Holocaust Denial: Nope

It's a conspiracy theory so big it's illegal in many countries. As an American let me say I don't think it should be illegal.

But it is massively stupid. I mean it. Massively, undeniably stupid. But there is a poster here who subscribes to it--at least one. Whenever I bring this up to her, she says "start a thread about World War Two". I would, but Holocaust Denial is not really about World War 2. It's about Holocaust Denial. Which is a stupider thread all on its own, which belongs in Conspiracy Theories, at least I think so. Because really, if the entire Holocaust is a conspiracy....it's too stupid. I can't.

So, bring it Penelope. Let's see all your best, um, "evidence".

I am fortunate enough to be the grandson of a WW2 Veteran who witnessed in person both geysers of blood erupting from mass graves outside a Nazi concentration camp and entered the camp itself. Thus, I received first hand accounts of the Holocaust from a man who saw it with his own eyes. Would my grandfather have lied to us? In my best estimation, as far as I knew, he never lied to us grandkids about anything. Therefore, and in my own personal experience, the Holocaust can never be denied. That being said, in America we are free to deny or accept the truth of any historical event and that is perhaps one of the most important freedoms of the human experience. Whether one accepts or denies the holocaust one should be free and without fear to express their opinion on the matter.
Please write those Dems and tell them you are sure there were no gas chambers in the Holocaust Penny

SweetSue 92, Is that the year you were born or graduated?

anyway, don't feel bad,

My husband very seldom wins a debate with me either.:eusa_dance:

Penny we don't even have a debate going, I hope you realize. You are just running from your beliefs. You have stated you don't believe the Jews were ever in the gas chambers but you won't tell us WHY you believe this.

92 is the year I graduated college.
Oh you graduated from college, good for you:

Yes it was a debate , and I didn't want you to miss this part of my post:

But just so you know, anytime you call me a holocaust denier in another post, it will be off topic, and I will report you, as it derails the whole post.:eusa_naughty:

What are you ashamed of Penny? Why aren't you trying to convert more people into the TRUTH that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz?

I'm not a least bit of ashamed of my thinking on the matter, but I'll have to respond to my thinking of the matter, which would derail the thread.

Um this is a thread about Holocaust denial. You are denying the existence of the Holocaust as it is commonly understood. So this is the place to share your thinking Penny.
Please write those Dems and tell them you are sure there were no gas chambers in the Holocaust Penny

SweetSue 92, Is that the year you were born or graduated?

anyway, don't feel bad,

My husband very seldom wins a debate with me either.:eusa_dance:

Penny we don't even have a debate going, I hope you realize. You are just running from your beliefs. You have stated you don't believe the Jews were ever in the gas chambers but you won't tell us WHY you believe this.

92 is the year I graduated college.
Oh you graduated from college, good for you:

Yes it was a debate , and I didn't want you to miss this part of my post:

But just so you know, anytime you call me a holocaust denier in another post, it will be off topic, and I will report you, as it derails the whole post.:eusa_naughty:

No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

Not sure about that but there are absolutely videos of the chambers and of the "left and right" lines.
So, bring it Penelope. Let's see all your best, um, "evidence".

If she responds, it will probably be in the form of a link to an article by some nutcase.

On another note, articles should be linked to BACK one's argument, not make it. One shouldn't need to post a link to an argument that they should be able to make themselves. To do so is intellectually lazy.
Only then to have whiners cry foul; and then demand a source... There are two camps regarding the Holocaust. Those that accept the victor narrative. And those who question it. That is all...
SweetSue 92, Is that the year you were born or graduated?

anyway, don't feel bad,

My husband very seldom wins a debate with me either.:eusa_dance:

Penny we don't even have a debate going, I hope you realize. You are just running from your beliefs. You have stated you don't believe the Jews were ever in the gas chambers but you won't tell us WHY you believe this.

