Holy crap - this has to stop!

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BS. That crap only happened on Fox, dupe. Where the character assassination goes on. Dems "crimes" never make it to the courts. See lock her up. Hater dupes!!
Every post is dupe dupe dupe. You're wasting too much space on my screen. Have a pathetic life, you earned it.
The duping of GOPers and the US public by pure GOP BS is THE big story of the last 30 years, along with the slow ruin of the nonrich and the country with GOP pander to the rich policy. See sig. Poor America. Enjoy the next giant tax cut for the rich and cuts in services and help for your family and friends. If you count all taxes and fees, the richest already pay less than most of the middle class as percentage of income, policy defended to the death by the New BS GOP and their fools like you. Great job! See ya.
Speaking of idiots -- check your punctuaton, Sparkles.
That would be "love trumps hate". Small T, a verb not a proper noun, not a possessive.

See also "Let's eat Grandma" and "Eats shoots and leaves".
When you are done preening your anus focus on this, the slogan is bullshit. Love does not trump hate, the left proves it daily. Hate kills and death is pretty much final. Not to mention there is no love from lefties when they don't get their way. Zip. Zero. Nada.
They haven't gotten their way in 35 years, except ACA, and in fact perhaps, since LBJ and FDR- Dems need total control of congress to get progress for the country (60 votes in the Senate). Just pander to the rich and cuts in services since Nixon. see sig. And yet they keep trying to get compromise with the snarling, lying bs GOP of the last 30 years. Zip. Zero. Nada.
surge of violence since Trump - Google Search
Once again the left take the low road.

So much for defanging the poisonous debate in Washington.

Dozens of congressional staffers erupted into boos, jeers and even vulgar gesticulations Thursday when President Trump appeared in a video at the Congressional Baseball Game at Nationals Park.

Mr. Trump delivered a message of unity, but some fans in the stands weren’t having any of it.

One man shouted an expletive at the video screen as Mr. Trump was telling the fans: “We are showing the world we will not be intimidated by threats.”

The episode marred what had been a night celebrating those wounded in Wednesday’s murderous attack on GOP players practicing for the game.

Congressional staffers boo Trump at unity baseball game
You can always count on the Rev. Moon Times and other New BS GOP propaganda rags and garbage internet media to come up with the worst hate bs character assassination and fake news about Dems. Dems have nothing like it, dupes. In dupe world, their fact checking operations are commie fronts, all financed by the Nazi Soros. And Commies and Nazis are all leftists! Poor America. But truth will out...
surge of violence since Trump - Google Search
The clamour that the libs have unleashed has introduced a "kill the president and his supporters" virulence into society that America has never experienced before
The left is teetering on the edge of nationwide riot and insurrection. Like true neurotics they justify their atrocious behavior. A man insulted someone five years ago, that's good enough to stab a horse in the neck. A baker refused to bake a cake. That's good for a five congressman assassination.

The left should be pushed over the edge. Aoon. Now. We have a Republican as president that will deal with insurrection. A democrat will give the fascists room to destroy.
You are out of your mind. Dems are nonviolent, but your bs.hate propaganda says antifa and black gangsta wannabees are Dems and repeats that bs endlessly, brainwashed functional moron. Trump IS a dangerous idiot and you dupes are the ones always talking about guns to fight gov't and imaginary Dem oppression.

Every political group has it's violent extremist element. The left has it's anarchists and socialist militants...the right has it's white supremacists and "patriotic" militia types - all of whom seem to be advocating taking matters into their own hands.

Each side seems to be fully vested in "proving" the other is the source of all violence and demonizing legitimate free speech by conflating it with those who commit violence.

BLM has been thoroughly demonized when most of them simply want to bring attention to the fact that there are problems between police and community that need to be heard. Likewise - Trump supporters are constantly conflated with white supremacists, ignoring the fact that many of them are people who have felt left out of any economic recovery and ignored by the political elites.

These are two groups who should be listened to, not demonized.
Which two groups?

