Holocaust deniers

For those out there who yearn for truth, or at least like to challenge their own notions, this is a great book- Debating the Holocaust: A New Look At Both Sides: Thomas Dalton: 9781591480051: Amazon.com: Books

Oh, yeah. Rense really likes this filth, and the POS who wrote it doesn't use its real name.

Debating The Holocaust - A New Look At Both Sides*

"The author of this book, who writes under the pen name of "Thomas Dalton," is an American scholar who holds a doctoral degree from a major US university. "

Since such "criticism" is not a crime in the US - why is the 'author' such a coward that it won't use its real name?

If anyone has seen a single site where 'revisionist' history is NOT accompanied by attempts to whitewash, excuse, or minimize the deliberate MURDERS of millions of civilians by the Nazis from Greece to Scandinavia - I'd like them to share that site with us now.

So far, I have never seen such a site. So I can only conclude that ALL such efforts to 'revise' the Holocaust accounts are intended to exculpate the Nazis. And it doesn't appear to be a 'thirst for truth'. It appears to be sensationalism, conspiracy nonsense, and ultimately SUPPORT FOR THE NAZI POV.
For those out there who yearn for truth, or at least like to challenge their own notions, this is a great book- Debating the Holocaust: A New Look At Both Sides: Thomas Dalton: 9781591480051: Amazon.com: Books

Oh, yeah. Rense really likes this filth, and the POS who wrote it doesn't use its real name.

Debating The Holocaust - A New Look At Both Sides*

"The author of this book, who writes under the pen name of "Thomas Dalton," is an American scholar who holds a doctoral degree from a major US university. "

Since such "criticism" is not a crime in the US - why is the 'author' such a coward that it won't use its real name?

If anyone has seen a single site where 'revisionist' history is NOT accompanied by attempts to whitewash, excuse, or minimize the deliberate MURDERS of millions of civilians by the Nazis from Greece to Scandinavia - I'd like them to share that site with us now.

So far, I have never seen such a site. So I can only conclude that ALL such efforts to 'revise' the Holocaust accounts are intended to exculpate the Nazis. And it doesn't appear to be a 'thirst for truth'. It appears to be sensationalism, conspiracy nonsense, and ultimately SUPPORT FOR THE NAZI POV.

Try debating the points addressed in the book. The number 6 MILLION in historical reference was quite an eye opener.
There are no points addressed in the book. History is not totally exact. And actually, recent access to Nazi records stored in Germany has caused the genuine professional historians to revise the numbers UPwards.

And again: if the author didn't have the guts to put its name on its work, then that 'work' isn't worth considering to begin with. The US has no laws against Holocaust denial/revision'/Nazi apologetics for any author to be concerned about.

And whatever it is that Rense and its ilk are pimping - it sure as Hell isn't 'the truth'.
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There are no points addressed in the book. History is not totally exact. And actually, recent access to Nazi records stored in Germany has caused the genuine professional historians to revise the numbers UPwards.

And again: if the author didn't have the guts to put its name on its work, then that 'work' isn't worth considering to begin with. The US has no laws against Holocaust denial/
revision'/Nazi apologetics
for any author to be concerned about.

And whatever it is that Rense and its ilk are pimping - it sure as Hell isn't 'the truth'.

The number for Auschwitz has been revised downward, by a huge amount. I don't whether or not the author used a pen name, but if that is the case, it doesn't take threat of prison to ruin a man's life, and the only group more vindictive against anyone THEY perceive as an enemy other than homosexuals, is Jews. the ADL and SPLC will seek to destroy anyone who does not tow the line.
Another excellent book if one is interested in a better understanding of what causes anti-semitism- [ame=http://www.amazon.com/People-That-Shall-Dwell-Alone/dp/0595228380/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1407004503&sr=1-1&keywords=a+people+that+shall+dwell+alone]A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples: Kevin MacDonald: 9780595228386: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
As stated previously, there is no law against being a Holocaust denier. This is because the founding fathers were well aware of the fact that there are going to be people with no reasoning ability, comprehension ability, or even common sense, in any generation. To remove them from the gene pool will not work, because they continue to be born randomly to otherwise normal people.

