"Fast and Furious was a DOJ/Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) “gun running” operation in which the Obama administration reportedly allowed guns to go to Mexican drug cartels hoping they would end up at crime scenes, advancing gun-control policies."

GOP Gregorian Chant:

Fast-n-Furious, IRS, Benghazi...........Fast-n-Furious, IRS, Benghazi........

corruption, incompetence and bias always tends to agitate patriots.
What a bunch of wacko's

"Fast and Furious was a DOJ/Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) “gun running” operation in which the Obama administration reportedly allowed guns to go to Mexican drug cartels hoping they would end up at crime scenes, advancing gun-control policies."

GOP Gregorian Chant:

Fast-n-Furious, IRS, Benghazi...........Fast-n-Furious, IRS, Benghazi........

corruption, incompetence and bias always tends to agitate patriots.

No, it's the chanting of Cheerleader's rallying the base, whipping them into a berserker like frenzy with false accusation of such. Complete with cool graphic, stunning sounds, and interviews with (p)outraged people.

Where's your thread about Bush getting you suckers stuck in two wars based on lies? A lot more people have died due to his stupidity than with Fast and Furious. Wont even go into the vacuum he's created in the ME leading up to the formation of ISIS/ISIL..

HAHAHA. The board notes your feeble attempt to change the subject. HAHA

HA, HA HA. The board notes your pathetic hypocrisy...
Same old sorry bs from a libtard who can't justify the idiot in the white house bullsh&$@.

Same old neocon whackjob giving bush a free pass to get more than 3000 Americans killed and more and more fuck ups in the ME, then whine and bitch about two border officers being killed being Obama and Holders fault. This is why you lack credibility....
Yeah, that's been debunked about a gazillion times already.
There was no vacuum of leadership from Bush. That was entirely Obama. Withdrew from Iraq. Failed to engage during the Arab Spring. Failed to support opposition in the Iranian uprising. Supported Fatah in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
A total failure the likes of which we have never seen before.

Total, utter poppycock. Only a partisan hack would say otherwise....

Oh, that's right....you are one....
No way should Holder's wife and mother be granted executive privilege. This group makes rules as they go and they'll do anything to cover their asses. I'm sure Obama will grant this to anyone who has the slightest knowledge of what happened.

Funny how some libs still repeat some false facts. Bush's 'Wide Receiver' ended ages ago after they realized it wouldn't work. Obama started it again. He took a failed program and decided that if he got more guns into the hands of the cartel that maybe it would work this time. Idiots, all of them. There is a reason why they refuse to cooperate with investigations and go to such great lengths to cover their asses. I'm sure we've had countless computers crash with this administration.
Yeah, that's been debunked about a gazillion times already.
There was no vacuum of leadership from Bush. That was entirely Obama. Withdrew from Iraq. Failed to engage during the Arab Spring. Failed to support opposition in the Iranian uprising. Supported Fatah in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
A total failure the likes of which we have never seen before.

Total, utter poppycock. Only a partisan hack would say otherwise....

Oh, that's right....you are one....
Yeah, dismiss facts as "utter poppycock."
Tell me, did Obama withdraw fro Iraq?
WHat did Obama do during the Arab Spring?
What did Obama do when the Iranian students were protesting and rioting?
Which side in the Arab/Israeli conflict has Obama consistently criticized?
Yeah, utter poppycock. If you had any facts yo would have brought them.
So, TheParty wants to drag wives and mothers before TheTribunal, and threaten them with prosecution if they don't give the responses that TheParty demands.

They figured they could use that as leverage. But it got shut down. Thus the most thuggish of TheParty's minions, such as Clementine, are upset. They so badly wanted to go after wives and mothers.
So, TheParty wants to drag wives and mothers before TheTribunal, and threaten them with prosecution if they don't give the responses that TheParty demands.

They figured they could use that as leverage. But it got shut down. Thus the most thuggish of TheParty's minions, such as Clementine, are upset. They so badly wanted to go after wives and mothers.
Sorry but who was proposing to drag Holder's wife and mother to a tribunal? Please cite stories/evidence.
Yeah, dismiss facts as "utter poppycock."
Tell me, did Obama withdraw fro Iraq?
WHat did Obama do during the Arab Spring?
What did Obama do when the Iranian students were protesting and rioting?
Which side in the Arab/Israeli conflict has Obama consistently criticized?
Yeah, utter poppycock. If you had any facts yo would have brought them.

None of those things are America's god damned business. If you hero Bush hadn't gone into the ME in the first place, there would be no ISIS etc...
Yeah, dismiss facts as "utter poppycock."
Tell me, did Obama withdraw fro Iraq?
WHat did Obama do during the Arab Spring?
What did Obama do when the Iranian students were protesting and rioting?
Which side in the Arab/Israeli conflict has Obama consistently criticized?
Yeah, utter poppycock. If you had any facts yo would have brought them.

