Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Again....the Trump Administration has to stop this thuggery from the Left!

He has to do whatever it takes to keep peace on the land.

So, you want them to stop this thuggery with thuggery?

I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
It's exactly what it means, and how everyone means it when it's said. Or are you going to tell me that you were telling Skye to go to a White Nationalist forum, specifically, for some other reason?

Sure, I'll humor you, what was your reason for specifying that one if you weren't calling her a racist?


I mean, few people can mistake what the forum is for, and what kind of community it has.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in. -Koshergrl

The above post represents a sample of most of the posts on this thread.
It's full of hate and uses, "it's not us, it's them that are filled with hate".
Oh, the sad irony.
So, you want them to stop this thuggery with thuggery?

I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
It's exactly what it means, and how everyone means it when it's said. Or are you going to tell me that you were telling Skye to go to a White Nationalist forum, specifically, for some other reason?

Sure, I'll humor you, what was your reason for specifying that one if you weren't calling her a racist?


I mean, few people can mistake what the forum is for, and what kind of community it has.

Non sequitur. I'm pretty sure Sturmfront hates Jews too. And they're generally authoritarian-worshipers whether involving ethnicity or not. So there's multiple things the reference could mean, including the subject's general attitude.

Bottom line, it's not your place to dictate what somebody meant by something they didn't say. And you certainly have no ground to stand on unilaterally declaring "it's what everyone means when it is said". Especially at your age.
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And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in. -Koshergrl

The above post represents a sample of most of the posts on this thread.
It's full of hate and uses, "it's not us, it's them that are filled with hate".
Oh, the sad irony.

As yet another dichotomy-obsessed fallacist put it earlier --- "divide and conquer, it's their MO". She posted that without ever perceiving her own irony.
I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
It's exactly what it means, and how everyone means it when it's said. Or are you going to tell me that you were telling Skye to go to a White Nationalist forum, specifically, for some other reason?

Sure, I'll humor you, what was your reason for specifying that one if you weren't calling her a racist?


I mean, few people can mistake what the forum is for, and what kind of community it has.

Non sequitur. I'm pretty sure Sturmfront hates Jews too. And they're generally authoritarian-worshipers whether involving ethnicity or not.
Either you don't know what "Non sequiter" means, or you didn't catch that he specified both Nationalist and going to Stormfront. The flow of logic is pretty clear there, especially given that Stormfront is best known for being a white supremacist site.

Of course, we can also wait for Frigid to reply. I did say I'd humor them.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
The HATE is on your side. You (collectively) get these nuts worked into a frenzy of hate until one of them thinks he's doing God's service. This is on you. Live with it.
Death Angel, hunh? LOL! You hater dupes are half crazy...this guy lost it, but at least he had the facts right. The 1% getting bloated at the expense of the rest of us because of the bought off New BS GOP...
Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
It's exactly what it means, and how everyone means it when it's said. Or are you going to tell me that you were telling Skye to go to a White Nationalist forum, specifically, for some other reason?

Sure, I'll humor you, what was your reason for specifying that one if you weren't calling her a racist?


I mean, few people can mistake what the forum is for, and what kind of community it has.

Non sequitur. I'm pretty sure Sturmfront hates Jews too. And they're generally authoritarian-worshipers whether involving ethnicity or not.
Either you don't know what "Non sequiter" means, or you didn't catch that he specified both Nationalist and going to Stormfront. The flow of logic is pretty clear there, especially given that Stormfront is best known for being a white supremacist site.

Of course, we can also wait for Frigid to reply. I did say I'd humor them.

No I don't know what "sequiter" means, since it's sequitur.

Again --- that leap is not yours to make. I don't care how "pretty clear" you think it is, you do NOT know everything and there's always a chance you didn't think of something.

A non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an invalid argument.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument nonetheless asserts the conclusion to be true and is thus fallacious.
It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
It's exactly what it means, and how everyone means it when it's said. Or are you going to tell me that you were telling Skye to go to a White Nationalist forum, specifically, for some other reason?

Sure, I'll humor you, what was your reason for specifying that one if you weren't calling her a racist?


I mean, few people can mistake what the forum is for, and what kind of community it has.

