Holocaust survivers mock AOC

The Nazi Germans spoke of the barbarity of the camps, as did the Poles, Soviets, and Jews
Again, no one is saying it wasn't awful. The Poles, Soviets, and jews all had an agenda in painting the Germans as horribly evil. As for the Germans themselves: One, conditions worsened as the war progressed. Two, some testimony was coerced. And three, they were prison camps so not always watcha'd call vacation spots. The victors get to write the history books.

Germany never attacked Britain?
Wow, so what was the Bombing of London, and Battle of Britain about, exactly?
Don't twist my obvious meaning, please. Germany wasn't the aggressor against Britain. Britain declared war on Germany first. Once at war, of course the parties attacked each other.
Hitlers goal was what again?

and if someone was attacking all my friends and family, yes; i will declare war on them.

you're being an intentional idiot.
So you think the Germans dug their own bunkers?
I don't take your meaning.

What mind
The one that was and remains open to new information. The one that draws conclusions based on researched evidence rather than accepting without question everything inculcated into it.

All can say is you have a different angle then I read before.
Okay, great! Maybe we can talk about it more in days to come.
I appreciate your approach to this discussion very much. There seem to be a lot of unkind people here. It's good to meet someone who's civil and nice even when discussing a difficult and emotional topic.
Noticed your avatar with Tulsi Gabbard. I've seen some stuff about her and am liking her very much. It's probably unlikely, but I hope she's still in the primary race when it gets to my state.
The Germans had Jews dig you moron, they dug until they died, they also had Jews welding bombs.
In 1942, a group of high-ranking Nazi officials meet and calmly discuss the logistics of the "Final Solution," the elimination of Jews from Germany. Along with notorious figures such as Adolf Eichmann (Gerd Böckmann), a number of lesser-known officers like Reinhard Heydrich (Dietrich Mattausch) deba… More
Initial release: December 19, 1984 (West Germany)
Most people get their ideas about "Nazi" Germany from Hollywood movies. They're not accurate. Just about money & propaganda.
The "final solution" was repatriation. It never referred to genocide and there's no proof it did.

Yes Adolph if you say so
Not an insult.
Let's have tea Adolph, I will demonstrate my sense of humor
Sounds nice.

As Trump says, there are good Nazis and bad Nazis.....
When did he say that? I agree, but when did he say that?
How long have you been with the Mosad
In 1942, a group of high-ranking Nazi officials meet and calmly discuss the logistics of the "Final Solution," the elimination of Jews from Germany. Along with notorious figures such as Adolf Eichmann (Gerd Böckmann), a number of lesser-known officers like Reinhard Heydrich (Dietrich Mattausch) deba… More
Initial release: December 19, 1984 (West Germany)
Most people get their ideas about "Nazi" Germany from Hollywood movies. They're not accurate. Just about money & propaganda.
The "final solution" was repatriation. It never referred to genocide and there's no proof it did.

Yes Adolph if you say so
Not an insult.
Let's have tea Adolph, I will demonstrate my sense of humor
Sounds nice.

As Trump says, there are good Nazis and bad Nazis.....
When did he say that? I agree, but when did he say that?

Again I will now apply Holocaust Denialism to you

I can't read your post because you are from Africa and are typing in Zulu

If you don't believe what I do it's just that you haven't had your eyes opened.
Nah he is with the Mosad, he thinks that he will find Adolph here
It is remarkable but not surprising "survivors" of German concentration camps, aka "holocaust survivors" seek to lay claim to being the only victims, if indeed they were actually ever incarcerated, when history is filled with concentration camp victims. So sad here in the USA, a totally unnecessary war (the "Civil War") allegedly about a low IQ ethnic group who got free room and board and child rearing, exterminated thousands of intelligent European derived folks in idiotic battles and in concentration camps like Andersonville. My Grandfather, a non-jew Dutch engineer on my maternal side who built infrastructure in Indonesia was captured in the WWII years and held in a Jap concentration camp for 3 1/2 years after the Japs stole all his property. Where is the special Dutch country designated so it does not happen again (ironically northwest Europe has been invaded by savages from the middle east after non-Dutch people took control of the government)? Where are the Dutch museums? Where are the Dutch memorials? Where are public schools forced to teach how Dutch, German and British (Italians and Ancient Greeks also of course) people invented pretty much everything and that Einstein was a plagiarist? Why is it not taught in public schools Whites were rounded up by non-Whites and locked up? Never forget!

