Holocaust Denial: Nope

There is a simple reason for the criminalization of Holocaust Denial in Europe... the actual danger of Nazi resurgence.

When the Nazis were destroyed by the Allies in 1945, millions of loyal Nazis survived and many of those would have loved to have seen Nazism reborn in a kinder, gentler, less murdery way. Nazism was popular with Germans before the end of World War 2 and even had many fans in Europe, Britain, and America.

The Nazis are irrevocably linked in History to the slaughter of millions of Jewish civilians. For this alone, it has poisoned the ideology to the point it can never be revived.

But, many believe, if they can erase the connection between Nazi ideology and The Holocaust, it will pave the way for Nazism to return as a political system.

Fearing a real threat from former Nazis and Nazi sympathizers, most of Europe criminalized the denial or trivialization of The Holocaust to prevent just such a resurgence.

How many are there? I've never met one though I have met a few anti-Israel mob who are Holocaust Deniers. (They conflate Holocaust Denial and anti-Israeli sentiments). Their root is not Nazism but anti-American Socialism/Communism. One look at that idiot Corbyn and you see this in action.
On Wednesday, the Politics Home website reported that the U.K. Labour Party leader (at the time a backbencher) signed a parliamentary motion in 2011 calling for Holocaust Memorial Day to be renamed.

Corbyn backed a proposal by John McDonnell that Britain should rename the event Genocide Memorial Day – Never Again for Anyone. (McDonnell is now Corbyn's shadow chancellor in the opposition.) Further, the debate was slated to take place on Holocaust Memorial Day.

Reducing the importance of the Holocaust is merely a step towards condemning Israel and the US.

You are really an idiot aren't you. The holocaust never happened, it happened only to the jews.

First, you say that the Holocaust "never happened." Next you say that it "happened only to the jews." It either did happen or it didn't.

We have seen the pictures of naked women lined up for the gas chambers, trying to cover their genitals with their hands. Bones piled high. Boxes of wedding rings stripped off of them. Pictures of little kids in the Warsaw ghetto with their hands up. Pictures of skeletal survivors, many of them worked as slaves. Pictures of ovens and gas chambers.

When, if ever, do we evolve a sense of deep shame? Take a look at what happened to these poor people. How could anyone do this?

I am a metro ride away from the Holocaust Museum, but I have never visited because I can't. There is no way for anyone to atone for this.

Don't deflect on the basis that other bad things happened to other people. I can't atone for what happened at Wounded Knee, to the slaves on American plantations, to the Armenians.

The point here is to remember that these things happened, and resolve that they never, ever happen again.

What happened, WWII, yes we should never repeat it.

There is not a single belief I hold that I would not be upfront here and honest about Penny, not one.

But you can't come out and state yours, not even when I opened up a whole thread on it. Whassamatter? Why are you ashamed to say you don't believe the gas chambers existed and you think the entire thing is a hoax?
Most died of starvation and typhus in the concentration (work) camps.

The Germans did use some Jews for slave labor, but the camps they were in were death camps, not "concentration" camps. The vast majority of Jews sent to Auschwitz, for instance, were dead within an hour of their arrival.

From J Post:
Today Auschwitz is a symbol of the Jewish Holocaust. It is true that the Poles were mainly in Auschwitz I, which was a concentration camp, whereas the majority of the Jews was directed straight to Birkenau, which was a death camp. However, since they were both classified as Untermenschen, both Jews and Poles would ultimately face extermination.

Poland and the Jews: A few facts about Poland's WWII history
Most died of starvation and typhus in the concentration (work) camps.

The Germans did use some Jews for slave labor, but the camps they were in were death camps, not "concentration" camps. The vast majority of Jews sent to Auschwitz, for instance, were dead within an hour of their arrival.

From J Post:
Today Auschwitz is a symbol of the Jewish Holocaust. It is true that the Poles were mainly in Auschwitz I, which was a concentration camp, whereas the majority of the Jews was directed straight to Birkenau, which was a death camp. However, since they were both classified as Untermenschen, both Jews and Poles would ultimately face extermination.

Poland and the Jews: A few facts about Poland's WWII history

Be courageous and come out with your own views, Penny. Gas chamber or no?

Why are you being so cowardly?
My point is, she is wrong. Truth? It depends on a persons point of view.

