Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Saay, I wonder if op and the left wingers that agreed with her post if the constant bogus investigations into obstruction/collusion should stop, considering it is complete bullshit and an obvious witch hunt.

Oh, she does not mean that. Neither do the others that agreed with her delightful post.

Let me clarify. They want people like me to shut up and let the inevitable impeachment to just happen.

Pretty sure that is what the OP means.
Check out the people who agreed with her OP. Lot of not-left wingers. It gave me some hope until I started reading the posts. But to be fair, on other threads like this in the past day, there have been left wingers blaming the right. It's both sides' fault that we are so noxiously divided, Owl. This is separate from any particular arguments going on right now. It's an attitude, a modus operandi, giving ourselves permission to go way beyond civil discourse in pushing our beliefs.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

This from a far left drone that has promoted the hatred of anything not far left.

Get your people in order and most of this will go away.

Once the far left is removed from positions of power the human can grow up!
It is people...not parties. People have gone nuts. I am so tired and weary from it all.

I'm just plain angry. And DISGUSTED. Have we devolved to our lowest common denominators? Empowered the most hateful amongst us? Sanctified mob mentalities?

The design of having the same 2 parties lock up total political control for so long GUARANTEES we are headed for the "lowest common denominator". It's that discussion you and I have had before about NOTHING being unethical, wrong or evil anymore --- Because "THEY" did it first. You see it in every USMB "news" thread. Can't bash a Dem without the first opposing post pulling up the fact that Repub did it first -- or worse. And once that equivalency is established --- there's NO CRIME. No sin, no guilt, no consequences.

Well 100 or so years later --- apparently you can shoot CongressCritters on a baseball field and have 15 activists pretending to be journalists saying it was justified or Karma or whatever. I'm watching this 2 way finger-pointing destroy my country because the 2 dynasties are in a death match and APPARENTLY are willing to pump up the rate that we're "circling the drain"..

Country NEEDED a fucking "intervention" -- NOT a choice between 2 dynasty parties offering polarizing candidates. But America wants WINNERS.... NOW --- we're ALL losers.....

Yes, we are. It is scary. If we don't turn things around, it is going to get worse and worse until we have no country.
Things aren't going to get better.

It is time to prepare for the end of this country.

It is time to teach your kids that this country won't exist as it does today when they are grown up.

30 years is all we have before total catastrophe.

Time to teach children to ignore conspiracy-nut losers because all they want is attention, and they should not be given any.

They'd end up isolated and lonely. Because everything political is a conspiracy story now a days..
Saay, I wonder if op and the left wingers that agreed with her post if the constant bogus investigations into obstruction/collusion should stop, considering it is complete bullshit and an obvious witch hunt.

Oh, she does not mean that. Neither do the others that agreed with her delightful post.

Let me clarify. They want people like me to shut up and let the inevitable impeachment to just happen.

Pretty sure that is what the OP means.
Check out the people who agreed with her OP. Lot of not-left wingers. It gave me some hope until I started reading the posts. But to be fair, on other threads like this in the past day, there have been left wingers blaming the right. It's both sides' fault that we are so noxiously divided, Owl. This is separate from any particular arguments going on right now. It's an attitude, a modus operandi, giving ourselves permission to go way beyond civil discourse in pushing our beliefs.

My favorite self-ironical phrase is still "Divide and conquer is their MO".

I could say which "side" posted it but that would defeat the point.
On NPR this evening, driving home, I listended to two great interviews - one with two freshmen congress critters - one Dem and one Repub...the other with someone who had previously worked with Gabby Giffords, then later won her seat when she stepped down. The gist was - we are all colleagues here, and that what is happening now has got to stop, it's absolutely toxic to civil society and I agree.
They said the same thing after Giffords was shot. It only got worse.
And she was shot by a lefty too.

No. She wasn't.

Jared Loughner was prone to rightwing rants and anti-government statements shortly before he died:
The tone of Loughner's rantings is almost exclusively conservative and anti-government, with echoes of the populist campaigning of the Tea Party movement. "Don't trust the government listener!" he said in one video, accusing Washington of mind control and brainwashing.

The US constitution, the bible of the Tea Parties, features heavily, as does the suggestion that the federal government is acting against the text. "You don't have to accept the federalist laws. Read the United States of America constitution to apprehend all of the current treasonous laws."

Nor was the guy who shot up the Pizza place

A North Carolina man is accused of threatening employees of a Washington, D.C. pizza place with a rifle as he was trying to “self-investigate” a debunked conspiracy theory that claims Hillary Clinton and other high-ranking Democrats are involved in a child sex trafficking ring, police say.

On the other hand - the man who shot at the Republican ball players was a leftist.

So the real challenge is....do we have the integrity and strength to stand up and say enough is enough - we don't support, excuse or condone actions and rhetoric from our side's extremists?
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

It's a damn shame that our president play such a big role in the hatred and isn't the leader we need to heal the wounds.

