Holocaust survivers mock AOC

You are out of your tiny Nazi mind.
My mind is open. Yours seems closed. Open your mind and educate yourself, then draw whatever conclusions you will, and I'll respect that. It's not too much that I ask the same of you.

So you claim the final solution (as portrayed in that one movie) was fake?
The term "the final solution" pre-dates National Socialism and was used by a Jewish writer to refer to the Germanic peoples and by Zionists to refer to the establishment of a state. I'll have to look up who and when for you; sorry but it's late now. The term translated as "the final solution to the Jewish question" as used by the National Socialist German Government referred to the repatriation of jews out of Europe. There are no documents referring to genocide against the jews, containing that phrase or not.

This movie was remade on HBO I think

In 1942, a group of high-ranking Nazi officials meet and calmly discuss the logistics of the "Final Solution," the elimination of Jews from Germany. Along with notorious figures such as Adolf Eichmann (Gerd Böckmann), a number of lesser-known officers like Reinhard Heydrich (Dietrich Mattausch) deba… More
Initial release: December 19, 1984 (West Germany)
You are out of your tiny Nazi mind.
My mind is open. Yours seems closed. Open your mind and educate yourself, then draw whatever conclusions you will, and I'll respect that. It's not too much that I ask the same of you.

So you claim the final solution (as portrayed in that one movie) was fake?
The term "the final solution" pre-dates National Socialism and was used by a Jewish writer to refer to the Germanic peoples and by Zionists to refer to the establishment of a state. I'll have to look up who and when for you; sorry but it's late now. The term translated as "the final solution to the Jewish question" as used by the National Socialist German Government referred to the repatriation of jews out of Europe. There are no documents referring to genocide against the jews, containing that phrase or not.
It's a conspiracy!!! The calling card of The Nut Job...
You are out of your tiny Nazi mind.
My mind is open. Yours seems closed. Open your mind and educate yourself, then draw whatever conclusions you will, and I'll respect that. It's not too much that I ask the same of you.

So you claim the final solution (as portrayed in that one movie) was fake?
The term "the final solution" pre-dates National Socialism and was used by a Jewish writer to refer to the Germanic peoples and by Zionists to refer to the establishment of a state. I'll have to look up who and when for you; sorry but it's late now. The term translated as "the final solution to the Jewish question" as used by the National Socialist German Government referred to the repatriation of jews out of Europe. There are no documents referring to genocide against the jews, containing that phrase or not.

Eichmann a leading Nazi German had come forward with the 6 million Jews killed number.

Holocaust facts: Where does the figure of 6 million victims come from?
The Nazi Germans spoke of the barbarity of the camps, as did the Poles, Soviets, and Jews
Again, no one is saying it wasn't awful. The Poles, Soviets, and jews all had an agenda in painting the Germans as horribly evil. As for the Germans themselves: One, conditions worsened as the war progressed. Two, some testimony was coerced. And three, they were prison camps so not always watcha'd call vacation spots. The victors get to write the history books.

Germany never attacked Britain?
Wow, so what was the Bombing of London, and Battle of Britain about, exactly?
Don't twist my obvious meaning, please. Germany wasn't the aggressor against Britain. Britain declared war on Germany first. Once at war, of course the parties attacked each other.
Have you always been retarded or did you study
Have you always been abusive or did you develop an online persona?

Maybe you experienced some trauma?
Or do you lack a sense of self-worth?

I studied. I learned that the Holocaust story consists mostly of exaggeration and fiction. Maybe you could study, too. I included a few links above. Then you could draw your own, informed conclusion. "The truth fears no investigation."

Or you could just keep demeaning people who have different views than you. Whatever get's you through the night.
Yes Adolph if you say so
So far you give theory no facts
Well, I've given facts but, you're right, I haven't provided any support for what I've said. If someone is willing to keep an open mind and to discuss the topic with mutual respect, I'll be happy to offer links and other supporting information.
Here are a few basic places to start, for anyone who might be interested:
The Greatest Story NEVER Told | The Untold Story of Adolf Hitler
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax

you're indoctrinated useful idiot.
Funny -- that's exactly what we say about Holocaust hoax believers.
Personally, though, I don't ever like to call anyone an idiot. People are just uninformed.

I kind of like your sense of humor.
Let's have tea Adolph, I will demonstrate my sense of humor
Is Captain Kangaroo still your favorite TV show?
Don't watch TV anymore; I try to stay away from brainwashing.

