Holocaust deniers

Most people see genocide as a pretty high profile event.

But I've seen your posts in the last few days where you made derogatory comments about Jews, therefore you have zero credibility concerning the Holocaust.

How miserable does you people have to be to complain over the fact that there is a specific event in WWII about Jewish genocide? If it bothers you so much, then don't read about it.
Incredibly pathetic posts in this thread :rolleyes:

I did not read what she has posted somewhere else but no matter which part of the holocaust is investigated you get attacked and it`s the same thing if you question the conduct of the IDF.
How many civilian deaths does it take till you can call it a genocide?
As far as credibility is concerned most of the evidence for the holocaust was delivered at Nurenberg by the Soviets.
For some strange reason none of the KZs which were liberated by Western Allied forces had any gas chambers where Jews were gassed to death.
It took many years for example to establish that the Dachau gas chamber which has been toted as such that it never was used to gas anybody to death.
It also took many years until the curator of the Auschwitz museum Dr.Piper finally admitted on camera to David Cole that it has been "reconstructed" by the Soviets to what they say it was before the SS made everything disappear.

btw. David Cole is a Jew.

I never attacked you for questioning anything.

There is plenty of evidence that proves there were has chambers. You simply cannot ignore them.

A$$ chambers :eek:

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The so called "Holocaust" is the only historical event that people are not allowed to debate in several western countries under threat of heavy fines and imprisonment.

Which begs the question: "What are the authorities trying to hide?" ..... :cool:
Once you sold it as SHOAH, you made it a strictly Jewish experience, minimizing purposefully, the deaths of the non Jews.

Why does it bother you so much? I really don't understand.
Nobody is forcing you to read and believe nothing. Nobody is forcing you to accept any figure.

Pyyple ARE being forced to read, believe, and accept certain figures regarding the Holocaust--and they should be. Six million poor, innocent Jews DIED. Who knows how many millions more were forced to live through unspeakable conditions?

Holocaust denial is explicitly or implicitly illegal in 17 countries: Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Romania[171]—a country that denied the Holocaust occurred on its territory up until the Wiesel Commission in 2004.[172][173]

Can you believe this? There are roughly 200 countries on the planet, and yet only 17 of them--less than 10%!--have criminalized Holocaust denial. The fact that bigots worldwide can freely deny that my pyyple were subject to such persecution and get away with it in 90% of countries is in itself a crime of such great proportions that it is incomprehensible to non-Jews.

No country without laws criminalizing Holocaust denial can call itself truly developed, civilized, or free.

Your "pyyple" :lol:

What we see is piles of dead bodies, or skinny men, now how did they die? Must of been illness or starvation. A person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile. I imagine when they were not in a rush they did bury the bodies or mass burn them, dead bodies lying around cause more disease. You can see these pictures in Soviet camps as well as Japanese camps. What would be the use of gassing skin and bones.

Photo is a one image frozen in time. But photos aren't all we go by in recording history. The Germans themselves were meticulous record keepers. In addition, we have first hand documentation from people who were involved.

And still...they could have released those people. They weren't POW's. They were civilians rounded up in as a result of a pre-War strategy. A decision was made to kill them. A decision was made to experiement on them in horrific ways. Decisions were consciously made each step of the way to genocide.

Yes - war is war, but Germany began the war, and Germany chose to not just cleanse Jews from his country but from every country they touched. Agree - Germany suffered badly under the armistace agreement and subsequent Depression (major mistakes were made in hindsight that led to conditions being ripe for a person like Hitler to rise).

"Eisenhower" death camps? Is this comparable to genocide? Other Losses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a lot of controversy here and calling something where the estimated death rate was 0.15% is a bit extreme (Soviet camps were a bit worse).

Possibly because the source you are quoting from is at best questionable and heavily leaning towards conspiracy theory.:doubt:


I have no doubt there were abuses and starvation. American citizens were interned in camps, lost their property and livelyhood, because they were of Japanese or German descent. There are many atrocities that come about as a RESULT of war but the Holocaust was not the result of war - it was interwoven into the conflict from the day the first laws were made seperating Jews out of the mainstream.

There is a difference when you look at the big picture.

I'm sorry if that site is questionable, as wiki doesn't have much. I have been following Wiki for a long time and things have changed to where I have to question everything. WWII and Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust and has become very bias. What do we do. These other sites are JUST as valid if not more so in my opinion.

I once read a wiki site and it was about he holocaust or WWII and the footnotes all pertained to a book wrote by a Jewish person, it was like a book review.

