Holy crap - this has to stop!

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If the Left believes it's own argument, then they should be calling for Rachel Maddow to be pulled off the air. And Stephen Colbert. And Shakespeare in the Park.

If that's not happening, then they don't believe their own argument. Which calls their sincerity into question.
They should be allowed to continue their idiotic agenda driven shows..................So their ratings will tank, and their advertisers drop them like a rock.....................

Let them enjoy their moment of shame........and allow the public who are dumb enough to watch them see them for who they are.
If the Left believes it's own argument, then they should be calling for Rachel Maddow to be pulled off the air. And Stephen Colbert. And Shakespeare in the Park.

If that's not happening, then they don't believe their own argument. Which calls their sincerity into question.
They should be allowed to continue their idiotic agenda driven shows..................So their ratings will tank, and their advertisers drop them like a rock.....................

Let them enjoy their moment of shame........and allow the public who are dumb enough to watch them see them for who they are.
Leftists have Hollywood, education system, and are firmly entrenched in the government bureaucracy. People are naturally drawn towards evil. I only see the hypocrisy of their message, they really have no issue with violence.
The left is teetering on the edge of nationwide riot and insurrection. Like true neurotics they justify their atrocious behavior. A man insulted someone five years ago, that's good enough to stab a horse in the neck. A baker refused to bake a cake. That's good for a five congressman assassination.

The left should be pushed over the edge. Aoon. Now. We have a Republican as president that will deal with insurrection. A democrat will give the fascists room to destroy.
You are out of your mind. Dems are nonviolent, but your bs.hate propaganda says antifa and black gangsta wannabees are Dems and repeats that bs endlessly, brainwashed functional moron. Trump IS a dangerous idiot and you dupes are the ones always talking about guns to fight gov't and imaginary Dem oppression.

Every political group has it's violent extremist element. The left has it's anarchists and socialist militants...the right has it's white supremacists and "patriotic" militia types - all of whom seem to be advocating taking matters into their own hands.

Each side seems to be fully vested in "proving" the other is the source of all violence and demonizing legitimate free speech by conflating it with those who commit violence.

BLM has been thoroughly demonized when most of them simply want to bring attention to the fact that there are problems between police and community that need to be heard. Likewise - Trump supporters are constantly conflated with white supremacists, ignoring the fact that many of them are people who have felt left out of any economic recovery and ignored by the political elites.

These are two groups who should be listened to, not demonized.
Liberal MP Fighting Cancer Delivers Moving Speech In House

Chan, 50, did say he is not sure how long he will have the strength to stand and deliver a 20-minute speech.

"Use your head, but follow your heart," he told MPs during his remarks. "It is as simple as that."

Chan also urged them to ditch canned talking points, adding that people lose confidence in democracy when parliamentarians recite scripted lines.

"Those of us who live with cancer, you have to take it day by day. That's what I do."
"We can disagree strongly — in fact we should," he said.

"That is what democracy is about ... When we listen, we listen to one another despite our strong differences, that's when democracy really happens. That's the challenge that's going on around the world right now. No one is listening."
The left is teetering on the edge of nationwide riot and insurrection. Like true neurotics they justify their atrocious behavior. A man insulted someone five years ago, that's good enough to stab a horse in the neck. A baker refused to bake a cake. That's good for a five congressman assassination.

The left should be pushed over the edge. Aoon. Now. We have a Republican as president that will deal with insurrection. A democrat will give the fascists room to destroy.
You are out of your mind. Dems are nonviolent, but your bs.hate propaganda says antifa and black gangsta wannabees are Dems and repeats that bs endlessly, brainwashed functional moron. Trump IS a dangerous idiot and you dupes are the ones always talking about guns to fight gov't and imaginary Dem oppression.

Every political group has it's violent extremist element. The left has it's anarchists and socialist militants...the right has it's white supremacists and "patriotic" militia types - all of whom seem to be advocating taking matters into their own hands.

Each side seems to be fully vested in "proving" the other is the source of all violence and demonizing legitimate free speech by conflating it with those who commit violence.

BLM has been thoroughly demonized when most of them simply want to bring attention to the fact that there are problems between police and community that need to be heard. Likewise - Trump supporters are constantly conflated with white supremacists, ignoring the fact that many of them are people who have felt left out of any economic recovery and ignored by the political elites.

These are two groups who should be listened to, not demonized.
Sorry, don't see any riots or mass murder going on by the right.
Stop trying to drag others into your cesspool.
If the Left believes it's own argument, then they should be calling for Rachel Maddow to be pulled off the air. And Stephen Colbert. And Shakespeare in the Park.

