Holy crap - this has to stop!

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I listened to the local conservative-talk-radio some today to see if anything would change from their normal "life is miserable and it's all and always the libruls fault". They didn't, they in fact doubled-down to blame all of this shooting nonsense and whatever other ills they could fit into their 3 hours on 'libruls'.

These people live in a bubble where all things they and their 'team' do are pure golden honey that Jesus would love and everything 'the other team' does is pure evil worst than Satan on Earth.

No need to look for where this hardened heart in America comes from, they've been saying this same mantra for the last 25 years and nothing will turn them from their course. They view their fellow Americans as evil. Just as Isis does their enemies. You cannot reason with a viewpoint that rejects reason in the first place.

"Talk radio" (read: Lush Rimjob and his copycats) is where the whole idea of Eliminationism started, and where it still festers, though it's certainly branched out into other venues such as this board.

Eliminationism is the fallaciously dichotomous idiocy that the world is composed of two particles, called the "Us" and the "Them" and that the "Them" are subhumans who can be neither listened to nor negotiated with, but rather must be literally exterminated --- Eliminated. Presumably so that the remaining populace will be comprised solely of the "Us" and the earth shall smell of roses forevermore and cotton candy will grow on trees.

That is it of course. That has been one of the main functions of conservative talk radio and Faux News. To reduce all of life to a choice between 'us' which reads 'our team' and 'them' which reads 'their team'. 'Our team' is always presented as right, good, pure, real Americans, human, noble, salt of the Earth, bunny petters, while 'their team' is always presented as Satan, evil, bad, muddy, foreign, subhuman, non-hygienic, bunny clubbers.

I personally don't hate most conservatives or Republicans but many of them do hate. They've been trained to hate. Not to have a difference of opinion with or a debate with someone with an opposing viewpoint, but to hate them. Listen even a half hour to a couple conservative talk radio shows and it is plainly apparent by the responses of those that call in. They revile anyone that isn't like they are and the host who constantly steers the rhetoric towards hatred and distrust of 'the other' lovingly encourages and echoes their hatred.

That it is 'both sides' may have some validity these days but it has been the conservative media that has flamed this hatred for two decades until the other side has no choice now but to join the fight as is.

To anyone reading if I'm wrong, turn off your radio for a month. And don't watch any news. See how you feel at the end of the month. And if you can't ask yourself why you are so addicted to these shows.

Kid you're a punk. You'd support "Re-Education" Camps for those who laugh at you.

Well for the angriest unreasonables I prefer Ignore.

Buh bye.
Of course you do pussy.Weaklings always run.
As mush as Obama was bashed, I've never seen anything like what has been going on since the election.
The left has just went from being just mad when they lose an election, to psychotic this time around.

This constant 'resist, resist, resist' is going to start riots any time now.

I think people are very selective in what they remember about "bashing".
Not me. I remember the treatment Reagan got. Then Bush. The ONLY criticism of Clinton and Obama I ever saw was on forums and talk radio. I think you are the one being selective.
Because the ONLY sources for her information are npr and cnn. That's it. Maybe bbc and A&E.

No cnn.
No A&E.
I listened to the local conservative-talk-radio some today to see if anything would change from their normal "life is miserable and it's all and always the libruls fault". They didn't, they in fact doubled-down to blame all of this shooting nonsense and whatever other ills they could fit into their 3 hours on 'libruls'.

These people live in a bubble where all things they and their 'team' do are pure golden honey that Jesus would love and everything 'the other team' does is pure evil worst than Satan on Earth.

No need to look for where this hardened heart in America comes from, they've been saying this same mantra for the last 25 years and nothing will turn them from their course. They view their fellow Americans as evil. Just as Isis does their enemies. You cannot reason with a viewpoint that rejects reason in the first place.

"Talk radio" (read: Lush Rimjob and his copycats) is where the whole idea of Eliminationism started, and where it still festers, though it's certainly branched out into other venues such as this board.

Eliminationism is the fallaciously dichotomous idiocy that the world is composed of two particles, called the "Us" and the "Them" and that the "Them" are subhumans who can be neither listened to nor negotiated with, but rather must be literally exterminated --- Eliminated. Presumably so that the remaining populace will be comprised solely of the "Us" and the earth shall smell of roses forevermore and cotton candy will grow on trees.

That is it of course. That has been one of the main functions of conservative talk radio and Faux News. To reduce all of life to a choice between 'us' which reads 'our team' and 'them' which reads 'their team'. 'Our team' is always presented as right, good, pure, real Americans, human, noble, salt of the Earth, bunny petters, while 'their team' is always presented as Satan, evil, bad, muddy, foreign, subhuman, non-hygienic, bunny clubbers.