The same principle explains the birth of Bush II.
Does someone care to offer a precise description of "Holocaust denier"? And which Holocaust are we talking about?

That is an excellent quest? What holocaust are we talking about? Lets see we have the Holodomor, Katyn Forest Massacre, The atomic bomb, Churchill withholding food from many in India. Should we discuss the Japanese Pow Camps, or the French, Britian Pows camps, or worst

The Gulage death camps.

There was mass starvation everywhere, food was not produced, imported or exported, Mass deaths due to Typhus , lice infestation of which the Cyclone B was used for , and yes some brutal and unnecessary deaths on innocent people.

Lets get into the transfer agreement with Hitler and Ben Guerin, how about the Geman ship with about the 1000 Jewish on which the US would not let port, Germany nor France nor anyone would take in Jews, more mouths to feed and take care of.

Read about Typhus even in WIKI, has a pic of work camp death, no gas chamber involved there.

And the worst part is to be called names and told we can't discuss it, its beyond discussion. the Knesset (is that it) In Israel wants to pass a bill to make it illegal globally to debate the holocaust or deny it.
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There are no points addressed in the book. History is not totally exact. And actually, recent access to Nazi records stored in Germany has caused the genuine professional historians to revise the numbers UPwards.

And again: if the author didn't have the guts to put its name on its work, then that 'work' isn't worth considering to begin with. The US has no laws against Holocaust denial/
revision'/Nazi apologetics
for any author to be concerned about.

And whatever it is that Rense and its ilk are pimping - it sure as Hell isn't 'the truth'.

The number for Auschwitz has been revised downward, by a huge amount. I don't whether or not the author used a pen name, but if that is the case, it doesn't take threat of prison to ruin a man's life, and the only group more vindictive against anyone THEY perceive as an enemy other than homosexuals, is Jews. the ADL and SPLC will seek to destroy anyone who does not tow the line.

Does not matter who the author was, there are enough pictures floating around of that plaque in Auschwitz and the 6 million number.
That`s been replaced by another one which has it at 4 million.That 6 million tally first showed up in the New York Times on June 11, 1900 long before there were any Nazis, Jews were claiming that 6 million Jews were bleeding and suffering.... they claimed in another New York Times edition January 5, 1905 that 6 million Jews were expelled by Russians
They stick to the 6 million number since then no matter what.
Auschwitz kept meticulous "death book" records of the main camp and all the satellite camps which are part of the Bad Arolson & Red Cross archives.
Every death, cause of death including execution was meticulously recorded. I forget the exact numbers but it was nowhere near 4 million but around ~ 150 000 and most of that happened when the Typhus epidemic went out of control.

They don`t allow access to the general public in Bad Arolson but for a while the US had a duplicate of the entire collection on searchable micro film. Now you have to pay $2 for every query.
They also had every inmate who was released from any of these camps listed. So I searched for Wiesenthal and Wiesel...they were not on any of the records in any of the camps they claimed to have been.
I did find a record of a Simon Wiesenthal who was born in Tluste Austria, but not on a KZ list. His entire family was on the "President Grant" passenger list and arrived in New York on January the 18th, 1911.
On Wiesenthal`s web site it says they all died in Auschwitz, except him.
He said he was an engineer, yet none of the places where he said he was has a record of him.
He says he was in almost every "death camp" and was saved by an SS guard when he was already in a gas chamber.
Wiesenthal claimed that the guard recognized him just in time as "one of their most valuable engineers" who helped build the German railway system.
I downloaded that ship`s passenger list and kept it, but with a little bit of effort you can Google for it and look at it yourself.
The ship sailed from Hamburg to New York/Ellis Island and the manifest line number was 0019.
If that ship manifest makes me a holocaust denier so be it, but it`s pretty hard to read and believe all that incredible stuff Elie Wiesel and Simon Wiesenthal published and fed to the public at large.
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There's Holocaust deniers, and then there's people like Sunni Troll who mock the Holocaust and say things like 'the Jews should shave thanked Hitler for free transportation and room&board'
Am I surprised that he would say that? Of course not, he's a dirty Muslim rat who is taught to hate :cool:
The funny thing about Sunni Troll is that he makes extremely disgusting comment about Jews, Judaism and the Holocaust, and then whines when others call him an anti semite. :lol:

And to think he is a grown man :cool:
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Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

Once you sold it as SHOAH, you made it a strictly Jewish experience, minimizing purposefully, the deaths of the non Jews.