If that's not happening, then they don't believe their own argument. Which calls their sincerity into question.

Why do you hate Rachel Maddow so much? :dunno:

When I've been able to watch her (I don't have cable so it's when I'm visiting) - I find her funny and her humor more gentle rather than caustic. She isn't trying to inflame people into anger.
The sheer number of people on this board who found it impossible to write “It’s wrong to shoot members of Congress” – without adding – “but…” says it all.

Yes. It does. In fact I can't, in this thread, find a single post of yours that says that. They all seem to be variations on "but leftist violence"....ya....keep it up dude.
Libs acting like there is still a contest going on with an undetermined outcome
Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote to the stunned glee of some and the stunned dismay of some
Apparently a goodly portion never experienced the maturation process of losing a contest. Playing softball just for fun with no rules and no score and quit when you get thirsty is no good
There are beginnings and ends to contests and outcomes with a final score
Hillary got more hits but Trump scored more runs-again a competition thing perhaps foreign to some
So they libs feel as though they could not have lost and thus the contest is still ongoing(Russians,Comey , mueller, investigations, hearings, impeachment)
Trump has done a poor job of at least trying to jump on this with both feet. He talked tough like new Sherrif in town so start acting like one

Clinton lost and Trump won.
Romney lost and Obama won.
McCain lost and Obama won.
Kerry lost and Bush won.
Gore lost and Bush won.

and so on.

2020 someone else will win and someone else will lose.

And when that happens, we should all respect the vote of the people instead of fighting the vote of the people.

...and did you? ....did the right?

Respect the vote of the people in regards to recognizing the legitimacy of the president - yes, absolutely!

But roll over and accept the agenda? No. Our system of government has gifted us with many (non-violent) tools to make sure our voices are heard and we have every right to use them if we disagree with the agenda or if we want to find a middle ground. That's democracy in action vs majority rule :)

Which would be fine if we lived in a country of Democracy, but we don't. We live in a Republic.

The tools we have to reject the agenda (of anybody) is called voting. It's not rioting, it's not creating phony schemes to impeach a President, it's called voting.

But that tool votes for not only a President but representatives - it's not a "winner take all" system and it never has been. It also gives the people a voice - not only in the ballot box but through free speech, to let their feelings be known.

As to impeachment - that too is interesting. Prior to Nixon- you almost never heard calls for impeachment and when you did it involved pretty serious crimes (Nixon). Since then - almost every president has had an impeachment proceeding attempted with the exceptions being Ford and Carter. Prior to Nixon - only 6 presidents had been investigated for impeachment. It seems to have become a political tool rather than a legitimate process.

If you are going to complain about "phoney impeachment" schemes don't forget to examine your own side :lol:

Impeachment investigations of United States federal officials - Wikipedia
If the Left believes it's own argument, then they should be calling for Rachel Maddow to be pulled off the air. And Stephen Colbert. And Shakespeare in the Park.

If that's not happening, then they don't believe their own argument. Which calls their sincerity into question.

Why do you hate Rachel Maddow so much? :dunno:

When I've been able to watch her (I don't have cable so it's when I'm visiting) - I find her funny and her humor more gentle rather than caustic. She isn't trying to inflame people into anger.
There you go again, justifying calls for violence. All leftists are hypocrites.

“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co"
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The VA shooter was an avid Maddow fan.

She is a certified liar and slanderer.

Rachel Maddow Plays Gay Card: Defends Her Own Lies By Calling Critics Homophobes

Sexist. Racist.
Does Rachel Maddow Hate White Men?
The sheer number of people on this board who found it impossible to write “It’s wrong to shoot members of Congress” – without adding – “but…” says it all.

Yes. It does. In fact I can't, in this thread, find a single post of yours that says that. They all seem to be variations on "but leftist violence"....ya....keep it up dude.
From the person who sees no problem with the calls for violence from the left.
Libs acting like there is still a contest going on with an undetermined outcome
Hillary Clinton lost the electoral vote to the stunned glee of some and the stunned dismay of some
Apparently a goodly portion never experienced the maturation process of losing a contest. Playing softball just for fun with no rules and no score and quit when you get thirsty is no good
There are beginnings and ends to contests and outcomes with a final score
Hillary got more hits but Trump scored more runs-again a competition thing perhaps foreign to some
So they libs feel as though they could not have lost and thus the contest is still ongoing(Russians,Comey , mueller, investigations, hearings, impeachment)
Trump has done a poor job of at least trying to jump on this with both feet. He talked tough like new Sherrif in town so start acting like one

Clinton lost and Trump won.
Romney lost and Obama won.
McCain lost and Obama won.
Kerry lost and Bush won.
Gore lost and Bush won.

and so on.