The Jews tend to neglect other victims of WW2, heck in the case of Poles they tend to disrespect other victims of WW2.
Just double-checked. You're right. I stand corrected. Shouldn't have accepted a single source without verifying it. Thank you.

You werent really wrong. Its always been a source of debate as to why the "extermination camps" were all liberated and exposed by the murderous, genocidal, mass executing Soviets while the concentration camps...no picnics but demonstrably a different order of evildoing..were liberated by the allies.
People have been hounded out of this country and, in less enlightened nations like France, imprisoned for simply asking this question.
There is an answer. But by persecuting the people who ask the question liberals doom us to grappling with it for all time.
The Nazi Germans spoke of the barbarity of the camps, as did the Poles, Soviets, and Jews
Again, no one is saying it wasn't awful. The Poles, Soviets, and jews all had an agenda in painting the Germans as horribly evil. As for the Germans themselves: One, conditions worsened as the war progressed. Two, some testimony was coerced. And three, they were prison camps so not always watcha'd call vacation spots. The victors get to write the history books.

Germany never attacked Britain?
Wow, so what was the Bombing of London, and Battle of Britain about, exactly?
Don't twist my obvious meaning, please. Germany wasn't the aggressor against Britain. Britain declared war on Germany first. Once at war, of course the parties attacked each other.

Poles, and Soviets both had non-Aggression pacts with Nazi Germany, and in both cases Nazi Germans attacked them first.
It's a conspiracy!!! The calling card of The Nut Job.
Learn. Draw your own conclusions. Let me ask just this: Has the US government ever lied to the public about anything, ever? WMDs, maybe? Hotel break-ins? Healthcare mandates, maybe? Anything? If so, why is it impossible to believe they lied concerning WW2? Trump, Obama, Bush, any president ever lie? Why not Truman? Or Churchill? The Soviets ever lie? But Stalin never lied about WW2?

Eichmann a leading Nazi German had come forward with the 6 million Jews killed number.
Thank you for the link but it won't come up for me. Regardless, as I said before, propaganda, coerced testimony, all that.

The Auschwitz museum used to claim 4 million jews died there. Then that number was reduced, then reduced again. Off the top of my head, I believe it's currently at 1 to 1.5 million. Yet the magic number of 6 million remains...???

The Red Cross reported total camp deaths among jews at 270-some thousand. ???

The Jewish World Almanac shows an increase in the population of European jews from before to after the war. How is that possible if 6 million of them were killed?

The numbers of Jews killed might be up for debate, but not the Holocaust which has far too much information.

If it's so fake, then Nazi Germany must have been fake too, because some high ranking Nazi Germans had admitted to the Holocaust.
Just double-checked. You're right. I stand corrected. Shouldn't have accepted a single source without verifying it. Thank you.

You werent really wrong. Its always been a source of debate as to why the "extermination camps" were all liberated and exposed by the murderous, genocidal, mass executing Soviets while the concentration camps...no picnics but demonstrably a different order of evildoing..were liberated by the allies.
People have been hounded out of this country and, in less enlightened nations like France, imprisoned for simply asking this question.
There is an answer. But by persecuting the people who ask the question liberals doom us to grappling with it for all time.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.
It is remarkable but not surprising "survivors" of German concentration camps, aka "holocaust survivors" seek to lay claim to being the only victims, if indeed they were actually ever incarcerated, when history is filled with concentration camp victims. So sad here in the USA, a totally unnecessary war (the "Civil War") allegedly about a low IQ ethnic group who got free room and board and child rearing, exterminated thousands of intelligent European derived folks in idiotic battles and in concentration camps like Andersonville. My Grandfather, a non-jew Dutch engineer on my maternal side who built infrastructure in Indonesia was captured in the WWII years and held in a Jap concentration camp for 3 1/2 years after the Japs stole all his property. Where is the special Dutch country designated so it does not happen again (ironically northwest Europe has been invaded by savages from the middle east after non-Dutch people took control of the government)? Where are the Dutch museums? Where are the Dutch memorials? Where are public schools forced to teach how Dutch, German and British (Italians and Ancient Greeks also of course) people invented pretty much everything and that Einstein was a plagiarist? Why is it not taught in public schools Whites were rounded up by non-Whites and locked up? Never forget!

