Holocaust Denial: Nope

It's a conspiracy theory so big it's illegal in many countries. As an American let me say I don't think it should be illegal.

But it is massively stupid. I mean it. Massively, undeniably stupid. But there is a poster here who subscribes to it--at least one. Whenever I bring this up to her, she says "start a thread about World War Two". I would, but Holocaust Denial is not really about World War 2. It's about Holocaust Denial. Which is a stupider thread all on its own, which belongs in Conspiracy Theories, at least I think so. Because really, if the entire Holocaust is a conspiracy....it's too stupid. I can't.

So, bring it Penelope. Let's see all your best, um, "evidence".

I disagree. Loathsome as it is, I want subhumans like Penelope to have the right to engage in Holocaust denial. The more of these things that engage in such, the more people will realize that antisemitism is more of a leftist phenomenon than it is a right wing.

In Europe, free speech is being curtailed when it comes to the ability to oppose Islamism. It could happen here as Islam asserts itself here, so I am against restrictions on free speech.
So you may or not be 100% British?

I am an American too but my ancestors are 100% Russian. Undefeated in two world wars. So stop your nonsense of being better based on birthright. It’s stupid and you just admitted you were a mutt. Enough!

What? When did I say that?

Oh, and FYI most Russians have some tatar or mongolian genes so you're not 100% anything.

Not those form St. Petersburg. Try again.

Your ancestors spent the entirety of Russian history in St. Petersburg?

You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.
What? When did I say that?

Oh, and FYI most Russians have some tatar or mongolian genes so you're not 100% anything.

Not those form St. Petersburg. Try again.

Your ancestors spent the entirety of Russian history in St. Petersburg?

You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?
Not those form St. Petersburg. Try again.

Your ancestors spent the entirety of Russian history in St. Petersburg?

You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL
It's a conspiracy theory so big it's illegal in many countries. As an American let me say I don't think it should be illegal.

But it is massively stupid. I mean it. Massively, undeniably stupid. But there is a poster here who subscribes to it--at least one. Whenever I bring this up to her, she says "start a thread about World War Two". I would, but Holocaust Denial is not really about World War 2. It's about Holocaust Denial. Which is a stupider thread all on its own, which belongs in Conspiracy Theories, at least I think so. Because really, if the entire Holocaust is a conspiracy....it's too stupid. I can't.

So, bring it Penelope. Let's see all your best, um, "evidence".

I disagree. Loathsome as it is, I want subhumans like Penelope to have the right to engage in Holocaust denial. The more of these things that engage in such, the more people will realize that antisemitism is more of a leftist phenomenon than it is a right wing.

In Europe, free speech is being curtailed when it comes to the ability to oppose Islamism. It could happen here as Islam asserts itself here, so I am against restrictions on free speech.

To be clear I agree with you. I am deeply American and don't think Holocaust denial SHOULD be illegal. I'm just saying it is so stupid that some nations make it illegal....it's that stupid...but I don't agree with the practice. The best way to douse stupid ideas is to bring them to light, debate them, and crush them entirely. :)
Your ancestors spent the entirety of Russian history in St. Petersburg?

You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

FWIW and maybe not much--highly intelligent and curious people can definitely be "uneducated" in that they did not go to college. In fact, I once had a long and fascinating conversation with a man who came to fix my furnace, who had escaped many years prior from, guess where? Soviet Russia. As you can imagine he had a deep love for his Russian roots but also loved, loved, loved and appreciated his new American home. He loved having his heating and cooling job, earning his own money--just so much about America. Very, very smart.

I do not have much tolerance for stubborn ignorance, however.
You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

FWIW and maybe not much--highly intelligent and curious people can definitely be "uneducated" in that they did not go to college. In fact, I once had a long and fascinating conversation with a man who came to fix my furnace, who had escaped many years prior from, guess where? Soviet Russia. As you can imagine he had a deep love for his Russian roots but also loved, loved, loved and appreciated his new American home. He loved having his heating and cooling job, earning his own money--just so much about America. Very, very smart.

I do not have much tolerance for stubborn ignorance, however.

Those who are handy are smarter than 90% of college grads.
Not those form St. Petersburg. Try again.

Your ancestors spent the entirety of Russian history in St. Petersburg?

You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?
That’s how concessions of defeat are made...
Your ancestors spent the entirety of Russian history in St. Petersburg?

You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?
That’s how concessions of defeat are made...

No. That is how you draw out your opponent and see if they have the courage to fire back. But keep trying.
Your ancestors spent the entirety of Russian history in St. Petersburg?