Yes the big picture needs to of course begin at the beginning way back with Egypt, etc, but even more so before WWI and what led up to that, the Russian revolution, Ukraine etc, We know after WWI Germany got heavily penalized.

Why did he see the Jews as enemies, because they were, one does keep an eye on their enemies inside their country or even potential enemies. The Jewish had many rebel groups. Its a sad thing, not saying its not, but yes he did see the Jews as a threat. We also have to realize that many countries had an issue with the Jewish people was well.

A bad rap, I don't know, without merit , hard to say, but we do know that the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in, and the question of wealth also comes into place, how did so many become so rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet.

One has to remember Hitler was out to win a war as well. Here Wiki one : Rheinwiesenlager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The best site for revisionist material is CODOH - the campaign for open debate on the holocaust.

Codoh.com | Welcome
Photo is a one image frozen in time. But photos aren't all we go by in recording history. The Germans themselves were meticulous record keepers. In addition, we have first hand documentation from people who were involved.

And still...they could have released those people. They weren't POW's. They were civilians rounded up in as a result of a pre-War strategy. A decision was made to kill them. A decision was made to experiement on them in horrific ways. Decisions were consciously made each step of the way to genocide.

Yes - war is war, but Germany began the war, and Germany chose to not just cleanse Jews from his country but from every country they touched. Agree - Germany suffered badly under the armistace agreement and subsequent Depression (major mistakes were made in hindsight that led to conditions being ripe for a person like Hitler to rise).

"Eisenhower" death camps? Is this comparable to genocide? Other Losses - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is a lot of controversy here and calling something where the estimated death rate was 0.15% is a bit extreme (Soviet camps were a bit worse).

Possibly because the source you are quoting from is at best questionable and heavily leaning towards conspiracy theory.:doubt:


I have no doubt there were abuses and starvation. American citizens were interned in camps, lost their property and livelyhood, because they were of Japanese or German descent. There are many atrocities that come about as a RESULT of war but the Holocaust was not the result of war - it was interwoven into the conflict from the day the first laws were made seperating Jews out of the mainstream.

There is a difference when you look at the big picture.

I'm sorry if that site is questionable, as wiki doesn't have much. I have been following Wiki for a long time and things have changed to where I have to question everything. WWII and Wiki never leaves out extermination camps or holocaust and has become very bias. What do we do. These other sites are JUST as valid if not more so in my opinion.

I once read a wiki site and it was about he holocaust or WWII and the footnotes all pertained to a book wrote by a Jewish person, it was like a book review.

Yes the big picture needs to of course begin at the beginning way back with Egypt, etc, but even more so before WWI and what led up to that, the Russian revolution, Ukraine etc, We know after WWI Germany got heavily penalized.

Why did he see the Jews as enemies, because they were, one does keep an eye on their enemies inside their country or even potential enemies. The Jewish had many rebel groups. Its a sad thing, not saying its not, but yes he did see the Jews as a threat. We also have to realize that many countries had an issue with the Jewish people was well.

A bad rap, I don't know, without merit , hard to say, but we do know that the Jewish people do seem to strive for control of every country they are in, and the question of wealth also comes into place, how did so many become so rich and in control of media and Hollywood, and now the internet.

One has to remember Hitler was out to win a war as well. Here Wiki one : Rheinwiesenlager - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The best site for revisionist material is CODOH - the campaign for open debate on the holocaust.

Codoh.com | Welcome
Thank you , never heard of it so will check it out.
In order to have a legitimate debate on the Holocaust, you need to seperate out Conspiracy Theory type revisions that aren't supported by documented facts.

All history is open to debate, but it should be based on facts.

Frankly any proposed revisions that end up with claims about "Jewish control of the media, government, banks, and world control" leaves me highly suspect.
From Wikipedia: Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holocaust denial is the act of and theory behind denying the genocide of Jews in the Holocaust during World War II.[1][2] Holocaust denial includes any of the following claims: that the German Nazi government had no Final Solution policy or intention of exterminating Jews; that Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps and gas chambers to mass murder Jews; and that the actual number of Jews killed was significantly (typically an order of magnitude) lower than the historically accepted figure of 5 to 6 million.[3][4][5]

Holocaust deniers generally do not accept the term denial as an appropriate description of their activities, and use the term revisionism instead.[6] Scholars use the term "denial" to differentiate Holocaust deniers from legitimate historical revisionists, who use established historical methodologies.[7] The methodologies of Holocaust deniers are criticized as based on a predetermined conclusion that ignores extensive historical evidence to the contrary.[8]

Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples.[9] For this reason, Holocaust denial is considered to be an antisemitic[10] conspiracy theory,[11] and it frequently encounters criticism.

