Holocaust deniers

Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

Once you sold it as SHOAH, you made it a strictly Jewish experience, minimizing purposefully, the deaths of the non Jews.

Why does it bother you so much? I really don't understand.
Nobody is forcing you to read and believe nothing. Nobody is forcing you to accept any figure.

Pyyple ARE being forced to read, believe, and accept certain figures regarding the Holocaust--and they should be. Six million poor, innocent Jews DIED. Who knows how many millions more were forced to live through unspeakable conditions?

Holocaust denial is explicitly or implicitly illegal in 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Romania[171]—a country that denied the Holocaust occurred on its territory up until the Wiesel Commission in 2004.[172][173]

Can you believe this? There are roughly 200 countries on the planet, and yet only 17 of them--less than 10%!--have criminalized Holocaust denial. The fact that bigots worldwide can freely deny that my pyyple were subject to such persecution and get away with it in 90% of countries is in itself a crime of such great proportions that it is incomprehensible to non-Jews.

No country without laws criminalizing Holocaust denial can call itself truly developed, civilized, or free.
No country without laws criminalizing Holocaust denial can call itself truly developed, civilized, or free.
So any country that doesn't muzzle free speech about the so called holocaust isn't free?? ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Any country that doesn't ban hate speech about the very real and offensive to deny Holocaust isn't free.

But I suppose you just can't wrap your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" around that very easily understood fact, given that your moon-worshiping religion extolls the supposed virtues of the irrational hatred of Jews.
No country without laws criminalizing Holocaust denial can call itself truly developed, civilized, or free.
So any country that doesn't muzzle free speech about the so called holocaust isn't free?? ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Any country that doesn't ban hate speech about the very real and offensive to deny Holocaust isn't free.

But I suppose you just can't wrap your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" around that very easily understood fact, given that your moon-worshiping religion extolls the supposed virtues of the irrational hatred of Jews.

Another ban on something isn't exactly increasing our freedom...
Most people see genocide as a pretty high profile event.

But I've seen your posts in the last few days where you made derogatory comments about Jews, therefore you have zero credibility concerning the Holocaust.

How miserable does you people have to be to complain over the fact that there is a specific event in WWII about Jewish genocide? If it bothers you so much, then don't read about it.
Incredibly pathetic posts in this thread :rolleyes:

I did not read what she has posted somewhere else but no matter which part of the holocaust is investigated you get attacked and it`s the same thing if you question the conduct of the IDF.
How many civilian deaths does it take till you can call it a genocide?
As far as credibility is concerned most of the evidence for the holocaust was delivered at Nurenberg by the Soviets.
For some strange reason none of the KZs which were liberated by Western Allied forces had any gas chambers where Jews were gassed to death.
It took many years for example to establish that the Dachau gas chamber which has been toted as such that it never was used to gas anybody to death.
It also took many years until the curator of the Auschwitz museum Dr.Piper finally admitted on camera to David Cole that it has been "reconstructed" by the Soviets to what they say it was before the SS made everything disappear.

btw. David Cole is a Jew.

I never attacked you for questioning anything.

There is plenty of evidence that proves there were has chambers. You simply cannot ignore them.

I never claimed "you attacked me" I said that it is happening a lot whenever anybody scrutinizes any aspect of the holocaust.
Also I don`t ignore any evidence either and if you have plenty of evidence that could establish in a court of law where you have to have proof beyond a reasonable doubt, that there were homicidal gas chambers then you should publish it.
And that`s the whole problem else there would be nothing to go on for revisionists like David Cole who do have very reasonable doubts.
It`s not just the gas chambers that vanished without a trace.
There were no grave sites or buried ashes found by anyone either.
How could you find out if anybody ever buried anything or not after the Soviets covered this site at Belzec with meter thick steel re-inforced concrete to "honor the dead"?

If you want to keep on believing that whatever the Soviets claimed is true that`s your business.
I looked at all of it for years what Yad Vashem etc etc has and the more I looked the more skeptical I got.
Personally I don`t really give a damn who believes what concerning the so called holocaust because there will never be a shortage of people who`ll believe it no matter how much of it had been debunked.
That whole thread here was only started by somebody who wanted to suck up as in "I stand with Israel" and parade as a wonderful person in a forum that is slowly dying off.
A few years ago there were on average ~ 4000 views members and visitors combined, now it`s down to less than 1000 and most of those are just here to insult each other for either being liberal or conservative.

Sometimes I don`t come here for several weeks and add my 2 cents only occasionally to try and get a discussion going,...but it hardly ever works.
Within a few posts it`s down to the usual insults etc.
When I check who is online it`s pretty well always the same people.
The only reason why the USMB still has ~44 000 members is because there is no way to cancel the registration.
So most of them decided to stay away from it more often and longer.

I doubt very much that anybody in this thread has the evidence you are talking about.
But don`t let me staying away from here hold you back.
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So any country that doesn't muzzle free speech about the so called holocaust isn't free?? ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Any country that doesn't ban hate speech about the very real and offensive to deny Holocaust isn't free.

But I suppose you just can't wrap your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" around that very easily understood fact, given that your moon-worshiping religion extolls the supposed virtues of the irrational hatred of Jews.

Another ban on something isn't exactly increasing our freedom...