You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

Relax. I didn't "deny" your precious genocide nor did I claim to hate Jews. I just asked questions. I'm skeptical of certain aspects of the narrative but that doesn't mean I deny anything happened.

A lot of my internet friends talk about how Jews run the world and I'm skeptical of what they say too.

I do think there's a nugget of truth in there though...

It's funny that you compare me to a leftist. Aren't they the ones who scream racism whenever someone questions their dogma?
You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

Relax. I didn't "deny" your precious genocide nor did I claim to hate Jews. I just asked questions. I'm skeptical of certain aspects of the narrative but that doesn't mean I deny anything happened.

A lot of my internet friends talk about how Jews run the world and I'm skeptical of what they say too.

I do think there's a nugget of truth in there though...

It's funny that you compare me to a leftist. Aren't they the ones who scream racism whenever someone questions their dogma?

Well now you made your position more clear. If you want to know about Jew. Take it from my good friend Jordan Peterson. I am sure you know who he is and agree that he is logical.

I don't understand why we allowed Germany to stand after WW2 to be honest.

Americans don't put conquered nations to the sword ... we are not, after all, Nazis.

Not just America--all of Europe, plus America.

I believe my children's children--or generations after--will come to deeply regret that we let Germany stand.

Your children's children will think Germany is a jihadist country.

Holocaust deniers are generally faked moon landing and flat earthers as well. :abgg2q.jpg:

If their only affliction is Holocaust denial, they're probably rabid anti-semites.
I don't understand why we allowed Germany to stand after WW2 to be honest.

Americans don't put conquered nations to the sword ... we are not, after all, Nazis.

Not just America--all of Europe, plus America.

I believe my children's children--or generations after--will come to deeply regret that we let Germany stand.

Your children's children will think Germany is a jihadist country.

Holocaust deniers are generally faked moon landing and flat earthers as well. :abgg2q.jpg:

If their only affliction is Holocaust denial, they're probably rabid anti-semites.
There is a very stark difference between questioning the narrative; and claiming no Jews died in Nazi Germany. If the narrative that is pushed is beyond reproach it would welcome any, and all scrutiny. And it certainly wouldn’t criminalize questioning it...
Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

Relax. I didn't "deny" your precious genocide nor did I claim to hate Jews. I just asked questions. I'm skeptical of certain aspects of the narrative but that doesn't mean I deny anything happened.

A lot of my internet friends talk about how Jews run the world and I'm skeptical of what they say too.

I do think there's a nugget of truth in there though...

It's funny that you compare me to a leftist. Aren't they the ones who scream racism whenever someone questions their dogma?

Well now you made your position more clear. If you want to know about Jew. Take it from my good friend Jordan Peterson. I am sure you know who he is and agree that he is logical.

I've seen that. Peterson is obviously uncomfortable...his answer although a bit PC still treads some dangerous territory but I generally agree with his assessment. I think he should have mentioned in-group favoritism as another explanation...

When they're not writing articles promoting the LGBTQ agenda and blaming white men for all the world's ails, the media keeps asking the question "why are white men so angry?" and "What is behind the troubling rise of the far-right?"

White men have a big target on their heads and are looking for someone to blame. Anyone looking for a "jewish conspiracy" won't be hard pressed to find plenty of evidence to support that theory in Hollywood and news media. And that's not even touching on the radical political theories that have taken hold in Universities, most of which were formulated by Jewish intellectuals.
You got it! Well I tainted the gene pool by marrying my wife, who is actually German (Amerian but ancestors are German)....ooooooh....the travesty. Now I have two tall blonde and blue eyed daughters. My little FU to your boy Adolph. In fact I always state that my superior athletic skills are due to my superior Russian genetics. BANG!

Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

Relax. I didn't "deny" your precious genocide nor did I claim to hate Jews. I just asked questions. I'm skeptical of certain aspects of the narrative but that doesn't mean I deny anything happened.

A lot of my internet friends talk about how Jews run the world and I'm skeptical of what they say too.

I do think there's a nugget of truth in there though...

It's funny that you compare me to a leftist. Aren't they the ones who scream racism whenever someone questions their dogma?
You don't claim to hate Jews.

You just do.
Oh look, a jew bragging about his racial supremacy. That about as unusual as rain on a sunday morning.

Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

Relax. I didn't "deny" your precious genocide nor did I claim to hate Jews. I just asked questions. I'm skeptical of certain aspects of the narrative but that doesn't mean I deny anything happened.

A lot of my internet friends talk about how Jews run the world and I'm skeptical of what they say too.

I do think there's a nugget of truth in there though...

It's funny that you compare me to a leftist. Aren't they the ones who scream racism whenever someone questions their dogma?
You don't claim to hate Jews.