Why does it bother you so much? I really don't understand.
Nobody is forcing you to read and believe nothing. Nobody is forcing you to accept any figure. But the fact is there was a Holocaust, and millions of Jews did perish.
One thing I notice about Holocaust deniers is that they are also Jew haters. Coincidence?
Ask yourself this Pennywise: if the Holocaust was something that happened to Christians instead of Jews, do you think there would be all of this hassle of 'the 6 million figure is a lie!' And all these other conspiracy theories about it?
I know I have seen it in several papers since the 1900's, and every time its 6 mil. I often wondered what is it about 6 mil. There is nothing in the Bible I can find, and I think it was more like we need 6 million dollars and that is the no. they used. That is all I can think of.

Very good post.
Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

Once you sold it as SHOAH, you made it a strictly Jewish experience, minimizing purposefully, the deaths of the non Jews.

Why does it bother you so much? I really don't understand.
Nobody is forcing you to read and believe nothing. Nobody is forcing you to accept any figure. But the fact is there was a Holocaust, and millions of Jews did perish.
One thing I notice about Holocaust deniers is that they are also Jew haters. Coincidence?
Ask yourself this Pennywise: if the Holocaust was something that happened to Christians instead of Jews, do you think there would be all of this hassle of 'the 6 million figure is a lie!' And all these other conspiracy theories about it?

You know why , it diminishes the suffering of everyone else and their families who were involved in WWII. It was a "World War" not a jew and Nazi war.

That is why. Life does not evolve around the jews or Israel. How about what they did to the German people and country, not once but twice and they are still paying for it. Horrible

There were many millions of Christians who died in WWII, and well we never hear about them. Over 65 mil people died.
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I know I have seen it in several papers since the 1900's, and every time its 6 mil. I often wondered what is it about 6 mil. There is nothing in the Bible I can find, and I think it was more like we need 6 million dollars and that is the no. they used. That is all I can think of.

Very good post.
For some reason it has to stay at 6 million Jews. Here is another article, "The American Hebrew" October 31, 1919
mentioning that the "crucifixion of 6 million Jews must stop"
Since the printing press was invented and used to print news papers, there have been quite a few of these 6 million Jewish holocausts that`s for sure !
According to some holocaust deniers Tom Segev an Israeli historian allegedly wrote that the Tora says that 6 million Jews must vanish before there can be a State of Israel.
But I never read the Tora nor could I find that particular statement by Segev or bothered reading his book "The seventh million" which quite a few prominent Israelis considered as highly controversial.
Who knows why the "6" is so important to Jews.
The Torah is generally cited as having 600 000 letters in it. The actual number is 304 805 letters and Jews like to use terms like "My Bar Mitzvah was so popular that 600 000 people there" when they want to exaggerate in a way so it`s obvious to another Jew.
You may have to ask a Jew what`s up with that #6 fetish, I`m just guessing and don`t believe anything that I can`t verify.
However I did find this again:
That`s not a forgery but an official summary of the Bad Aroslon archives. Signed stamped and confirmed as authentic.
Any Jew who requests Bad Arolson records can get it mailed or faxed, but first you have to convince them that you are not a holocaust denier and that you are a relative of someone who died in one of these camps.
A few weeks ago somebody claimed that anyone who wants to can access these records...that is simply not true !
Total number of deaths in all KZs was 373 468 as verified by the "Sonder Standesamt" at the audit end date Dec.31 1983 and released on January 16, 1984
Why the Jews want to keep insisting that it was 6 million does not really matter does it?
Maybe there were some Nazis or holocaust deniers working in Bad Arolson who made the other 5 626 532 records disappear, of those who were gassed and did not die from Typhus
In any case if Israel keeps on doing what they are doing they`ll soon catch up to what Bad Arolson has on the number of Jews who died while the Nazis were around:
Number of Arabs/Palestinians killed 91,105
Since that was posted it`s ~ 95 000 Palestinians, soon 100 000 ...and none of them died from Typhus
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Once you sold it as SHOAH, you made it a strictly Jewish experience, minimizing purposefully, the deaths of the non Jews.