Not difficult at all, you are wrong and misguided.
Well, I was guided a few years back to realizing that the "Holocaust" narrative is false by being shown a mountain of evidence.

Educated people don't it's reality.
You meant "don't DENY it's reality" right? People educated only about the invented narrative believe it. People who've looked deeper have realized that the accepted narrative is wildly exaggerated, to say the least.

Right and the pics and remaining gas chamber and eyewitness accounts--all staged
You mean the eyewitness accounts of the prisoners who said they were paid for their labor? Or of the ones who told about the prisoner orchestras and plays? Or of the ones who said they never saw any evidence of gas chambers?
Or do you only mean the ones in the profitable books that are confessed falsehoods? Or only the one's from Nuremberg by the tortured German officers? Or only the one's written in English by German officers who couldn't read English?
You mean that one "remaining gas chamber" that was restored, not in it's original state? The one with the wooden door and the window? The one that represents well the clumsiness of Soviet handiwork and not at all the acknowledged brilliance of German engineering?
You mean the pics of the well fed prisoners? Of the camp swimming pool? Of the camp brothel? Of the camp maternity ward? Of the prisoner orchestra? Of the prisoner soccer players? Of the soap made of jew body fat that wasn't? Of the masturbation machine that wasn't? The pictures like that?
Or do you only mean the photos from the end of the war when the prison population had been ravaged by typhus. Or only the ones now proven in writing to have been staged by Stalin? Or only the ones now proven to have been altered?
You are out of your tiny Nazi mind. Enjoy hell.
What mind
It's a conspiracy!!! The calling card of The Nut Job.
Learn. Draw your own conclusions. Let me ask just this: Has the US government ever lied to the public about anything, ever? WMDs, maybe? Hotel break-ins? Healthcare mandates, maybe? Anything? If so, why is it impossible to believe they lied concerning WW2? Trump, Obama, Bush, any president ever lie? Why not Truman? Or Churchill? The Soviets ever lie? But Stalin never lied about WW2?

Eichmann a leading Nazi German had come forward with the 6 million Jews killed number.
Thank you for the link but it won't come up for me. Regardless, as I said before, propaganda, coerced testimony, all that.

The Auschwitz museum used to claim 4 million jews died there. Then that number was reduced, then reduced again. Off the top of my head, I believe it's currently at 1 to 1.5 million. Yet the magic number of 6 million remains...???

The Red Cross reported total camp deaths among jews at 270-some thousand. ???

The Jewish World Almanac shows an increase in the population of European jews from before to after the war. How is that possible if 6 million of them were killed?
The Nazi Germans spoke of the barbarity of the camps, as did the Poles, Soviets, and Jews
Again, no one is saying it wasn't awful. The Poles, Soviets, and jews all had an agenda in painting the Germans as horribly evil. As for the Germans themselves: One, conditions worsened as the war progressed. Two, some testimony was coerced. And three, they were prison camps so not always watcha'd call vacation spots. The victors get to write the history books.

Germany never attacked Britain?
Wow, so what was the Bombing of London, and Battle of Britain about, exactly?
Don't twist my obvious meaning, please. Germany wasn't the aggressor against Britain. Britain declared war on Germany first. Once at war, of course the parties attacked each other.

All can say is you have a different angle then I read before.

So you think the Germans dug their own bunkers?
I don't take your meaning.

What mind
The one that was and remains open to new information. The one that draws conclusions based on researched evidence rather than accepting without question everything inculcated into it.

All can say is you have a different angle then I read before.
Okay, great! Maybe we can talk about it more in days to come.
I appreciate your approach to this discussion very much. There seem to be a lot of unkind people here. It's good to meet someone who's civil and nice even when discussing a difficult and emotional topic.
Noticed your avatar with Tulsi Gabbard. I've seen some stuff about her and am liking her very much. It's probably unlikely, but I hope she's still in the primary race when it gets to my state.
The Nazi Germans spoke of the barbarity of the camps, as did the Poles, Soviets, and Jews
Again, no one is saying it wasn't awful. The Poles, Soviets, and jews all had an agenda in painting the Germans as horribly evil. As for the Germans themselves: One, conditions worsened as the war progressed. Two, some testimony was coerced. And three, they were prison camps so not always watcha'd call vacation spots. The victors get to write the history books.

