Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Well by viewing your thread it shows many disagree with your wish.

I for one wish all Partisans would remove their head from their ass and realize that killing anyone in the name of your political movement is wrong unless you are under some form of brutal dictatorship.

What happen the other day was wrong and no excuses and I am glad the shooter is rotting in hell with Tim McVeigh!

In the end you will not change the minds of partisans and they believe the other side is the political party of Lucifer and is led by the Anti-Christ, so what is the point trying to convince those that are so close minded and like minded with each other even if they can not see it?
I agree 100% with all but your last comment. I don't disagree, I just question it. Even if I refuse to admit stuff here, I do sometimes think about it. It never hurts to try, but you're no doubt right that with some people it's like water rolling off a duck's back.

You're not one of those that I consider close minded. We do not agree all the time which is great and I respect you for that but so many need someone to agree with them all the time and if not then you are their enemy and that is the sad reality of this world we live in today.

You would think with the internet and the ability to read many would have open their minds more but it seem more close minded today than in the past, or maybe I am becoming more cynical the older I get...
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

My choice of stuff to read and inform myself from political to religious material is wide. I will listen to talk radio and NPR to get different points of view. I will read Fox News and Al Jazeera to get different political points of views. My books range from Trotsky to Pat Buchanan and my music from Classical to Rap.


It is interesting to know about everyone and everything and to have one point of view as being correct all the time is something I do not subscribe to. In fact the day I stop learning is the day you need to put me in the ground because that is the day my mind closes for ever.

I wish more people would be open minded but alas most prefer to claim they know all the answers and yet have no clue what the damn question is or was....
Bruce, I swear you're flirting with the old teacher lady. We love to hear that stuff, ya know.

What I see happening lately (and I admit I've only been here one and a half years and didn't pay that much attention to anything political prior to that) is that people are stepping up the ante and suddenly being so blinded that they can't see or hear the person on the other end of their message. Look at what happened with me and TN. Suddenly I'm disingenuous and partisan--because I believe about global warming and the Paris Accords what 98% of the world believes. He's lost his shit because I don't agree with him. Did I call him dishonest and partisan over trannies in the bathroom? Or Lincoln committing war crimes? Wrongheaded, sure, but it doesn't warrant impugning one's integrity.
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.

You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
Go shoot some Pubs dupe.
RW troll insanity^^^

Says the purest troll on the board. Priceless.
Any actual argument at all, Pubtroll- the only kind as far as I can tell? surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Search Results
Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare - LA ...
Mar 18, 2017 - Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare ... Angeles Marathon contributing to the traffic chaos (if it helps, here's a list of ...
PolitiFact | Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates. AP Photo. Donald Trump became the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party on May 4, ...
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Mar 20, 2017 - Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit ..... meeting scheduled for next week," Trump said at the GOP retreat in ...
Republicans secretly love Obamacare! A short history of GOP lies ...
Apr 27, 2017 - At least they love it for themselves: Trumpcare 2.0 would keep all the best aspects of the ACA — for Congress VIDEO.

Argument about what troll? Trump lies? Yup, so did Hillary and your Magic Negro. They all do, you lie more than any of them though. Both the ACA and whatever that shit the pubs tried to push are both shit. Any other stupidity dupe/derp/troll? You don't want to go into the ACA with me boy, I'll bury you.
The best social reform for the poor and up to 130% of the poverty line since LBJ, and all the lies are from your side. The Obama "lies" are from Obama predictions long before congress passed a plan, and bs to a great extent, dupe. Now we'll get a giant tax cut for the bloated rich and an end to any solutions, back to the ridiculously expensive GOP scam "plan" and 40k dead a year from no insurance.. Great job!

You know nothing about the ACA, you're just an Obama lap dog.
You have a group of people who cannot afford insurance, you rightly claim that we are paying for their ER visits. So you pass a plan that you make others pay for. You put them into a Bronze plan where they have a $7150 ded before their insurance pays anything. If they can't afford to pay for their insurance they can't afford a 7150 deductible (which they have to pay twice if something REALLY bad happens). So you see, we're STILL paying for them, their Premiums AND their ER visits because they don't have the money.

