Holy crap - this has to stop!

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Both those links are dead, deary. You must have quite the archive of categorized snippets.
Wiki has a pretty good, brief, summary that isn't as biased as our Alt Right librarian. She doesn't like Ayers because he's a social justice proponent.

"....doesn't like Ayers because he's a social justice proponent."

You know less than nothing, huh?

He bombed American facilities....


"....he admitted that the purpose of that bomb had been to murder United States soldiers: That bomb had been intended for detonation at a dance that was to be attended by army soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Hundreds of lives could have been lost had the plan been successfully executed.

Ayers attested that the bomb would have done serious damage, “tearing through windows and walls and, yes, people too.” In fact, Ayers was a founder of the Weatherman terror group and he defined its purpose as carrying out murder.

Again, from Discover the Networks: Characterizing Weatherman as “an American Red Army,” Ayers summed up the organization’s ideology as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.”

Read more at: Bill Ayers: Unrepentant LYING Terrorist
Why does any of this matter, again? I read the Wiki write up on Ayers. I don't expect to learn a lot of FACTS from an article titled "Unrepentant LYING Terrorist," so I'll pass, thanks.

I've had experience with Wikipedia, and found it to be Left leaning, filtering out the full truth about Leftists....so as to make it more palatable to folks like you who'd rather turn a blind eye to the truth.
And, the 'editors' make it easy to include things less true about the Right.

'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump
During the James Comey hearing Thursday, someone edited the Wikipedia entry for "obstruction of justice" to list President Donald Trump as one of many "notable examples." Trump has not been convicted of obstruction, and Comey's testimony did not suggest he should be. Worse, the anonymous editor altered the entry from a congressional IP address.

"Obstruction of justice Wikipedia article edited anonymously from US House of Representatives," tweeted congress-edits, a bot account that reports on anonymous Wikipedia edits made from IP addresses in the U.S. Congress. The edits can be viewed at this link."
'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump

Everything in my posts is accurate and correct.....including the facts......facts....that you are afraid of.
Of course, of course.
I don't see any reason to be alarmed by Ayers, the curriculum he contributed to, or believe in any way that it caused Loughner to shoot Gabby Giffords and many others. You use carefully selected facts from slanted sources to bolster your opinions. I'd rather see the whole picture, if you don't mind.

Loughner's behavior changed due to substance abuse and schizophrenia.

Jared Lee Loughner (/ˈlɒfnər/; born September 10, 1988)[1] is an American mass murderer who pleaded guilty to 19 charges of murder and attempted murder in connection with the January 8, 2011 Tucson shooting, in which he shot and severely injured U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, his target, and killed six people, including Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Roll, as well as a nine-year-old bystander, Christina-Taylor Green.[2][3][4][5][6] Loughner shot and injured a total of 13 people, while one man was injured while subduing him.[7]

Acquaintances said that Loughner's personality had changed markedly in the years prior to the shooting, a period when he was also abusing alcohol and drugs. He had been suspended from Pima Community College in September 2010 because of his bizarre behavior and disruptions in classes and the library. After his arrest, two medical evaluations diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia and incompetent to stand trial. He was medicated while in jail as part of his treatment. He was again judged incompetent in May 2012.

In August 2012, Loughner was judged competent to stand trial, and at the hearing, he pleaded guilty to 19 counts. In November 2012, he was sentenced to life plus 140 years in federal prison.

Jared Lee Loughner - Wikipedia

Now, is there any possibility we can get off Loughner, Bill Ayers et al?
Of course you lefties have no problem with murdering terrorists who are free because of technicalities in their case. And hire them to teach young minds, fantastic!
Both those links are dead, deary. You must have quite the archive of categorized snippets.
Wiki has a pretty good, brief, summary that isn't as biased as our Alt Right librarian. She doesn't like Ayers because he's a social justice proponent.

"....doesn't like Ayers because he's a social justice proponent."

You know less than nothing, huh?

He bombed American facilities....


"....he admitted that the purpose of that bomb had been to murder United States soldiers: That bomb had been intended for detonation at a dance that was to be attended by army soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Hundreds of lives could have been lost had the plan been successfully executed.

Ayers attested that the bomb would have done serious damage, “tearing through windows and walls and, yes, people too.” In fact, Ayers was a founder of the Weatherman terror group and he defined its purpose as carrying out murder.

Again, from Discover the Networks: Characterizing Weatherman as “an American Red Army,” Ayers summed up the organization’s ideology as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.”