Germany never attacked Britain?
Wow, so what was the Bombing of London, and Battle of Britain about, exactly?
Don't twist my obvious meaning, please. Germany wasn't the aggressor against Britain. Britain declared war on Germany first. Once at war, of course the parties attacked each other.

All can say is you have a different angle then I read before.

As Trump says, there are good Nazis and bad Nazis.....
The Nazi Germans spoke of the barbarity of the camps, as did the Poles, Soviets, and Jews
Again, no one is saying it wasn't awful. The Poles, Soviets, and jews all had an agenda in painting the Germans as horribly evil. As for the Germans themselves: One, conditions worsened as the war progressed. Two, some testimony was coerced. And three, they were prison camps so not always watcha'd call vacation spots. The victors get to write the history books.

Germany never attacked Britain?
Wow, so what was the Bombing of London, and Battle of Britain about, exactly?
Don't twist my obvious meaning, please. Germany wasn't the aggressor against Britain. Britain declared war on Germany first. Once at war, of course the parties attacked each other.

All can say is you have a different angle then I read before.

As Trump says, there are good Nazis and bad Nazis.....

Dang Franco your on a roll tonight.
In 1942, a group of high-ranking Nazi officials meet and calmly discuss the logistics of the "Final Solution," the elimination of Jews from Germany. Along with notorious figures such as Adolf Eichmann (Gerd Böckmann), a number of lesser-known officers like Reinhard Heydrich (Dietrich Mattausch) deba… More
Initial release: December 19, 1984 (West Germany)
Most people get their ideas about "Nazi" Germany from Hollywood movies. They're not accurate. Just about money & propaganda.
The "final solution" was repatriation. It never referred to genocide and there's no proof it did.

Yes Adolph if you say so
Not an insult.
Let's have tea Adolph, I will demonstrate my sense of humor
Sounds nice.

As Trump says, there are good Nazis and bad Nazis.....
When did he say that? I agree, but when did he say that?
It's a conspiracy!!! The calling card of The Nut Job.
Learn. Draw your own conclusions. Let me ask just this: Has the US government ever lied to the public about anything, ever? WMDs, maybe? Hotel break-ins? Healthcare mandates, maybe? Anything? If so, why is it impossible to believe they lied concerning WW2? Trump, Obama, Bush, any president ever lie? Why not Truman? Or Churchill? The Soviets ever lie? But Stalin never lied about WW2?

Eichmann a leading Nazi German had come forward with the 6 million Jews killed number.
Thank you for the link but it won't come up for me. Regardless, as I said before, propaganda, coerced testimony, all that.

The Auschwitz museum used to claim 4 million jews died there. Then that number was reduced, then reduced again. Off the top of my head, I believe it's currently at 1 to 1.5 million. Yet the magic number of 6 million remains...???

The Red Cross reported total camp deaths among jews at 270-some thousand. ???

The Jewish World Almanac shows an increase in the population of European jews from before to after the war. How is that possible if 6 million of them were killed?
absolute garbage my friend.
It is remarkable but not surprising "survivors" of German concentration camps, aka "holocaust survivors" seek to lay claim to being the only victims, if indeed they were actually ever incarcerated, when history is filled with concentration camp victims. So sad here in the USA, a totally unnecessary war (the "Civil War") allegedly about a low IQ ethnic group who got free room and board and child rearing, exterminated thousands of intelligent European derived folks in idiotic battles and in concentration camps like Andersonville. My Grandfather, a non-jew Dutch engineer on my maternal side who built infrastructure in Indonesia was captured in the WWII years and held in a Jap concentration camp for 3 1/2 years after the Japs stole all his property. Where is the special Dutch country designated so it does not happen again (ironically northwest Europe has been invaded by savages from the middle east after non-Dutch people took control of the government)? Where are the Dutch museums? Where are the Dutch memorials? Where are public schools forced to teach how Dutch, German and British (Italians and Ancient Greeks also of course) people invented pretty much everything and that Einstein was a plagiarist? Why is it not taught in public schools Whites were rounded up by non-Whites and locked up? Never forget!
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In 1942, a group of high-ranking Nazi officials meet and calmly discuss the logistics of the "Final Solution," the elimination of Jews from Germany. Along with notorious figures such as Adolf Eichmann (Gerd Böckmann), a number of lesser-known officers like Reinhard Heydrich (Dietrich Mattausch) deba… More
Initial release: December 19, 1984 (West Germany)
Most people get their ideas about "Nazi" Germany from Hollywood movies. They're not accurate. Just about money & propaganda.
The "final solution" was repatriation. It never referred to genocide and there's no proof it did.

