Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Two words: KENT STATE. That was the end of the "revolution" in the early 70's because that's what it took to shake those shitheads back into reality....don't think it can't or won't happen again.
Again....the Trump Administration has to stop this thuggery from the Left!

He has to do whatever it takes to keep peace on the land.

So, you want them to stop this thuggery with thuggery?

I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

"Impeach" is in no way synonymous with "destroy". It's a remedy spelled out in the Constitution.

You're missing the point, or I'm not explaining it well enough. Calling for impeachment in this case is showing a desire for the president to be removed from office. Thus, for his influence to be removed or destroyed. When one accuses him of committing treason, same deal.

Thus far no evidence of either. I'm seeing someone who let his passion corrupt him. And I'm quick to notice patterns, Pogo.

f a person feels the President (any President) should be impeached ---- why should they be suppressed from saying so?

I never said they should be. But calling for impeachment without an actual premise as to why shows signs the person is being drawn in by the hatred. I'm not saying suppress speech at all Pogo. Perish the thought.
Two words: KENT STATE. That was the end of the "revolution" in the early 70's because that's what it took to shake those shitheads back into reality....don't think it can't or won't happen again.

So you're using USMB to make a threat?

You watching this Etherion ? Should we get the FBI on this?
"Impeach" is not an act of violence. Never has been, never will be.

I never said it was. You are apparently reading into my comments things that aren't there. What I'm saying is that over the past 8 years Hodgkinson's rhetoric became increasingly more vitriolic, until (now yesterday) he snapped completely.

I'm not calling for action, I am showing concern.
You mean like how the press does that? When gabby was shot the press insisted for days the shooter was a right wing shooter. .

Gabby was shot because neither the Tucson PD or the Pinal County sheriff sent a deputy to that shopping center to look out for her. It's always amazed me why that is rarely if ever reported.
Two words: KENT STATE. That was the end of the "revolution" in the early 70's because that's what it took to shake those shitheads back into reality....don't think it can't or won't happen again.

So you're using USMB to make a threat?

You watching this Etherion ? Should we get the FBI on this?

Wow. Why would he invoke the Kent State Massacre? Over one loon? This is the kind of rhetoric that leads to this kind of violence.
Two words: KENT STATE. That was the end of the "revolution" in the early 70's because that's what it took to shake those shitheads back into reality....don't think it can't or won't happen again.

So you're using USMB to make a threat?

You watching this Etherion ? Should we get the FBI on this?

Kiss my ass, Pogo.....

I love pretzels.

Not eating them, just the act of twisting them into shape. It's so funny the way they bite their own tail.
Remind me of all the attacks and shooting perpetrated by Republicans on Democrats the last 8 months?

What kind of moron hears about a shooting and goes to find out "quick, what's his political party?"

You'd have to be an absolute cretin.

That would be as stupid as hearing about a shooting and going "quick, what's his religion?"
You mean like how the press does that? When gabby was shot the press insisted for days the shooter was a right wing shooter. Democrats in Congress made the same claim. Now suddenly the press is all about how"crazy" he was.yet every time a non Republican gets shot the press runs with the white right wing shooter story until proven wrong time and again.

Nope, I have zero recollection of anything like that, but do tell us more about how it was in the plane, Brian Williams. What I do remember (on another board, I wasn't here yet) was the same lame Composition Fallacists oozing in with "Jared Loughner is a registered Democrat! Drool drool!". Whether that's true or not I don't know or care since it's relevant to nothing. Because it's yet another iteration of the same fallacy.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.
Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

Holy shit, I've been recruited as Pogo's personal attack dog! I have a real job now!

Woo hoo!

I could continue to sit here and teach logic -- or I could just send you out with ass-whuppin' assignments.

I figure it would save me a lot of typing. Plus this keyboard is getting really old.
I'm thinking not more than 7 years. :rolleyes: Did someone succeed when they sowed the seeds of division?

you forgot the 5 solid years he was accused of not even being an american. but a muslim born in kenya.

gee whiz.... who started that complete line of bullshit & only ended it so he could have a 30 minute infomercial spotlighting his newest hotel?