Read more at: Bill Ayers: Unrepentant LYING Terrorist
Why does any of this matter, again? I read the Wiki write up on Ayers. I don't expect to learn a lot of FACTS from an article titled "Unrepentant LYING Terrorist," so I'll pass, thanks.

I've had experience with Wikipedia, and found it to be Left leaning, filtering out the full truth about Leftists....so as to make it more palatable to folks like you who'd rather turn a blind eye to the truth.
And, the 'editors' make it easy to include things less true about the Right.

'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump
During the James Comey hearing Thursday, someone edited the Wikipedia entry for "obstruction of justice" to list President Donald Trump as one of many "notable examples." Trump has not been convicted of obstruction, and Comey's testimony did not suggest he should be. Worse, the anonymous editor altered the entry from a congressional IP address.

"Obstruction of justice Wikipedia article edited anonymously from US House of Representatives," tweeted congress-edits, a bot account that reports on anonymous Wikipedia edits made from IP addresses in the U.S. Congress. The edits can be viewed at this link."
'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump

Everything in my posts is accurate and correct.....including the facts......facts....that you are afraid of.
I have heard that Wiki can be edited freely and that one needs to be careful. I did not read anything there about Ayers that smacked of a falsehood, though.
Both those links are dead, deary. You must have quite the archive of categorized snippets.
Wiki has a pretty good, brief, summary that isn't as biased as our Alt Right librarian. She doesn't like Ayers because he's a social justice proponent.

"....doesn't like Ayers because he's a social justice proponent."

You know less than nothing, huh?

He bombed American facilities....


"....he admitted that the purpose of that bomb had been to murder United States soldiers: That bomb had been intended for detonation at a dance that was to be attended by army soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Hundreds of lives could have been lost had the plan been successfully executed.

Ayers attested that the bomb would have done serious damage, “tearing through windows and walls and, yes, people too.” In fact, Ayers was a founder of the Weatherman terror group and he defined its purpose as carrying out murder.

Again, from Discover the Networks: Characterizing Weatherman as “an American Red Army,” Ayers summed up the organization’s ideology as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.”

Read more at: Bill Ayers: Unrepentant LYING Terrorist
Why does any of this matter, again? I read the Wiki write up on Ayers. I don't expect to learn a lot of FACTS from an article titled "Unrepentant LYING Terrorist," so I'll pass, thanks.

I've had experience with Wikipedia, and found it to be Left leaning, filtering out the full truth about Leftists....so as to make it more palatable to folks like you who'd rather turn a blind eye to the truth.
And, the 'editors' make it easy to include things less true about the Right.

'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump
During the James Comey hearing Thursday, someone edited the Wikipedia entry for "obstruction of justice" to list President Donald Trump as one of many "notable examples." Trump has not been convicted of obstruction, and Comey's testimony did not suggest he should be. Worse, the anonymous editor altered the entry from a congressional IP address.

"Obstruction of justice Wikipedia article edited anonymously from US House of Representatives," tweeted congress-edits, a bot account that reports on anonymous Wikipedia edits made from IP addresses in the U.S. Congress. The edits can be viewed at this link."
'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump

Everything in my posts is accurate and correct.....including the facts......facts....that you are afraid of.
So, did you go in and fix the Wiki article?

Which article?
Both those links are dead, deary. You must have quite the archive of categorized snippets.
Wiki has a pretty good, brief, summary that isn't as biased as our Alt Right librarian. She doesn't like Ayers because he's a social justice proponent.

"....doesn't like Ayers because he's a social justice proponent."

You know less than nothing, huh?

He bombed American facilities....


"....he admitted that the purpose of that bomb had been to murder United States soldiers: That bomb had been intended for detonation at a dance that was to be attended by army soldiers at Fort Dix, New Jersey. Hundreds of lives could have been lost had the plan been successfully executed.

Ayers attested that the bomb would have done serious damage, “tearing through windows and walls and, yes, people too.” In fact, Ayers was a founder of the Weatherman terror group and he defined its purpose as carrying out murder.

Again, from Discover the Networks: Characterizing Weatherman as “an American Red Army,” Ayers summed up the organization’s ideology as follows: “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, Kill your parents.”

Read more at: Bill Ayers: Unrepentant LYING Terrorist
Why does any of this matter, again? I read the Wiki write up on Ayers. I don't expect to learn a lot of FACTS from an article titled "Unrepentant LYING Terrorist," so I'll pass, thanks.

I've had experience with Wikipedia, and found it to be Left leaning, filtering out the full truth about Leftists....so as to make it more palatable to folks like you who'd rather turn a blind eye to the truth.
And, the 'editors' make it easy to include things less true about the Right.