Non sequitur. I'm pretty sure Sturmfront hates Jews too. And they're generally authoritarian-worshipers whether involving ethnicity or not.
Either you don't know what "Non sequiter" means, or you didn't catch that he specified both Nationalist and going to Stormfront. The flow of logic is pretty clear there, especially given that Stormfront is best known for being a white supremacist site.

Of course, we can also wait for Frigid to reply. I did say I'd humor them.

No I don't know what "sequiter" means, since it's sequitur.

Again --- that leap is not yours to make. I don't care how "pretty clear" you think it is, you do NOT know everything and there's always a chance you didn't think of something.
It's less of a leap and more of a step.

I know you realize Frigid is cornered, but you really should give them a chance to explain. It'll be alright, maybe, probably.
So, you want them to stop this thuggery with thuggery?

I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
It's exactly what it means, and how everyone means it when it's said. Or are you going to tell me that you were telling Skye to go to a White Nationalist forum, specifically, for some other reason?

Sure, I'll humor you, what was your reason for specifying that one if you weren't calling her a racist?


I mean, few people can mistake what the forum is for, and what kind of community it has.

No, I was telling her to go to Stormfront because her views are quite to the right and because on that forum she won't have to see views like mine, because the people on the left won't be there.

But hey, you can think what you like. Stormfront has all sorts of people, and not many of them are left in thinking. You can think I'm wrong because you interpreted what I said wrongly, and I can think you're wrong for interpreting what I said wrongly. That's life, I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
It's exactly what it means, and how everyone means it when it's said. Or are you going to tell me that you were telling Skye to go to a White Nationalist forum, specifically, for some other reason?

Sure, I'll humor you, what was your reason for specifying that one if you weren't calling her a racist?


I mean, few people can mistake what the forum is for, and what kind of community it has.

Non sequitur. I'm pretty sure Sturmfront hates Jews too. And they're generally authoritarian-worshipers whether involving ethnicity or not.
Either you don't know what "Non sequiter" means, or you didn't catch that he specified both Nationalist and going to Stormfront. The flow of logic is pretty clear there, especially given that Stormfront is best known for being a white supremacist site.

Of course, we can also wait for Frigid to reply. I did say I'd humor them.

Except that she appears to be Nationalistic and if you read what I wrote, you'd see that the reason I told her to go somewhere else was so that she wouldn't have to see the sort of questions I'm going to ask her, because I'm on the left. Which forum can you go to, where you don't have to see questions from the left? Er... let's see, Stormfront....

I've been on that site, never posted, but seen the posts there, and there are a wide variety of people on there. I wouldn't say all of them are White Supremacists or Fascists etc.

This is the US message board, is everyone from the US? No. So....
Again....the Trump Administration has to stop this thuggery from the Left!

He has to do whatever it takes to keep peace on the land.

So, you want them to stop this thuggery with thuggery?

I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a mystery why someone doesn't want to talk to an asshole?
I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
It's exactly what it means, and how everyone means it when it's said. Or are you going to tell me that you were telling Skye to go to a White Nationalist forum, specifically, for some other reason?

Sure, I'll humor you, what was your reason for specifying that one if you weren't calling her a racist?


I mean, few people can mistake what the forum is for, and what kind of community it has.

No, I was telling her to go to Stormfront because her views are quite to the right and because on that forum she won't have to see views like mine, because the people on the left won't be there.

But hey, you can think what you like. Stormfront has all sorts of people, and not many of them are left in thinking. You can think I'm wrong because you interpreted what I said wrongly, and I can think you're wrong for interpreting what I said wrongly. That's life, I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
Stormfront has all kinds of people or they are all the same? Which is it?
Soros is funding the sedition, neutralize him and it stops the next day
Just the kind of RW, no evidence, character assassination that's behind all the hate. Lock her up, Obama had 2 years of control and did this BULLSHYTTE, hater dupes.
Just like a LW, no evidence but Trump is guilty until proven innocent. Even then he's guilty because he isn't a leftist.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in. -Koshergrl

The above post represents a sample of most of the posts on this thread.
It's full of hate and uses, "it's not us, it's them that are filled with hate".
Oh, the sad irony.
Because it is true. Lefties are intolerant immature hate mongers. Who do you think you're fooling?
Again....the Trump Administration has to stop this thuggery from the Left!

He has to do whatever it takes to keep peace on the land.

So, you want them to stop this thuggery with thuggery?

I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
Strange? You mst not know what Stormfront is to say that.
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