You just do.

It'll be ok, snowflake. :itsok:
Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

Relax. I didn't "deny" your precious genocide nor did I claim to hate Jews. I just asked questions. I'm skeptical of certain aspects of the narrative but that doesn't mean I deny anything happened.

A lot of my internet friends talk about how Jews run the world and I'm skeptical of what they say too.

I do think there's a nugget of truth in there though...

It's funny that you compare me to a leftist. Aren't they the ones who scream racism whenever someone questions their dogma?

Well now you made your position more clear. If you want to know about Jew. Take it from my good friend Jordan Peterson. I am sure you know who he is and agree that he is logical.

I've seen that. Peterson is obviously uncomfortable...his answer although a bit PC still treads some dangerous territory but I generally agree with his assessment. I think he should have mentioned in-group favoritism as another explanation...

When they're not writing articles promoting the LGBTQ agenda and blaming white men for all the world's ails, the media keeps asking the question "why are white men so angry?" and "What is behind the troubling rise of the far-right?"

White men have a big target on their heads and are looking for someone to blame. Anyone looking for a "jewish conspiracy" won't be hard pressed to find plenty of evidence to support that theory in Hollywood and news media. And that's not even touching on the radical political theories that have taken hold in Universities, most of which were formulated by Jewish intellectuals.

Except it is not all Jews. Many Jews like me cannot stand the Progressive Leftists. Lumping us all in together is wrong. I disagree that he looked uncomfortable. Far from it. JP is the real deal and attacks questions head on.
Judaism is more or less a religion and culture to me. I am neither Arab nor Israeli but I will defend Israel and I am certainly superior to you. Where did you go to college? Did you even go to college? Only thing we have in common is we think that Leftists are idiots but you're equally idiotic just for a different reason. Educate yourself and then you may learn to be a better debater.

Calling your adversary names and insulting their intelligence is how pro-debaters do it?

When you deny the Holocaust and then state that the museum that explains how it happened and that it did happen is "boring" you self identify as pretty dumb. Do you not see that? Facts don't care about your feelings. This is the same issue I have with idiot Leftists with TDS. When you deny that Trump won the election fairly and that the Mueller report is a nothingburger you're identifying as an idiot.

I am trying to help you. You hate me because of my ancestors religion and culture? That is stupid when you and I agree on most everything else? How do you not see that? Too much Jew hate? LOL

Relax. I didn't "deny" your precious genocide nor did I claim to hate Jews. I just asked questions. I'm skeptical of certain aspects of the narrative but that doesn't mean I deny anything happened.

A lot of my internet friends talk about how Jews run the world and I'm skeptical of what they say too.

I do think there's a nugget of truth in there though...

It's funny that you compare me to a leftist. Aren't they the ones who scream racism whenever someone questions their dogma?
You don't claim to hate Jews.

You just do.

It'll be ok, snowflake. :itsok:

He is far from a snowflake. It is OK that you hate a group of people and lump them together. It is your right as an American. Just as it is my right to tell you that this Jew, me, thinks that any Jew who continues to vote Democrat is a traitor. At the same time, I think anyone who lumps me in with those Jews should explain why they are doing that. :1peleas:
He is far from a snowflake. It is OK that you hate a group of people and lump them together. It is your right as an American. Just as it is my right to tell you that this Jew, me, thinks that any Jew who continues to vote Democrat is a traitor. At the same time, I think anyone who lumps me in with those Jews should explain why they are doing that. :1peleas:

I wasn't lumping you in with them, only explaining why some people think the way they do when it comes to Jews and their influence on western society.

Oh, and acknowledging certain ethnic traits is not the same thing as hate. Did not your friend Jordan Peterson say that Jews tend to have high IQs? If that's due to genetics then it stands to reason that other ethnic groups tend to have low IQs....right?
He is far from a snowflake. It is OK that you hate a group of people and lump them together. It is your right as an American. Just as it is my right to tell you that this Jew, me, thinks that any Jew who continues to vote Democrat is a traitor. At the same time, I think anyone who lumps me in with those Jews should explain why they are doing that. :1peleas:

I wasn't lumping you in with them, only explaining why some people think the way they do when it comes to Jews and their influence on western society.

Oh, and acknowledging certain ethnic traits is not the same thing as hate. Did not your friend Jordan Peterson say that Jews tend to have high IQs? If that's due to genetics then it stands to reason that other ethnic groups tend to have low IQs....right?

Absolutely. You may be case in point, my good racist friend. And not "low" but lower than mine. Thank you for your acknowledgment of my superiority, btw. :muahaha:

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