'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump
During the James Comey hearing Thursday, someone edited the Wikipedia entry for "obstruction of justice" to list President Donald Trump as one of many "notable examples." Trump has not been convicted of obstruction, and Comey's testimony did not suggest he should be. Worse, the anonymous editor altered the entry from a congressional IP address.

"Obstruction of justice Wikipedia article edited anonymously from US House of Representatives," tweeted congress-edits, a bot account that reports on anonymous Wikipedia edits made from IP addresses in the U.S. Congress. The edits can be viewed at this link."
'Obstruction of Justice' Wikipedia Entry Edited to Include Donald Trump

Everything in my posts is accurate and correct.....including the facts......facts....that you are afraid of.
Of course, of course.
I don't see any reason to be alarmed by Ayers, the curriculum he contributed to, or believe in any way that it caused Loughner to shoot Gabby Giffords and many others. You use carefully selected facts from slanted sources to bolster your opinions. I'd rather see the whole picture, if you don't mind.

Loughner's behavior changed due to substance abuse and schizophrenia.

Jared Lee Loughner (/ˈlɒfnər/; born September 10, 1988)[1] is an American mass murderer who pleaded guilty to 19 charges of murder and attempted murder in connection with the January 8, 2011 Tucson shooting, in which he shot and severely injured U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, his target, and killed six people, including Chief U.S. District Court Judge John Roll, as well as a nine-year-old bystander, Christina-Taylor Green.[2][3][4][5][6] Loughner shot and injured a total of 13 people, while one man was injured while subduing him.[7]

Acquaintances said that Loughner's personality had changed markedly in the years prior to the shooting, a period when he was also abusing alcohol and drugs. He had been suspended from Pima Community College in September 2010 because of his bizarre behavior and disruptions in classes and the library. After his arrest, two medical evaluations diagnosed him with paranoid schizophrenia and incompetent to stand trial. He was medicated while in jail as part of his treatment. He was again judged incompetent in May 2012.

In August 2012, Loughner was judged competent to stand trial, and at the hearing, he pleaded guilty to 19 counts. In November 2012, he was sentenced to life plus 140 years in federal prison.

Jared Lee Loughner - Wikipedia

Now, is there any possibility we can get off Loughner, Bill Ayers et al?

There Are None So Blind As Those Who Will Not See
:cuckoo:Dufus thinks calling the left out for their violence and hate is moving the goalposts.

Hey, you started with me, right here:
Now you justify the support of political violence.

---- and now that you can't prove that you want to branch out to these vague collective concepts.

Wassamatta Wimpy? Don't have the balls to man up to admit you pulled it out of your ass?

You skeered?

Go ahead. Get me a quote and prove me wrong.

Silence is consent.

Your silence proves you a liar.

As I said, and for the fifth time --- SHOW SOMETHING that proves me wrong.

Looks like you can't do it.

That makes you a liar. By your own failure to document your accusation.

I've been called many things on this site -- "silent" has never been one. See, when I make an assertion ---- I already know before I do it that I can back it up.

That's because I deal in facts, and you deal in pulling it out o your ass. QED.
Pogo says he deals in facts.
Funniest post of the week nominee.

Hey, I've never made an assertion I can't back up.

You just did, and it's still sitting there.

I couldn't live with that, but you don't mind being a dishonest hack. That's the difference.

Go ahead ---- find me a quote somewhere and prove me wrong.

STILL waiting.....
Hey, you started with me, right here:
---- and now that you can't prove that you want to branch out to these vague collective concepts.

Wassamatta Wimpy? Don't have the balls to man up to admit you pulled it out of your ass?

You skeered?

Go ahead. Get me a quote and prove me wrong.

Silence is consent.

Your silence proves you a liar.

As I said, and for the fifth time --- SHOW SOMETHING that proves me wrong.

Looks like you can't do it.

That makes you a liar. By your own failure to document your accusation.

I've been called many things on this site -- "silent" has never been one. See, when I make an assertion ---- I already know before I do it that I can back it up.

That's because I deal in facts, and you deal in pulling it out o your ass. QED.
Pogo says he deals in facts.
Funniest post of the week nominee.

Hey, I've never made an assertion I can't back up.

You just did, and it's still sitting there.

I couldn't live with that, but you don't mind being a dishonest hack. That's the difference.

Go ahead ---- find me a quote somewhere and prove me wrong.

