Holding the Hammer Over States

Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The Fed is paying for jack shit you tyranny loving buffoon.

For the love of God, why are you so stupid? A great deal of money comes from the federal government. But let's pretend for a moment that you were right. If no money comes from the federal government, what would this be other than meaningless fluff? Obviously the federal government would have absolutely zero ability to leverage the state here.

You're starting to sound like a Democrat pretending to be be something else, trying to make conservatives look bad.
Where does the Fed make it's money?

How much profit does it create?

here's a hint; It doesn't make a profit, the money comes from us, the citizens.

now go fuck yourself retarded


What an amazingly weak deflection. Go away Democrat.
So you actually think the Government is run by profit.

stunning, I knew there had to be one person that thought that, but I never thought I'd come across them
Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The problem you have is so many food stamp recipients are gaming the system.
That in most cases income levels are not verified. We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on social programs where no one is holding the recipients accountable to provide factual information as to their income status.
Case....IN a city nearby, a couple who had adopted a young girl, were recently convicted of welfare fraud, mail fraud, obtaining federal relief through false pretenses and other charges.
They had been doing this for at least two years.
Now, the nuts and bolts....The girl disappeared. The girl's older adoptive brother reported the girl's absence to authorities. A case was opened. The adoptive parents insisted the girl was under the care of her adoptive grandmother. Federal authorities investigated to find that the grandmother did not exist.
A criminal investigation was opened with the idea there was foul play. TO date the girl has never been found. It is now a cold case.
The point is, save for the investigation of the girl missing, the federal government would never have known the adoptive parents were defrauding the government.
Casey Parsons adoptive mother of missing child pleads guilty to financial fraud CharlotteObserver.com
Father of missing teen Erica Parsons found guilty of financial fraud CharlotteObserver.com
As far as I am concerned these tow soulless jerks deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.
They are scum. They killed that girl. Or they had her killed.
Sooner or later, they will be charged with her murder and I hope they hang.

The vast majority of recipients honestly need help. There are tax cheats, bankers who rip us off, doctors and hospitals that cheat, car dealers that take advantage of poor folks, etc. Those cost us far more than some poor person on food stamps.
I disagree. Many of those on the public dole are too comfortable. They could work but refuse to do so because it is easier to be a drain on society.
And no, you're justification defense is invalid.
The taxpayers do not deserve punishment juts because you are pissed off at law enforcement.
BTW, if the federal government did it's job to put into prison those who commit fraud on individuals, you would not be here complaining.
So in effect, the very government you support for it's forced charity is the very same government that causes your angst.
So how dare you look to the taxpayers as your personal box of Pamprin for relief?
Because your argument is "used car dealers and bankers commit crimes against individuals therefore the taxpayers should just pay up and shut up, These people need help"...
Now if that is not the most stupid argument for lax enforcement of anti fraud statutes, there is no other.

Oh sure, poor people aspire to live on welfare. Most folks obsessed with kicking poor folks while they are down, could not live off measly welfare payments. Who do you think you are fooling?
Don't bite the hand that feeds your citizens.

What the fuck? How does a picture on an EBT card prevent any lawful recipient from using it to feed themselves?

Better question, why can't the citizens feed themselves?
The photo ID insures that only the proper recipient may use the card.
Have you any clue as to the rampant fraud that takes place?
People selling their EBT cards for cash. All kinds of fraudulent activity.


You need to learn how to read.
You need to present a substantive rather than an emotional argument.
You have none, So you've entered "shut up" territory.
Don't bite the hand that feeds your citizens.

What the fuck? How does a picture on an EBT card prevent any lawful recipient from using it to feed themselves?

Better question, why can't the citizens feed themselves?
That is a good question. Study Capitalism and you'll find the answer.

And if the Feds say what you are requiring goes against the program, that is their right since they are the ones cutting the checks.
That's right. All they do is cut the checks. It is OUR money they are giving them and we say they should have pictures on the ID's to prevent the fraud.
Lucky for them then that what you say doesn't matter...
Not for long

Still can't read, apparently.
Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The Fed is paying for jack shit you tyranny loving buffoon.

Right from the article:

Maine's food stamp program costs some $360 million per year, all of which is paid for by the federal government. It was not clear if all of the funding was at risk.
Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The Fed is paying for jack shit you tyranny loving buffoon.

Right from the article:

Maine's food stamp program costs some $360 million per year, all of which is paid for by the federal government. It was not clear if all of the funding was at risk.
some people are so fucking ignorant of where the fed gets it's money it boggles the mind

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