Hollywood Speaks Out In Support Of Prof Ford

That is why men go there. To get an abortion. They are working on a BC for men, time you men take responsibility for spreading STD's and getting women pg. For those women who get an abortion is a man not wearing a condom.
It’s all the mans fault? You really are box of rocks stupid!

For every female that gets an abortion, the culprit is a man spreading the possibility and probability of an STD along with his sperm. You men can stop abortions and transmission of STD's , yet you won't.

Well if you find abortion an illegal act and against the law which I suppose anyone does if they consider it murder, the yes he is a culprit, and a partner in a crime and the same penalty for an abortion should be cast on the male who got the female pg. He is an accomplice.
I don’t consider it an illegal act. Two consenting people, both are responsible for their own actions. To say it is the mans fault and that he is the culprit is simply ignorant.

While abortion isn’t criminally wrong, it is morally wrong and those at cheapen life will deal with the consequences. My wife has two sisters that aborted children and their conscious has bothered them since. You can’t fool yourself nor a higher being.
I simply can not stand your sorry ass!...nor, your ilk!

You are a pathetic excuse for a woman,
and, being a female, is a sad excuse for,
identifying, defining and considering you, a woman!

You are not who or what defines, a real woman,
you are a repulsive female, that is considered a woman,
according to the stages and development, of the female sex.

An unborn baby is INSIDE a woman's body

Ford is a lying, piece of shit,
who can care less about destroying a man
if it means, woman can continue destroying babies

That's the issue, you maggot

Tsh Tsh, why is your business what the woman down the street does?. Why do you not want men to take responsibility, I suspect you are the type of female who believes in being barefoot and pregnant.

You need and anatomy lesson and probably sex ed as well. Its not a baby inside the womb, its a fetus.
Men already do have more responsibility and fewer rights and that needs to change.

BTW most men are innocent in general.

No you men do not, if you want sex use a good quality condom and remember No means No.
No you men do not, if you want sex use a good quality condom and remember No means No.
Yeah, no means no...

Never mind, I'm alone with you on your bed,
and my tits are popping out of my shirt,...
my boob job looks great...doesn't it
and my skirt barely cover my ass...
Smell my neck...like my new perfume?
Let me take these heels off, they're killing me...

Hey...I said NO

You didn't answer me...like my new boobs

I told you no

I'm telling you Pen pen...fuck off

Well I would never have a boob job, so can't help you there, and I'm not a lesbians so you would never be in my bed. I am not going to comment on your fowl mouth, just keep it to yourself.

Either she really isn't a she but is really a female hating man who is pretending to be a woman, or she is a woman with a bad case of penis envy who is also a woman. And she thinks her foul mouth makes her look tough when all it makes her look is trashy.
When is the child not part of your body, can you abort up to the day you go into labor? This should be interesting

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Its none of you business if a women gets an abortion , mind your own business.

It is if your against murder and all civilized societies are against killing an unarmed innocent helpless little baby

Abortion of a 10 week fetus is NOT murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person. Stop making yourself look stupid.

Uhm lady it's double homicide in most States to kill a pregnant woman, now who is making themselves look stupid?

Apples and oranges. Abortion is not against the law, so it is not legally considered a homicide. You can argue this any way you want, but it doesn't change the fact that a woman can have a legal abortion and she won't be charged with murder.
Beside, why do you think you have the right to tell someone you don't know and never will what she can and cannot do with her body? You don't know her circumstances or what led her to make this choice, and frankly it's none of your damn business.

Tell that to the people who are serving 20 years plus for double homicide that it's not against the law

Quit embarrassing yourself.

It is if your against murder and all civilized societies are against killing an unarmed innocent helpless little baby

Abortion of a 10 week fetus is NOT murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person. Stop making yourself look stupid.
Murder is the killing of another human being.

A human zygote, a human fetus, a human being.

That's your definition, however it not the legal definition. Abortion is not against the law, but killing an already born person is.
There is no legal definition of when life begins.

