Holding the Hammer Over States

Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The Fed is paying for jack shit you tyranny loving buffoon.

For the love of God, why are you so stupid? A great deal of money comes from the federal government. But let's pretend for a moment that you were right. If no money comes from the federal government, what would this be other than meaningless fluff? Obviously the federal government would have absolutely zero ability to leverage the state here.

You're starting to sound like a Democrat pretending to be be something else, trying to make conservatives look bad.
Hey idiot...Who the fuck do you think funds the federal government.....
God Dammit you liberals are stupid fucks.
Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The Fed is paying for jack shit you tyranny loving buffoon.

For the love of God, why are you so stupid? A great deal of money comes from the federal government. But let's pretend for a moment that you were right. If no money comes from the federal government, what would this be other than meaningless fluff? Obviously the federal government would have absolutely zero ability to leverage the state here.

You're starting to sound like a Democrat pretending to be be something else, trying to make conservatives look bad.
Hey idiot...Who the fuck do you think funds the federal government.....
God Dammit you liberals are stupid fucks.

Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The problem you have is so many food stamp recipients are gaming the system.
That in most cases income levels are not verified. We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on social programs where no one is holding the recipients accountable to provide factual information as to their income status.
Case....IN a city nearby, a couple who had adopted a young girl, were recently convicted of welfare fraud, mail fraud, obtaining federal relief through false pretenses and other charges.
They had been doing this for at least two years.
Now, the nuts and bolts....The girl disappeared. The girl's older adoptive brother reported the girl's absence to authorities. A case was opened. The adoptive parents insisted the girl was under the care of her adoptive grandmother. Federal authorities investigated to find that the grandmother did not exist.
A criminal investigation was opened with the idea there was foul play. TO date the girl has never been found. It is now a cold case.
The point is, save for the investigation of the girl missing, the federal government would never have known the adoptive parents were defrauding the government.
Casey Parsons adoptive mother of missing child pleads guilty to financial fraud CharlotteObserver.com
Father of missing teen Erica Parsons found guilty of financial fraud CharlotteObserver.com
As far as I am concerned these tow soulless jerks deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.
They are scum. They killed that girl. Or they had her killed.
Sooner or later, they will be charged with her murder and I hope they hang.
The DFS can and does get info from SS on incomes received on the recipients, unless it is cash, they even check the banking system and real estate records...
Don't bite the hand that feeds your citizens.

What the fuck? How does a picture on an EBT card prevent any lawful recipient from using it to feed themselves?

Better question, why can't the citizens feed themselves?
The photo ID insures that only the proper recipient may use the card.
Have you any clue as to the rampant fraud that takes place?
People selling their EBT cards for cash. All kinds of fraudulent activity.
Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The problem you have is so many food stamp recipients are gaming the system.
That in most cases income levels are not verified. We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on social programs where no one is holding the recipients accountable to provide factual information as to their income status.
Case....IN a city nearby, a couple who had adopted a young girl, were recently convicted of welfare fraud, mail fraud, obtaining federal relief through false pretenses and other charges.
They had been doing this for at least two years.
Now, the nuts and bolts....The girl disappeared. The girl's older adoptive brother reported the girl's absence to authorities. A case was opened. The adoptive parents insisted the girl was under the care of her adoptive grandmother. Federal authorities investigated to find that the grandmother did not exist.
A criminal investigation was opened with the idea there was foul play. TO date the girl has never been found. It is now a cold case.
The point is, save for the investigation of the girl missing, the federal government would never have known the adoptive parents were defrauding the government.
Casey Parsons adoptive mother of missing child pleads guilty to financial fraud CharlotteObserver.com
Father of missing teen Erica Parsons found guilty of financial fraud CharlotteObserver.com
As far as I am concerned these tow soulless jerks deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.
They are scum. They killed that girl. Or they had her killed.
Sooner or later, they will be charged with her murder and I hope they hang.

The vast majority of recipients honestly need help. There are tax cheats, bankers who rip us off, doctors and hospitals that cheat, car dealers that take advantage of poor folks, etc. Those cost us far more than some poor person on food stamps.
Don't bite the hand that feeds your citizens.

What the fuck? How does a picture on an EBT card prevent any lawful recipient from using it to feed themselves?

Better question, why can't the citizens feed themselves?
The photo ID insures that only the proper recipient may use the card.
Have you any clue as to the rampant fraud that takes place?
People selling their EBT cards for cash. All kinds of fraudulent activity.


You need to learn how to read.
Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The Fed is paying for jack shit you tyranny loving buffoon.

For the love of God, why are you so stupid? A great deal of money comes from the federal government. But let's pretend for a moment that you were right. If no money comes from the federal government, what would this be other than meaningless fluff? Obviously the federal government would have absolutely zero ability to leverage the state here.

You're starting to sound like a Democrat pretending to be be something else, trying to make conservatives look bad.
Hey idiot...Who the fuck do you think funds the federal government.....
God Dammit you liberals are stupid fucks.

Folks living in ALL states, not just one.
Don't bite the hand that feeds your citizens.

What the fuck? How does a picture on an EBT card prevent any lawful recipient from using it to feed themselves?

Better question, why can't the citizens feed themselves?
The photo ID insures that only the proper recipient may use the card.
Have you any clue as to the rampant fraud that takes place?
People selling their EBT cards for cash. All kinds of fraudulent activity.

