Holocaust deniers

Opinions don't mean anything when not supported by facts and citations. History is about fact, not 'beliefs'. It's not a matter of 'agree/disagree': I'm hard put to find ANYTHING in that post which is factual. One doesn't 'agree/disagree' with facts.

And 'articles' likewise are worthless unless one's readers can see them for themselves. Any jerk can write a rant and post it in a blog: that's not an 'article'. An 'article' is something written by a journalist or other expert who's *researched* their sources and checked their facts. Judging by the 'content' of that post - you don't seem to be reading actual 'articles' in professional historical publications, etc.

So far, virtually nothing you've presented has been a verified fact. Including, btw, that you 'try to live a Christian life'...... You've yet to tell us what kind of Church you attend, or what denomination or teacher you associate yourself with. There are literally thousands of Christian groups, so yes it would help in trying to understand 'where you're coming from'.....

You appear to 'believe' that people who find Nazi Germany disgusting somehow are fond of Communist Russia: I find it difficult to believe you've lived in the USA for some years as an adult without realizing that neither Communism nor Fascism are compatible with the US Constitution (which is all the 'religion' any US citizen need have!).

It's entirely possible to loathe both of those - Communism and Fascism - equally. In fact, that's pretty much how most US citizens regard them.

What do you want me to link you a fact too??

What Church do you go too , how long have you been a Christian or are you one?

I was born and raised in USA and lived here for decades , I thank God everyday for that.

Never said anyone was fond of Communist Russia. One does have to pick the lesser of two evils if one lives in the area. Even Hitler hated Communist Russia.

A better word instead of my opinion is my beliefs and they are based on research I have done on both sides of the coin, which is important not to read only one side of the issue as your aware,
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The german jewish bankers had stabbed Germany in the back during WWI which led to defeat during the war.

All of the German citizens knew of the jewish betrayal.

Then in 1933 the Juden declared a boycott of german goods.

By that time it became clear that the Juden inside Germany were a national security threat and needed to be treated as such.

When the popular politician Adolph Hitler rose to power. He didn't have to convince the German people about the traitorous nature and double dealing of the Juden. It was common knowledge.

The German people were already aware of the duplicity of the Juden and wanted them expelled out of Germany.

And Hitler being a patriotic nationalist was more than happy to round up the Juden and send them work camps. Where they could do an honest days work for room and board. .... :cool:
Opinions don't mean anything when not supported by facts and citations. History is about fact, not 'beliefs'. It's not a matter of 'agree/disagree': I'm hard put to find ANYTHING in that post which is factual. One doesn't 'agree/disagree' with facts.

And 'articles' likewise are worthless unless one's readers can see them for themselves. Any jerk can write a rant and post it in a blog: that's not an 'article'. An 'article' is something written by a journalist or other expert who's *researched* their sources and checked their facts. Judging by the 'content' of that post - you don't seem to be reading actual 'articles' in professional historical publications, etc.

So far, virtually nothing you've presented has been a verified fact. Including, btw, that you 'try to live a Christian life'...... You've yet to tell us what kind of Church you attend, or what denomination or teacher you associate yourself with. There are literally thousands of Christian groups, so yes it would help in trying to understand 'where you're coming from'.....

You appear to 'believe' that people who find Nazi Germany disgusting somehow are fond of Communist Russia: I find it difficult to believe you've lived in the USA for some years as an adult without realizing that neither Communism nor Fascism are compatible with the US Constitution (which is all the 'religion' any US citizen need have!).

It's entirely possible to loathe both of those - Communism and Fascism - equally. In fact, that's pretty much how most US citizens regard them.

What do you want me to link you a fact too??

What Church do you go too , how long have you been a Christian or are you one?

I was born and raised in USA and lived here for decades , I thank God everyday for that.

Never said anyone was fond of Communist Russia. One does have to pick the lesser of two evils if one lives in the area. Even Hitler hated Communist Russia.