Did the Nazis engage in genocide against the Jews and murder 6 million of them in the process?
They murdered millions more but they never get talked about.
Why is that?

For my part I think I already answered this.

The Industrial Revolution nature of the killing is particularly horrifying. It's why the killing squads of the Holocaust get little play but the gas chambers get more. Something about feeding humans into those chambers and then the ovens is just pure horror to us....and the number of people who were part of the killing machine, and did nothing.
Auschwitz II-Birkenau

Birkenau was the largest of the more than 40 camps and sub-camps that made up the Auschwitz complex. During its three years of operation, it had a range of functions. When construction began in October 1941, it was supposed to be a camp for 125 thousand prisoners of war. It opened as a branch of Auschwitz in March 1942, and served at the same time as a center for the extermination of the Jews. In its final phase, from 1944, it also became a place where prisoners were concentrated before being transferred to labor in German industry in the depths of the Third Reich.

The majority—probably about 90%—of the victims of Auschwitz Concentration Camp died in Birkenau. This means approximately a million people. The majority, more than nine out of every ten, were Jews. A large proportion of the more than 70 thousand Poles who died or were killed in the Auschwitz complex perished in Birkenau. So did approximately 20 thousand Gypsies, in addition to Soviet POWs and prisoners of other nationalities.


Auschwitz II-Birkenau / History / Auschwitz-Birkenau
Most died of starvation and typhus in the concentration (work) camps.

The Germans did use some Jews for slave labor, but the camps they were in were death camps, not "concentration" camps. The vast majority of Jews sent to Auschwitz, for instance, were dead within an hour of their arrival.

From J Post:
Today Auschwitz is a symbol of the Jewish Holocaust. It is true that the Poles were mainly in Auschwitz I, which was a concentration camp, whereas the majority of the Jews was directed straight to Birkenau, which was a death camp. However, since they were both classified as Untermenschen, both Jews and Poles would ultimately face extermination.

Poland and the Jews: A few facts about Poland's WWII history

Be courageous and come out with your own views, Penny. Gas chamber or no?

Why are you being so cowardly?

No. Unless you mean by gas, Zyclon B. I doubt deny many jews were not killed in WWII, but that no. of Jews is small compared to the total number of deaths in WWII.
Auschwitz II-Birkenau

Birkenau was the largest of the more than 40 camps and sub-camps that made up the Auschwitz complex. During its three years of operation, it had a range of functions. When construction began in October 1941, it was supposed to be a camp for 125 thousand prisoners of war. It opened as a branch of Auschwitz in March 1942, and served at the same time as a center for the extermination of the Jews. In its final phase, from 1944, it also became a place where prisoners were concentrated before being transferred to labor in German industry in the depths of the Third Reich.

The majority—probably about 90%—of the victims of Auschwitz Concentration Camp died in Birkenau. This means approximately a million people. The majority, more than nine out of every ten, were Jews. A large proportion of the more than 70 thousand Poles who died or were killed in the Auschwitz complex perished in Birkenau. So did approximately 20 thousand Gypsies, in addition to Soviet POWs and prisoners of other nationalities.


Auschwitz II-Birkenau / History / Auschwitz-Birkenau

Penny we know all this. We know gypsies, homosexuals, Poles and the disabled were all killed. Nazis were monsters. Not just Jews were killed, WE KNOW THIS.

Why is it so important to you to hold on to the belief that the Jews were not really killed in gas chambers?

That's weird, wrong, stupid, and probably evil. I hope you know
Most died of starvation and typhus in the concentration (work) camps.

The Germans did use some Jews for slave labor, but the camps they were in were death camps, not "concentration" camps. The vast majority of Jews sent to Auschwitz, for instance, were dead within an hour of their arrival.

From J Post:
Today Auschwitz is a symbol of the Jewish Holocaust. It is true that the Poles were mainly in Auschwitz I, which was a concentration camp, whereas the majority of the Jews was directed straight to Birkenau, which was a death camp. However, since they were both classified as Untermenschen, both Jews and Poles would ultimately face extermination.

Poland and the Jews: A few facts about Poland's WWII history

Be courageous and come out with your own views, Penny. Gas chamber or no?

Why are you being so cowardly?


So there we have it. You think the gas chambers were a big hoax. Now we're getting somewhere, but that was VERY hard for you to admit.

You know why, Penny? Because you know it makes you crazy, and you know it's wrong. But you have to believe it, so you can hate the Jews you hate.

