Holy crap - this has to stop!

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No he doesn't have that right. Your FF made three branches of govt for a reason. They are implementing their powers. If not, then their decision would be irrelevant.

As an aside, the thing I find funny out of all of this is that most Yanks - especially those that lean right - declare they are the freest country in the world, yet give one man almost dictatorial powers. Free my arse...

You might learn to do some research before posting.

on February 6, 2017 in World News
Obama Imposed Immigration Restrictions 19 Times – Including 4 Times on Muslim Countries
by Ryan Saavedra
Democrat Presidents Impose Significantly More Immigration Restrictions Than Republican Presidents

While the mainstream media and liberals across America are causing chaos and panic over President Trump’s so-called ‘Muslim Ban’ (it’s not a Muslim ban), the Congressional Research Service quietly released statistics on what the last five Presidents did in regards to limiting immigration.

As noted by the Conservative Review, the most important part of what the Congressional Research Service found was:

Over the years, Presidents have relied upon Section 212(f) to suspend or otherwise restrict the entry of individual aliens and classes of aliens, often (although not always) in conjunction with the imposition of financial sanctions upon these aliens. Among those so excluded have been aliens whose actions “threaten the peace, security, or stability of Libya”; officials of the North Korean government; and aliens responsible for “serious human rights violations.”

Neither the text of Section 212(f) nor the case law to date suggests any firm legal limits upon the President’s exercise of his authority to exclude aliens under this provision.

The results from the report show that since President Reagan, Democrat Presidents have limited immigration to specific groups of people far more than Republican Presidents have.

Ronald Reagan – 5 Times

George H.W. Bush – 1 Time

Bill Clinton – 12 Times

George W. Bush – 6 Times

Barack Obama – 19 Times

Barack Obama imposed immigration restrictions 19 times including 4 times on Muslim countries.
The liberal media and Democrats said nothing.

Obama Imposed Immigration Restrictions 19 Times – Including 4 Times on Muslim Countries - Conservative News & Right Wing News | Gun Laws & Rights News Site
Considering the crazy people in the US, we do have a very free country. Thank god for the constitution...
No, but it's high time both sides decided to change that attitude.
Let's go one policy vote at a time, thanks. And Trump's are CRAP.
Let me correct myself, it's not that you will never learn, it's that you refuse to learn.
Learn that after 8 years of mindless GOP obstruction of good ideas, the WORST EVER obstruction, Dems have to vote for the stupidest lies EVER. I don't think so. So you can start ANOTHER depression and more stupidest wars ever? Brainwashed functional morons, including this GD idiot president elected by fraud? He better get smart ferchrissake- so far he's a Bannon idiot dupe...
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Got anything at all?

Other than you proving my point? No, not really.
Why are people so upset about labor taking out an elite who represents capital?

All is as it should be

Keep them on their toes.

Don't want to get shot at?

Don't be douche bags to our own poor, it's a good lesson for anyone who has anything worth holding on to. You only have what you have because society accepts the rules in which we play. If enough people don't feel like society is providing for them, these things are bound to happen. Long running theme throughout the world

So working people should be held hostage to give other people their money that they work for, or else????

Yeah, this kook shot at our representatives for whatever reason, but what happened to him in the end?

That's the way they will all end up if there was ever an uproar.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell
Hate exists on both sides, sure. But one side acts out on it.

All sides act on it, because humans are inherently violent animals.
I keep asking for a list of the republican supporters shooting democrat congresspeople. Or of them rioting threatening or assaulting anyone. We have emails that PROVE Hillary Clinton and party conspired to cause just that riots and assaults at Trump tallies. And they happened.

Like I said earlier, attempted assassinations are a dime a dozen. Obama has a whole wiki page full. As for assaults/violence, I don't like naming individuals, as I think it glorifies them. But there are a ton of incidents of right-wing violence. The Giffords incident, the terrible Charlston incident, the knifing of those two women on the subway, that attack on an abortion clinic a few years back, etc. And that's just off the top of my head.

There are crazies on both sides who think their interpretation of what is right justifies whatever means they decide to use. But, despite our hyper-polarization, most people on both sides are reasonable people who just want a pleasant life for themselves and those close to them.
The Giffords incident was done by an apolitical madman.

Dylann Roof voted for Obama.
The Giffords guy was definitely a madman, and he was definitely left-leaning in earlier years, but the video-manifestos he left before shooting Giffords were excessively small-government style right-wing.

The other one draped himself in the confederate flag and wanted to literally start a race war. >.> I don't care who he voted for.

Neither are representative of conservatism as a whole, but both these actors justified their actions through strains of right-wing thought.
LOL, you are a little Goebbels wannabe. Just like the dirty Jew huh? You know nothing about conservative thought and it's obvious you have no intention to. You just draped yourself in the flag of sheer stupidity.
BS. That crap only happened on Fox, dupe. Where the character assassination goes on. Dems "crimes" never make it to the courts. See lock her up. Hater dupes!!
Every post is dupe dupe dupe. You're wasting too much space on my screen. Have a pathetic life, you earned it.
The left is teetering on the edge of nationwide riot and insurrection. Like true neurotics they justify their atrocious behavior. A man insulted someone five years ago, that's good enough to stab a horse in the neck. A baker refused to bake a cake. That's good for a five congressman assassination.

The left should be pushed over the edge. Aoon. Now. We have a Republican as president that will deal with insurrection. A democrat will give the fascists room to destroy.
You are out of your mind. Dems are nonviolent, but your bs.hate propaganda says antifa and black gangsta wannabees are Dems and repeats that bs endlessly, brainwashed functional moron. Trump IS a dangerous idiot and you dupes are the ones always talking about guns to fight gov't and imaginary Dem oppression.
Without Antifa, BLM and La Raza, there would not be a Democrat party able to win elections today.