None of those things are America's god damned business. If you hero Bush hadn't gone into the ME in the first place, there would be no ISIS etc...
OK, so you don't like the facts. Just say so. But they are facts.
poppycock. lol!
Yeah, dismiss facts as "utter poppycock."
Tell me, did Obama withdraw fro Iraq?
WHat did Obama do during the Arab Spring?
What did Obama do when the Iranian students were protesting and rioting?
Which side in the Arab/Israeli conflict has Obama consistently criticized?
Yeah, utter poppycock. If you had any facts yo would have brought them.

None of those things are America's god damned business. If you hero Bush hadn't gone into the ME in the first place, there would be no ISIS etc...

And if Clinton hadn't pulled out after the Battle of Mogadishu, OBL wouldn't have been emboldened.
And if Bush 41 had crushed the Republican Guard, the Iraqis might have taken care of the problem themselves.

We can play that game all the way back to John Adams.
And if Clinton hadn't pulled out after the Battle of Mogadishu, OBL wouldn't have been emboldened.
And if Bush 41 had crushed the Republican Guard, the Iraqis might have taken care of the problem themselves.

We can play that game all the way back to John Adams.

Actually, you couldn't. The first Gulf War was done and dusted. Objective completed. It was junior who wanted to continue.

As for Mogadishu, I think you'll find that when the USSR occupied Afghanistan and the mujuhadeen kicked them out is when OBL became emboldened...
And if Clinton hadn't pulled out after the Battle of Mogadishu, OBL wouldn't have been emboldened.
And if Bush 41 had crushed the Republican Guard, the Iraqis might have taken care of the problem themselves.

We can play that game all the way back to John Adams.

Actually, you couldn't. The first Gulf War was done and dusted. Objective completed. It was junior who wanted to continue.

As for Mogadishu, I think you'll find that when the USSR occupied Afghanistan and the mujuhadeen kicked them out is when OBL became emboldened...
If Winston Churchill hadnt drawn the borders of Iraq the way he did none of this would have happened.

I'm not interested in blame. I'm interested in what the HNIC is planning on doing to solve the problem. And by all appearances that is nothing.
And if Clinton hadn't pulled out after the Battle of Mogadishu, OBL wouldn't have been emboldened.
And if Bush 41 had crushed the Republican Guard, the Iraqis might have taken care of the problem themselves.

We can play that game all the way back to John Adams.

Actually, you couldn't. The first Gulf War was done and dusted. Objective completed. It was junior who wanted to continue.

As for Mogadishu, I think you'll find that when the USSR occupied Afghanistan and the mujuhadeen kicked them out is when OBL became emboldened...

When the US got a few casualties in Somalia and ran home, it showed the Muslim radicals that we have no stomach for losses and OBL took that lesson to heart.
Since when does the wife or Mother of a Government employee, who is not a Government employee, have "Executive Priviledge"??

Obama is claiming it.

Another First for Obama.

Obama Asserts Fast and Furious Executive Privilege Claim for Holder s Wife - Judicial Watch

The document details the Attorney General Holder’s personal involvement in managing the Justice Department’s strategy on media and Congressional investigations into the Fast and Furious scandal. Notably, the document discloses that emails between Attorney General Holder and his wife Sharon Malone – as well as his mother – are being withheld under an extraordinary claim of executive privilege as well as a dubious claim of deliberative process privilege under the Freedom of Information Act. The “First Lady of the Justice Department” is a physician and not a government employee.


Based on a preliminary review of the massive document, Judicial Watch can disclose that the Vaughn index reveals:
  • Numerous emails that detail Attorney General Holder’s direct involvement in crafting talking points, the timing of public disclosures, and handling Congressional inquiries in the Fast and Furious matter.
  • President Obama has asserted executive privilege over nearly 20 email communications between Holder and his spouse Sharon Malone. The administration also claims that the records are also subject to withholding under the “deliberative process” exemption. This exemption ordinarily exempts from public disclosure records that could chill internal government deliberations.
  • Numerous entries detail DOJ’s communications (including those of Eric Holder) concerning the White House about Fast and Furious.
  • The scandal required the attention of virtually every top official of the DOJ and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). Communications to and from the United States Ambassador to Mexico about the Fast and Furious matter are also described.
  • Many of the records are already publicly available such as letters from Congress, press clips, and typical agency communications. Ordinarily, these records would, in whole or part, be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Few of the records seem to even implicate presidential decision-making and advice that might be subject to President Obama’s broad and unprecedented executive privilege claim.
Fast-n-Furious syndrome, IRS syndrome, Benghazi syndrome, Alinski syndrome, paling around with terrorists syndrome, Birth certificate syndrome
If Winston Churchill hadnt drawn the borders of Iraq the way he did none of this would have happened.

I'm not interested in blame. I'm interested in what the HNIC is planning on doing to solve the problem. And by all appearances that is nothing.

This whole thread is about blame...
When the US got a few casualties in Somalia and ran home, it showed the Muslim radicals that we have no stomach for losses and OBL took that lesson to heart.

In your opinion. I think only stupid people would think that. Only the US and UK refuse to offer up ransoms for hostages for ISIS/ISIL. Other countries pay. So much for no stomach for losses. Tell that to the family of James Foley...

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