Now, let call attention to this poster's sig line. The same language was being used by the attacker on his facebook feed. Am I saying this poster will go out and target some conservatives? No, but from where I'm sitting, he's beginning down the same path.

"Impeach Putin's Treasonous Bitch"

For me that's a red flag.

Uhhh.... impeachment is legal. Firearm assault is not.

Paying attention to the mental state is important, too. Or are we just going to ignore the proclivities of the person who tried to assassinate members of congress today? Hodgkinson was using some of the same language on his Facebook feed.

Impeach, Destroy, Terminate, Treason... the language is key. It is a window into the mind of the person in question.

"Impeach" is in no way synonymous with "destroy". It's a remedy spelled out in the Constitution.

If a person feels the President (any President) should be impeached ---- why should they be suppressed from saying so? Or put on some suspicion list? "Impeach" is not an act of violence. Never has been, never will be.

So I guess all of these folks are all guilty of wanting to destroy the government?

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What kind of moron hears about a shooting and goes to find out "quick, what's his political party?"

You'd have to be an absolute cretin.

That would be as stupid as hearing about a shooting and going "quick, what's his religion?"
You mean like how the press does that? When gabby was shot the press insisted for days the shooter was a right wing shooter. Democrats in Congress made the same claim. Now suddenly the press is all about how"crazy" he was.yet every time a non Republican gets shot the press runs with the white right wing shooter story until proven wrong time and again.

Nope, I have zero recollection of anything like that, but do tell us more about how it was in the plane, Brian Williams. What I do remember (on another board, I wasn't here yet) was the same lame Composition Fallacists oozing in with "Jared Loughner is a registered Democrat! Drool drool!". Whether that's true or not I don't know or care since it's relevant to nothing. Because it's yet another iteration of the same fallacy.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Zackly, and it rarely does unless it's a targeted assassination. Never on a mass shooting spree.

That's what I keep drumming into people's heads here all day about Composition Fallacies. What I haven't quite figured out is whether they're too stupid to get it, or whether they're so stubborn that they can't admit to it.

As one who believes humans are basically good I'm inclined to the latter.
We are experiencing what we have created, permitted and tacitly approved. Our politics are viewed by some in the same light sports fans view their favorite teams. Willing to excuse the vilest teammates because they are one of us and on our team. Willing to ignore the sins of our favorites while amplifying the sins of our rivals. Concentrated on winning at all costs.

And this is amplified further by the Internet. Suddenly we can all be 'pundits' without regard of all the facts, without considering all the possible ramifications. And, most dangerously, anonymous hiding behind a keyboard and judging others baselessly, cruelly and in undeniable ignorance.

Our politicians traffic in division, fear of the other, xenophobia. This fuels the cynicism we labor under. Each issue, each event does not serve as a learning experience but a means of blaming someone else for the troubles they bring. We have grown comfortable seeing people other than ourselves as rapists, drug dealers, murderers and, perhaps even good people.

Tribalism as the body politic. A modern American tragedy. But to some, particularly the most cynical, tribalism is a comfort zone.
Again....the Trump Administration has to stop this thuggery from the Left!

He has to do whatever it takes to keep peace on the land.

So, you want them to stop this thuggery with thuggery?

I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.
Again....the Trump Administration has to stop this thuggery from the Left!

He has to do whatever it takes to keep peace on the land.

So, you want them to stop this thuggery with thuggery?

I prefer not to talk to you

if that's ok

Fine, but just one more question. Why do you have problems answering questions? What is it about your thought process that you'e so worried that people might find out?

Oh, by the way, there's an ignore list, you can use it so you don't need to see questions that are, how shall I say it, demanding of your time and effort. You can just stick to wishy washy nationalism without every having to confront reality. I do wonder why people like you come on forums like this, if you don't want to debate, if you don't want to come into contact with other ideas, then why bother? I'm sure Stormfront would suit you better.

It's a bit disappointing that your go-to response to "I don't want to talk to you" was "You're a racist". I thought you were better than that.

Er... what? I didn't say anything about race, racism, racist or anything of the like.

I did say "nationalism" and I did say "Stormfront", are you assuming that by telling someone to go to Stormfront that this means "racist" or something? Very strange.
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