I personally don't hate most conservatives or Republicans but many of them do hate. They've been trained to hate. Not to have a difference of opinion with or a debate with someone with an opposing viewpoint, but to hate them. Listen even a half hour to a couple conservative talk radio shows and it is plainly apparent by the responses of those that call in. They revile anyone that isn't like they are and the host who constantly steers the rhetoric towards hatred and distrust of 'the other' lovingly encourages and echoes their hatred.

That it is 'both sides' may have some validity these days but it has been the conservative media that has flamed this hatred for two decades until the other side has no choice now but to join the fight as is.

To anyone reading if I'm wrong, turn off your radio for a month. And don't watch any news. See how you feel at the end of the month. And if you can't ask yourself why you are so addicted to these shows.

15 Times Celebrities Envisioned Violence Against Trump and the GOP
Bernie Sanders:

"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be: Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms. Real change can only come about through nonviolent action, and anything else runs against our most deeply held American values."
Everyone knows that Sanders is mostly about economics.

Many of the idiot Sanders supporters mistook "hard left" for more "anti-right", while it was the Hillary tumblr lunatics who were orchestrating violence at Trump rallies and scapegoating Bernie using the "hard left" moniker.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

uh-huh. trump rallies were nothing but giant love fests, right? & i am positive you were incredulous & outraged at the portland alt right white supremacist who stabbed to death innocent men defending innocent muslim women on that train right?
...another Bernie Bro, not a alt-right, whatever that is. Yes, Trump rallies were a love fest, a few maggots tried to spoil it and lost though.
You don't have to "insert political party". The violence is directed only at republicans. Never in the history of politics have we ever seen such a disrespectful display during the Inauguration and never have we seen unhappy losers breaking windows and torching cars. Lefties try to downplay the shocking image of a pop-star holding a facsimile of the bloody head of the President but the amount of hatred directed at Trump is unprecedented in American politics. An attack like this was predictable.
Riots happened because there were unarmed people being shot by police. Their are a lot of problems going on with crime and law enforcement right now... and a large part of that is because there is a huge shift that is going on in how law enforcement works. We are moving from reactive military style law enforcement, to proactive community oriented law enforcement, and as with any large dramatic transitions, there are problems.

Yes, there are problems. Now the cops are scared to do routine traffic stops.

All police shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of the police officer. Solution? Obey the orders of the police officer..........I know, much too complicated for liberals.

Yes people do need to listen... but there is a reason why people often don't listen, and that's because many cops still follow a militaristic style and use profiling to stop people, which then causes the people they stop to not trust the cops and not listen. That's why law enforcement is trying to change the style of policing. It's a two way street, and as I said, it's a tough transition.
So when the next instance comes out where there is someone killed by a Trump supporter, which will happen shortly, are the Trump supporters going to make threads praising him as a soldier for their cause? I'd bet on it.

One name: Sarah Palin.

That's just how divided Trump has made this country. I have never, in my entire life seen a country so politically divided as it is right now.

I guess you must have been hibernating the eight years before this year started.

No, even with Obama in office it was nothing like this. Obama was not going out and instigating hatred.

Oh really? Is that why there were more riots during his second term than the previous 40 years combined?

He absolutely was instigating hatred and divisiveness.

no, he wasn't. Riots happened because there were unarmed people being shot by police. Their are a lot of problems going on with crime and law enforcement right now... and a large part of that is because there is a huge shift that is going on in how law enforcement works. We are moving from reactive military style law enforcement, to proactive community oriented law enforcement, and as with any large dramatic transitions, there are problems.

Riots happened because wanted to be out there with them instead of presidentin'.

'If I Had a Son, He'd Look Like Trayvon' and all that.

As for the second part of your post. That the way it used to be and should never have been changed.

They threw a flashbang into a baby's crib over a dime bag of weed. Burned the kid and everything.

Yes, Obama's son would look like Trayvon, Black. Police use profiling in order to stop people. If you ever have a cop talk to you honestly, they will tell you that. That's not how policing is supposed to work.
Riots happened because there were unarmed people being shot by police. Their are a lot of problems going on with crime and law enforcement right now... and a large part of that is because there is a huge shift that is going on in how law enforcement works. We are moving from reactive military style law enforcement, to proactive community oriented law enforcement, and as with any large dramatic transitions, there are problems.

Yes, there are problems. Now the cops are scared to do routine traffic stops.

All police shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of the police officer. Solution? Obey the orders of the police officer..........I know, much too complicated for liberals.

