Hollywood Speaks Out In Support Of Prof Ford

Wealthy, elite Celebutards attack a Republican nominee. Who would have expected it?

Well he is an alleged attempted rapist, so you like those types. That is the Cons for you though.

Any evidence? Any witnesses coming forward? Alleged means nothing, he is accused, by one person. I can accuse you of raping someone, without evidence it means absolutely nothing.

So 1 is better than the 20 who accused Trump, so Trump did assault women. I see.

I wouldn’t know, however the more that speak out the more credible the claim. Do you believe Ellison or the accuser? There is a lot more evidence there than with Kavanaugh. I will still give Ellison the benefit. I’m not willing to throw out a person’s reputation based on the word of another that has no evidence.

Only because the GOP refused to find evidence and they are hiding much of the paperwork form the works of Kavanaugh. Don't worry he will get confirmed and we will have 2 stains on the SC , both GOP stains.

Here are the facts as I know them to be and correct me if I’m wrong, Ford never spoke of this until a therapy session in 2012, she claimed her and three others were at a party, where she she admits she doesn’t know where and when it happened. Three of the four people, one a friend of hers, don’t remember the party ever happening. You have a school mate that claims rumors were going all over the school about this, yet Ford said she told no one. What evidence do you think you can find on this case? No time, no place, three witnesses that deny being at a party?

Tell me the evidence you’d think they would find?
Several actresses and political activists have spoken out in support of Prof Christein Blasey Ford in a moving video that somehow is being shown on television as a commercial.
Big problem. Every one of them is reading from the same exact script.

In their attempts to show that they believe Dr Ford, they give away the fact that what they are saying isn't their own thoughts, but just a video of them reading the same prepared statement. Not a statement they wrote themselves.

So only an idiot would believe that this is a grass roots movement. I wonder when it was filmed, because it seems that Hollywood was able to put this thing together on pretty short notice.

Hollywood + MSM = the Democrat hate machine
Hollywood is pro-abort and they're trying to save Roe v. Wade, and they're willing to destroy an innocent man to do it.

I suspect you are a male, seems men have an issue with women who want rights over their own bodies.
Most of the active pro-lifers I know are women, they're on the front lines, counseling and helping unwed mothers.

The men tend to take a more back seat route to their wives, sisters, showing up at the fundraisers, etc.
Liberal women ASSume they speak for all women. It seems MOST of the women on this board are pro-life. That really bothers the women who look to Satan as their god.

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