Holly Hobby Lobby cheats on Hubby (at Family Values Conference)


"There was the photo of her posed, gun in one hand, Bible in the other, in front of a flag (because "Who would Jesus Kill?") -- the photo that gained even more fame after it was juxtaposed beside an image of terrorist Sherafiyah Lewthwaite, in a strikingly similar pose. There was the photo of her at Hobby Lobby, wearing a "pro-life" t-shirt, to celebrate the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS ruling that allows companies to limit women's reproductive care options. And a slew of others to go along.

Eventually, this internet fame translated into real fame, and Holly's star seemed to be rising within conservative circles. And then the rumors started that this family values, god-and-guns-Merica-loving icon had actually been cheating on her military vet husband. With, of all people, another member of the patriotic, family-values crowd: Joel Frewa of Tea Party News Network."
Family Values Shocker pro-life gun loving Tea Partier Holly Fisher admits cheating on husband

Just another gun-toting, Bible-thumping, right-wing poster-child attention whore, who really is one. This is why we hate the people you love to call Real Americans when they are just scum with a flag pin. At least the one on the right had enough faith to keep her legs crossed.
Do you hate Elliott Spitzer?
He should have kept his pants on as well but he didn't pose in front of an American flag with a gun and Bible and not realize just how wrong that is.

And when you cheat on your military husband at a Family Values conference after doing such a thing, that is worthy of condemnation.

That's difference from fucking a young intern in the White House how exactly?
As far as the cheating goes, it isn't, but Clinton never claimed to me a paragon of right-wing Christian values like this little slut.


"I don't think I could do my job as President," Clinton said, "much less continue to try to grow as a person in the absence of my faith in God and my attempt to learn more about what it should be and grow. It provides a solace and support in the face of all these problems that I am not smart enough to solve."
(ABC Interview by Peggy Wehmeyer, "American Agenda", March 22, 1994.)

The Gospel According to Bill Clinton
Clinton is a liberal, he will never be guilty of anything. Including screwing underage sex slaves.
Gott in Himmel, dont'cha just love it, when these pissant Hyper-Liberals and Muslim ass-kissers - eager to divert attention from their political losses at-home, and the savagery of those for whom they advocate and fifth-column for, overseas, and, with a few genuine Christian haters and atheists tossed into the salad for good measure - drum up this kind of insignificant non-event happy horseshit?

Like anybody really gives a rat's ass?

Lame, people... lame... embarrassingly and definitively and unredeemably lame.
Right now the liberals are embarrassed over Obama's interview with that Gozilla Green green-lipped fatass from YouTube. If you haven't seen her, imagine a whale swimming in a bathtub full of milk and Fruit Loops with bubbles popping from the south end of that behemoth.
Ah yes, the little Goebbels of the demagogue party again slandering and libeling enemies of the party.

What shameful fucks the democrats are....
A non-event, alluding to a non-issue, connected to a marginally recognizable non-celebrity... the stuff of a nickel-and-dime pissing contest.
Just another gun-toting, Bible-thumping, right-wing poster-child attention whore, who really is one. This is why we hate the people you love to call Real Americans when they are just scum with a flag pin. At least the one on the right had enough faith to keep her legs crossed.

Paint my house really does himself in here. Let's see, he calls a woman a whore, scum, and promiscuous. No conservative could get away with that and who appointed him god? I guess he is without sin. He says he hates real Americans, guess that was a Freudian slip. Let's see, if people that cheat on their spouses are scum, I guess he has used that same description for Clinton, Spitzer, Weiner, et al because of course he is consistent in his views. He said that woman at least had the sense to keep her legs crossed, my my, is paint my house a republican senator running for reelection cause he sure talks like one, you know the war on women stuff and all. And I guess all of us sinners cannot be allowed to fly the flag, you know according to paint my house, I mean he is sooooooo much more qualified to be a judge than the rest of us, you know cause of the party he stands for where there is no scum.

Don Henley wrote a song where he talks about people "filled with rage." PMH seems continually to be frothing at the mouth but I won't advocate putting him down, yet, but putting him in quarantine until he recovers his rationality seems a reasonable course of action.
Shrimpbox the Rage Queen raging on someone else instead of discussing the OP.

Go, Holly, Go! And please, please expose the whole tale of the family to the world.
As long as she didn't use any of that "baby killing" contraceptive stuff, who cares?

