Holding Impeachment Vote Now is an Admission of a Witch Hunt

Now that the investigation is wrapping up, the Intelligence committee can submit their findings (as if they were a Special Prosecutor) and the House can begin impeachment hearings.

The House is not a Special Prosecutor. Mueller was, as was Ken Starr. Their reports could be used as a basis for impeachment. Since the Meuller Report did not include findings of impeachable offenses, Nancy Pelosi took it upon herself to assign Adam Schiff to be a defacto Special Prosecutor.

Given the fact that he is a notorious liar and possible fact witness in subsequent proceedings, this investigation smacks of the Inquisition, where secretly coerced "confessions" were obtained before trial and any later repudiations were considered additional evidence of guilt.

Now that such "evidence" has been manufactured by Schiff, the show trial may begin. Isn't that a wonderful precedent?
The Ukraine scandal has nothing to do with the Mueller Report. Whole different scandal. I know it's hard to keep up with all of them.

There are Republicans (over forty of them) sitting on the six House committees taking depositions in the SCIFF. Any of them could ask questions in the confidential depositions taken. None of the depositions were coerced, in spite of what the 'pundits' you see as news sources.

The trial begins in the s Nate, not the House. Who taught you civics? Hannity?
again, the GOP are useless. The Senate can stop this. where are they? interview Schitt's
Why are you arguing impeachment without knowledge of impeachment?

Take a course in what we used to call Civics.
The trial begins in the s Nate, not the House. Who taught you civics?

Who taught you to read?

Given the fact that he is a notorious liar and possible fact witness in subsequent proceedings, this investigation smacks of Inquisition tactics, where secretly coerced "confessions" were obtained before trial and any later repudiations were considered additional evidence of guilt.

Now that such "evidence" has been manufactured by Schiff, the show trial may begin. Isn't that a wonderful precedent?

If you don't understand big words or analogies, why not ask before posting juvenile replies?

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