Why does it bother you so much? I really don't understand.
Nobody is forcing you to read and believe nothing. Nobody is forcing you to accept any figure. But the fact is there was a Holocaust, and millions of Jews did perish.
One thing I notice about Holocaust deniers is that they are also Jew haters. Coincidence?
Ask yourself this Pennywise: if the Holocaust was something that happened to Christians instead of Jews, do you think there would be all of this hassle of 'the 6 million figure is a lie!' And all these other conspiracy theories about it?

You know why , it diminishes the suffering of everyone else and their families who were involved in WWII. It was a "World War" not a jew and Nazi war.

That is why. Life does not evolve around the jews or Israel. How about what they did to the German people and country, not once but twice and they are still paying for it. Horrible

There were many millions of Christians who died in WWII, and well we never hear about them. Over 65 mil people died.

Most people see genocide as a pretty high profile event.

But I've seen your posts in the last few days where you made derogatory comments about Jews, therefore you have zero credibility concerning the Holocaust.

How miserable does you people have to be to complain over the fact that there is a specific event in WWII about Jewish genocide? If it bothers you so much, then don't read about it.
Incredibly pathetic posts in this thread :rolleyes:
I know I have seen it in several papers since the 1900's, and every time its 6 mil. I often wondered what is it about 6 mil. There is nothing in the Bible I can find, and I think it was more like we need 6 million dollars and that is the no. they used. That is all I can think of.

Very good post.
For some reason it has to stay at 6 million Jews. Here is another article, "The American Hebrew" October 31, 1919
mentioning that the "crucifixion of 6 million Jews must stop"
Since the printing press was invented and used to print news papers, there have been quite a few of these 6 million Jewish holocausts that`s for sure !
According to some holocaust deniers Tom Segev an Israeli historian allegedly wrote that the Tora says that 6 million Jews must vanish before there can be a State of Israel.
But I never read the Tora nor could I find that particular statement by Segev or bothered reading his book "The seventh million" which quite a few prominent Israelis considered as highly controversial.
Who knows why the "6" is so important to Jews.
The Torah is generally cited as having 600 000 letters in it. The actual number is 304 805 letters and Jews like to use terms like "My Bar Mitzvah was so popular that 600 000 people there" when they want to exaggerate in a way so it`s obvious to another Jew.
You may have to ask a Jew what`s up with that #6 fetish, I`m just guessing and don`t believe anything that I can`t verify.
However I did find this again:
That`s not a forgery but an official summary of the Bad Aroslon archives. Signed stamped and confirmed as authentic.
Any Jew who requests Bad Arolson records can get it mailed or faxed, but first you have to convince them that you are not a holocaust denier and that you are a relative of someone who died in one of these camps.
A few weeks ago somebody claimed that anyone who wants to can access these records...that is simply not true !
Total number of deaths in all KZs was 373 468 as verified by the "Sonder Standesamt" at the audit end date Dec.31 1983 and released on January 16, 1984
Why the Jews want to keep insisting that it was 6 million does not really matter does it?
Maybe there were some Nazis or holocaust deniers working in Bad Arolson who made the other 5 626 532 records disappear, of those who were gassed and did not die from Typhus
In any case if Israel keeps on doing what they are doing they`ll soon catch up to what Bad Arolson has on the number of Jews who died while the Nazis were around:
Number of Arabs/Palestinians killed 91,105
Since that was posted it`s ~ 95 000 Palestinians, soon 100 000 ...and none of them died from Typhus

Are you trying to say that Israel has almost killed as many Palestinians as Nazis killed Jews?
But I've seen your posts in the last few days where you made derogatory comments about Jews, therefore you have zero credibility concerning the Holocaust.
LOL........how can a person have zero credibility when all they are doing is posting about a myth called the holocaust which has no credibility. ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

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Once you sold it as SHOAH, you made it a strictly Jewish experience, minimizing purposefully, the deaths of the non Jews.