A better word instead of my opinion is my beliefs and they are based on research I have done on both sides of the coin, which is important not to read only one side of the issue as your aware,

Hitler hated German communists worse.
Hitler hated German communists worse.
Most of the German communists were jews. ... :cool:

I don't think it helped reading "Germany Must Perish" in 1941 which was advertised in the NY Times, NY Post, and Times,

Insinuated by some footnotes, Hitler used this book as propaganda, well Hitler did not write the book, but I do believe Germans did have a right to read what Americans were reading.

Germany Must Perish! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia!
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It's simple really.

There are those who know they can't deny it anymore so they now try and deny portions of it.
It does matter if there were gas chambers and if it was premeditated and I do not believe there were gas chambers or premeditated exterminations. Germany against France, Britain, the US and the Soviets, and many mouths to feed. No doubt as the war neared an end, food delivery and mass disorganization became more widespread. The delousing became less important and it became a matter of survival for all involved. Then we have the bombings of camps which also killed many. The Soviets wouldn't let anyone in, as soon as war ended, the cold war started

At any point they could have released people.

They weren't criminals after all.

The fact that they did not but *chose* to let them die or to exterminate them in gas chambers or use them in brutal medical experiments makes it "pre-meditated"

At any point they could have reversed course.

He tried to let the jews leave, he had to put them in concentration camps and ghettos as he had to keep an eye on them. During a war that is what countries did. Food was scarce, as you know, the top countries were all in a depression, and Germany after WWI was very depressed with bills to pay. The last article I linked is imp. When Hitler came into power, Judea declared War on him. During the war, every country had food shortages and typhus disease.

Haavara Agreement

The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to give up most of their possessions to Germany before departing. Those assets could later be obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods

Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , ship turned away at cuba and Miami

Fifth Aliyah

Jewish boycott of German goods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish boycott of German goods refers to one of the international Jewish responses to the policies of the Nazis.

The boycott started in March 1933 in both Europe and the US.[2] Sources claim it continued until the entry of the US into the war.[3]

Both the Nazis and some outside Germany saw the boycott as an act of aggression, with the UK newspaper the Daily Express going so far as to put as headline: "Judea Declares War on Germany".[2]

The Nazi regime protested internationally and on April 1, 1933, organized a (one day) boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany,[2] which was the first of official anti-Jewish acts by the German government.

The Haavara Agreement, together with lessened dependence on trade with the West, had by 1937 largely negated the effects of the Jewish boycott on Germany.[4] According to a December 1936 article in Time, the Association of German National Jews was then fighting against the Jewish boycott of German goods.[5]

Also during the war where were they to run to, no one else would let them in.

I'm not seeing how any of this makes the Nazi's any less culpable for genocide or any less able to let people go or why, if they realized they couldn't feed those people, they had to invade other countries to kill their Jewish populations. :doubt:

....and he HAD to use them for medical experiments....:cuckoo:
Bottom line......the Juden started the problems in both Germany and Russia.

Then in typical Juden fashion cry "victim" when the citizens become sick of their behavior and do something about it. .. :cool:
There are no points addressed in the book. History is not totally exact. And actually, recent access to Nazi records stored in Germany has caused the genuine professional historians to revise the numbers UPwards.

And again: if the author didn't have the guts to put its name on its work, then that 'work' isn't worth considering to begin with. The US has no laws against Holocaust denial/revision'/Nazi apologetics for any author to be concerned about.

And whatever it is that Rense and its ilk are pimping - it sure as Hell isn't 'the truth'.

The guts to put his name on his book means nothing. As an example look up Wolf Blitzer and see the pen names he has wrote under. The Jews are known for their name changes as well as saying they are of other religions. I question anyone who leaves their parents blank and religion on wiki, they are trying to hide something. Perhaps this man doesn't' want his life ruined, as you must be aware of what can happen to revisionist and or deniers that 6 mil Jews were gassed in gas chambers.
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At any point they could have released people.

They weren't criminals after all.

The fact that they did not but *chose* to let them die or to exterminate them in gas chambers or use them in brutal medical experiments makes it "pre-meditated"

At any point they could have reversed course.