Yes Adolph if you say so
Not an insult.
Let's have tea Adolph, I will demonstrate my sense of humor
Sounds nice.

As Trump says, there are good Nazis and bad Nazis.....
When did he say that? I agree, but when did he say that?

Again I will now apply Holocaust Denialism to you

I can't read your post because you are from Africa and are typing in Zulu

If you don't believe what I do it's just that you haven't had your eyes opened.
So far you give theory no facts
Well, I've given facts but, you're right, I haven't provided any support for what I've said. If someone is willing to keep an open mind and to discuss the topic with mutual respect, I'll be happy to offer links and other supporting information.
Here are a few basic places to start, for anyone who might be interested:
The Greatest Story NEVER Told | The Untold Story of Adolf Hitler
Holohoax 101 - The Fundamentals of the Holocaust Hoax

you're indoctrinated useful idiot.
Funny -- that's exactly what we say about Holocaust hoax believers.
Personally, though, I don't ever like to call anyone an idiot. People are just uninformed.

So reading through this page one question comes to mind, if this is a conspiracy then who specifically instigated and covered this up. There has to be a person or a group of high profile people that perpetrated this great conspiracy? I’d like to know who exactly and when and who exactly funded and achieved this fraud. So who exactly is involved is the big question.
That's a very good question. It's also a very complex one. The Soviet, American, and British governments and very, very wealthy jews are behind it. As with any war, the precursors and causes of WW2 are complicated and deeper than the simple narrative given the public. We all want to see the Axis as pure evil and the Allies as the good guys who saved the word. I'm a patriotic American who's father fought in the war; I'd love to think that way, too, and used to. But it's not so simple. It's all too complicated for a forum post but, basically, there was guilt all around, the war wasn't really about stopping the march of tyranny, and the victors wrote the history. Remember, Germany never attacked America or Britain. The "Nazis" were made into the embodiment of evil because it justified everything the "good guys" did and what the jews wanted.

I'll try to dig up some articles to get you more detail.

When you say Soviet, American, British governments and rich Jews that is pretty general, I am asking specifically who is behind it? It seems with all the information you claim to have this should really be easy. Name names.
It's a conspiracy!!! The calling card of The Nut Job.
Learn. Draw your own conclusions. Let me ask just this: Has the US government ever lied to the public about anything, ever? WMDs, maybe? Hotel break-ins? Healthcare mandates, maybe? Anything? If so, why is it impossible to believe they lied concerning WW2? Trump, Obama, Bush, any president ever lie? Why not Truman? Or Churchill? The Soviets ever lie? But Stalin never lied about WW2?

Eichmann a leading Nazi German had come forward with the 6 million Jews killed number.
Thank you for the link but it won't come up for me. Regardless, as I said before, propaganda, coerced testimony, all that.

The Auschwitz museum used to claim 4 million jews died there. Then that number was reduced, then reduced again. Off the top of my head, I believe it's currently at 1 to 1.5 million. Yet the magic number of 6 million remains...???

The Red Cross reported total camp deaths among jews at 270-some thousand. ???

The Jewish World Almanac shows an increase in the population of European jews from before to after the war. How is that possible if 6 million of them were killed?
because WW2 is a WORLD WAR. it would be hard for the US to lie when so many nations were in synch. or are you saying all the other countries did our evil bidding?

go play on your flat earth.
In 1942, a group of high-ranking Nazi officials meet and calmly discuss the logistics of the "Final Solution," the elimination of Jews from Germany. Along with notorious figures such as Adolf Eichmann (Gerd Böckmann), a number of lesser-known officers like Reinhard Heydrich (Dietrich Mattausch) deba… More
Initial release: December 19, 1984 (West Germany)
Most people get their ideas about "Nazi" Germany from Hollywood movies. They're not accurate. Just about money & propaganda.
The "final solution" was repatriation. It never referred to genocide and there's no proof it did.

Yes Adolph if you say so
Not an insult.
Let's have tea Adolph, I will demonstrate my sense of humor
Sounds nice.

As Trump says, there are good Nazis and bad Nazis.....
When did he say that? I agree, but when did he say that?

What you meant to say is that there is no "truth" you'll accept other than your own. Glad I could help.

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