So you made yourselves "feel" better because you "did" something even though it accomplished nothing. It was never meant to work boy, you see people like you cannot think past your dick. Obama played the long game and he is winning. You will get your single payer.
I agree 100% with all but your last comment. I don't disagree, I just question it. Even if I refuse to admit stuff here, I do sometimes think about it. It never hurts to try, but you're no doubt right that with some people it's like water rolling off a duck's back.

You're not one of those that I consider close minded. We do not agree all the time which is great and I respect you for that but so many need someone to agree with them all the time and if not then you are their enemy and that is the sad reality of this world we live in today.

You would think with the internet and the ability to read many would have open their minds more but it seem more close minded today than in the past, or maybe I am becoming more cynical the older I get...
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

My choice of stuff to read and inform myself from political to religious material is wide. I will listen to talk radio and NPR to get different points of view. I will read Fox News and Al Jazeera to get different political points of views. My books range from Trotsky to Pat Buchanan and my music from Classical to Rap.


It is interesting to know about everyone and everything and to have one point of view as being correct all the time is something I do not subscribe to. In fact the day I stop learning is the day you need to put me in the ground because that is the day my mind closes for ever.

I wish more people would be open minded but alas most prefer to claim they know all the answers and yet have no clue what the damn question is or was....
Bruce, I swear you're flirting with the old teacher lady. We love to hear that stuff, ya know.

What I see happening lately (and I admit I've only been here one and a half years and didn't pay that much attention to anything political prior to that) is that people are stepping up the ante and suddenly being so blinded that they can't see or hear the person on the other end of their message. Look at what happened with me and TN. Suddenly I'm disingenuous and partisan--because I believe about global warming and the Paris Accords what 98% of the world believes. He's lost his shit because I don't agree with him. Did I call him dishonest and partisan over trannies in the bathroom? Or Lincoln committing war crimes? Wrongheaded, sure, but it doesn't warrant impugning one's integrity.
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.

You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
I like to think I've always had an open mind. Well, maybe not in my 20's; thought I pretty much knew everything back then.
I have never seen anything like this, either, but there have always been two opposing points of view about how to manage the problems in this country and how to make the country richer, more secure. What's happening now is extreme inflammation from all quarters and I've been saying this since I joined this board -- it is certainly at least partly orchestrated by enemies of this country. There are posters here whose mission is to sow and fuel division. They don't have accents, either. Some of the agitators that get the protests started and the riots started? It's not all homegrown discontent. I am sure of this. Any real American needs to remember that we are Americans first.
You're not one of those that I consider close minded. We do not agree all the time which is great and I respect you for that but so many need someone to agree with them all the time and if not then you are their enemy and that is the sad reality of this world we live in today.

You would think with the internet and the ability to read many would have open their minds more but it seem more close minded today than in the past, or maybe I am becoming more cynical the older I get...
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

My choice of stuff to read and inform myself from political to religious material is wide. I will listen to talk radio and NPR to get different points of view. I will read Fox News and Al Jazeera to get different political points of views. My books range from Trotsky to Pat Buchanan and my music from Classical to Rap.


It is interesting to know about everyone and everything and to have one point of view as being correct all the time is something I do not subscribe to. In fact the day I stop learning is the day you need to put me in the ground because that is the day my mind closes for ever.

I wish more people would be open minded but alas most prefer to claim they know all the answers and yet have no clue what the damn question is or was....
Bruce, I swear you're flirting with the old teacher lady. We love to hear that stuff, ya know.

What I see happening lately (and I admit I've only been here one and a half years and didn't pay that much attention to anything political prior to that) is that people are stepping up the ante and suddenly being so blinded that they can't see or hear the person on the other end of their message. Look at what happened with me and TN. Suddenly I'm disingenuous and partisan--because I believe about global warming and the Paris Accords what 98% of the world believes. He's lost his shit because I don't agree with him. Did I call him dishonest and partisan over trannies in the bathroom? Or Lincoln committing war crimes? Wrongheaded, sure, but it doesn't warrant impugning one's integrity.
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.