And, examination of the claims:

The key claims which cause Holocaust denial to differ from established fact are:[4][5]

The Nazis had no official policy or intention of exterminating Jews.
Nazis did not use gas chambers to mass murder Jews.[160]
The figure of 5 to 6 million Jewish deaths is a gross exaggeration, and the actual number is an order of magnitude lower.

Other claims include the following:

Stories of the Holocaust were a myth initially created by the Allies of World War II to demonize Germans,[5] Jews having spread this myth as part of a grander plot intended to enable the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and now to garner continuing support for the state of Israel.[161]
Documentary evidence of the Holocaust, from photographs to The Diary of Anne Frank, is fabricated.[5]
Survivor testimonies are filled with errors and inconsistencies, and are thus unreliable.[5]
Interrogators obtained Nazi prisoners' confessions of war crimes through the use of torture.[5]
The Nazi treatment of Jews was no different from what the Allies did to their enemies in World War II.[162]

Holocaust denial is widely viewed as failing to adhere to rules for the treatment of evidence, principles that mainstream historians (as well as scholars in other fields) regard as basic to rational inquiry.[163]

The Holocaust was well documented by the bureaucracy of the Nazi government itself.[164][165] It was further witnessed by the Allied forces who entered Germany and its associated Axis states towards the end of World War II.[166][167][168]

According to researchers Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman, there is a "convergence of evidence" that proves that the Holocaust happened. This evidence includes:[169]

Written documents—hundreds of thousands of letters, memos, blueprints, orders, bills, speeches, articles, memoirs, and confessions.
Eyewitness testimony—accounts from survivors, Jewish Sonderkommandos (who helped load bodies from the gas chambers into the crematoria in exchange for a chance of survival), SS guards, commandants, local townspeople, and even high-ranking Nazis who spoke openly about the mass murder of the Jews.
Photographs—including official military and press photographs, civilian photographs, secret photographs taken by survivors, aerial photographs, German and Allied film footage, and unofficial photographs taken by the German military.
The camps themselves—concentration camps, work camps, and extermination camps that still exist in varying degrees of originality and reconstruction.
Inferential evidence or argument from silence — population demographics, reconstructed from the pre–World War II era; if six million Jews were not killed, what happened to them?

Much of the controversy surrounding the claims of Holocaust deniers centers on the methods used to present arguments that the Holocaust allegedly never happened as commonly accepted. Numerous accounts have been given by Holocaust deniers (including evidence presented in court cases) of claimed facts and evidence; however, independent research has shown these claims to be based upon flawed research, biased statements, or even deliberately falsified evidence. Opponents of Holocaust denial have documented numerous instances in which such evidence was altered or manufactured (see Nizkor Project and David Irving). According to Pierre Vidal-Naquet, "in our society of image and spectacle, extermination on paper leads to extermination in reality."[170]
From Wikipedia: Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holocaust denial is the act of and theory behind denying the genocide of Jews in the Holocaust during World War II.[1][2] Holocaust denial includes any of the following claims: that the German Nazi government had no Final Solution policy or intention of exterminating Jews; that Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps and gas chambers to mass murder Jews; and that the actual number of Jews killed was significantly (typically an order of magnitude) lower than the historically accepted figure of 5 to 6 million.[3][4][5]

Holocaust deniers generally do not accept the term denial as an appropriate description of their activities, and use the term revisionism instead.[6] Scholars use the term "denial" to differentiate Holocaust deniers from legitimate historical revisionists, who use established historical methodologies.[7] The methodologies of Holocaust deniers are criticized as based on a predetermined conclusion that ignores extensive historical evidence to the contrary.[8]

Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples.[9] For this reason, Holocaust denial is considered to be an antisemitic[10] conspiracy theory,[11] and it frequently encounters criticism.

And, examination of the claims:

The key claims which cause Holocaust denial to differ from established fact are:[4][5]

The Nazis had no official policy or intention of exterminating Jews.
Nazis did not use gas chambers to mass murder Jews.[160]
The figure of 5 to 6 million Jewish deaths is a gross exaggeration, and the actual number is an order of magnitude lower.