STILL waiting.....
Waiting for what? Waiting for you to again post that Muslim terrorists are not true Muslims?
Congressmen (including da wimmens) actually represent their constituents fairly well.

Attacking them is attacking the wrong people. It was bad when that blond woman got shot and it's bad now.

The "Free Press" is over there pouring gas on the flames, too.

The press needs reigned in. For real.
The free press, that is the news media is just a reflection of what their readers want. A media news business is just like any other business. It survives by producing a product that customers want. If listeners can't get what they want from Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Meadows they will create a demand that will be filled by someone else. The internet has made it all but impossible to control the media. You can bet if there was way Trump could control mainstream media, he would certainly do it.
See when they say that's what they are then us kind hearted Americans are kinda stuck with what the killers say they are rather than what their defenders say they aren't .
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.
The normal population? Exactly what do you mean by normal?
What do you think I mean?

The ones that don't advocate baby killing, tree worship, drug use, and sexual depravity of all forms.

The sane people.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.
The normal population? Exactly what do you mean by normal?
What do you think I mean?

The ones that don't advocate baby killing, tree worship, drug use, and sexual depravity of all forms.

The sane people.
I think your definition of normal goes far deeper than that.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.
The normal population? Exactly what do you mean by normal?
What do you think I mean?

The ones that don't advocate baby killing, tree worship, drug use, and sexual depravity of all forms.

The sane people.

lol........ trump was very much an advocate for freedom of choice until he wanted to be prez. he was also the epitome of sexual depravity.... the vile creature had no problem with admitting to grabbing women by the pussy & that is probably the least of it just ask those russian hookers who gave him his golden shower.
Congressmen (including da wimmens) actually represent their constituents fairly well.

Attacking them is attacking the wrong people. It was bad when that blond woman got shot and it's bad now.

The "Free Press" is over there pouring gas on the flames, too.

The press needs reigned in. For real.
The free press, that is the news media is just a reflection of what their readers want. A media news business is just like any other business. It survives by producing a product that customers want. If listeners can't get what they want from Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Meadows they will create a demand that will be filled by someone else. The internet has made it all but impossible to control the media. You can bet if there was way Trump could control mainstream media, he would certainly do it.

Amazon’s Jeff Bezos Bought The Washington Post
Anti-American Sulzberger guides the NYTimes, with funding from Mexican Carlos Slim.

Profit means very little to these three, and they have weaponized their papers to use against Trump.

You should be more careful in your posts, try to be more accurate.
Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation. By then it's too late and we scratch our heads and go "why didn't we fix this before?" and we squawk about it and then do nothing. Four years later we do it all over again.

As frustrating as it is to you and your ilk, the Electoral College perfectly serves its purpose. Were it not for the Electoral College, candidates would campaign in a dozen or so cities and the rest of the country would be slaves and cash cows to the citizens of those few wrecked cities.

Actually, replace "cities" with "states" and that's what it does already. The Wisconsins and Ohios get all the action, the Idahos and Massachusettses get the shaft. Both in terms of meeting the candidates and in terms of their vote. And nobody ever bothers with Alaska and Hawaìi --- they split 'em by 'gentlemen's agreement'. :lame2:

I'm in Carolina (the real one, not the banana republic) so I actually had a vote. My friends and relatives in Mississippi and California and Texas and Washington, had zippo. They could have voted with their states, could have voted against their states, or they could have stayed home. None of those "options" would have made a damn bit of difference to the end result.

That ain't a "vote". That's a farce. And it's why we get a pathetic 55% turnout 45% said, "fuck it, what's the point?" Surely you can remember tales of totalitarian states that hold a fake "vote" where the glorious dictator gets an amazing 99% of the vote. Yeah we can relate.

It also makes us dependent on polls to see whether we should even bother to "vote". If your state isn't close --- what's the point? It's already pre-decided FOR you.

Didn't think this through didja?

When that same state elects a governor, does it muster some kind of state electoral college to count up who won each county/parish/borough? Nope --- we do that by direct vote. All 57 states. What's the difference?

Still trying to beat a dead horse are you? Thank God your side will never win and get its way to try to remove the electoral college.

My "side" huh? Yeah I am a citizen of this country, I don't consider that a "side" but what's yours?

See what I mean about there being no counterargument, Ray?

What do you mean theirs no counter argument you puke , We argued about it for a week.last November ...

God damn. It's you that refuse to see it's the 50 states of America

Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation. By then it's too late and we scratch our heads and go "why didn't we fix this before?" and we squawk about it and then do nothing. Four years later we do it all over again.