You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
I like to think I've always had an open mind. Well, maybe not in my 20's; thought I pretty much knew everything back then.
I have never seen anything like this, either, but there have always been two opposing points of view about how to manage the problems in this country and how to make the country richer, more secure. What's happening now is extreme inflammation from all quarters and I've been saying this since I joined this board -- it is certainly at least partly orchestrated by enemies of this country. There are posters here whose mission is to sow and fuel division. They don't have accents, either. Some of the agitators that get the protests started and the riots started? It's not all homegrown discontent. I am sure of this. Any real American needs to remember that we are Americans first.

I travel extensively and everywhere I go people say the same thing, "There is something wrong". I agree with you, there are both outside and inside influences causing this. I am a chronic researcher. The money drives everything, there is a reason Ike didn't run for a second term and a reason JFK died.

I worry about all crazies - one doesn't preclude the other.

You ought to. Your filthy party is made up almost exclusively of crazies who idolize Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot.


I don't know anyone who idolizes those people.
The dupes are incredibly ignorant bigoted, and brainwashed. From Fox News, Rush etc etc and internet fake news. Luckily Rush and Murdoch are getting old. A disgrace. Also, Trump likes to blare the RW bs/hate so it's finally being revealed. The New BS GOP is losing followers...

Projection liar.
Pubtroll- the only kind. What lie? ANYTHING? LOL!
You're not one of those that I consider close minded. We do not agree all the time which is great and I respect you for that but so many need someone to agree with them all the time and if not then you are their enemy and that is the sad reality of this world we live in today.

You would think with the internet and the ability to read many would have open their minds more but it seem more close minded today than in the past, or maybe I am becoming more cynical the older I get...
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

My choice of stuff to read and inform myself from political to religious material is wide. I will listen to talk radio and NPR to get different points of view. I will read Fox News and Al Jazeera to get different political points of views. My books range from Trotsky to Pat Buchanan and my music from Classical to Rap.


It is interesting to know about everyone and everything and to have one point of view as being correct all the time is something I do not subscribe to. In fact the day I stop learning is the day you need to put me in the ground because that is the day my mind closes for ever.

I wish more people would be open minded but alas most prefer to claim they know all the answers and yet have no clue what the damn question is or was....
Bruce, I swear you're flirting with the old teacher lady. We love to hear that stuff, ya know.

What I see happening lately (and I admit I've only been here one and a half years and didn't pay that much attention to anything political prior to that) is that people are stepping up the ante and suddenly being so blinded that they can't see or hear the person on the other end of their message. Look at what happened with me and TN. Suddenly I'm disingenuous and partisan--because I believe about global warming and the Paris Accords what 98% of the world believes. He's lost his shit because I don't agree with him. Did I call him dishonest and partisan over trannies in the bathroom? Or Lincoln committing war crimes? Wrongheaded, sure, but it doesn't warrant impugning one's integrity.
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.

You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
I like to think I've always had an open mind. Well, maybe not in my 20's; thought I pretty much knew everything back then.
I have never seen anything like this, either, but there have always been two opposing points of view about how to manage the problems in this country and how to make the country richer, more secure. What's happening now is extreme inflammation from all quarters and I've been saying this since I joined this board -- it is certainly at least partly orchestrated by enemies of this country. There are posters here whose mission is to sow and fuel division. They don't have accents, either. Some of the agitators that get the protests started and the riots started? It's not all homegrown discontent. I am sure of this. Any real American needs to remember that we are Americans first.
Perhaps when Murdoch and Rush retire...
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

My choice of stuff to read and inform myself from political to religious material is wide. I will listen to talk radio and NPR to get different points of view. I will read Fox News and Al Jazeera to get different political points of views. My books range from Trotsky to Pat Buchanan and my music from Classical to Rap.


It is interesting to know about everyone and everything and to have one point of view as being correct all the time is something I do not subscribe to. In fact the day I stop learning is the day you need to put me in the ground because that is the day my mind closes for ever.

I wish more people would be open minded but alas most prefer to claim they know all the answers and yet have no clue what the damn question is or was....
Bruce, I swear you're flirting with the old teacher lady. We love to hear that stuff, ya know.