Other claims include the following:

Stories of the Holocaust were a myth initially created by the Allies of World War II to demonize Germans,[5] Jews having spread this myth as part of a grander plot intended to enable the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and now to garner continuing support for the state of Israel.[161]
Documentary evidence of the Holocaust, from photographs to The Diary of Anne Frank, is fabricated.[5]
Survivor testimonies are filled with errors and inconsistencies, and are thus unreliable.[5]
Interrogators obtained Nazi prisoners' confessions of war crimes through the use of torture.[5]
The Nazi treatment of Jews was no different from what the Allies did to their enemies in World War II.[162]

Holocaust denial is widely viewed as failing to adhere to rules for the treatment of evidence, principles that mainstream historians (as well as scholars in other fields) regard as basic to rational inquiry.[163]

The Holocaust was well documented by the bureaucracy of the Nazi government itself.[164][165] It was further witnessed by the Allied forces who entered Germany and its associated Axis states towards the end of World War II.[166][167][168]

According to researchers Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman, there is a "convergence of evidence" that proves that the Holocaust happened. This evidence includes:[169]

Written documents—hundreds of thousands of letters, memos, blueprints, orders, bills, speeches, articles, memoirs, and confessions.
Eyewitness testimony—accounts from survivors, Jewish Sonderkommandos (who helped load bodies from the gas chambers into the crematoria in exchange for a chance of survival), SS guards, commandants, local townspeople, and even high-ranking Nazis who spoke openly about the mass murder of the Jews.
Photographs—including official military and press photographs, civilian photographs, secret photographs taken by survivors, aerial photographs, German and Allied film footage, and unofficial photographs taken by the German military.
The camps themselves—concentration camps, work camps, and extermination camps that still exist in varying degrees of originality and reconstruction.
Inferential evidence or argument from silence — population demographics, reconstructed from the pre–World War II era; if six million Jews were not killed, what happened to them?

Much of the controversy surrounding the claims of Holocaust deniers centers on the methods used to present arguments that the Holocaust allegedly never happened as commonly accepted. Numerous accounts have been given by Holocaust deniers (including evidence presented in court cases) of claimed facts and evidence; however, independent research has shown these claims to be based upon flawed research, biased statements, or even deliberately falsified evidence. Opponents of Holocaust denial have documented numerous instances in which such evidence was altered or manufactured (see Nizkor Project and David Irving). According to Pierre Vidal-Naquet, "in our society of image and spectacle, extermination on paper leads to extermination in reality."[170]

Wikipedia is highly unreliable.
From Wikipedia: Holocaust denial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Holocaust denial is the act of and theory behind denying the genocide of Jews in the Holocaust during World War II.[1][2] Holocaust denial includes any of the following claims: that the German Nazi government had no Final Solution policy or intention of exterminating Jews; that Nazi authorities did not use extermination camps and gas chambers to mass murder Jews; and that the actual number of Jews killed was significantly (typically an order of magnitude) lower than the historically accepted figure of 5 to 6 million.[3][4][5]

Holocaust deniers generally do not accept the term denial as an appropriate description of their activities, and use the term revisionism instead.[6] Scholars use the term "denial" to differentiate Holocaust deniers from legitimate historical revisionists, who use established historical methodologies.[7] The methodologies of Holocaust deniers are criticized as based on a predetermined conclusion that ignores extensive historical evidence to the contrary.[8]

Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples.[9] For this reason, Holocaust denial is considered to be an antisemitic[10] conspiracy theory,[11] and it frequently encounters criticism.

And, examination of the claims:

Wikipedia is highly unreliable.

It does provide sources though, so you can track down original material.
He tried to let the jews leave, he had to put them in concentration camps and ghettos as he had to keep an eye on them. During a war that is what countries did. Food was scarce, as you know, the top countries were all in a depression, and Germany after WWI was very depressed with bills to pay. The last article I linked is imp. When Hitler came into power, Judea declared War on him. During the war, every country had food shortages and typhus disease.

Haavara Agreement

The Haavara Agreement (Hebrew: הסכם העברה Translit.: heskem haavara Translated: "transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to give up most of their possessions to Germany before departing. Those assets could later be obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods

Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

MS St. Louis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia , ship turned away at cuba and Miami

Fifth Aliyah

Jewish boycott of German goods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Jewish boycott of German goods refers to one of the international Jewish responses to the policies of the Nazis.

The boycott started in March 1933 in both Europe and the US.[2] Sources claim it continued until the entry of the US into the war.[3]

Both the Nazis and some outside Germany saw the boycott as an act of aggression, with the UK newspaper the Daily Express going so far as to put as headline: "Judea Declares War on Germany".[2]

The Nazi regime protested internationally and on April 1, 1933, organized a (one day) boycott of Jewish businesses in Germany,[2] which was the first of official anti-Jewish acts by the German government.

The Haavara Agreement, together with lessened dependence on trade with the West, had by 1937 largely negated the effects of the Jewish boycott on Germany.[4] According to a December 1936 article in Time, the Association of German National Jews was then fighting against the Jewish boycott of German goods.[5]

Also during the war where were they to run to, no one else would let them in.