Yes people do need to listen... but there is a reason why people often don't listen, and that's because many cops still follow a militaristic style and use profiling to stop people, which then causes the people they stop to not trust the cops and not listen. That's why law enforcement is trying to change the style of policing. It's a two way street, and as I said, it's a tough transition.
Cops have to deal with malcontents that have no respect for authority in increasing measure. Cops get killed when they try to play nice, doesn't work. If you were profiled it was for a reason.
Yes, Obama's son would look like Trayvon, Black. Police use profiling in order to stop people. If you ever have a cop talk to you honestly, they will tell you that. That's not how policing is supposed to work.
Obama is only half black so you miscued a bit there. But cops profile because it works. If short green people were causing most of the problem they would not be doing their jobs if they ignored it.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

No need to be attacking Coyote. She is not hating anyone........not to mention that hate is coming from all sides.

It's never going to change until we - the people on the ground - decide that THEY the people purporting to have an ideology in common with us - are going to far. You don't joke or make effigies about killing the president. You don't demonize the other side so much that nutters take that as permission to do something about it.

Somebody posting something stupid like that on the internet doesn't get around much. But teachers, actors and yes, so-called comedians get to a lot of people.

Hate is one thing and promoting violence is another.

The hanging effigies weren't internet pranks.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

It's a damn shame that our president played such a big role in the hatred and isn't the leader we need to heal the wounds.

Why is Trump not trying to calm things down...instead he will be tweeting about the new leak coming out on his investigation...
Why should he? The left has attacked him and his family. Time for retribution unless the left backs way off.

And the right attacked Obama and his family. What exactly is your point?

Fortunately, Trump, at least momentarily disagreed with you when he spoke on this.
The media and entertainment industry attacked Obama?

Yes - the rightwing media most certainly did and Obama was lampooned in SNL. Not as much as Trump, but the fact is Obama just wasn't as funny. He's kind of boring to pun.
As mush as Obama was bashed, I've never seen anything like what has been going on since the election.
The left has just went from being just mad when they lose an election, to psychotic this time around.

This constant 'resist, resist, resist' is going to start riots any time now.

I think people are very selective in what they remember about "bashing".

Conservatives were not in the streets every weekend screaming their heads off. We've not encountered this level of vitriol in our lifetimes. You guys are simply unhinged and you should be monitored.

You are utterly oblivious to the hate from your side that was directed at Obama.
It's a damn shame that our president played such a big role in the hatred and isn't the leader we need to heal the wounds.

Why is Trump not trying to calm things down...instead he will be tweeting about the new leak coming out on his investigation...
Why should he? The left has attacked him and his family. Time for retribution unless the left backs way off.

And the right attacked Obama and his family. What exactly is your point?

Fortunately, Trump, at least momentarily disagreed with you when he spoke on this.
The media and entertainment industry attacked Obama?

Yes - the rightwing media most certainly did and Obama was lampooned in SNL. Not as much as Trump, but the fact is Obama just wasn't as funny. He's kind of boring to pun.

Is he also too boring to shoot at?

Or could it be that the left is at fault here?
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

No need to be attacking Coyote. She is not hating anyone........not to mention that hate is coming from all sides.

It's never going to change until we - the people on the ground - decide that THEY the people purporting to have an ideology in common with us - are going to far. You don't joke or make effigies about killing the president. You don't demonize the other side so much that nutters take that as permission to do something about it.

Somebody posting something stupid like that on the internet doesn't get around much. But teachers, actors and yes, so-called comedians get to a lot of people.

Hate is one thing and promoting violence is another.

The hanging effigies weren't internet pranks.

Okay. Since I never seen them during his eight years in office, what were the origins of those effigies?
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

No need to be attacking Coyote. She is not hating anyone........not to mention that hate is coming from all sides.

No it really isn't.
The rights anger is the result of constant attacks from the left in the form of media and lefty political lies.
You stop and it all goes away.

And the right's lies against the left? You keep that going eh?
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
This is cultural now. It's everywhere. It's in everything.

And look at the posts on this board today.

I think Congress gets it, but even if they do, we have a long way to go. Once it's cultural, it's much tougher to fix.
It's a damn shame that our president played such a big role in the hatred and isn't the leader we need to heal the wounds.

Why is Trump not trying to calm things down...instead he will be tweeting about the new leak coming out on his investigation...
Why should he? The left has attacked him and his family. Time for retribution unless the left backs way off.

And the right attacked Obama and his family. What exactly is your point?

Fortunately, Trump, at least momentarily disagreed with you when he spoke on this.
The media and entertainment industry attacked Obama?

Yes - the rightwing media most certainly did and Obama was lampooned in SNL. Not as much as Trump, but the fact is Obama just wasn't as funny. He's kind of boring to pun.

I don't think Obama faced nearly the vitriol in his day that Trump has been dealing with. Not even close. But that ain't the point, who cares about who fired first or the most when the bullets are flying and people are getting hurt or killed. Somehow we gotta tamp down the animosity but I'm just not seeing that happening any time soon.
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