92 is the year I graduated college.
Oh you graduated from college, good for you:

Yes it was a debate , and I didn't want you to miss this part of my post:

But just so you know, anytime you call me a holocaust denier in another post, it will be off topic, and I will report you, as it derails the whole post.:eusa_naughty:

No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

There is firsthand details and witnesses. I am not sure about videos? Why do you want to see them?

Yeah I mean if it exists I'd love to see incontrovertible proof of these crimes against humanity that every white man to the right of Marx are blamed for to this day.
SweetSue 92, Is that the year you were born or graduated?

anyway, don't feel bad,

My husband very seldom wins a debate with me either.:eusa_dance:

Penny we don't even have a debate going, I hope you realize. You are just running from your beliefs. You have stated you don't believe the Jews were ever in the gas chambers but you won't tell us WHY you believe this.

92 is the year I graduated college.
Oh you graduated from college, good for you:

Yes it was a debate , and I didn't want you to miss this part of my post:

But just so you know, anytime you call me a holocaust denier in another post, it will be off topic, and I will report you, as it derails the whole post.:eusa_naughty:

No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

Not sure about that but there are absolutely videos of the chambers and of the "left and right" lines.

So the jews took videos??
It's a conspiracy theory so big it's illegal in many countries. As an American let me say I don't think it should be illegal.

But it is massively stupid. I mean it. Massively, undeniably stupid. But there is a poster here who subscribes to it--at least one. Whenever I bring this up to her, she says "start a thread about World War Two". I would, but Holocaust Denial is not really about World War 2. It's about Holocaust Denial. Which is a stupider thread all on its own, which belongs in Conspiracy Theories, at least I think so. Because really, if the entire Holocaust is a conspiracy....it's too stupid. I can't.

So, bring it Penelope. Let's see all your best, um, "evidence".

I am fortunate enough to be the grandson of a WW2 Veteran who witnessed in person both geysers of blood erupting from mass graves outside a Nazi concentration camp and entered the camp itself. Thus, I received first hand accounts of the Holocaust from a man who saw it with his own eyes. Would my grandfather have lied to us? In my best estimation, as far as I knew, he never lied to us grandkids about anything. Therefore, and in my own personal experience, the Holocaust can never be denied. That being said, in America we are free to deny or accept the truth of any historical event and that is perhaps one of the most important freedoms of the human experience. Whether one accepts or denies the holocaust one should be free and without fear to express their opinion on the matter.

Agreed to your first point, and of course to your second. Here we are doing the most American thing of all--airing our viewpoint on a forum, freely. I am free to think my opponents' viewpoints are nuts, and I do. But they are free to state them. As they should be.
Penny we don't even have a debate going, I hope you realize. You are just running from your beliefs. You have stated you don't believe the Jews were ever in the gas chambers but you won't tell us WHY you believe this.

92 is the year I graduated college.
Oh you graduated from college, good for you:

Yes it was a debate , and I didn't want you to miss this part of my post:

But just so you know, anytime you call me a holocaust denier in another post, it will be off topic, and I will report you, as it derails the whole post.:eusa_naughty:

No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

There is firsthand details and witnesses. I am not sure about videos? Why do you want to see them?

Yeah I mean if it exists I'd love to see incontrovertible proof of these crimes against humanity that every white man to the right of Marx are blamed for to this day.

How fun, a Jew-hating white supremacist.

So, bring it Penelope. Let's see all your best, um, "evidence".

If she responds, it will probably be in the form of a link to an article by some nutcase.

On another note, articles should be linked to BACK one's argument, not make it. One shouldn't need to post a link to an argument that they should be able to make themselves. To do so is intellectually lazy.
Only then to have whiners cry foul; and then demand a source... There are two camps regarding the Holocaust. Those that accept the victor narrative. And those who question it. That is all...

It is not noble or intelligent to question everything you know. It is a complete waste of an otherwise good brain in some cases, or another rabbit trail for a rather deficient brain in others.