My point is that it's a human being you're killing, whether you like it or not.

Your OPINION and it means nothing in the eyes of the law.

Supporting the killing of the most innocent of us all is what makes you a monster.

Your OPINION, and in the eyes of the law, it means nothing at all.
I suspect you are a male, seems men have an issue with women who want rights over their own bodies.
I suspect you are a male, seems men have an issue with women who want rights over their own bodies.
I simply can not stand your sorry ass!...nor, your ilk!

You are a pathetic excuse for a woman,
and, being a female, is a sad excuse for,
identifying, defining and considering you, a woman!

You are not who or what defines, a real woman,
you are a repulsive female, that is considered a woman,
according to the stages and development, of the female sex.

An unborn baby is INSIDE a woman's body

Ford is a lying, piece of shit,
who can care less about destroying a man
if it means, woman can continue destroying babies

That's the issue, you maggot

Tsh Tsh, why is your business what the woman down the street does?. Why do you not want men to take responsibility, I suspect you are the type of female who believes in being barefoot and pregnant.

You need and anatomy lesson and probably sex ed as well. Its not a baby inside the womb, its a fetus.
Men already do have more responsibility and fewer rights and that needs to change.

BTW most men are innocent in general.

No you men do not, if you want sex use a good quality condom and remember No means No.
No you men do not, if you want sex use a good quality condom and remember No means No.
Yeah, no means no...

Never mind, I'm alone with you on your bed,
and my tits are popping out of my shirt,...
my boob job looks great...doesn't it
and my skirt barely cover my ass...
Smell my neck...like my new perfume?
Let me take these heels off, they're killing me...

Hey...I said NO

You didn't answer me...like my new boobs

I told you no

I'm telling you Pen pen...fuck off
No still means no.
You always have the option of leaving the room.
Its none of you business if a women gets an abortion , mind your own business.

It is if your against murder and all civilized societies are against killing an unarmed innocent helpless little baby

Abortion of a 10 week fetus is NOT murder. Murder is the killing of an already born person. Stop making yourself look stupid.

Uhm lady it's double homicide in most States to kill a pregnant woman, now who is making themselves look stupid?

Apples and oranges. Abortion is not against the law, so it is not legally considered a homicide. You can argue this any way you want, but it doesn't change the fact that a woman can have a legal abortion and she won't be charged with murder.
Beside, why do you think you have the right to tell someone you don't know and never will what she can and cannot do with her body? You don't know her circumstances or what led her to make this choice, and frankly it's none of your damn business.

Tell that to the people who are serving 20 years plus for double homicide that it's not against the law

Quit embarrassing yourself.

This is not about that and you know it. This is about a woman's legal right to have an abortion. Show me where any woman is sitting in prison for having a 'legal' abortion. They are two totally different things, and you know it but I'm sure you'll keep bringing it up..

Last edited:
I simply can not stand your sorry ass!...nor, your ilk!

You are a pathetic excuse for a woman,
and, being a female, is a sad excuse for,
identifying, defining and considering you, a woman!

You are not who or what defines, a real woman,
you are a repulsive female, that is considered a woman,
according to the stages and development, of the female sex.

An unborn baby is INSIDE a woman's body

Ford is a lying, piece of shit,
who can care less about destroying a man
if it means, woman can continue destroying babies

That's the issue, you maggot

Tsh Tsh, why is your business what the woman down the street does?. Why do you not want men to take responsibility, I suspect you are the type of female who believes in being barefoot and pregnant.

You need and anatomy lesson and probably sex ed as well. Its not a baby inside the womb, its a fetus.
Men already do have more responsibility and fewer rights and that needs to change.

BTW most men are innocent in general.

No you men do not, if you want sex use a good quality condom and remember No means No.
No you men do not, if you want sex use a good quality condom and remember No means No.
Yeah, no means no...

Never mind, I'm alone with you on your bed,
and my tits are popping out of my shirt,...
my boob job looks great...doesn't it
and my skirt barely cover my ass...
Smell my neck...like my new perfume?
Let me take these heels off, they're killing me...