He tried to let the jews leave, he had to put them in concentration camps and ghettos as he had to keep an eye on them. During a war that is what countries did. Food was scarce, as you know, the top countries were all in a depression, and Germany after WWI was very depressed with bills to pay. The last article I linked is imp. When Hitler came into power, Judea declared War on him. During the war, every country had food shortages and typhus disease.

Haavara Agreement

The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to give up most of their possessions to Germany before departing. Those assets could later be obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods

Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , ship turned away at cuba and Miami

Fifth Aliyah

Jewish boycott of German goods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish boycott of German goods refers to one of the international Jewish responses to the policies of the Nazis.

The boycott started in March 1933 in both Europe and the US.[2] Sources claim it continued until the entry of the US into the war.[3]

Both the Nazis and some outside Germany saw the boycott as an act of aggression, with the UK newspaper the Daily Express going so far as to put as headline: "Judea Declares War on Germany".[2]

The Nazi regime protested internationally and on April 1, 1933, organized a (one day) boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany,[2] which was the first of official anti-Jewish acts by the German government.

The Haavara Agreement, together with lessened dependence on trade with the West, had by 1937 largely negated the effects of the Jewish boycott on Germany.[4] According to a December 1936 article in Time, the Association of German National Jews was then fighting against the Jewish boycott of German goods.[5]

Also during the war where were they to run to, no one else would let them in.

I'm not seeing how any of this makes the Nazi's any less culpable for genocide or any less able to let people go or why, if they realized they couldn't feed those people, they had to invade other countries to kill their Jewish populations. :doubt:

....and he HAD to use them for medical experiments....:cuckoo:

What we see is piles of dead bodies, or skinny men, now how did they die? Must of been illness or starvation. A person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile. I imagine when they were not in a rush they did bury the bodies or mass burn them, dead bodies lying around cause more disease. You can see these pictures in Soviet camps as well as Japanese camps. What would be the use of gassing skin and bones.

Not saying this is at all a good thing,but war is war, Germany also was one country that suffered fromthe 30's depression the worst. Now after the war

here is Eisenhower, and his camps for Geman Pows, non war time.

Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950

we never hear of that.
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He tried to let the jews leave, he had to put them in concentration camps and ghettos as he had to keep an eye on them. During a war that is what countries did. Food was scarce, as you know, the top countries were all in a depression, and Germany after WWI was very depressed with bills to pay. The last article I linked is imp. When Hitler came into power, Judea declared War on him. During the war, every country had food shortages and typhus disease.

Haavara Agreement

The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to give up most of their possessions to Germany before departing. Those assets could later be obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods

Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , ship turned away at cuba and Miami

Fifth Aliyah

Jewish boycott of German goods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish boycott of German goods refers to one of the international Jewish responses to the policies of the Nazis.

The boycott started in March 1933 in both Europe and the US.[2] Sources claim it continued until the entry of the US into the war.[3]

Both the Nazis and some outside Germany saw the boycott as an act of aggression, with the UK newspaper the Daily Express going so far as to put as headline: "Judea Declares War on Germany".[2]

The Nazi regime protested internationally and on April 1, 1933, organized a (one day) boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany,[2] which was the first of official anti-Jewish acts by the German government.

The Haavara Agreement, together with lessened dependence on trade with the West, had by 1937 largely negated the effects of the Jewish boycott on Germany.[4] According to a December 1936 article in Time, the Association of German National Jews was then fighting against the Jewish boycott of German goods.[5]

Also during the war where were they to run to, no one else would let them in.

I'm not seeing how any of this makes the Nazi's any less culpable for genocide or any less able to let people go or why, if they realized they couldn't feed those people, they had to invade other countries to kill their Jewish populations. :doubt:

....and he HAD to use them for medical experiments....:cuckoo:

What we see is piles of dead bodies, or skinny men, now how did they die? Must of been illness or starvation. A person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile. I imagine when they were not in a rush they did bury the bodies or mass burn them, dead bodies lying around cause more disease. You can see these pictures in Soviet camps as well as Japanese camps. What would be the use of gassing skin and bones.

Photo is a one image frozen in time. But photos aren't all we go by in recording history. The Germans themselves were meticulous record keepers. In addition, we have first hand documentation from people who were involved.