As frustrating as it is to you and your ilk, the Electoral College perfectly serves its purpose. Were it not for the Electoral College, candidates would campaign in a dozen or so cities and the rest of the country would be slaves and cash cows to the citizens of those few wrecked cities.

Actually, replace "cities" with "states" and that's what it does already. The Wisconsins and Ohios get all the action, the Idahos and Massachusettses get the shaft. Both in terms of meeting the candidates and in terms of their vote. And nobody ever bothers with Alaska and Hawaìi --- they split 'em by 'gentlemen's agreement'. :lame2:

I'm in Carolina (the real one, not the banana republic) so I actually had a vote. My friends and relatives in Mississippi and California and Texas and Washington, had zippo. They could have voted with their states, could have voted against their states, or they could have stayed home. None of those "options" would have made a damn bit of difference to the end result.

That ain't a "vote". That's a farce. And it's why we get a pathetic 55% turnout 45% said, "fuck it, what's the point?" Surely you can remember tales of totalitarian states that hold a fake "vote" where the glorious dictator gets an amazing 99% of the vote. Yeah we can relate.

It also makes us dependent on polls to see whether we should even bother to "vote". If your state isn't close --- what's the point? It's already pre-decided FOR you.

Didn't think this through didja?

When that same state elects a governor, does it muster some kind of state electoral college to count up who won each county/parish/borough? Nope --- we do that by direct vote. All 57 states. What's the difference?

Still trying to beat a dead horse are you? Thank God your side will never win and get its way to try to remove the electoral college.

My "side" huh? Yeah I am a citizen of this country, I don't consider that a "side" but what's yours?

See what I mean about there being no counterargument, Ray?

What do you mean theirs no counter argument you puke , We argued about it for a week.last November ...

God damn. It's you that refuse to see it's the 50 states of America

Yeah we did, and me for months before. We brought up a lot of histories and quotes and links and arguments.

All your post here said was, and I quote in full:

"Still trying to beat a dead horse are you? Thank God your side will never win and get its way to try to remove the electoral college."​

That's the entire post.

There's no argument in there. None. Zero. There is a red herring about "sides" but I already shot that down.

That about it then? Because I have paint to watch dry.
You mean like how the press does that? When gabby was shot the press insisted for days the shooter was a right wing shooter. Democrats in Congress made the same claim. Now suddenly the press is all about how"crazy" he was.yet every time a non Republican gets shot the press runs with the white right wing shooter story until proven wrong time and again.

Nope, I have zero recollection of anything like that, but do tell us more about how it was in the plane, Brian Williams. What I do remember (on another board, I wasn't here yet) was the same lame Composition Fallacists oozing in with "Jared Loughner is a registered Democrat! Drool drool!". Whether that's true or not I don't know or care since it's relevant to nothing. Because it's yet another iteration of the same fallacy.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.

Yet more typical rightarded nonsense from PoliticalHack. :rolleyes:

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.
The normal population? Exactly what do you mean by normal?
What do you think I mean?

The ones that don't advocate baby killing, tree worship, drug use, and sexual depravity of all forms.

The sane people.

lol........ trump was very much an advocate for freedom of choice until he wanted to be prez. he was also the epitome of sexual depravity.... the vile creature had no problem with admitting to grabbing women by the pussy & that is probably the least of it just ask those russian hookers who gave him his golden shower.
There you have it, civility by the left.
Yeah the whole problem with reforming the Electoral College system is that it only seems to come up every four years because that's the only time it's in operation. By then it's too late and we scratch our heads and go "why didn't we fix this before?" and we squawk about it and then do nothing. Four years later we do it all over again.

As frustrating as it is to you and your ilk, the Electoral College perfectly serves its purpose. Were it not for the Electoral College, candidates would campaign in a dozen or so cities and the rest of the country would be slaves and cash cows to the citizens of those few wrecked cities.

Actually, replace "cities" with "states" and that's what it does already. The Wisconsins and Ohios get all the action, the Idahos and Massachusettses get the shaft. Both in terms of meeting the candidates and in terms of their vote. And nobody ever bothers with Alaska and Hawaìi --- they split 'em by 'gentlemen's agreement'. :lame2:

I'm in Carolina (the real one, not the banana republic) so I actually had a vote. My friends and relatives in Mississippi and California and Texas and Washington, had zippo. They could have voted with their states, could have voted against their states, or they could have stayed home. None of those "options" would have made a damn bit of difference to the end result.