That is your party's soul.
Brainwashed RW hate/insanity. THEY'RE NOT DEMS. At least Antifa, the new fad GOP thang. See NBPP. Very scary.
There is no difference between Antifa and the retard Hillary supporters who shouted "love Trump's hate" over and over again.

They are all the same idiots from tumblr.

Speaking of idiots -- check your punctuaton, Sparkles.
That would be "love trumps hate". Small T, a verb not a proper noun, not a possessive.

See also "Let's eat Grandma" and "Eats shoots and leaves".
You might want to delete this
The left is teetering on the edge of nationwide riot and insurrection. Like true neurotics they justify their atrocious behavior. A man insulted someone five years ago, that's good enough to stab a horse in the neck. A baker refused to bake a cake. That's good for a five congressman assassination.

The left should be pushed over the edge. Aoon. Now. We have a Republican as president that will deal with insurrection. A democrat will give the fascists room to destroy.
You are out of your mind. Dems are nonviolent, but your bs.hate propaganda says antifa and black gangsta wannabees are Dems and repeats that bs endlessly, brainwashed functional moron. Trump IS a dangerous idiot and you dupes are the ones always talking about guns to fight gov't and imaginary Dem oppression.
Without Antifa, BLM and La Raza, there would not be a Democrat party able to win elections today.

That is your party's soul.
Brainwashed RW hate/insanity. THEY'RE NOT DEMS. At least Antifa, the new fad GOP thang. See NBPP. Very scary.
There is no difference between Antifa and the retard Hillary supporters who shouted "love Trump's hate" over and over again.

They are all the same idiots from tumblr.

Speaking of idiots -- check your punctuaton, Sparkles.
That would be "love trumps hate". Small T, a verb not a proper noun, not a possessive.

See also "Let's eat Grandma" and "Eats shoots and leaves".
It is a pun, idiot.
Speaking of idiots -- check your punctuaton, Sparkles.
That would be "love trumps hate". Small T, a verb not a proper noun, not a possessive.

See also "Let's eat Grandma" and "Eats shoots and leaves".
When you are done preening your anus focus on this, the slogan is bullshit. Love does not trump hate, the left proves it daily. Hate kills and death is pretty much final. Not to mention there is no love from lefties when they don't get their way. Zip. Zero. Nada.
Libs acting like there is still a contest going on with an undetermined outcome
Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote to the stunned glee of some and the stunned dismay of some
Apparently a goodly portion never experienced the maturation process of losing a contest. Playing softball just for fun with no rules and no score and quit when you get thirsty is no good
There are beginnings and ends to contests and outcomes with a final score
Hillary got more hits but Trump scored more runs-again a competition thing perhaps foreign to some
So they libs feel as though they could not have lost and thus the contest is still ongoing(Russians,Comey , mueller, investigations, hearings, impeachment)
Trump has done a poor job of at least trying to jump on this with both feet. He talked tough like new Sherrif in town so start acting like one

Clinton lost and Trump won.
Romney lost and Obama won.
McCain lost and Obama won.
Kerry lost and Bush won.
Gore lost and Bush won.

and so on.

2020 someone else will win and someone else will lose.

You know, I think a bullet was dodged with MICain not winning.

He comes down on the wrong side of things every time.

Obama did often, too, but he wasn't as motivated or corrupt as MICain is.
Current rhetorc is a PRELUDE to a War against the 1st Amendment................the PATH OF EUROPE................

So your country can lock your ass up if you dare offend someone..................In a Free Country..............Free Speech gives you the dang right to speak your mind...............and voice your opinions openly..............

In Europe...............NOT SO MUCH.................beginning in 2008

European Hate Speech Laws :: The Legal Project

They can lock you up...........like this article.............

Comparing Hate Speech Laws In The U.S. And Abroad

Be aware..........the current discussion is RIGHT DOWN THESE LINES.

If the Left believes it's own argument, then they should be calling for Rachel Maddow to be pulled off the air. And Stephen Colbert. And Shakespeare in the Park.

If that's not happening, then they don't believe their own argument. Which calls their sincerity into question.
Why are people so upset about labor taking out an elite who represents capital?

All is as it should be

Keep them on their toes.

Don't want to get shot at?

Don't be douche bags to our own poor, it's a good lesson for anyone who has anything worth holding on to. You only have what you have because society accepts the rules in which we play. If enough people don't feel like society is providing for them, these things are bound to happen. Long running theme throughout the world

So working people should be held hostage to give other people their money that they work for, or else????

Yeah, this kook shot at our representatives for whatever reason, but what happened to him in the end?

That's the way they will all end up if there was ever an uproar.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

I have a relatively high IQ and pretty good education

I'm not entitlted to anything, because our system is set up to provide for someone like me very easily

For your descendants, who will clearly be sub 100 IQ I worry. I want them fed and clothed so my children don't grow up thinking of your children as animals and beneath them. And that's exactly what the free market would do.

Make it very clear you and I are not the same, and more disturbingly make it very clear to people like little Barron Trump and his ilk. How do you think some one like him is going to treat your sons in a world where they only had your income and genes to rely on? lol
If the Left believes it's own argument, then they should be calling for Rachel Maddow to be pulled off the air. And Stephen Colbert. And Shakespeare in the Park.

If that's not happening, then they don't believe their own argument. Which calls their sincerity into question.
We'll pull Rachel when you pull Hannity.
Okay, I haven't called a conservative names in almost 48 hours. How much longer do I have to keep using the delete key prior to posting?

Only joking. Well, not really, but kinda. Don't be bummed, Coyote. All you can do is try.
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