"There was the photo of her posed, gun in one hand, Bible in the other, in front of a flag (because "Who would Jesus Kill?") -- the photo that gained even more fame after it was juxtaposed beside an image of terrorist Sherafiyah Lewthwaite, in a strikingly similar pose. There was the photo of her at Hobby Lobby, wearing a "pro-life" t-shirt, to celebrate the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS ruling that allows companies to limit women's reproductive care options. And a slew of others to go along.

Eventually, this internet fame translated into real fame, and Holly's star seemed to be rising within conservative circles. And then the rumors started that this family values, god-and-guns-Merica-loving icon had actually been cheating on her military vet husband. With, of all people, another member of the patriotic, family-values crowd: Joel Frewa of Tea Party News Network."
Family Values Shocker pro-life gun loving Tea Partier Holly Fisher admits cheating on husband

Just another gun-toting, Bible-thumping, right-wing poster-child attention whore, who really is one. This is why we hate the people you love to call Real Americans when they are just scum with a flag pin. At least the one on the right had enough faith to keep her legs crossed.
Do you hate Elliott Spitzer?
He should have kept his pants on as well but he didn't pose in front of an American flag with a gun and Bible and not realize just how wrong that is.

And when you cheat on your military husband at a Family Values conference after doing such a thing, that is worthy of condemnation.

That's difference from fucking a young intern in the White House how exactly?
As far as the cheating goes, it isn't, but Clinton never claimed to me a paragon of right-wing Christian values like this little slut.

So that's why its OK for Bill to fuck 16 year old sex slaves

"There was the photo of her posed, gun in one hand, Bible in the other, in front of a flag (because "Who would Jesus Kill?") -- the photo that gained even more fame after it was juxtaposed beside an image of terrorist Sherafiyah Lewthwaite, in a strikingly similar pose. There was the photo of her at Hobby Lobby, wearing a "pro-life" t-shirt, to celebrate the Hobby Lobby SCOTUS ruling that allows companies to limit women's reproductive care options. And a slew of others to go along.

Eventually, this internet fame translated into real fame, and Holly's star seemed to be rising within conservative circles. And then the rumors started that this family values, god-and-guns-Merica-loving icon had actually been cheating on her military vet husband. With, of all people, another member of the patriotic, family-values crowd: Joel Frewa of Tea Party News Network."
Family Values Shocker pro-life gun loving Tea Partier Holly Fisher admits cheating on husband

Just another gun-toting, Bible-thumping, right-wing poster-child attention whore, who really is one. This is why we hate the people you love to call Real Americans when they are just scum with a flag pin. At least the one on the right had enough faith to keep her legs crossed.

All these folks who claim they want others to stay the hell out of their bedrooms sure seem interested in everyone else's.

True story
The moral of this thread is right-wing Family Values icons are usually total BS who talk the talk but can't walk the walk.
Okay. Liberals are against moral family values. We get it.
Her version you mean? Damn right we are.
You've shown us all what you think of morals.
paint the house has no morals.....anyone who calls for handicapped kids to be put down is a low life jerk....
The moral of this thread is right-wing Family Values icons are usually total BS who talk the talk but can't walk the walk.
Okay. Liberals are against moral family values. We get it.
Her version you mean? Damn right we are.
You've shown us all what you think of morals.
paint the house has no morals.....anyone who calls for handicapped kids to be put down is a low life jerk....

He's a frothing Fascist who has his custom fitted jackboots
The moral of this thread is right-wing Family Values icons are usually total BS who talk the talk but can't walk the walk.
Okay. Liberals are against moral family values. We get it.
Her version you mean? Damn right we are.
You've shown us all what you think of morals.
paint the house has no morals.....anyone who calls for handicapped kids to be put down is a low life jerk....

He's a frothing Fascist who has his custom fitted jackboots
he does a lot of talking about things he hasnt the balls to do,in other words....he talks the talk but can't walk the walk.......
Okay. Liberals are against moral family values. We get it.
Her version you mean? Damn right we are.
You've shown us all what you think of morals.
paint the house has no morals.....anyone who calls for handicapped kids to be put down is a low life jerk....

He's a frothing Fascist who has his custom fitted jackboots
he does a lot of talking about things he hasnt the balls to do,in other words....he talks the talk but can't walk the walk.......
You wish, and for your sake you'd better.

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