He's a sucko piece of crap president BUT he is OUR elected representative. His office does stand for something and that includes basic respect. If he's not the leader to heal wounds - WE HAVE TO BE. We can't just crawl around crying and blaming and damaging our society and blaming the election. We CAN'T allow OUR rhetoric to energize our wingnuts into unspeakable actions because we have a p.o.s. president.

Going to have to call you on something here. He is in fact NOT a "sucko piece of crap". He is the President of the United States. If we ever want this stuff to stop the first thing you need to bring to the table is respect. He is the leader of this country and his authority supersedes yours and mine by orders of magnitude. This kind of name calling only engenders more hatred. This does not promote healing, it encourages more acts of hatred.

I'm as entitled to my personal opinion on my president as anyone else - I feel he is a sucko piece of crap (and I'm willing to bet those who are offended have said the same about Obama) - but he IS my president and I'm not going to go out and proclaim to the world he is a sucko piece of crap, or say he's not the legitimate president, or call him the gropenfuher etc. He's a crappy president in my eyes until he proves himself otherwise. I can't pretend I respect him as a person but I can respect the office and I will defend his legitimacy to hold that office..
Leftards need to get used to the fact that people see them as evil and want them gone. Yes, people hate people and ideologies that are evil. And IDENTIFYING evil is not the same as BEING evil. We identify the evil of the left, and people like Coyote screech "but that's HATEFUL!" You know what? Your ideology, your leaders, and your PRESS are all fucking evil! They are anti-human, anti-culture, anti-family, and anti-liberty. They are PRO-death, PRO-statism, and TOTALITARIAN.

We don't want communism in this country. It's evil and so are those who justify and endorse it. If you don't like people calling you evil, vile, and a traitor, I suggest you stop being evil, stop being vile, and stop acting like a traitor. You are being played, and you are choosing to be played. You are the USEFUL IDIOTS that everybody knows about, but apparently nobody minds BEING...despite the fact that the fate of USEFUL IDIOTS historically is that when the regime they promote gets into power is DEATH and IMPRISONMENT.

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Communism is dead KG. No one but the fringe is interested in stumping for it.
Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?

It's a damn shame that our president play such a big role in the hatred and isn't the leader we need to heal the wounds.

He's a sucko piece of crap president BUT he is OUR elected representative. His office does stand for something and that includes basic respect. If he's not the leader to heal wounds - WE HAVE TO BE. We can't just crawl around crying and blaming and damaging our society and blaming the election. We CAN'T allow OUR rhetoric to energize our wingnuts into unspeakable actions because we have a p.o.s. president.

Going to have to call you on something here. He is in fact NOT a "sucko piece of crap". He is the President of the United States. If we ever want this stuff to stop the first thing you need to bring to the table is respect. He is the leader of this country and his authority supersedes yours and mine by orders of magnitude. This kind of name calling only engenders more hatred. This does not promote healing, it encourages more acts of hatred.

You should maybe read her post past the first sentence. See the forest; don't get hung up on a tree.

But that bit tainted the rest of the post. And yes, I do respect Coyote enough to read the entirety of her posts. But it just isn't the same when you say "He's a sucko piece of crap president". This defeats the entire cause of calling for civility. But I agreed with the rest of her post.

Sorry, Pogo. :(

It was partly a rhetorical device, but you do have a point.
Communism is dead KG. No one but the fringe is interested in stumping for it.

Now you're just lying. Which is what we expect from leftist moonbats.

No, I"m not lying. Seriously - communism is a failed ideology. It failed in the economic sphere and it failed in the government sphere. There is not one single purely communistic country left - not China, which is now including free market initiatives - closest is Cuba and that is heavily propped up and economically suffering.

Like I said - it's the ideology of a fringe.
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.

If you think hate doesn't exist on both sides, you've been blinded by it.
Hate exists on both sides, sure. But one side acts out on it.

All sides act on it, because humans are inherently violent animals.
Really, post the right wing riots after Obama's election.

The left is currently in the grips of a violent (it doesn't help that their ideology involves a rejection of personal responsibility) hysteria , but all people are inherently violent.

Pretty sure the dead gunman was - personally responsible.
Communism is dead KG. No one but the fringe is interested in stumping for it.

No, communism is very much alive and well at the DNC, NYTimes, WaPo, ABC/CBS/NBC/CNN....it has a fresh new coat of paint on it but under that it's Stalinist ways and means are old school Marxism.
Communism is dead KG. No one but the fringe is interested in stumping for it.

Now you're just lying. Which is what we expect from leftist moonbats.

No, I"m not lying. Seriously - communism is a failed ideology. It failed in the economic sphere and it failed in the government sphere. There is not one single purely communistic country left - not China, which is now including free market initiatives - closest is Cuba and that is heavily propped up and economically suffering.

Like I said - it's the ideology of a fringe.

Wow. About 2 billion people are unaware of that.
And, incidentally, the left uses nationalized education to dumb down the population so they aren't aware that they are being used and converted to communism.

We have the Rural Organizing Project which consists of folksy people traveling to extremely rural areas, pushing a false history and a false narrative in order to bring those tiny bergs into the loop.

China communists paid traveling minstrels to travel to rural areas doing exactly the same thing.
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