What I see happening lately (and I admit I've only been here one and a half years and didn't pay that much attention to anything political prior to that) is that people are stepping up the ante and suddenly being so blinded that they can't see or hear the person on the other end of their message. Look at what happened with me and TN. Suddenly I'm disingenuous and partisan--because I believe about global warming and the Paris Accords what 98% of the world believes. He's lost his shit because I don't agree with him. Did I call him dishonest and partisan over trannies in the bathroom? Or Lincoln committing war crimes? Wrongheaded, sure, but it doesn't warrant impugning one's integrity.
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.

You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
I like to think I've always had an open mind. Well, maybe not in my 20's; thought I pretty much knew everything back then.
I have never seen anything like this, either, but there have always been two opposing points of view about how to manage the problems in this country and how to make the country richer, more secure. What's happening now is extreme inflammation from all quarters and I've been saying this since I joined this board -- it is certainly at least partly orchestrated by enemies of this country. There are posters here whose mission is to sow and fuel division. They don't have accents, either. Some of the agitators that get the protests started and the riots started? It's not all homegrown discontent. I am sure of this. Any real American needs to remember that we are Americans first.

I travel extensively and everywhere I go people say the same thing, "There is something wrong". I agree with you, there are both outside and inside influences causing this. I am a chronic researcher. The money drives everything, there is a reason Ike didn't run for a second term and a reason JFK died.

You're a chronic dingbat. Moving from shelter to shelter and *researching* other hobos isn't really an accepted research method.
Ted Nugent called President Obama a "Subhuman Mongrel" he then pulled out a weapon and threatened that he was going to force Obama for face his machine gun...he was visited by the Secret Service but here is how Teddy ended up

Bullshit, Herr Goebbels.
Once again the left take the low road.

So much for defanging the poisonous debate in Washington.

Dozens of congressional staffers erupted into boos, jeers and even vulgar gesticulations Thursday when President Trump appeared in a video at the Congressional Baseball Game at Nationals Park.

Mr. Trump delivered a message of unity, but some fans in the stands weren’t having any of it.

One man shouted an expletive at the video screen as Mr. Trump was telling the fans: “We are showing the world we will not be intimidated by threats.”

The episode marred what had been a night celebrating those wounded in Wednesday’s murderous attack on GOP players practicing for the game.

Congressional staffers boo Trump at unity baseball game

Nazicrats are gutter scum, it's just what they are.
My choice of stuff to read and inform myself from political to religious material is wide. I will listen to talk radio and NPR to get different points of view. I will read Fox News and Al Jazeera to get different political points of views. My books range from Trotsky to Pat Buchanan and my music from Classical to Rap.


It is interesting to know about everyone and everything and to have one point of view as being correct all the time is something I do not subscribe to. In fact the day I stop learning is the day you need to put me in the ground because that is the day my mind closes for ever.

I wish more people would be open minded but alas most prefer to claim they know all the answers and yet have no clue what the damn question is or was....
Bruce, I swear you're flirting with the old teacher lady. We love to hear that stuff, ya know.

What I see happening lately (and I admit I've only been here one and a half years and didn't pay that much attention to anything political prior to that) is that people are stepping up the ante and suddenly being so blinded that they can't see or hear the person on the other end of their message. Look at what happened with me and TN. Suddenly I'm disingenuous and partisan--because I believe about global warming and the Paris Accords what 98% of the world believes. He's lost his shit because I don't agree with him. Did I call him dishonest and partisan over trannies in the bathroom? Or Lincoln committing war crimes? Wrongheaded, sure, but it doesn't warrant impugning one's integrity.
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.

You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
I like to think I've always had an open mind. Well, maybe not in my 20's; thought I pretty much knew everything back then.-
I have never seen anything like this, either, but there have always been two opposing points of view about how to manage the problems in this country and how to make the country richer, more secure. What's happening now is extreme inflammation from all quarters and I've been saying this since I joined this board -- it is certainly at least partly orchestrated by enemies of this country. There are posters here whose mission is to sow and fuel division. They don't have accents, either. Some of the agitators that get the protests started and the riots started? It's not all homegrown discontent. I am sure of this. Any real American needs to remember that we are Americans first.

I travel extensively and everywhere I go people say the same thing, "There is something wrong". I agree with you, there are both outside and inside influences causing this. I am a chronic researcher. The money drives everything, there is a reason Ike didn't run for a second term and a reason JFK died.