And still...they could have released those people. They weren't POW's. They were civilians rounded up in as a result of a pre-War strategy. A decision was made to kill them. A decision was made to experiement on them in horrific ways. Decisions were consciously made each step of the way to genocide.

Not saying this is at all a good thing,but war is war, Germany also was one country that suffered fromthe 30's depression the worst. Now after the war

Yes - war is war, but Germany began the war, and Germany chose to not just cleanse Jews from his country but from every country they touched. Agree - Germany suffered badly under the armistace agreement and subsequent Depression (major mistakes were made in hindsight that led to conditions being ripe for a person like Hitler to rise).

here is Eisenhower, and his camps for Geman Pows, non war time.

"Eisenhower" death camps? Is this comparable to genocide? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Other_Losses

There is a lot of controversy here and calling something where the estimated death rate was 0.15% is a bit extreme (Soviet camps were a bit worse).

Possibly because the source you are quoting from is at best questionable and heavily leaning towards conspiracy theory.:doubt:


I have no doubt there were abuses and starvation. American citizens were interned in camps, lost their property and livelyhood, because they were of Japanese or German descent. There are many atrocities that come about as a RESULT of war but the Holocaust was not the result of war - it was interwoven into the conflict from the day the first laws were made seperating Jews out of the mainstream.

There is a difference when you look at the big picture.
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I'm not seeing how any of this makes the Nazi's any less culpable for genocide or any less able to let people go or why, if they realized they couldn't feed those people, they had to invade other countries to kill their Jewish populations. :doubt:

....and he HAD to use them for medical experiments....:cuckoo:

What we see is piles of dead bodies, or skinny men, now how did they die? Must of been illness or starvation. A person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile. I imagine when they were not in a rush they did bury the bodies or mass burn them, dead bodies lying around cause more disease. You can see these pictures in Soviet camps as well as Japanese camps. What would be the use of gassing skin and bones.

Photo is a one image frozen in time. But photos aren't all we go by in recording history. The Germans themselves were meticulous record keepers. In addition, we have first hand documentation from people who were involved.

And still...they could have released those people. They weren't POW's. They were civilians rounded up in as a result of a pre-War strategy. A decision was made to kill them. A decision was made to experiement on them in horrific ways. Decisions were consciously made each step of the way to genocide.

Yes - war is war, but Germany began the war, and Germany chose to not just cleanse Jews from his country but from every country they touched. Agree - Germany suffered badly under the armistace agreement and subsequent Depression (major mistakes were made in hindsight that led to conditions being ripe for a person like Hitler to rise).

here is Eisenhower, and his camps for Geman Pows, non war time.

"Eisenhower" death camps? Is this comparable to genocide? Other Losses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a lot of controversy here and calling something where the estimated death rate was 0.15% is a bit extreme (Soviet camps were a bit worse).

Possibly because the source you are quoting from is at best questionable and heavily leaning towards conspiracy theory.:doubt:


I have no doubt there were abuses and starvation. American citizens were interned in camps, lost their property and livelyhood, because they were of Japanese or German descent. There are many atrocities that come about as a RESULT of war but the Holocaust was not the result of war - it was interwoven into the conflict from the day the first laws were made seperating Jews out of the mainstream.

There is a difference when you look at the big picture.

I'm sorry if that site is questionable, as wiki doesn't have much. I have been following Wiki for a long time and things have changed to where I have to question everything. WWII and Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust and has become very bias. What do we do. These other sites are JUST as valid if not more so in my opinion.

I once read a wiki site and it was about he holocaust or WWII and the footnotes all pertained to a book wrote by a Jewish person, it was like a book review.

Yes the big picture needs to of course begin at the beginning way back with Egypt, etc, but even more so before WWI and what led up to that, the Russian revolution, Ukraine etc, We know after WWI Germany got heavily penalized.

Why did he see the Jews as enemies, because they were, one does keep an eye on their enemies inside their country or even potential enemies. The Jewish had many rebel groups. Its a sad thing, not saying its not, but yes he did see the Jews as a threat. We also have to realize that many countries had an issue with the Jewish people was well.