Why must you hate the Jews you hate, Penny? Who taught you this nonsense?
Most died of starvation and typhus in the concentration (work) camps.

The Germans did use some Jews for slave labor, but the camps they were in were death camps, not "concentration" camps. The vast majority of Jews sent to Auschwitz, for instance, were dead within an hour of their arrival.

From J Post:
Today Auschwitz is a symbol of the Jewish Holocaust. It is true that the Poles were mainly in Auschwitz I, which was a concentration camp, whereas the majority of the Jews was directed straight to Birkenau, which was a death camp. However, since they were both classified as Untermenschen, both Jews and Poles would ultimately face extermination.

Poland and the Jews: A few facts about Poland's WWII history

Be courageous and come out with your own views, Penny. Gas chamber or no?

Why are you being so cowardly?

No. Unless you mean by gas, Zyclon B. I doubt deny many jews were not killed in WWII, but that no. of Jews is small compared to the total number of deaths in WWII.

Okay again, you deny this undeniable historical FACT because you have an agenda.

Why must you have an agenda of hate, Penny? Who taught you this absolute nonsense?
It is true that the Poles were mainly in Auschwitz I, which was a concentration camp, whereas the majority of the Jews was directed straight to Birkenau, which was a death camp. However, since they were both classified as Untermenschen, both Jews and Poles would ultimately face extermination.

That is correct. Please note, Birkenau was a sub-camp within the Auschwitz complex, which was enormous and spread out. The primary purpose of the Auschwitz complex was to exterminate Jews and then cremate their bodies.
The holocaust happened, it just wasnt that bad
Im part jew, so i can say that

Wtf? It just wasnt that bad?

Your cred just tanked on here
Lol the holocaust was horrible. I was just being my normal asshole self.
But it wasnt as bad conpared to many other incidents in recent history.
I have always wondered why the holocaust gets so much attention and not others.
People barely talk about the great leap forward and it was the biggest mass killing in history.

You are right on the Great Leap Forward that it was a totally disgusting event; I might also add that it was Socialism on steroids!! The actual death toll, however incredibly evil, was not the INTENT of the exercise. What was intended was that Collectivisation would lead to a New Dawn of WEALTH FOR THE PEOPLE!! Yes: many were murdered as well, but they were "enemies of the state"...which usually meant anyone who might oppose the power of the Party(Stalinism at its most putrid). . The really massive death toll came about because of the induced famine. But that is another story and involves the callous indifference of the Central Authority and their incompetent and corrupt cadres .

But that in no way diminishes the Holocaust. It was the deliberate murder of a racial group for several reasons to wit that the perpetrators considered their race to be inferior and a cause of their loss in WW1. True: Nazis also believed that others were also inferior and murdered them as well in massive numbers but they selected the Jews as particular scapegoats and nothing short of their complete annihilation would satisfy their revenge. The Nazis worked towards that end with disgusting efficiency.

And now the Jews want money form Poland, just like they want from the RCC, they have been after the release of Pope Pius X11 to be made public.
Polish Prime Minister to Haaretz: Tens of Thousands of Poles Aided Jews. We Won't Give in to Lies

Mateusz Morawiecki, who canceled his trip to the Visegrad Summit in Jerusalem over remarks on Polish anti-Semitism by Israel's acting foreign minister, says 'we should not allow some radicals to rewrite history'

Top of Form

Feb 22, 2019 11:05 AM

Polish prime minister to Haaretz: Tens of thousands of Poles aided Jews. We won't give in to lies

They pretty much got everything they are going to get from Germany (did any other country get anything) and their ads for IFCJ who does ads on the poor Jews from the holocaust has dried up. You can still see them on Fox cable news now and then.

Yet the US sends them 3.8 billion, that is billion bucks a year, a part of that might go towards abortions.
Most died of starvation and typhus in the concentration (work) camps.

The Germans did use some Jews for slave labor, but the camps they were in were death camps, not "concentration" camps. The vast majority of Jews sent to Auschwitz, for instance, were dead within an hour of their arrival.

From J Post:
Today Auschwitz is a symbol of the Jewish Holocaust. It is true that the Poles were mainly in Auschwitz I, which was a concentration camp, whereas the majority of the Jews was directed straight to Birkenau, which was a death camp. However, since they were both classified as Untermenschen, both Jews and Poles would ultimately face extermination.