The Jews tend to neglect other victims of WW2, heck in the case of Poles they tend to disrespect other victims of WW2.
Repeat yourself often, heck in the case of repeating do you repeat yourself often
Just double-checked. You're right. I stand corrected. Shouldn't have accepted a single source without verifying it. Thank you.

You werent really wrong. Its always been a source of debate as to why the "extermination camps" were all liberated and exposed by the murderous, genocidal, mass executing Soviets while the concentration camps...no picnics but demonstrably a different order of evildoing..were liberated by the allies.
People have been hounded out of this country and, in less enlightened nations like France, imprisoned for simply asking this question.
There is an answer. But by persecuting the people who ask the question liberals doom us to grappling with it for all time.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.
yea, far too much trying to dictate thought these days and making thoughts "not approved" illegal is just ass-nugget-stupid.
Just double-checked. You're right. I stand corrected. Shouldn't have accepted a single source without verifying it. Thank you.

You werent really wrong. Its always been a source of debate as to why the "extermination camps" were all liberated and exposed by the murderous, genocidal, mass executing Soviets while the concentration camps...no picnics but demonstrably a different order of evildoing..were liberated by the allies.
People have been hounded out of this country and, in less enlightened nations like France, imprisoned for simply asking this question.
There is an answer. But by persecuting the people who ask the question liberals doom us to grappling with it for all time.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.

Yes it is. These people arent secure in their power.
Just double-checked. You're right. I stand corrected. Shouldn't have accepted a single source without verifying it. Thank you.

You werent really wrong. Its always been a source of debate as to why the "extermination camps" were all liberated and exposed by the murderous, genocidal, mass executing Soviets while the concentration camps...no picnics but demonstrably a different order of evildoing..were liberated by the allies.
People have been hounded out of this country and, in less enlightened nations like France, imprisoned for simply asking this question.
There is an answer. But by persecuting the people who ask the question liberals doom us to grappling with it for all time.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.
yea, far too much trying to dictate thought these days and making thoughts "not approved" illegal is just ass-nugget-stupid.

More than that it shows how desperate they are for mind control. They arent secure in this one area for some reason.
Just double-checked. You're right. I stand corrected. Shouldn't have accepted a single source without verifying it. Thank you.

You werent really wrong. Its always been a source of debate as to why the "extermination camps" were all liberated and exposed by the murderous, genocidal, mass executing Soviets while the concentration camps...no picnics but demonstrably a different order of evildoing..were liberated by the allies.
People have been hounded out of this country and, in less enlightened nations like France, imprisoned for simply asking this question.
There is an answer. But by persecuting the people who ask the question liberals doom us to grappling with it for all time.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.
yea, far too much trying to dictate thought these days and making thoughts "not approved" illegal is just ass-nugget-stupid.

More than that it shows how desperate they are for mind control. They arent secure in this one area for some reason.
Everything on every news channel is fake in some or all parts. That does not mean 6 million people faked their deaths
absolute garbage my friend.
But all I did was state verifiable facts.
The Red Cross report, the World Jewish Almanac entries, and news articles about the reduction in the Auschwitz museum's estimates can all be found online.

Again I will now apply Holocaust Denialism to you
Yeah, we already covered that. I deny the veracity of the accepted Holocaust narrative; no argument.
The only issue I have with the term is that "denial" implies that one is insisting that something they know to be true is false, and that's not what I'm doing.