Yes, white collar fraud and tax cheats get orders of magnitude more than poor folks on food stamps. But you'll not likely find racist right wingers criticizing them.
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Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The problem you have is so many food stamp recipients are gaming the system.
That in most cases income levels are not verified. We are spending hundreds of billions of dollars on social programs where no one is holding the recipients accountable to provide factual information as to their income status.
Case....IN a city nearby, a couple who had adopted a young girl, were recently convicted of welfare fraud, mail fraud, obtaining federal relief through false pretenses and other charges.
They had been doing this for at least two years.
Now, the nuts and bolts....The girl disappeared. The girl's older adoptive brother reported the girl's absence to authorities. A case was opened. The adoptive parents insisted the girl was under the care of her adoptive grandmother. Federal authorities investigated to find that the grandmother did not exist.
A criminal investigation was opened with the idea there was foul play. TO date the girl has never been found. It is now a cold case.
The point is, save for the investigation of the girl missing, the federal government would never have known the adoptive parents were defrauding the government.
Casey Parsons adoptive mother of missing child pleads guilty to financial fraud CharlotteObserver.com
Father of missing teen Erica Parsons found guilty of financial fraud CharlotteObserver.com
As far as I am concerned these tow soulless jerks deserve to rot in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.
They are scum. They killed that girl. Or they had her killed.
Sooner or later, they will be charged with her murder and I hope they hang.
The DFS can and does get info from SS on incomes received on the recipients, unless it is cash, they even check the banking system and real estate records...
Sure they do....Right. Then there would be no fraud. No one gaming the system.
Since all the food stamp money is paid by the feds, I'm fine with forcing Maine or any other state to make it easy for hungry people to get help.
The Fed is paying for jack shit you tyranny loving buffoon.

For the love of God, why are you so stupid? A great deal of money comes from the federal government. But let's pretend for a moment that you were right. If no money comes from the federal government, what would this be other than meaningless fluff? Obviously the federal government would have absolutely zero ability to leverage the state here.

You're starting to sound like a Democrat pretending to be be something else, trying to make conservatives look bad.
Hey idiot...Who the fuck do you think funds the federal government.....
God Dammit you liberals are stupid fucks.

Folks living in ALL states, not just one.
Your point?
Better wake up folks. Both Dems and Pubs will pull this on you.

Holding the Hammer Over States
1. Mass and New York already have the same policy. Have they lost their payments for EBT. NO.

2. The measure is an attempt to reduce fraud basically on purchasing cigs, booze, and bars etc.........

3. it's against Federal Law to discriminate at the check out line, and the only insurance against buying prohibited items is the clerk. Stores have stated they will not comply due to risking Federal Law.

4. Even though the primary holder of the card's picture is on it, any family member can use the card by law.

5. Self Check Out lanes do not look at the i.d. of the customer.

All in all, the new policy will not effect the overall outcome.

All in all, other states have done the same and the Feds haven't cut funding.

It doesn't matter either way............and even though the policy is basically a joke the Feds should not threaten a State for pushing it forward..........especially when 2 other states are doing the same.

Finally, the Federal Gov't DOESN'T PAY FOR THIS...............The Tax payers PAY FOR THIS...........In Essence............MAINE PAYS FOR THIS via FEDERAL RECEIPTS.................and tax returns............

I'm tired of the left making the Fed out to be something more than it is supposed to be. A servant of the people and the States.............Not an ENTITY OF IT'S OWN.
Don't bite the hand that feeds your citizens.

What the fuck? How does a picture on an EBT card prevent any lawful recipient from using it to feed themselves?

Better question, why can't the citizens feed themselves?
The photo ID insures that only the proper recipient may use the card.
Have you any clue as to the rampant fraud that takes place?
People selling their EBT cards for cash. All kinds of fraudulent activity.

Yes, white collar fraud and tax cheats get orders of magnitude more than poor folks on food stamps. But you'll not like find racist right wingers criticizing them.
Oh wow....Not one but TWO commonly overplayed cards.
The " two wrongs make a right card"...And of course the race card.
Hey sunshine, STOW IT....Nobody is listening to your whine and cheese.
The fact is the federal government KNOWS fraud is occurring on their watch and will do nothing about it because of concerns over political correctness.
I am willing to wager you are unaware that for an individual school district making any attempt to verify the income status of a free or reduced price lunch applicant is a violation of federal regulations. In other words the federal government made up its own rules to prevent itself from undergoing any scrutiny and by extension the recipients themselves regarding fraud in this program.
Now you tell me....Is that just? Is that proper stewardship of taxpayer resources?
States have the ability, even though it's really against the law, to fire back should they cut the funding that will not happen.

It's simple.........States collect tax receipts across the state and then send the Federal Share to the Gov't.

If the Feds were to cut the money, Maine could OOPS.......Fail to send their share to the IRS.

Don't bite the hand that feeds your citizens.

What the fuck? How does a picture on an EBT card prevent any lawful recipient from using it to feed themselves?

Better question, why can't the citizens feed themselves?
That is a good question. Study Capitalism and you'll find the answer.

And if the Feds say what you are requiring goes against the program, that is their right since they are the ones cutting the checks.
That's right. All they do is cut the checks. It is OUR money they are giving them and we say they should have pictures on the ID's to prevent the fraud.
States have the ability, even though it's really against the law, to fire back should they cut the funding that will not happen.

It's simple.........States collect tax receipts across the state and then send the Federal Share to the Gov't.

If the Feds were to cut the money, Maine could OOPS.......Fail to send their share to the IRS.

And all states could do the same in support.
Don't bite the hand that feeds your citizens.

What the fuck? How does a picture on an EBT card prevent any lawful recipient from using it to feed themselves?

Better question, why can't the citizens feed themselves?
That is a good question. Study Capitalism and you'll find the answer.

And if the Feds say what you are requiring goes against the program, that is their right since they are the ones cutting the checks.
LOL..Is it you contention that capitalism prevents certain people from being able to feed themselves?
Wow. I've seen stupid before. That idea is world class stupid.
Silly. States don't want the federal government running their tax offices.

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