2020 someone else will win and someone else will lose.

And when that happens, we should all respect the vote of the people instead of fighting the vote of the people.

...and did you? ....did the right?

Respect the vote of the people in regards to recognizing the legitimacy of the president - yes, absolutely!

But roll over and accept the agenda? No. Our system of government has gifted us with many (non-violent) tools to make sure our voices are heard and we have every right to use them if we disagree with the agenda or if we want to find a middle ground. That's democracy in action vs majority rule :)

Which would be fine if we lived in a country of Democracy, but we don't. We live in a Republic.

The tools we have to reject the agenda (of anybody) is called voting. It's not rioting, it's not creating phony schemes to impeach a President, it's called voting.

But that tool votes for not only a President but representatives - it's not a "winner take all" system and it never has been. It also gives the people a voice - not only in the ballot box but through free speech, to let their feelings be known.

As to impeachment - that too is interesting. Prior to Nixon- you almost never heard calls for impeachment and when you did it involved pretty serious crimes (Nixon). Since then - almost every president has had an impeachment proceeding attempted with the exceptions being Ford and Carter. Prior to Nixon - only 6 presidents had been investigated for impeachment. It seems to have become a political tool rather than a legitimate process.

If you are going to complain about "phoney impeachment" schemes don't forget to examine your own side :lol:

Impeachment investigations of United States federal officials - Wikipedia
Why has no one on the left condemned the dozens of leftist riots? The fact you leftists wear masks says it all. You simply exchanged a sheet for a bandana or ski mask.

Seriously. This toxic partisan political culture is poisoning civil society.

What the hell is wrong with us?

The left and the right pulling hair and screeching their bumpersticker slogans and broad brush pig ignorant partisan blamegaming? What's wrong with us?

I'm no youngster. I've never seen such a dangerous ambient.

We have someone shooting at one of our few remaining bipartisan non political fun charitable events because he wants to kill a bunch of (insert political party).

The rhetoric flooding the country is poisoning us. And no one wants to take responsibility for stepping up and saying "enough already". For changing it.

Our representatives are colleagues first and foremost. Political opponents second. They recognize it. That violence against one is violence against the others and against our very institutions. Why are we unable to recognize that?
How come this is the final straw but the shooting at ups the same day, a shooting that was much more deadly, is hardly getting any attention.

You worry about crazies who go after Republicans but no biggy every other shooting including a school full of kids.

If we got over Sandy Hook we will get over this, snowflake.
Well by viewing your thread it shows many disagree with your wish.

I for one wish all Partisans would remove their head from their ass and realize that killing anyone in the name of your political movement is wrong unless you are under some form of brutal dictatorship.

What happen the other day was wrong and no excuses and I am glad the shooter is rotting in hell with Tim McVeigh!

In the end you will not change the minds of partisans and they believe the other side is the political party of Lucifer and is led by the Anti-Christ, so what is the point trying to convince those that are so close minded and like minded with each other even if they can not see it?
The left is teetering on the edge of nationwide riot and insurrection. Like true neurotics they justify their atrocious behavior. A man insulted someone five years ago, that's good enough to stab a horse in the neck. A baker refused to bake a cake. That's good for a five congressman assassination.

The left should be pushed over the edge. Aoon. Now. We have a Republican as president that will deal with insurrection. A democrat will give the fascists room to destroy.
You are out of your mind. Dems are nonviolent, but your bs.hate propaganda says antifa and black gangsta wannabees are Dems and repeats that bs endlessly, brainwashed functional moron. Trump IS a dangerous idiot and you dupes are the ones always talking about guns to fight gov't and imaginary Dem oppression.

Every political group has it's violent extremist element. The left has it's anarchists and socialist militants...the right has it's white supremacists and "patriotic" militia types - all of whom seem to be advocating taking matters into their own hands.

Each side seems to be fully vested in "proving" the other is the source of all violence and demonizing legitimate free speech by conflating it with those who commit violence.

BLM has been thoroughly demonized when most of them simply want to bring attention to the fact that there are problems between police and community that need to be heard. Likewise - Trump supporters are constantly conflated with white supremacists, ignoring the fact that many of them are people who have felt left out of any economic recovery and ignored by the political elites.