Why does it bother you so much? I really don't understand.
Nobody is forcing you to read and believe nothing. Nobody is forcing you to accept any figure. But the fact is there was a Holocaust, and millions of Jews did perish.
One thing I notice about Holocaust deniers is that they are also Jew haters. Coincidence?
Ask yourself this Pennywise: if the Holocaust was something that happened to Christians instead of Jews, do you think there would be all of this hassle of 'the 6 million figure is a lie!' And all these other conspiracy theories about it?

You know why , it diminishes the suffering of everyone else and their families who were involved in WWII. It was a "World War" not a jew and Nazi war.

That is why. Life does not evolve around the jews or Israel. How about what they did to the German people and country, not once but twice and they are still paying for it. Horrible

There were many millions of Christians who died in WWII, and well we never hear about them. Over 65 mil people died.

BTW , there were lots of events that took place during WWII that had their own titles. I mean a lot!
Why does it bother you so much? I really don't understand.
Nobody is forcing you to read and believe nothing. Nobody is forcing you to accept any figure. But the fact is there was a Holocaust, and millions of Jews did perish.
One thing I notice about Holocaust deniers is that they are also Jew haters. Coincidence?
Ask yourself this Pennywise: if the Holocaust was something that happened to Christians instead of Jews, do you think there would be all of this hassle of 'the 6 million figure is a lie!' And all these other conspiracy theories about it?

You know why , it diminishes the suffering of everyone else and their families who were involved in WWII. It was a "World War" not a jew and Nazi war.

That is why. Life does not evolve around the jews or Israel. How about what they did to the German people and country, not once but twice and they are still paying for it. Horrible

There were many millions of Christians who died in WWII, and well we never hear about them. Over 65 mil people died.

Most people see genocide as a pretty high profile event.

But I've seen your posts in the last few days where you made derogatory comments about Jews, therefore you have zero credibility concerning the Holocaust.

How miserable does you people have to be to complain over the fact that there is a specific event in WWII about Jewish genocide? If it bothers you so much, then don't read about it.
Incredibly pathetic posts in this thread :rolleyes:

I did not read what she has posted somewhere else but no matter which part of the holocaust is investigated you get attacked and it`s the same thing if you question the conduct of the IDF.
How many civilian deaths does it take till you can call it a genocide?
As far as credibility is concerned most of the evidence for the holocaust was delivered at Nurenberg by the Soviets.
For some strange reason none of the KZs which were liberated by Western Allied forces had any gas chambers where Jews were gassed to death.
It took many years for example to establish that the Dachau gas chamber which has been toted as such that it never was used to gas anybody to death.
It also took many years until the curator of the Auschwitz museum Dr.Piper finally admitted on camera to David Cole that it has been "reconstructed" by the Soviets to what they say it was before the SS made everything disappear.

btw. David Cole is a Jew.
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You know why , it diminishes the suffering of everyone else and their families who were involved in WWII. It was a "World War" not a jew and Nazi war.

That is why. Life does not evolve around the jews or Israel. How about what they did to the German people and country, not once but twice and they are still paying for it. Horrible

There were many millions of Christians who died in WWII, and well we never hear about them. Over 65 mil people died.

Most people see genocide as a pretty high profile event.

But I've seen your posts in the last few days where you made derogatory comments about Jews, therefore you have zero credibility concerning the Holocaust.

How miserable does you people have to be to complain over the fact that there is a specific event in WWII about Jewish genocide? If it bothers you so much, then don't read about it.
Incredibly pathetic posts in this thread :rolleyes:

I did not read what she has posted somewhere else but no matter which part of the holocaust is investigated you get attacked and it`s the same thing if you question the conduct of the IDF.
How many civilian deaths does it take till you can call it a genocide?
As far as credibility is concerned most of the evidence for the holocaust was delivered at Nurenberg by the Soviets.
For some strange reason none of the KZs which were liberated by Western Allied forces had any gas chambers where Jews were gassed to death.
It took many years for example to establish that the Dachau gas chamber which has been toted as such that it never was used to gas anybody to death.
It also took many years until the curator of the Auschwitz museum Dr.Piper finally admitted on camera to David Cole that it has been "reconstructed" by the Soviets to what they say it was before the SS made everything disappear.

btw. David Cole is a Jew.

I never attacked you for questioning anything.

There is plenty of evidence that proves there were has chambers. You simply cannot ignore them.
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