Poland and the Jews: A few facts about Poland's WWII history

Be courageous and come out with your own views, Penny. Gas chamber or no?

Why are you being so cowardly?

No. Unless you mean by gas, Zyclon B. I doubt deny many jews were not killed in WWII, but that no. of Jews is small compared to the total number of deaths in WWII.

I mean Penny what would you say to me if I said, "The Democrats did not win the House in 2018."

"Uh, yes Sue, yes they did."

"Well, I just don't believe it. I believe the vote was messed with and I don't like the way it turned out. I also believe the Democrats are corrupt, so I don't think the election was fair. So really the whole thing was a hoax."

"Well, Sue, you're allowed to think the Dems are corrupt and even allowed to think the election was unfair if you want. But they definitely did win in 2018. In fact they are seated as the majority in the House right now."

"Well I just don't BELIEVE that see."

And now the Jews want money form Poland, just like they want from the RCC, they have been after the release of Pope Pius X11 to be made public.

They pretty much got everything they are going to get from Germany (did any other country get anything) and their ads for IFCJ who does ads on the poor Jews from the holocaust has dried up. You can still see them on Fox cable news now and then.

Yet the US sends them 3.8 billion, that is billion bucks a year, a part of that might go towards abortions.

As I just posted. That you don't LIKE the Jews has no bearing on whether there were gas chambers in the death camps.

I apologize to everyone that Penny lives in Michigan.
The holocaust happened, it just wasnt that bad
Im part jew, so i can say that

Wtf? It just wasnt that bad?

Your cred just tanked on here
Lol the holocaust was horrible. I was just being my normal asshole self.
But it wasnt as bad conpared to many other incidents in recent history.
I have always wondered why the holocaust gets so much attention and not others.
People barely talk about the great leap forward and it was the biggest mass killing in history.

You are right on the Great Leap Forward that it was a totally disgusting event; I might also add that it was Socialism on steroids!! The actual death toll, however incredibly evil, was not the INTENT of the exercise. What was intended was that Collectivisation would lead to a New Dawn of WEALTH FOR THE PEOPLE!! Yes: many were murdered as well, but they were "enemies of the state"...which usually meant anyone who might oppose the power of the Party(Stalinism at its most putrid). . The really massive death toll came about because of the induced famine. But that is another story and involves the callous indifference of the Central Authority and their incompetent and corrupt cadres .

But that in no way diminishes the Holocaust. It was the deliberate murder of a racial group for several reasons to wit that the perpetrators considered their race to be inferior and a cause of their loss in WW1. True: Nazis also believed that others were also inferior and murdered them as well in massive numbers but they selected the Jews as particular scapegoats and nothing short of their complete annihilation would satisfy their revenge. The Nazis worked towards that end with disgusting efficiency.


Maybe that is because Judea (jews of the world) declared war on Germany in 1933.
And now the Jews want money form Poland, just like they want from the RCC, they have been after the release of Pope Pius X11 to be made public.

They pretty much got everything they are going to get from Germany (did any other country get anything) and their ads for IFCJ who does ads on the poor Jews from the holocaust has dried up. You can still see them on Fox cable news now and then.

Yet the US sends them 3.8 billion, that is billion bucks a year, a part of that might go towards abortions.

As I just posted. That you don't LIKE the Jews has no bearing on whether there were gas chambers in the death camps.

I apologize to everyone that Penny lives in Michigan.

I said there weren't. Yes I am a proud Michigander.
And now the Jews want money form Poland, just like they want from the RCC, they have been after the release of Pope Pius X11 to be made public.

They pretty much got everything they are going to get from Germany (did any other country get anything) and their ads for IFCJ who does ads on the poor Jews from the holocaust has dried up. You can still see them on Fox cable news now and then.

Yet the US sends them 3.8 billion, that is billion bucks a year, a part of that might go towards abortions.

As I just posted. That you don't LIKE the Jews has no bearing on whether there were gas chambers in the death camps.

I apologize to everyone that Penny lives in Michigan.

I'm a Democrats and there are many Jews in the Democrats congress, since there are 0 in the Republican Senate and only 2 in the Republican House.
Interesting thread. I cant believe Penelope, the radical leftist is saying these things considering her entire ideology is based on the anti-western teachings of Jewish intellectuals.

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