These are two groups who should be listened to, not demonized.
When will Obama and Hillary ever condemn the violence?

Even Obama justified Islamo terrorism with his BUT THE CRUSADES bullshit lie.

"Indiana State Police say shots were fired at a truck carrying a “Make America Great Again” flag and an American flag on eastbound I-465 Tuesday.

Officers believe the shots were fired from a newer white 4-door Chevrolet Malibu with a Louisiana plate near Emerson Avenue around 4 p.m.

The victim and a witness informed police that the Malibu pulled up next to the pickup truck, a passenger held a handgun out of the window and then a male fired several shots.

Police say no one was in injured in the incident.

The driver of the Malibu was described as a black male around the age of 23. The passenger was described as a light skinned black male with a sleeve tattoo on his right arm."

Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465
Well by viewing your thread it shows many disagree with your wish.

I for one wish all Partisans would remove their head from their ass and realize that killing anyone in the name of your political movement is wrong unless you are under some form of brutal dictatorship.

What happen the other day was wrong and no excuses and I am glad the shooter is rotting in hell with Tim McVeigh!

In the end you will not change the minds of partisans and they believe the other side is the political party of Lucifer and is led by the Anti-Christ, so what is the point trying to convince those that are so close minded and like minded with each other even if they can not see it?
It's 100% bullshit from Coyote. Right there in the thread Coyote justifies the hate speech coming from the left.
If the Left believes it's own argument, then they should be calling for Rachel Maddow to be pulled off the air. And Stephen Colbert. And Shakespeare in the Park.

If that's not happening, then they don't believe their own argument. Which calls their sincerity into question.

Why do you hate Rachel Maddow so much? :dunno:

When I've been able to watch her (I don't have cable so it's when I'm visiting) - I find her funny and her humor more gentle rather than caustic. She isn't trying to inflame people into anger.
There you go again, justifying calls for violence. All leftists are hypocrites.

“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co"
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The VA shooter was an avid Maddow fan.

She is a certified liar and slanderer.

Rachel Maddow Plays Gay Card: Defends Her Own Lies By Calling Critics Homophobes

Sexist. Racist.
Does Rachel Maddow Hate White Men?

I get that you hate her but where has she ever called for or justified violent action?
Well by viewing your thread it shows many disagree with your wish.

I for one wish all Partisans would remove their head from their ass and realize that killing anyone in the name of your political movement is wrong unless you are under some form of brutal dictatorship.

What happen the other day was wrong and no excuses and I am glad the shooter is rotting in hell with Tim McVeigh!

In the end you will not change the minds of partisans and they believe the other side is the political party of Lucifer and is led by the Anti-Christ, so what is the point trying to convince those that are so close minded and like minded with each other even if they can not see it?
It's 100% bullshit from Coyote. Right there in the thread Coyote justifies the hate speech coming from the left.

I have read many of Coyotes threads and responses and I do not agree with her all the time the thing is I am not blinded by partisan hatred to claim she is thy enemy.
Well by viewing your thread it shows many disagree with your wish.

I for one wish all Partisans would remove their head from their ass and realize that killing anyone in the name of your political movement is wrong unless you are under some form of brutal dictatorship.

What happen the other day was wrong and no excuses and I am glad the shooter is rotting in hell with Tim McVeigh!

In the end you will not change the minds of partisans and they believe the other side is the political party of Lucifer and is led by the Anti-Christ, so what is the point trying to convince those that are so close minded and like minded with each other even if they can not see it?

The problem is - until we call out our "own" extremists and acknowledge the destructive nature of our rhetoric, nothing is going to change. Most people don't act on it, but it empowers nutters. If people don't rein it in - we're going to see more of this.
Well by viewing your thread it shows many disagree with your wish.

I for one wish all Partisans would remove their head from their ass and realize that killing anyone in the name of your political movement is wrong unless you are under some form of brutal dictatorship.

What happen the other day was wrong and no excuses and I am glad the shooter is rotting in hell with Tim McVeigh!

In the end you will not change the minds of partisans and they believe the other side is the political party of Lucifer and is led by the Anti-Christ, so what is the point trying to convince those that are so close minded and like minded with each other even if they can not see it?
It's 100% bullshit from Coyote. Right there in the thread Coyote justifies the hate speech coming from the left.

I have read many of Coyotes threads and responses and I do not agree with her all the time the thing is I am not blinded by partisan hatred to claim she is thy enemy.
Nobody said enemy. Coyote is just a typical leftist hypocrite attempting to drag everyone down to be behind the violence America has been experiencing the past year.
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