Antifa is a tiny group of punk anarchists that Dems don't support, yet the giant GOP propaganda machine says they prove Dems are violent, and 30% of the country (the dupes in my book) believe it, and many more believe some of it. Dems don't have any such propaganda machine, just the whole world of journalists trying to get the truth out. OTOH, our corporate media is a profit and controversy/ratings mad cowardly POS gabfest with very few reporters or offices to report news around the world. But at least they're not a hate and fake news spewing disgrace. See sig for what the RW doesn't report and the BS they do (add Obama had control for 2 years and lock her up drivel)...

What socialist militants? Bernie? lol. surge of violence since Trump - Google Search
Last edited:
The clamour that the libs have unleashed has introduced a "kill the president and his supporters" virulence into society that America has never experienced before
No such thing exists except on the GOP Fake News Bureau. Great for ratings and the dupes' infotainment. Dems despise all violence, and not just the endlessly repeated punk violence in Berkeley and Seattle or gangsta wannabees way back when. The actual story: surge of violence since Trump - Google Search
The left is teetering on the edge of nationwide riot and insurrection. Like true neurotics they justify their atrocious behavior. A man insulted someone five years ago, that's good enough to stab a horse in the neck. A baker refused to bake a cake. That's good for a five congressman assassination.

The left should be pushed over the edge. Aoon. Now. We have a Republican as president that will deal with insurrection. A democrat will give the fascists room to destroy.
You are out of your mind. Dems are nonviolent, but your bs.hate propaganda says antifa and black gangsta wannabees are Dems and repeats that bs endlessly, brainwashed functional moron. Trump IS a dangerous idiot and you dupes are the ones always talking about guns to fight gov't and imaginary Dem oppression.

Every political group has it's violent extremist element. The left has it's anarchists and socialist militants...the right has it's white supremacists and "patriotic" militia types - all of whom seem to be advocating taking matters into their own hands.

Each side seems to be fully vested in "proving" the other is the source of all violence and demonizing legitimate free speech by conflating it with those who commit violence.

BLM has been thoroughly demonized when most of them simply want to bring attention to the fact that there are problems between police and community that need to be heard. Likewise - Trump supporters are constantly conflated with white supremacists, ignoring the fact that many of them are people who have felt left out of any economic recovery and ignored by the political elites.

These are two groups who should be listened to, not demonized.
Which two groups?

Antifa is a tiny group of punk anarchists that Dems don't support, yet the giant GOP propaganda machine says they prove Dems are violent, and 30% of the country (the dupes in my book) believe it, and many more believe some of it. Dems don't have any such propaganda machine, just the whole world of journalists trying to get the truth out. OTOH, our corporate media is a profit and controversy/ratings mad cowardly POS gabfest with very few reporters or offices to report news around the world. But at least they're not a hate and fake news spewing disgrace. See sig for what the RW doesn't report and the BS they do (add Obama had control for 2 years and lock her up drivel)...

What socialist militants? Bernie? lol. surge of violence since Trump - Google Search
So on the RW side, you get hate and character assassination of Dems repeated endlessly and blared over a huge bs propaganda machine, and from the Dems you get factual handouts and surveys that none on the right have heard of, and only Dem policy wonks HAVE. Mentioned a couple times on CNN and forgotten after the next Trump tweet of BS...
The clamour that the libs have unleashed has introduced a "kill the president and his supporters" virulence into society that America has never experienced before
No such thing exists except on the GOP Fake News Bureau. Great for ratings and the dupes' infotainment. Dems despise all violence, and not just the endlessly repeated punk violence in Berkeley and Seattle or gangsta wannabees way back when. The actual story: surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Go shoot some Pubs dupe.
The left is teetering on the edge of nationwide riot and insurrection. Like true neurotics they justify their atrocious behavior. A man insulted someone five years ago, that's good enough to stab a horse in the neck. A baker refused to bake a cake. That's good for a five congressman assassination.