You're a chronic dingbat. Moving from shelter to shelter and *researching* other hobos isn't really an accepted research method.

LOL, and you're an ignorant **** who knows nothing about anything. Tell me child, you ready to pick up a weapon? Or are you comfy with the way US is now?
No, it's not you. I was reading up on the "bubble" phenom the other day. Some say information overload is partly to blame. There is so much out there, what do you believe? So people choose the stuff that feels comfortable.

My choice of stuff to read and inform myself from political to religious material is wide. I will listen to talk radio and NPR to get different points of view. I will read Fox News and Al Jazeera to get different political points of views. My books range from Trotsky to Pat Buchanan and my music from Classical to Rap.


It is interesting to know about everyone and everything and to have one point of view as being correct all the time is something I do not subscribe to. In fact the day I stop learning is the day you need to put me in the ground because that is the day my mind closes for ever.

I wish more people would be open minded but alas most prefer to claim they know all the answers and yet have no clue what the damn question is or was....
Bruce, I swear you're flirting with the old teacher lady. We love to hear that stuff, ya know.

What I see happening lately (and I admit I've only been here one and a half years and didn't pay that much attention to anything political prior to that) is that people are stepping up the ante and suddenly being so blinded that they can't see or hear the person on the other end of their message. Look at what happened with me and TN. Suddenly I'm disingenuous and partisan--because I believe about global warming and the Paris Accords what 98% of the world believes. He's lost his shit because I don't agree with him. Did I call him dishonest and partisan over trannies in the bathroom? Or Lincoln committing war crimes? Wrongheaded, sure, but it doesn't warrant impugning one's integrity.
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.

You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
I like to think I've always had an open mind. Well, maybe not in my 20's; thought I pretty much knew everything back then.
I have never seen anything like this, either, but there have always been two opposing points of view about how to manage the problems in this country and how to make the country richer, more secure. What's happening now is extreme inflammation from all quarters and I've been saying this since I joined this board -- it is certainly at least partly orchestrated by enemies of this country. There are posters here whose mission is to sow and fuel division. They don't have accents, either. Some of the agitators that get the protests started and the riots started? It's not all homegrown discontent. I am sure of this. Any real American needs to remember that we are Americans first.
Perhaps when Murdoch and Rush retire...
Schumer and Pelosi need to go with him. And Warren and that California woman--Waters, is it? Something like that.
I've yet to see a distinguished intelligent leader coming from the left. We'll see. I keep waiting.
You can always count on the Rev. Moon Times and other New BS GOP propaganda rags and garbage internet media to come up with the worst hate bs character assassination and fake news about Dems. Dems have nothing like it, dupes. In dupe world, their fact checking operations are commie fronts, all financed by the Nazi Soros. And Commies and Nazis are all leftists! Poor America. But truth will out...
surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

There has been a surge of violence, all perpetrated by you Nazi scum on behalf of your Fuhrer. Your Fuhrer Soros is an evil fucker ruling over the most evil party since the Khmer Rouge.
You can always count on the Rev. Moon Times and other New BS GOP propaganda rags and garbage internet media to come up with the worst hate bs character assassination and fake news about Dems. Dems have nothing like it, dupes. In dupe world, their fact checking operations are commie fronts, all financed by the Nazi Soros. And Commies and Nazis are all leftists! Poor America. But truth will out...
surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

There has been a surge of violence, all perpetrated by you Nazi scum on behalf of your Fuhrer. Your Fuhrer Soros is an evil fucker ruling over the most evil party since the Khmer Rouge.

Not from franco, he is a pussy coward. He just cheers on those that have bigger balls than he does.
RW troll insanity^^^

Says the purest troll on the board. Priceless.
Any actual argument at all, Pubtroll- the only kind as far as I can tell? surge of violence since Trump - Google Search

Search Results
Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare - LA ...
Mar 18, 2017 - Those GOP lies about Obamacare apply perfectly to Trumpcare ... Angeles Marathon contributing to the traffic chaos (if it helps, here's a list of ...
PolitiFact | Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates
Fact-checking the 2016 GOP presidential candidates. AP Photo. Donald Trump became the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republican Party on May 4, ...
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit
Mar 20, 2017 - Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit ..... meeting scheduled for next week," Trump said at the GOP retreat in ...
Republicans secretly love Obamacare! A short history of GOP lies ...
Apr 27, 2017 - At least they love it for themselves: Trumpcare 2.0 would keep all the best aspects of the ACA — for Congress VIDEO.

