Holocaust deniers

I've no need to dillo since I remember your games.

I just want pixie to see them.

(hi Pixie )
The point is that if someone questions times, dates, motives, numbers, or basically ANYYHING related the events surrounding the "holocaust" they are labeled as a denier. It's becoming as meaningless as the word racist. It will come back to haunt everyone just like the current murderous events in Gaza will. The jewish guilt trip will wear off in time. Less and less people are falling for it. You can see the backlash around the world..
Any country that doesn't ban hate speech about the very real and offensive to deny Holocaust isn't free.
I guess the word "irony" isn't in your personal lexicon. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Nothing is ironic about hate speech, Moonslim.

What makes you so special, so much more than the 65 mil. who suffered and died, mainly Christians. Do you know most WWII vets never liked even talking about, but for some reason Jews not only love to bring it up daily , they have made up horrible things such as the human lampshade and human soap.

Proven no gas chambers existed and just the clothes and people were gassed to kill the lice.

I''m glad we live in the US where were free to debate the holocaust, to make a criminal law to deny the holocaust is rather saying, don't question it, as it can't stand up to scrutiny and which it doesn't .

Once again what makes you so special?
Any country that doesn't ban hate speech about the very real and offensive to deny Holocaust isn't free.
I guess the word "irony" isn't in your personal lexicon. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Nothing is ironic about hate speech, Moonslim.

Any country that doesn't ban hate speech about the very real and offensive to deny Holocaust isn't free.
I guess the word "irony" isn't in your personal lexicon. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Nothing is ironic about hate speech, Moonslim.

What makes you so special, so much more than the 65 mil. who suffered and died, mainly Christians. Do you know most WWII vets never liked even talking about, but for some reason Jews not only love to bring it up daily , they have made up horrible things such as the human lampshade and human soap.

Proven no gas chambers existed and just the clothes and people were gassed to kill the lice.

I''m glad we live in the US where were free to debate the holocaust, to make a criminal law to deny the holocaust is rather saying, don't question it, as it can't stand up to scrutiny and which it doesn't .

Once again what makes you so special?
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

Are you insinuating holocaust deniers are not human, that people who no longer believe the Jewish story of the holocaust are not human?
How does a human address them? Is ignoring them immoral? Shouldn't they be confronted?

Are you insinuating holocaust deniers are not human, that people who no longer believe the Jewish story of the holocaust are not human?

They're human, just fucking idiots.

Nice language. Well sorry I bet there is at least 6 million idiots in the world then. Only an idiot would believe the fable of the holocaust.
Are you insinuating holocaust deniers are not human, that people who no longer believe the Jewish story of the holocaust are not human?

They're human, just fucking idiots.

Nice language. Well sorry I bet there is at least 6 million idiots in the world then. Only an idiot would believe the fable of the holocaust.

only anti-semitic lying scum would pretend it didn't happen.

holocaust deniers are human... just vile disgusting examples of humanity.
They're human, just fucking idiots.

Nice language. Well sorry I bet there is at least 6 million idiots in the world then. Only an idiot would believe the fable of the holocaust.

only anti-semitic lying scum would pretend it didn't happen.

holocaust deniers are human... just vile disgusting examples of humanity.

There is something in holocaust worshippers that is very creepy. For some reason they love the thought of it , its proven impossible to of happened and some of us do not worship Jewish people.

The holocaust has become like a relgion to the Jews, bringing it up daily, every year a new movie about it come out it seems.
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Jews brought all this discrimination upon themselves.

Which is fucked up because, in my experience, the spiritual teachers of their religion usually seemed wiser than the spiritual teachers of other God worshipping religions...
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Nice language. Well sorry I bet there is at least 6 million idiots in the world then. Only an idiot would believe the fable of the holocaust.

only anti-semitic lying scum would pretend it didn't happen.

holocaust deniers are human... just vile disgusting examples of humanity.

There is something in holocaust worshippers that is very creepy. For some reason they love the thought of it , its proven impossible to of happened and some of us do not worship Jewish people.

The holocaust has become like a relgion to the Jews, bringing it up daily, every year a new movie about it come out it seems.
The so called Holocaust is nothing but a money making extortion scheme used to bilk millions from gullible goyim.

The jews constantly force feed the goyim with the holocaust myth in movies and other forms of media. And build holohoax museums in every major city around the world as a way to keep the non jews on a guilt trip and the shekels flowing into the zionist coffers. .. :doubt:

Prof Kevin MacDonald? :lol:
Evidently Nazi is attracted to Nazi and y'all have an infinite number of excuses for your mindless hate. Even MacDonald's fellow professors trashed him and his "scholarship."