The left should be pushed over the edge. Aoon. Now. We have a Republican as president that will deal with insurrection. A democrat will give the fascists room to destroy.
You are out of your mind. Dems are nonviolent, but your bs.hate propaganda says antifa and black gangsta wannabees are Dems and repeats that bs endlessly, brainwashed functional moron. Trump IS a dangerous idiot and you dupes are the ones always talking about guns to fight gov't and imaginary Dem oppression.

Every political group has it's violent extremist element. The left has it's anarchists and socialist militants...the right has it's white supremacists and "patriotic" militia types - all of whom seem to be advocating taking matters into their own hands.

Each side seems to be fully vested in "proving" the other is the source of all violence and demonizing legitimate free speech by conflating it with those who commit violence.

BLM has been thoroughly demonized when most of them simply want to bring attention to the fact that there are problems between police and community that need to be heard. Likewise - Trump supporters are constantly conflated with white supremacists, ignoring the fact that many of them are people who have felt left out of any economic recovery and ignored by the political elites.

These are two groups who should be listened to, not demonized.
Sorry, don't see any riots or mass murder going on by the right.
Stop trying to drag others into your cesspool.
No, just individual murders...And stop glorifying long ago antifa and gangsta incidents as some kind of Dem movement. The growth in violence has been RW attacks on jews, blacks, gays, Muslims. surge of violence since Trump - Google Search
The clamour that the libs have unleashed has introduced a "kill the president and his supporters" virulence into society that America has never experienced before
No such thing exists except on the GOP Fake News Bureau. Great for ratings and the dupes' infotainment. Dems despise all violence, and not just the endlessly repeated punk violence in Berkeley and Seattle or gangsta wannabees way back when. The actual story: surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Go shoot some Pubs dupe.
RW troll insanity^^^
If the Left believes it's own argument, then they should be calling for Rachel Maddow to be pulled off the air. And Stephen Colbert. And Shakespeare in the Park.

If that's not happening, then they don't believe their own argument. Which calls their sincerity into question.

Why do you hate Rachel Maddow so much? :dunno:

When I've been able to watch her (I don't have cable so it's when I'm visiting) - I find her funny and her humor more gentle rather than caustic. She isn't trying to inflame people into anger.
There you go again, justifying calls for violence. All leftists are hypocrites.

“Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It’s Time to Destroy Trump & Co"
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The VA shooter was an avid Maddow fan.

She is a certified liar and slanderer.

Rachel Maddow Plays Gay Card: Defends Her Own Lies By Calling Critics Homophobes

Sexist. Racist.
Does Rachel Maddow Hate White Men?
They aren't lies, and they ARE homophobes. Duhhhhh
The clamour that the libs have unleashed has introduced a "kill the president and his supporters" virulence into society that America has never experienced before
No such thing exists except on the GOP Fake News Bureau. Great for ratings and the dupes' infotainment. Dems despise all violence, and not just the endlessly repeated punk violence in Berkeley and Seattle or gangsta wannabees way back when. The actual story: surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Go shoot some Pubs dupe.
RW troll insanity^^^

Says the purest troll on the board. Priceless.
The clamour that the libs have unleashed has introduced a "kill the president and his supporters" virulence into society that America has never experienced before
No such thing exists except on the GOP Fake News Bureau. Great for ratings and the dupes' infotainment. Dems despise all violence, and not just the endlessly repeated punk violence in Berkeley and Seattle or gangsta wannabees way back when. The actual story: surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Go shoot some Pubs dupe.
RW troll insanity^^^

Says the purest troll on the board. Priceless.
Any actual argument at all, Pubtroll- the only kind as far as I can tell? surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Search Results
Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare - LA ...
Mar 18, 2017 - Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare ... Angeles Marathon contributing to the traffic chaos (if it helps, here's a list of ...
PolitiFact | Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates. AP Photo. Donald Trump became the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party on May 4, ...
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Mar 20, 2017 - Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit ..... meeting scheduled for next week," Trump said at the GOP retreat in ...
Republicans secretly love Obamacare! A short history of GOP lies ...
Apr 27, 2017 - At least they love it for themselves: Trumpcare 2.0 would keep all the best aspects of the ACA — for Congress VIDEO.
The clamour that the libs have unleashed has introduced a "kill the president and his supporters" virulence into society that America has never experienced before
No such thing exists except on the GOP Fake News Bureau. Great for ratings and the dupes' infotainment. Dems despise all violence, and not just the endlessly repeated punk violence in Berkeley and Seattle or gangsta wannabees way back when. The actual story: surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Go shoot some Pubs dupe.
RW troll insanity^^^