Sure it is, by encouraging the all-important freedoms from bigotry, and from hurt feelings. When we are constantly exposed to bigoted statements such as "the Holocaust never happened," our freedoms are being infringed upon in the worst way. A ban on Holocaust denial would remedy this terrible situation.
In the greatest Country in the world everyone has the right to be stupid. Some take advantage of it more than others and the union based education system does it's best to dumb down students. What can you do with a kid who comes home and tells you that the Holocaust didn't exist? Explain that the education system sometimes teaches falsehoods and he needs to think for himself?

Using the holocaust as an opening to attack teachers and unions. How republican of you. Any proof that unions put teachers up to this? Or that teachers teach holocaust denial? A pretty good movie is "Freedom Writers" based on a true story. The teacher taught the kids about the holocaust, even took them to visit the holocaust museum in L.A. at her own expense. Later, she and the students raised enough money to bring from Europe, the lady who had sheltered Anne Frank and her family, to this country, to speak about the holocaust history. I wonder if this lady, Miep Gies, also told the students about how Hitler didn't waste much time going after unions once he came to power. Also, collective bargaining, the right to negotiate working conditions, etc. were soon abolished by the nazis. Sound familiar?
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The Israelis are doing to the Gazans what the Nazis did to them.

'Never again' has become, 'ah well this is different'.

There are injustices and inequalities -- but it's not comparable to the Nazi's.

Gas chambers? no.
Inhuman medical experiments? no.
Concentration camps? no.
2/3rds of the Palistinian population slaughtered? no

not even close on either scale or intent

Its exactly the same.

There were no gas chambers or experiments.

Gaza is a concentration camp.

Hooboy....what we have here is a complete and irreparable (with the limited means at our disposal) break from reality.

Bomb#20: In the beginning, there was darkness. And the darkness was without form, and void.

Boiler: What the hell is he talking about?

Bomb#20: And in addition to the darkness there was also me. And I moved upon the face of the darkness. And I saw that I was alone. Let there be light.
Prove to me you exist. I dare you, we can question anything brought up here, which begs the point. This isn't purely an intellectual exercise. The internet isn't reality, you guys know that, right? Life transcends this ugly digital cesspit. The Holocaust happened in real time. It's been branded and made into a cause now, let alone been trivialized and questioned. But, excuse me, Nazis did mechanize a huge death machine to slaughter Jews. I know this because it happened. That's HOW. Any more questions?

Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

90% of the Jewish population in Poland alone were killed. 3 million.

2/3 of the Jewish population of Europe - a huge area, a huge number of people.

It can't really be trivialized.
Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

The other's didn't just die. They were killed right along with the Jews. They were enemies of the Nazi regime. The holocaust wasn't a crime against Jews. It was a crime against humanity and should be recognized as such.

I think it is, and I think that is why it should never be forgotten or trivialized.

Another often unrecognized aspect of it is that the Russians faced huge losses in the war, the Seige of Leningrad and because Slavs were on the target list. It gets overlooked in our history because of the subsequent Cold War. 26 million Russians were killed.
Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

90% of the Jewish population in Poland alone were killed. 3 million.

2/3 of the Jewish population of Europe - a huge area, a huge number of people.

It can't really be trivialized.

No but it can be falsely promoted as a Jewish only affair.

Maybe the San Francisco folks will open up a museum to start educating people about other millions who were killed merely because of who they were.
No country without laws criminalizing Holocaust denial can call itself truly developed, civilized, or free.
So any country that doesn't muzzle free speech about the so called holocaust isn't free?? ... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Ya...I have to agree...that makes no sense whatsoever...

Holocaust denial or any such topics should not be illegal - it should all be out in the open. Once it's illegal, it goes underground and can't be countered. It should be open for discussion and the facts should speak for themselves. That's what a truly free society is.
Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

90% of the Jewish population in Poland alone were killed. 3 million.

2/3 of the Jewish population of Europe - a huge area, a huge number of people.

It can't really be trivialized.

No but it can be falsely promoted as a Jewish only affair.

Maybe the San Francisco folks will open up a museum to start educating people about other millions who were killed merely because of who they were.


Once again, so you see why.

The entire world's population of Jews was cut in half and the Jews are in the fault for expressing what happened to them because others died as well and they don't register the same outrage that dillo is looking for. Finally the Jewish population is back to pre-wwII populations.

This is why I waited as long as I did. I have a good and long memory.

Almost a Memri...
90% of the Jewish population in Poland alone were killed. 3 million.

2/3 of the Jewish population of Europe - a huge area, a huge number of people.

It can't really be trivialized.

No but it can be falsely promoted as a Jewish only affair.

Maybe the San Francisco folks will open up a museum to start educating people about other millions who were killed merely because of who they were.


Once again, so you see why.

The entire world's population of Jews was cut in half and the Jews are in the fault for expressing what happened to them because others died as well and they don't register the same outrage that dillo is looking for. Finally the Jewish population is back to pre-wwII populations.

This is why I waited as long as I did. I have a good and long memory.

Almost a Memri...

What percentage of the world's homosexuals were killed ?
( check with Pixie if you don't know ) :lol:
I've no need to dillo since I remember your games.

I just want pixie to see them.

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