I can't read your post because you are from Africa and are typing in Zulu
I'm from the USA and am typing in English. If you can't read it, that's you're comprehension problem.

When you say Soviet, American, British governments and rich Jews that is pretty general, I am asking specifically who is behind it? It seems with all the information you claim to have this should really be easy. Name names.
You're request is unreasonable. One suspects you know that. The Rothschilds would be one name. Stalin would be one name. Churchill another. We're talking about governments, though; there's no identifying all the individuals involved.

because WW2 is a WORLD WAR. it would be hard for the US to lie when so many nations were in synch. or are you saying all the other countries did our evil bidding?
All it took was the US, Britain, and the USSR cooperating, as they'd been doing for years. The world financial oligarchy had the first two in it's pocket -- thus, rich jews. It just takes a disinformation campaign, something they all did and still do, and a public that wants to believe.

What you meant to say is that there is no "truth" you'll accept other than your own.
Not at all. I'm open to new information and to revising my position. I'd have to say that you're accusing me of being like you. Are you willing to accept that what you believe could be incorrect?

Hitlers goal was what again?
To free his people from the yoke of the Treaty of Versailles, restore their prosperity, and end the debilitating impact of the world banking system on Germany and ultimately all Europe.

and if someone was attacking all my friends and family, yes; i will declare war on them.
After lengthy and refused negotiation offers with the Polish government, Hitler invaded and occupied those parts of Poland that had been German territory before WWI and which were populated by ethnic Germans, who were being oppressed and slaughtered. England then declared war on Germany, despite Hitler's repeated attempts at peaceful negotiation. After the war, England agreed to give Poland to the USSR. Hitler was defending his extended family; Churchill made war.

The Germans had Jews dig you moron, they dug until they died, they also had Jews welding bombs.
Yes, I knew that and knew you were referring to that. You're intent in the context of the post to which you replied is what I didn't understand fully. I was merely requesting clarification.

All you offer is falsehoods and insults. That you believe the falsehoods is understandable; you were taught them and never questioned them. The insults, on the other hand, betray only the weakness of your position and of your character.

How long have you been with the Mosad
How long have you been off your meds?

(See, anyone can play the insult game. What does it accomplish?

Nah he is with the Mosad, he thinks that he will find Adolph here
And what she hoped to find here was stimulating and civil conversation with thoughtful people. There's been some but they don't seem to be in the majority.

Poles, and Soviets both had non-Aggression pacts with Nazi Germany, and in both cases Nazi Germans attacked them first.
Germany attempted a negotiated settlement with Poland over the German territory and people under Poland's control after WWI. All negotiations were refused by Poland and the oppression of ethnic Germans continued. Hitler felt he had no other choice but to invade in order to protect his people.
Attacking Russia was probably a fatal mistake. The rationale was a desperate need for resources and, some evidence suggests, maybe intelligence that Russia was going to attack Germany.

The numbers of Jews killed might be up for debate, but not the Holocaust which has far too much information.
No one argues that nothing happened. Only the numbers, the causes, and the intent are questioned by Holocaust revisionists.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.

That it's a crime pretty much throughout the EU raises a significant question:
If everything about the accepted Holocaust narrative is definitely true, why criminalize even questioning it? Wouldn't a truth hold up under scrutiny?

More: Wouldn't someone questioning it publicly be an opportunity to present the facts and remind everyone about the history? Why even risk the bad image that imprisoning an octogenarian grandmother (Ursula Haverbeck) merely for asking questions could produce? If it's all undeniably true, what sense is there in criminalizing questioning it?

They arent secure in this one area for some reason.
Exactly! And what could that reason be? You'd want to suppress questions only if you're hiding something (Julian Assange, anyone?). If evidence is available that could reveal what you're hiding.
Last edited:
absolute garbage my friend.
and if someone was attacking all my friends and family, yes; i will declare war on them.
After lengthy and refused negotiation offers with the Polish government, Hitler invaded and occupied those parts of Poland that had been German territory before WWI and which were populated by ethnic Germans, who were being oppressed and slaughtered. England then declared war on Germany, despite Hitler's repeated attempts at peaceful negotiation. After the war, England agreed to give Poland to the USSR. Hitler was defending his extended family; Churchill made war.