Says the purest troll on the board. Priceless.
Any actual argument at all, Pubtroll- the only kind as far as I can tell? surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Search Results
Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare - LA ...
Mar 18, 2017 - Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare ... Angeles Marathon contributing to the traffic chaos (if it helps, here's a list of ...
PolitiFact | Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates. AP Photo. Donald Trump became the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party on May 4, ...
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Mar 20, 2017 - Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit ..... meeting scheduled for next week," Trump said at the GOP retreat in ...
Republicans secretly love Obamacare! A short history of GOP lies ...
Apr 27, 2017 - At least they love it for themselves: Trumpcare 2.0 would keep all the best aspects of the ACA — for Congress VIDEO.

Argument about what troll? Trump lies? Yup, so did Hillary and your Magic Negro. They all do, you lie more than any of them though. Both the ACA and whatever that shit the pubs tried to push are both shit. Any other stupidity dupe/derp/troll? You don't want to go into the ACA with me boy, I'll bury you.
The clamour that the libs have unleashed has introduced a "kill the president and his supporters" virulence into society that America has never experienced before
No such thing exists except on the GOP Fake News Bureau. Great for ratings and the dupes' infotainment. Dems despise all violence, and not just the endlessly repeated punk violence in Berkeley and Seattle or gangsta wannabees way back when. The actual story: surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Go shoot some Pubs dupe.
RW troll insanity^^^

Says the purest troll on the board. Priceless.
Any actual argument at all, Pubtroll- the only kind as far as I can tell? surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Search Results
Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare - LA ...
Mar 18, 2017 - Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare ... Angeles Marathon contributing to the traffic chaos (if it helps, here's a list of ...
PolitiFact | Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates. AP Photo. Donald Trump became the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party on May 4, ...
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Mar 20, 2017 - Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit ..... meeting scheduled for next week," Trump said at the GOP retreat in ...
Republicans secretly love Obamacare! A short history of GOP lies ...
Apr 27, 2017 - At least they love it for themselves: Trumpcare 2.0 would keep all the best aspects of the ACA — for Congress VIDEO.
Troll links to Salon, Buzzfeed, Politifact and LA Times. All he forgot was MediaMaters and MoveOn.hate. :lmao:
From the person who sees no problem with the calls for violence from the left.

Anne Coulter stated: "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building." McVeigh's April 19, 1995, bomb attack destroyed the Alfred P. Murrah federal building in Oklahoma City, killing 168 people.

Her "only regret" says GOP Celebrity ANN Coulter....now keep in mind the explosion killed many little toddlers 19 Children Killed in a Nursery Day Care at the Federal Building ...she has no regrets for their deaths...her one and only regret is that people in the NY times Building were not slaughtered ...

Who is Anne Coulter?

Is she related to Ballsack Obama?
Well by viewing your thread it shows many disagree with your wish.

I for one wish all Partisans would remove their head from their ass and realize that killing anyone in the name of your political movement is wrong unless you are under some form of brutal dictatorship.

What happen the other day was wrong and no excuses and I am glad the shooter is rotting in hell with Tim McVeigh!

In the end you will not change the minds of partisans and they believe the other side is the political party of Lucifer and is led by the Anti-Christ, so what is the point trying to convince those that are so close minded and like minded with each other even if they can not see it?
I agree 100% with all but your last comment. I don't disagree, I just question it. Even if I refuse to admit stuff here, I do sometimes think about it. It never hurts to try, but you're no doubt right that with some people it's like water rolling off a duck's back.
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