I discovered the work of Dr MacDonald after years of discussions with one of my closest friends who is Jewish. Many a conversation we had about why Jews throughout history have been singled out for ridicule and oppression. I wanted to understand why and how this could be, and Dr MacDonald's work is the only scholarship that has explained the reasoning for this.

As soon as you and your asshole friends start tossing around NAZI, you have lost. Grow the fuck up. I won't ask you to read the Doctor's books because you won't, fearing you will find truth in their information, and then maybe have to do some soul searching and figure out what it is in the Jewish experience that feeds into the problem. It's like a woman who only dates abusive men, at some point she needs to ask herself why does SHE attract constant abuse.
Are you insinuating holocaust deniers are not human, that people who no longer believe the Jewish story of the holocaust are not human?

They're human, just fucking idiots.

Nice language. Well sorry I bet there is at least 6 million idiots in the world then. Only an idiot would believe the fable of the holocaust.

I'm not going to bandy words with someone who is deliberately ignorant. There are mountains of documentary evidence for the Holocaust, whole libraries and museums devoted to showing the world the Holocaust happened, eyewitness accounts from inmates, guard, liberating soldiers, and everyone in between. I'm not going to pretend the arguments and talking points of Holocaust deniers have any merit or warrant any public discussion or haven't been debunked time and again. The entire Holocaust denial movement comes down as a away to try to rationalize and hopefully convince stupid people of the validity of simple bigotry. All the arguments about wanting historical accuracy, just asking questions, trying to ensure proper history isn't exploited, whatever is just window dressing on an old story of simple hatred.

So far as I'm concerned, anyone who proudly proclaims the Holocaust didn't happen can fuck off and die in a house fire.
They're human, just fucking idiots.

Nice language. Well sorry I bet there is at least 6 million idiots in the world then. Only an idiot would believe the fable of the holocaust.

I'm not going to bandy words with someone who is deliberately ignorant. There are mountains of documentary evidence for the Holocaust, whole libraries and museums devoted to showing the world the Holocaust happened, eyewitness accounts from inmates, guard, liberating soldiers, and everyone in between. I'm not going to pretend the arguments and talking points of Holocaust deniers have any merit or warrant any public discussion or haven't been debunked time and again. The entire Holocaust denial movement comes down as a away to try to rationalize and hopefully convince stupid people of the validity of simple bigotry. All the arguments about wanting historical accuracy, just asking questions, trying to ensure proper history isn't exploited, whatever is just window dressing on an old story of simple hatred.

So far as I'm concerned, anyone who proudly proclaims the Holocaust didn't happen can fuck off and die in a house fire.

Believe or die !! Where have I heard that before ?
Germany admits the Holocaust happened and does it's best to prevent another such event from occurring.
I have met many Germans in my professional career who had parents in various prominent positions in the German military and SS (I worked in Fortune 500 firms) and they were embarrassed by what their parents did and some parents still professed that they were on a mission to "cleanse" the human race.

Interesting how everybody says JOOS are SO smart.
And then they say JOOS are SO stupid for bringing up the Holocaust.
So which one is it?

I actually think Muslims are smart because they keep thinning out their own herd by murdering each other for no particular reason.

Interesting how everybody says JOOS are SO smart.
And then they say JOOS are SO stupid for bringing up the Holocaust.
So which one is it?

I actually think Muslims are smart because they keep thinning out their own herd by murdering each other for no particular reason.

No one says they're stupid for bringing up the holocaust-----everyone is just tired of hearing about it.

Interesting how everybody says JOOS are SO smart.
And then they say JOOS are SO stupid for bringing up the Holocaust.
So which one is it?

I actually think Muslims are smart because they keep thinning out their own herd by murdering each other for no particular reason.

The Holocaust Tourette's had been a wise choice for a good long time, but it's stupid now because people are sick to death of hearing it. Too much of anything eventually goes sour.

It reminds me of the abused woman that I referenced earlier, she can bitch and moan to her gal pals for years about how her life is so awful, and from that moaning receive some sympathy and support, but after a while, her friends are going to get sick of it and either tell her to see a shrink and find out why she is the perpetual victim, or just blow her off.
I think people are tired of hearing about a lot of things.
But how many people ever really stop kvetching about their pet peeves?

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