No, those regions of Poland were majority Polish, and weren't inhabited by a German majority.

For example Poznan was majority Polish in the 20th century, and was so also when Germans had stole it from them in 1793.

Much of the German minority there, were none other than Germans brought in, or Poles even Germanized during the Germanization of Western Poland by German leaders like Von Bismark.

As for Bromberg Massaacre, there's no evidence for such a massacre prior to WW2.
Last edited:
absolute garbage my friend.
But all I did was state verifiable facts.
The Red Cross report, the World Jewish Almanac entries, and news articles about the reduction in the Auschwitz museum's estimates can all be found online.

Again I will now apply Holocaust Denialism to you
Yeah, we already covered that. I deny the veracity of the accepted Holocaust narrative; no argument.
The only issue I have with the term is that "denial" implies that one is insisting that something they know to be true is false, and that's not what I'm doing.

I can't read your post because you are from Africa and are typing in Zulu
I'm from the USA and am typing in English. If you can't read it, that's you're comprehension problem.

When you say Soviet, American, British governments and rich Jews that is pretty general, I am asking specifically who is behind it? It seems with all the information you claim to have this should really be easy. Name names.
You're request is unreasonable. One suspects you know that. The Rothschilds would be one name. Stalin would be one name. Churchill another. We're talking about governments, though; there's no identifying all the individuals involved.

because WW2 is a WORLD WAR. it would be hard for the US to lie when so many nations were in synch. or are you saying all the other countries did our evil bidding?
All it took was the US, Britain, and the USSR cooperating, as they'd been doing for years. The world financial oligarchy had the first two in it's pocket -- thus, rich jews. It just takes a disinformation campaign, something they all did and still do, and a public that wants to believe.

What you meant to say is that there is no "truth" you'll accept other than your own.
Not at all. I'm open to new information and to revising my position. I'd have to say that you're accusing me of being like you. Are you willing to accept that what you believe could be incorrect?

Hitlers goal was what again?
To free his people from the yoke of the Treaty of Versailles, restore their prosperity, and end the debilitating impact of the world banking system on Germany and ultimately all Europe.

and if someone was attacking all my friends and family, yes; i will declare war on them.
After lengthy and refused negotiation offers with the Polish government, Hitler invaded and occupied those parts of Poland that had been German territory before WWI and which were populated by ethnic Germans, who were being oppressed and slaughtered. England then declared war on Germany, despite Hitler's repeated attempts at peaceful negotiation. After the war, England agreed to give Poland to the USSR. Hitler was defending his extended family; Churchill made war.

The Germans had Jews dig you moron, they dug until they died, they also had Jews welding bombs.
Yes, I knew that and knew you were referring to that. You're intent in the context of the post to which you replied is what I didn't understand fully. I was merely requesting clarification.

All you offer is falsehoods and insults. That you believe the falsehoods is understandable; you were taught them and never questioned them. The insults, on the other hand, betray only the weakness of your position and of your character.

How long have you been with the Mosad
How long have you been off your meds?

(See, anyone can play the insult game. What does it accomplish?

Nah he is with the Mosad, he thinks that he will find Adolph here
And what she hoped to find here was stimulating and civil conversation with thoughtful people. There's been some but they don't seem to be in the majority.

Poles, and Soviets both had non-Aggression pacts with Nazi Germany, and in both cases Nazi Germans attacked them first.
Germany attempted a negotiated settlement with Poland over the German territory and people under Poland's control after WWI. All negotiations were refused by Poland and the oppression of ethnic Germans continued. Hitler felt he had no other choice but to invade in order to protect his people.
Attacking Russia was probably a fatal mistake. The rationale was a desperate need for resources and, some evidence suggests, maybe intelligence that Russia was going to attack Germany.