Hey...I said NO

You didn't answer me...like my new boobs

I told you no

I'm telling you Pen pen...fuck off
No still means no.
You always have the option of leaving the room.

Except in Germany and Sweden. :D
More of the country opposes Kavanaugh than supports him.
More of the country opposes Kavanaugh than supports him.

When we start electing Supreme Court Justices you would have a point.

Garland says he is available, STILL.

If he is nominated by the President I’m rue he will do fine however it has nothing to do with my statement.

Yes. Trump has such a good record of selecting fine people
Tell Us: Which Trump Loyalist Will Survive 2018?
There'll be a major housecleaning
I simply can not stand your sorry ass!...nor, your ilk!

You are a pathetic excuse for a woman,
and, being a female, is a sad excuse for,
identifying, defining and considering you, a woman!

You are not who or what defines, a real woman,
you are a repulsive female, that is considered a woman,
according to the stages and development, of the female sex.

An unborn baby is INSIDE a woman's body

Ford is a lying, piece of shit,
who can care less about destroying a man
if it means, woman can continue destroying babies

That's the issue, you maggot

Tsh Tsh, why is your business what the woman down the street does?. Why do you not want men to take responsibility, I suspect you are the type of female who believes in being barefoot and pregnant.

You need and anatomy lesson and probably sex ed as well. Its not a baby inside the womb, its a fetus.
Men already do have more responsibility and fewer rights and that needs to change.

BTW most men are innocent in general.

No you men do not, if you want sex use a good quality condom and remember No means No.
No you men do not, if you want sex use a good quality condom and remember No means No.
Yeah, no means no...

Never mind, I'm alone with you on your bed,
and my tits are popping out of my shirt,...
my boob job looks great...doesn't it
and my skirt barely cover my ass...
Smell my neck...like my new perfume?
Let me take these heels off, they're killing me...

Hey...I said NO

You didn't answer me...like my new boobs

I told you no

I'm telling you Pen pen...fuck off

Well I would never have a boob job, so can't help you there, and I'm not a lesbians so you would never be in my bed. I am not going to comment on your fowl mouth, just keep it to yourself.
Well I would never have a boob job, so can't help you there, and I'm not a lesbians so you would never be in my bed. I am not going to comment on your fowl mouth, just keep it to yourself.
That wasn't a 'conversation' between you and I,
it was a girl, talking to the guy she's with.
did kavanough do this type of shit when he was in collage?....how about after he graduated?....how about during the time he was now working?....as a judge?....but a drunkin 17 year old dumbass sums this guy up?..

He didn't get married till 39, you tell me.
It's bad enough you exercise your right to be stupid on a daily basis...
now, you want to start abusing that privilege

Oye vay...have compassion for me
and give my brain a rest already
Pro-choice is just another way of saying pro-abortion.
No, it's not, as you know.
Yes it is.
As with every lable[sic] Democrats place on something, it's deception.
Many who don't like abortion support a woman's right to choose.
Then there's three positions.....pro-abortion....pro-choice....and pro-life.
Planned Parenthood is pro-abortion.

That is why men go there. To get an abortion. They are working on a BC for men, time you men take responsibility for spreading STD's and getting women pg. For those women who get an abortion is a man not wearing a condom.
They are working on a BC for men, time you men take responsibility for spreading STD's and getting women pg. For those women who get an abortion is a man not wearing a condom.
ROFLMFAO...You're a hoot!

Who did the man get the STD from?

BC for men would be great....
maybe they can be more reliable to pop a pill or get a shot

If a guy isn't wearing a rubber,
why is still spreading her legs open?

Yep, time for men to take the responsibility,
women are superficial, weak and irresponsible
Wealthy, elite Celebutards attack a Republican nominee. Who would have expected it?

Who cares. I sure don't. Most of them make a living being someone they aren't in a movie.