A bad rap, I don't know, without merit , hard to say, but we do know that the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in, and the question of wealth also comes into place, how did so many become so rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet.

One has to remember Hitler was out to win a war as well. Here Wiki one : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheinwiesenlager
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What we see is piles of dead bodies, or skinny men, now how did they die? Must of been illness or starvation. A person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile. I imagine when they were not in a rush they did bury the bodies or mass burn them, dead bodies lying around cause more disease. You can see these pictures in Soviet camps as well as Japanese camps. What would be the use of gassing skin and bones.

Photo is a one image frozen in time. But photos aren't all we go by in recording history. The Germans themselves were meticulous record keepers. In addition, we have first hand documentation from people who were involved.

And still...they could have released those people. They weren't POW's. They were civilians rounded up in as a result of a pre-War strategy. A decision was made to kill them. A decision was made to experiement on them in horrific ways. Decisions were consciously made each step of the way to genocide.

Yes - war is war, but Germany began the war, and Germany chose to not just cleanse Jews from his country but from every country they touched. Agree - Germany suffered badly under the armistace agreement and subsequent Depression (major mistakes were made in hindsight that led to conditions being ripe for a person like Hitler to rise).

"Eisenhower" death camps? Is this comparable to genocide? Other Losses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a lot of controversy here and calling something where the estimated death rate was 0.15% is a bit extreme (Soviet camps were a bit worse).

Possibly because the source you are quoting from is at best questionable and heavily leaning towards conspiracy theory.:doubt:


I have no doubt there were abuses and starvation. American citizens were interned in camps, lost their property and livelyhood, because they were of Japanese or German descent. There are many atrocities that come about as a RESULT of war but the Holocaust was not the result of war - it was interwoven into the conflict from the day the first laws were made seperating Jews out of the mainstream.

There is a difference when you look at the big picture.

I'm sorry if that site is questionable, as wiki doesn't have much. I have been following Wiki for a long time and things have changed to where I have to question everything. WWII and Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust and has become very bias. What do we do. These other sites are JUST as valid if not more so in my opinion.

I once read a wiki site and it was about he holocaust or WWII and the footnotes all pertained to a book wrote by a Jewish person, it was like a book review.

Yes the big picture needs to of course begin at the beginning way back with Egypt, etc, but even more so before WWI and what led up to that, the Russian revolution, Ukraine etc, We know after WWI Germany got heavily penalized.

Why did he see the Jews as enemies, because they were, one does keep an eye on their enemies inside their country or even potential enemies. The Jewish had many rebel groups. Its a sad thing, not saying its not, but yes he did see the Jews as a threat. We also have to realize that many countries had an issue with the Jewish people was well.

A bad rap, I don't know, without merit , hard to say, but we do know that the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in, and the question of wealth also comes into place, how did so many become so rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet.

One has to remember Hitler was out to win a war as well.



Now you are sounding as nutty as the Islamophobes. I won't bother arguing with conspiracy theory bs it's usually a waste of oxygen.

I'll accept valid historical sources and wiki lists a good number of them. I can't say the same for whale.
^^Block in eyes or maybe not.


Bottom line......the Juden started the problems in both Germany and Russia.

Then in typical Juden fashion cry "victim" when the citizens become sick of their behavior and do something about it. .. :cool:
Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

The other's didn't just die. They were killed right along with the Jews. They were enemies of the Nazi regime. The holocaust wasn't a crime against Jews. It was a crime against humanity and should be recognized as such.

Not a lota people know this but...

The story that 5 million non-Jews were gassed by the Ns was made up bs by Wiesenthal, he made up 5m because he wanted non-Jews to have a half share in the myth but pitched it below the Jew total for obvious reasons.

This is acknowledged by Deb Lipstadt who's a tad mad at Mr Wiesenthal for er...lying his a$$ off :lol:
I watched a program on Netflix recently about a lamp alleged to have been made of human skin from one of the "death" camps. This Jewish journalist went through the process of DNA testing, even testing the metal framework of the shade as well as the stitching material to see if all of it would be consistent with materials common to the era of WW 2. During the program there was lots of archival footage of horrendous images of thousands of emaciated corpses, the kind of stuff we have all seen, real emotion-driving stuff, truly horrible.