The numbers of Jews killed might be up for debate, but not the Holocaust which has far too much information.
No one argues that nothing happened. Only the numbers, the causes, and the intent are questioned by Holocaust revisionists.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.

That it's a crime pretty much throughout the EU raises a significant question:
If everything about the accepted Holocaust narrative is definitely true, why criminalize even questioning it? Wouldn't a truth hold up under scrutiny?

More: Wouldn't someone questioning it publicly be an opportunity to present the facts and remind everyone about the history? Why even risk the bad image that imprisoning an octogenarian grandmother (Ursula Haverbeck) merely for asking questions could produce? If it's all undeniably true, what sense is there in criminalizing questioning it?

They arent secure in this one area for some reason.
Exactly! And what could that reason be? You'd want to suppress questions only if you're hiding something (Julian Assange, anyone?). If evidence is available that could reveal what you're hiding.
Adolph is triggered

absolute garbage my friend.
But all I did was state verifiable facts.
The Red Cross report, the World Jewish Almanac entries, and news articles about the reduction in the Auschwitz museum's estimates can all be found online.

Again I will now apply Holocaust Denialism to you
Yeah, we already covered that. I deny the veracity of the accepted Holocaust narrative; no argument.
The only issue I have with the term is that "denial" implies that one is insisting that something they know to be true is false, and that's not what I'm doing.

I can't read your post because you are from Africa and are typing in Zulu
I'm from the USA and am typing in English. If you can't read it, that's you're comprehension problem.

When you say Soviet, American, British governments and rich Jews that is pretty general, I am asking specifically who is behind it? It seems with all the information you claim to have this should really be easy. Name names.
You're request is unreasonable. One suspects you know that. The Rothschilds would be one name. Stalin would be one name. Churchill another. We're talking about governments, though; there's no identifying all the individuals involved.

because WW2 is a WORLD WAR. it would be hard for the US to lie when so many nations were in synch. or are you saying all the other countries did our evil bidding?
All it took was the US, Britain, and the USSR cooperating, as they'd been doing for years. The world financial oligarchy had the first two in it's pocket -- thus, rich jews. It just takes a disinformation campaign, something they all did and still do, and a public that wants to believe.

What you meant to say is that there is no "truth" you'll accept other than your own.
Not at all. I'm open to new information and to revising my position. I'd have to say that you're accusing me of being like you. Are you willing to accept that what you believe could be incorrect?

Hitlers goal was what again?
To free his people from the yoke of the Treaty of Versailles, restore their prosperity, and end the debilitating impact of the world banking system on Germany and ultimately all Europe.

and if someone was attacking all my friends and family, yes; i will declare war on them.
After lengthy and refused negotiation offers with the Polish government, Hitler invaded and occupied those parts of Poland that had been German territory before WWI and which were populated by ethnic Germans, who were being oppressed and slaughtered. England then declared war on Germany, despite Hitler's repeated attempts at peaceful negotiation. After the war, England agreed to give Poland to the USSR. Hitler was defending his extended family; Churchill made war.

The Germans had Jews dig you moron, they dug until they died, they also had Jews welding bombs.
Yes, I knew that and knew you were referring to that. You're intent in the context of the post to which you replied is what I didn't understand fully. I was merely requesting clarification.

All you offer is falsehoods and insults. That you believe the falsehoods is understandable; you were taught them and never questioned them. The insults, on the other hand, betray only the weakness of your position and of your character.

How long have you been with the Mosad
How long have you been off your meds?

(See, anyone can play the insult game. What does it accomplish?

Nah he is with the Mosad, he thinks that he will find Adolph here
And what she hoped to find here was stimulating and civil conversation with thoughtful people. There's been some but they don't seem to be in the majority.

Poles, and Soviets both had non-Aggression pacts with Nazi Germany, and in both cases Nazi Germans attacked them first.
Germany attempted a negotiated settlement with Poland over the German territory and people under Poland's control after WWI. All negotiations were refused by Poland and the oppression of ethnic Germans continued. Hitler felt he had no other choice but to invade in order to protect his people.
Attacking Russia was probably a fatal mistake. The rationale was a desperate need for resources and, some evidence suggests, maybe intelligence that Russia was going to attack Germany.