I'm seeing both in this thread so far. And a lot of sickening bigotry to boot.
Penny we don't even have a debate going, I hope you realize. You are just running from your beliefs. You have stated you don't believe the Jews were ever in the gas chambers but you won't tell us WHY you believe this.

92 is the year I graduated college.
Oh you graduated from college, good for you:

Yes it was a debate , and I didn't want you to miss this part of my post:

But just so you know, anytime you call me a holocaust denier in another post, it will be off topic, and I will report you, as it derails the whole post.:eusa_naughty:

No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

Not sure about that but there are absolutely videos of the chambers and of the "left and right" lines.

So the jews took videos??

No the Nazis did, Penny. Do you really not know these things?
Oh you graduated from college, good for you:

Yes it was a debate , and I didn't want you to miss this part of my post:

But just so you know, anytime you call me a holocaust denier in another post, it will be off topic, and I will report you, as it derails the whole post.:eusa_naughty:

No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

Not sure about that but there are absolutely videos of the chambers and of the "left and right" lines.

So the jews took videos??

No the Nazis did, Penny. Do you really not know these things?

The US military did also
Oh you graduated from college, good for you:

Yes it was a debate , and I didn't want you to miss this part of my post:

But just so you know, anytime you call me a holocaust denier in another post, it will be off topic, and I will report you, as it derails the whole post.:eusa_naughty:

No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

Not sure about that but there are absolutely videos of the chambers and of the "left and right" lines.

So the jews took videos??

No the Nazis did, Penny. Do you really not know these things?

Oh really, do you want to show some, or should I just watch holocaust movies on TV.
So, bring it Penelope. Let's see all your best, um, "evidence".

If she responds, it will probably be in the form of a link to an article by some nutcase.

On another note, articles should be linked to BACK one's argument, not make it. One shouldn't need to post a link to an argument that they should be able to make themselves. To do so is intellectually lazy.
Only then to have whiners cry foul; and then demand a source... There are two camps regarding the Holocaust. Those that accept the victor narrative. And those who question it. That is all...

It is not noble or intelligent to question everything you know. It is a complete waste of an otherwise good brain in some cases, or another rabbit trail for a rather deficient brain in others.

I'm seeing both in this thread so far. And a lot of sickening bigotry to boot.

What about the jew killing rollercoaster of death? Am I allowed to question that witness report or nah?
No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

Not sure about that but there are absolutely videos of the chambers and of the "left and right" lines.

So the jews took videos??

No the Nazis did, Penny. Do you really not know these things?

The US military did also

Sure did. Notably at Dachau if memory serves.
No we're not debating. You have only stated that you deny one of the most photographed and videographed truths of the 20th century. You don't state how or why you arrived at this nonsensical "belief". That does not make a "debate" Penny. That would be like me saying, Yeah I don't believe George W. Bush was ever president---good debate, I win.

I can SAY that but everyone reading will think I'm crazy. And stupid.

There's video of people being thrown into ovens and gas chambers?

Not sure about that but there are absolutely videos of the chambers and of the "left and right" lines.

So the jews took videos??

No the Nazis did, Penny. Do you really not know these things?

The US military did also
So the US military took pictures of people thrown into the chambers and lines of the jews lining up?? Are you sure you didn't see that in a movie.
So, bring it Penelope. Let's see all your best, um, "evidence".

If she responds, it will probably be in the form of a link to an article by some nutcase.

On another note, articles should be linked to BACK one's argument, not make it. One shouldn't need to post a link to an argument that they should be able to make themselves. To do so is intellectually lazy.
Only then to have whiners cry foul; and then demand a source... There are two camps regarding the Holocaust. Those that accept the victor narrative. And those who question it. That is all...

It is not noble or intelligent to question everything you know. It is a complete waste of an otherwise good brain in some cases, or another rabbit trail for a rather deficient brain in others.

I'm seeing both in this thread so far. And a lot of sickening bigotry to boot.
Nor is it noble to claim as “knowledge, merely what you’ve been told”. It is however intelligent to confirm for ones self; that which they claim to “know”.

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