Argument about what troll? Trump lies? Yup, so did Hillary and your Magic Negro. They all do, you lie more than any of them though. Both the ACA and whatever that shit the pubs tried to push are both shit. Any other stupidity dupe/derp/troll? You don't want to go into the ACA with me boy, I'll bury you.
The best social reform for the poor and up to 130% of the poverty line since LBJ, and all the lies are from your side. The Obama "lies" are from Obama predictions long before congress passed a plan, and bs to a great extent, dupe. Now we'll get a giant tax cut for the bloated rich and an end to any solutions, back to the ridiculously expensive GOP scam "plan" and 40k dead a year from no insurance.. Great job!

You know nothing about the ACA, you're just an Obama lap dog.
You have a group of people who cannot afford insurance, you rightly claim that we are paying for their ER visits. So you pass a plan that you make others pay for. You put them into a Bronze plan where they have a $7150 ded before their insurance pays anything. If they can't afford to pay for their insurance they can't afford a 7150 deductible (which they have to pay twice if something REALLY bad happens). So you see, we're STILL paying for them, their Premiums AND their ER visits because they don't have the money.

So you made yourselves "feel" better because you "did" something even though it accomplished nothing. It was never meant to work boy, you see people like you cannot think past your dick. Obama played the long game and he is winning. You will get your single payer.
No dupe, we're paying for their DOCTOR and preventive medicine, mainly in low cost clinics O-Care gave us. And we always DID pay for their care, in the stupidest, cruelest, deadliest way- at the ER. With 40k deaths a year. And now they pay what they can afford. You're clueless, of course. That't the GOP dupe idea...CHANGE THE CHANNEL and read something.
Bruce, I swear you're flirting with the old teacher lady. We love to hear that stuff, ya know.

What I see happening lately (and I admit I've only been here one and a half years and didn't pay that much attention to anything political prior to that) is that people are stepping up the ante and suddenly being so blinded that they can't see or hear the person on the other end of their message. Look at what happened with me and TN. Suddenly I'm disingenuous and partisan--because I believe about global warming and the Paris Accords what 98% of the world believes. He's lost his shit because I don't agree with him. Did I call him dishonest and partisan over trannies in the bathroom? Or Lincoln committing war crimes? Wrongheaded, sure, but it doesn't warrant impugning one's integrity.
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.

You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
I like to think I've always had an open mind. Well, maybe not in my 20's; thought I pretty much knew everything back then.-
I have never seen anything like this, either, but there have always been two opposing points of view about how to manage the problems in this country and how to make the country richer, more secure. What's happening now is extreme inflammation from all quarters and I've been saying this since I joined this board -- it is certainly at least partly orchestrated by enemies of this country. There are posters here whose mission is to sow and fuel division. They don't have accents, either. Some of the agitators that get the protests started and the riots started? It's not all homegrown discontent. I am sure of this. Any real American needs to remember that we are Americans first.

I travel extensively and everywhere I go people say the same thing, "There is something wrong". I agree with you, there are both outside and inside influences causing this. I am a chronic researcher. The money drives everything, there is a reason Ike didn't run for a second term and a reason JFK died.

You're a chronic dingbat. Moving from shelter to shelter and *researching* other hobos isn't really an accepted research method.

LOL, and you're an ignorant **** who knows nothing about anything. Tell me child, you ready to pick up a weapon? Or are you comfy with the way US is now?

You obviously don't know much about who I am lolol...
Politics is making us mental. I doubt if this latest discharge of a fucking GUN will do any more than when Giffords was shot. Everyone tried calling for a return to civility then, too, but obviously that didn't work. Maybe we just need to remember there is another human being on the other end of our messages.
You're taking the first steps to an open mind, kudos. The Left/Right paradigm is a construct, it has one purpose, division. I have been politically aware since the 70's, I've never seen anything like this.
Bravo, to both of ya.

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