The numbers of Jews killed might be up for debate, but not the Holocaust which has far too much information.
No one argues that nothing happened. Only the numbers, the causes, and the intent are questioned by Holocaust revisionists.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.

That it's a crime pretty much throughout the EU raises a significant question:
If everything about the accepted Holocaust narrative is definitely true, why criminalize even questioning it? Wouldn't a truth hold up under scrutiny?

More: Wouldn't someone questioning it publicly be an opportunity to present the facts and remind everyone about the history? Why even risk the bad image that imprisoning an octogenarian grandmother (Ursula Haverbeck) merely for asking questions could produce? If it's all undeniably true, what sense is there in criminalizing questioning it?

They arent secure in this one area for some reason.
Exactly! And what could that reason be? You'd want to suppress questions only if you're hiding something (Julian Assange, anyone?). If evidence is available that could reveal what you're hiding.
that was the longest admission of someones pathetic idiocy i've seen in quite awhile.

well done.
When you say Soviet, American, British governments and rich Jews that is pretty general, I am asking specifically who is behind it? It seems with all the information you claim to have this should really be easy. Name names.
You're request is unreasonable. One suspects you know that. The Rothschilds would be one name. Stalin would be one name. Churchill another. We're talking about governments, though; there's no identifying all the individuals involved.

How is my request unreasonable? You have everything else figured out but you can't name the individuals involved? Just governments? This is my issue with the conspiracy theories, you can't name names. If the conspiracy is that far and wide then we should know exactly who was involved. Sorry, I'm not buying into a story that has no names or reasons and deal with governments conspired with no way to track who was involved.

There are literally tons and tons of documents detailing what went on with Hitler and Germany and the killings and gassing of people.

Here is testimony during the Nuremberg Trials, Hoess was the Commandant of Auschwitz during the later part of WWII. Notice his comments on the gas chambers he oversaw: Testimony of Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz

DR. KAUFFMANN: I ask you, according to your knowledge, did these people know what was in store for them?

HOESS: The majority of them did not, for steps were taken to keep them in doubt about it and suspicion would not arise that they were to go to their death. For instance, all doors and all walls bore inscriptions to the effect that they were going to undergo a delousing operation or take a shower. This was made known in several languages to the internees by other internees who had come in with earlier transports and who were being used as auxiliary crews during the whole action.

DR. KAUFFMANN: And then, you told me the other day, that death by gassing set in within a period of 3 to 15 minutes. Is that correct?


DR. KAUFFMANN: You also told me that even before death finally set in, the victims fell into a state of unconsciousness?

HOESS: Yes. From what I was able to find out myself or from what was told me by medical officers, the time necessary for reaching unconsciousness or death varied according to the temperature and the number of people present in the chambers. Loss of consciousness took place within a few seconds or a few minutes.

DR. KAUFFMANN: Did you yourself ever feel pity with the victims, thinking of your own family and children?


DR. KAUFFMANN: How was it possible for you to carry out these actions in spite of this?

HOESS: In view of all these doubts which I had, the only one and decisive argument was the strict order and the reason given for it by the Reichsfáhrer Himmler.

DR. KAUFFMANN: I ask you whether Himmler inspected the camp and convinced himself, too, of the process of annihilation?

HOESS: Yes. Himmler visited the camp in 1942 and he watched in detail one processing from beginning to end.

DR. KAUFMANN: Does the same apply to Eichmann?

HOESS: Eichmann came repeatedly to Auschwitz and was intimately acquainted with the proceedings.

I can produce names and documents, you provide supposition and just parts of account not taken in context.
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absolute garbage my friend.
But all I did was state verifiable facts.
The Red Cross report, the World Jewish Almanac entries, and news articles about the reduction in the Auschwitz museum's estimates can all be found online.

Again I will now apply Holocaust Denialism to you
Yeah, we already covered that. I deny the veracity of the accepted Holocaust narrative; no argument.
The only issue I have with the term is that "denial" implies that one is insisting that something they know to be true is false, and that's not what I'm doing.