I'm not seeing how any of this makes the Nazi's any less culpable for genocide or any less able to let people go or why, if they realized they couldn't feed those people, they had to invade other countries to kill their Jewish populations. :doubt:

....and he HAD to use them for medical experiments....:cuckoo:

What we see is piles of dead bodies, or skinny men, now how did they die? Must of been illness or starvation. A person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile. I imagine when they were not in a rush they did bury the bodies or mass burn them, dead bodies lying around cause more disease. You can see these pictures in Soviet camps as well as Japanese camps. What would be the use of gassing skin and bones.

Not saying this is at all a good thing,but war is war, Germany also was one country that suffered fromthe 30's depression the worst. Now after the war

here is Eisenhower, and his camps for Geman Pows, non war time.

Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950

we never hear of that.

I knew a lady when I was growing up who lived in Germany during the war and later emigrated to the US. She was young during the Reich era and lived on a small family farm. When I started learning about Germany and WW2 I asked her how all those people could have been starved like that, and she told me that there was nothing left at the end of the war. She recalled a story near the end where a couple German soldiers came to the house asking for food, and all her mother had to give them was a couple half rotten potatoes. She said had they not had the farm they would have been up the creek.
I'm not seeing how any of this makes the Nazi's any less culpable for genocide or any less able to let people go or why, if they realized they couldn't feed those people, they had to invade other countries to kill their Jewish populations. :doubt:

....and he HAD to use them for medical experiments....:cuckoo:

What we see is piles of dead bodies, or skinny men, now how did they die? Must of been illness or starvation. A person of skin and bones like that does not walk into a gas chamber and stand there, and then gets pulled out and put in a pile. I imagine when they were not in a rush they did bury the bodies or mass burn them, dead bodies lying around cause more disease. You can see these pictures in Soviet camps as well as Japanese camps. What would be the use of gassing skin and bones.

Not saying this is at all a good thing,but war is war, Germany also was one country that suffered fromthe 30's depression the worst. Now after the war

here is Eisenhower, and his camps for Geman Pows, non war time.

Mass Starvation of Germans, 1945-1950

we never hear of that.

I knew a lady when I was growing up who lived in Germany during the war and later emigrated to the US. She was young during the Reich era and lived on a small family farm. When I started learning about Germany and WW2 I asked her how all those people could have been starved like that, and she told me that there was nothing left at the end of the war. She recalled a story near the end where a couple German soldiers came to the house asking for food, and all her mother had to give them was a couple half rotten potatoes. She said had they not had the farm they would have been up the creek.

There were horrible things....here's a little known story. The Nazi's - as part of their "eugenics" program, selected women with the right "aryan" traits to be "broodmares" for the new race. This occurred in Sweden I think...the women had little choice. When the war ended, they and their children were horribly ostracized and demonized - to this day.

There were a lot of horrible things. But nothing can excuse choosing to kill or allow to die (rather than set free) all the people they had incarcerated for NO CRIME other than a matter of birth.

And NOTHING can ever ever even remotely excuse the deliberate, inhuman "medical" experiments they performed on those people.

The sheer scope of what the Nazi's attempted is horrendous. Thanks for the links!
Nazi Human Experiments

How do you excuse this? What sort of historic revisionism makes this excusable?
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You guys keep on saying the Nazi's. Is this some PC nonsense? THEY WERE AND ARE GERMANS. They are one in the same. WTF??????????
You guys keep on saying the Nazi's. Is this some PC nonsense? THEY WERE AND ARE GERMANS. They are one in the same. WTF??????????

Are Democrats and Americans one and the same?
Are Republicans and Americans one and the same?


I need a sammich :)
You guys keep on saying the Nazi's. Is this some PC nonsense? THEY WERE AND ARE GERMANS. They are one in the same. WTF??????????

Are Democrats and Americans one and the same?
Are Republicans and Americans one and the same?


I need a sammich :)

Yes, they are. Are you saying German aggression and attempted genocide was not a concerted effort among the German people? :lol: If it weren't a concerted effort, why was Germany so successful with their warring bloodlust?

Well this has nothing to do with 6 mil in gas chambers: but even today
if this did happen, someone got the idea from the OT perhaps.

Jews Demand Open Borders for USA, But Use DNA to Keep Israel Racially Pure
Posted by TNO Staff— on December 20, 2013

Jews Demand Open Borders for USA, But Use DNA to Keep Israel Racially Pure | The New Observer

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