Fake people. LOL

Fits perfectly with the shallowness of the Democrat base. And they know it. Celebrities are their royalty.
No, it's not, as you know.
Yes it is.
As with every lable[sic] Democrats place on something, it's deception.
Many who don't like abortion support a woman's right to choose.
Then there's three positions.....pro-abortion....pro-choice....and pro-life.
Planned Parenthood is pro-abortion.

That is why men go there. To get an abortion. They are working on a BC for men, time you men take responsibility for spreading STD's and getting women pg. For those women who get an abortion is a man not wearing a condom.
They are working on a BC for men, time you men take responsibility for spreading STD's and getting women pg. For those women who get an abortion is a man not wearing a condom.
ROFLMFAO...You're a hoot!

Who did the man get the STD from?

BC for men would be great....
maybe they can be more reliable to pop a pill or get a shot

If a guy isn't wearing a rubber,
why is still spreading her legs open?

Yep, time for men to take the responsibility,
women are superficial, weak and irresponsible

Maybe you as a female, is superficial, weak, and irresponsible.
Wealthy, elite Celebutards attack a Republican nominee. Who would have expected it?

Well he is an alleged attempted rapist, so you like those types. That is the Cons for you though.
Several actresses and political activists have spoken out in support of Prof Christein Blasey Ford in a moving video that somehow is being shown on television as a commercial.
Big problem. Every one of them is reading from the same exact script.

In their attempts to show that they believe Dr Ford, they give away the fact that what they are saying isn't their own thoughts, but just a video of them reading the same prepared statement. Not a statement they wrote themselves.

So only an idiot would believe that this is a grass roots movement. I wonder when it was filmed, because it seems that Hollywood was able to put this thing together on pretty short notice.

I never heard of these "actresses". They must be in the commercial from their work on casting couches.
Wealthy, elite Celebutards attack a Republican nominee. Who would have expected it?

Well he is an alleged attempted rapist, so you like those types. That is the Cons for you though.

Any evidence? Any witnesses coming forward? Alleged means nothing, he is accused, by one person. I can accuse you of raping someone, without evidence it means absolutely nothing.
Wealthy, elite Celebutards attack a Republican nominee. Who would have expected it?

Well he is an alleged attempted rapist, so you like those types. That is the Cons for you though.

Any evidence? Any witnesses coming forward? Alleged means nothing, he is accused, by one person. I can accuse you of raping someone, without evidence it means absolutely nothing.

So 1 is better than the 20 who accused Trump, so Trump did assault women. I see.
Wealthy, elite Celebutards attack a Republican nominee. Who would have expected it?

Well he is an alleged attempted rapist, so you like those types. That is the Cons for you though.

Any evidence? Any witnesses coming forward? Alleged means nothing, he is accused, by one person. I can accuse you of raping someone, without evidence it means absolutely nothing.

So 1 is better than the 20 who accused Trump, so Trump did assault women. I see.

I wouldn’t know, however the more that speak out the more credible the claim. Do you believe Ellison or the accuser? There is a lot more evidence there than with Kavanaugh. I will still give Ellison the benefit. I’m not willing to throw out a person’s reputation based on the word of another that has no evidence.
Wealthy, elite Celebutards attack a Republican nominee. Who would have expected it?

Well he is an alleged attempted rapist, so you like those types. That is the Cons for you though.

Any evidence? Any witnesses coming forward? Alleged means nothing, he is accused, by one person. I can accuse you of raping someone, without evidence it means absolutely nothing.

So 1 is better than the 20 who accused Trump, so Trump did assault women. I see.

I wouldn’t know, however the more that speak out the more credible the claim. Do you believe Ellison or the accuser? There is a lot more evidence there than with Kavanaugh. I will still give Ellison the benefit. I’m not willing to throw out a person’s reputation based on the word of another that has no evidence.

Only because the GOP refused to find evidence and they are hiding much of the paperwork form the works of Kavanaugh. Don't worry he will get confirmed and we will have 2 stains on the SC , both GOP stains.

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