I can't read your post because you are from Africa and are typing in Zulu
I'm from the USA and am typing in English. If you can't read it, that's you're comprehension problem.

When you say Soviet, American, British governments and rich Jews that is pretty general, I am asking specifically who is behind it? It seems with all the information you claim to have this should really be easy. Name names.
You're request is unreasonable. One suspects you know that. The Rothschilds would be one name. Stalin would be one name. Churchill another. We're talking about governments, though; there's no identifying all the individuals involved.

because WW2 is a WORLD WAR. it would be hard for the US to lie when so many nations were in synch. or are you saying all the other countries did our evil bidding?
All it took was the US, Britain, and the USSR cooperating, as they'd been doing for years. The world financial oligarchy had the first two in it's pocket -- thus, rich jews. It just takes a disinformation campaign, something they all did and still do, and a public that wants to believe.

What you meant to say is that there is no "truth" you'll accept other than your own.
Not at all. I'm open to new information and to revising my position. I'd have to say that you're accusing me of being like you. Are you willing to accept that what you believe could be incorrect?

Hitlers goal was what again?
To free his people from the yoke of the Treaty of Versailles, restore their prosperity, and end the debilitating impact of the world banking system on Germany and ultimately all Europe.

and if someone was attacking all my friends and family, yes; i will declare war on them.
After lengthy and refused negotiation offers with the Polish government, Hitler invaded and occupied those parts of Poland that had been German territory before WWI and which were populated by ethnic Germans, who were being oppressed and slaughtered. England then declared war on Germany, despite Hitler's repeated attempts at peaceful negotiation. After the war, England agreed to give Poland to the USSR. Hitler was defending his extended family; Churchill made war.

The Germans had Jews dig you moron, they dug until they died, they also had Jews welding bombs.
Yes, I knew that and knew you were referring to that. You're intent in the context of the post to which you replied is what I didn't understand fully. I was merely requesting clarification.

All you offer is falsehoods and insults. That you believe the falsehoods is understandable; you were taught them and never questioned them. The insults, on the other hand, betray only the weakness of your position and of your character.

How long have you been with the Mosad
How long have you been off your meds?

(See, anyone can play the insult game. What does it accomplish?

Nah he is with the Mosad, he thinks that he will find Adolph here
And what she hoped to find here was stimulating and civil conversation with thoughtful people. There's been some but they don't seem to be in the majority.

Poles, and Soviets both had non-Aggression pacts with Nazi Germany, and in both cases Nazi Germans attacked them first.
Germany attempted a negotiated settlement with Poland over the German territory and people under Poland's control after WWI. All negotiations were refused by Poland and the oppression of ethnic Germans continued. Hitler felt he had no other choice but to invade in order to protect his people.
Attacking Russia was probably a fatal mistake. The rationale was a desperate need for resources and, some evidence suggests, maybe intelligence that Russia was going to attack Germany.

The numbers of Jews killed might be up for debate, but not the Holocaust which has far too much information.
No one argues that nothing happened. Only the numbers, the causes, and the intent are questioned by Holocaust revisionists.

Holocaust denial being criminalized is ridiculous.

That it's a crime pretty much throughout the EU raises a significant question:
If everything about the accepted Holocaust narrative is definitely true, why criminalize even questioning it? Wouldn't a truth hold up under scrutiny?

More: Wouldn't someone questioning it publicly be an opportunity to present the facts and remind everyone about the history? Why even risk the bad image that imprisoning an octogenarian grandmother (Ursula Haverbeck) merely for asking questions could produce? If it's all undeniably true, what sense is there in criminalizing questioning it?

They arent secure in this one area for some reason.
Exactly! And what could that reason be? You'd want to suppress questions only if you're hiding something (Julian Assange, anyone?). If evidence is available that could reveal what you're hiding.
that was the longest admission of someones pathetic idiocy i've seen in quite awhile.

well done.
It's called triggered

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