As it turns out, the lampshade was made of cowhide, and upon hearing the discovery, you could see the disappointment in the journalist's face. This Jewish man WANTED this lamp to be human skin. Why?

In all seriousness Pennywise, did you see the photographs or read about the undescribably horrific human experimentations done on children and twins by the Nazi's? This isn't lampshades. This is well documented so-called "scientific" experementation. I can post links if you like, but they are sickening.

I've seen a lot of horrible things and have no doubt atrocities took place against people of all ethnic and religious groups. But to be honest, I found it nearly as disturbing to see this man's evident disappointment that his Nazi treasure was nothing but bovine skin.

There's a lot of fantasy that has been sold as fact. That doesn't mean the actual facts are untrue, but it does diminish their impact and makes one suspect of a lot of alleged history, leading to yet more questionable "facts" and then a good deal of head scratching and raised eyebrows at what has been taught as gospel one's whole life.

Another interesting thing in this vein is that many Jews have buried soap thinking it was Jewish people who were made into it by the nasty Nazis back in the day.

Some of it is buried in the US and more in Isra-hell :eek:



Found at Yad Vashem with the title “Romania, Postwar, The burial of soap collected by the Jewish community.”
Just one----Why do you only mention the Jews ? Millions of others were slaughtered

Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

Once you sold it as SHOAH, you made it a strictly Jewish experience, minimizing purposefully, the deaths of the non Jews.


They also monopolised holocaust by capitalising it, "H"...no one else is allowed to capitalise their holocaust because they arent worthy :eusa_shifty:

They also monopolised "anti-Semitism" by excluding all Semites, like Arabs etc, except...you guessed it, Jews.
Yes, millions other died, but do we ever hear people denying their deaths?

The thread topic is the Holocaust and the reason why it is focused in more than other is because the Jewish Population was almost extinct.
Does that mean that their lives were more valuable than the others? No it doesn't. But like I said, the Jews were almost genocided (yes, I just made up that word).

Once you sold it as SHOAH, you made it a strictly Jewish experience, minimizing purposefully, the deaths of the non Jews.


They also monopolised holocaust by capitalising it, "H"...no one else is allowed to capitalise their holocaust because they arent worthy :eusa_shifty:

They also monopolised "anti-Semitism" by excluding all Semites, like Arabs etc, except...you guessed it, Jews.

I will say that many Germans fighting the front lines and Jews at the camps were unaware as well and were surprised to find out there were gas chambers there either from word of mouth, newspapers or the movies and books . I mean the German people now are not even allowed to debate it. I would bet that even some en route to another camp heard of the dead bodies and really did believe there were gas chambers or mass gassings. I mean I believed that for years, its not to be questioned , along with many things we learned in our school years.

That is true, anti-Semitism is certainty not just for Jewish people.
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For those out there who yearn for truth, or at least like to challenge their own notions, this is a great book- Debating the Holocaust: A New Look At Both Sides: Thomas Dalton: 9781591480051: Amazon.com: Books

Oh, yeah. Rense really likes this filth, and the POS who wrote it doesn't use its real name.

Debating The Holocaust - A New Look At Both Sides*

"The author of this book, who writes under the pen name of "Thomas Dalton," is an American scholar who holds a doctoral degree from a major US university. "

Since such "criticism" is not a crime in the US - why is the 'author' such a coward that it won't use its real name?

If anyone has seen a single site where 'revisionist' history is NOT accompanied by attempts to whitewash, excuse, or minimize the deliberate MURDERS of millions of civilians by the Nazis from Greece to Scandinavia - I'd like them to share that site with us now.

So far, I have never seen such a site. So I can only conclude that ALL such efforts to 'revise' the Holocaust accounts are intended to exculpate the Nazis. And it doesn't appear to be a 'thirst for truth'. It appears to be sensationalism, conspiracy nonsense, and ultimately SUPPORT FOR THE NAZI POV.

Revisionists have to publish under pseudonyms because they will be attacked, vilified, lose their jobs, and have their families attacked.

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