That ain't a "vote". That's a farce. And it's why we get a pathetic 55% turnout 45% said, "fuck it, what's the point?" Surely you can remember tales of totalitarian states that hold a fake "vote" where the glorious dictator gets an amazing 99% of the vote. Yeah we can relate.

It also makes us dependent on polls to see whether we should even bother to "vote". If your state isn't close --- what's the point? It's already pre-decided FOR you.

Didn't think this through didja?

When that same state elects a governor, does it muster some kind of state electoral college to count up who won each county/parish/borough? Nope --- we do that by direct vote. All 57 states. What's the difference?

Still trying to beat a dead horse are you? Thank God your side will never win and get its way to try to remove the electoral college.

My "side" huh? Yeah I am a citizen of this country, I don't consider that a "side" but what's yours?

See what I mean about there being no counterargument, Ray?

What do you mean theirs no counter argument you puke , We argued about it for a week.last November ...

God damn. It's you that refuse to see it's the 50 states of America

Pogo plays dumb a lot. He thinks that if you lie, but say that you don't remember, or otherwise act dumb, it means nobody will notice you're lying.
Nope, I have zero recollection of anything like that, but do tell us more about how it was in the plane, Brian Williams. What I do remember (on another board, I wasn't here yet) was the same lame Composition Fallacists oozing in with "Jared Loughner is a registered Democrat! Drool drool!". Whether that's true or not I don't know or care since it's relevant to nothing. Because it's yet another iteration of the same fallacy.
You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.

Yet more typical rightarded nonsense from PoliticalHack. :rolleyes:

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?
Loughner should have been institutionalized long before he killed anybody.

So should you.
And a perfect example of what I was talking about...
See, you don't get it.

What is happening is that the NORMAL population is completely fed up with the insanity of the depraved left. The rubber is meeting the road, and the left is freaking out. For decades they have been molly coddled, told they don't have to work, told they are disabled if they are lazy, and further told that there is no stigma to living off other people like the parasites they are. For a half century, wall eyed head spinning schizophrenics have been told that society must adjust to THEM and that their perceptions dictate reality, and that if they don't like what people say, they can stomp their feet and have that person silenced.

It's over. The social experiment failed. Now we're going to have to clean up all the offal that moved in.
The normal population? Exactly what do you mean by normal?
What do you think I mean?

The ones that don't advocate baby killing, tree worship, drug use, and sexual depravity of all forms.

The sane people.
I think your definition of normal goes far deeper than that.

I think you're another nutjob who should be institutionalized before he shoots up a ballgame.
As frustrating as it is to you and your ilk, the Electoral College perfectly serves its purpose. Were it not for the Electoral College, candidates would campaign in a dozen or so cities and the rest of the country would be slaves and cash cows to the citizens of those few wrecked cities.

Actually, replace "cities" with "states" and that's what it does already. The Wisconsins and Ohios get all the action, the Idahos and Massachusettses get the shaft. Both in terms of meeting the candidates and in terms of their vote. And nobody ever bothers with Alaska and Hawaìi --- they split 'em by 'gentlemen's agreement'. :lame2:

I'm in Carolina (the real one, not the banana republic) so I actually had a vote. My friends and relatives in Mississippi and California and Texas and Washington, had zippo. They could have voted with their states, could have voted against their states, or they could have stayed home. None of those "options" would have made a damn bit of difference to the end result.

That ain't a "vote". That's a farce. And it's why we get a pathetic 55% turnout 45% said, "fuck it, what's the point?" Surely you can remember tales of totalitarian states that hold a fake "vote" where the glorious dictator gets an amazing 99% of the vote. Yeah we can relate.

It also makes us dependent on polls to see whether we should even bother to "vote". If your state isn't close --- what's the point? It's already pre-decided FOR you.

Didn't think this through didja?

When that same state elects a governor, does it muster some kind of state electoral college to count up who won each county/parish/borough? Nope --- we do that by direct vote. All 57 states. What's the difference?

Still trying to beat a dead horse are you? Thank God your side will never win and get its way to try to remove the electoral college.

My "side" huh? Yeah I am a citizen of this country, I don't consider that a "side" but what's yours?

See what I mean about there being no counterargument, Ray?

What do you mean theirs no counter argument you puke , We argued about it for a week.last November ...

God damn. It's you that refuse to see it's the 50 states of America

Yeah we did, and me for months before. We brought up a lot of histories and quotes and links and arguments.

All your post here said was, and I quote in full:

"Still trying to beat a dead horse are you? Thank God your side will never win and get its way to try to remove the electoral college."​

That's the entire post.

There's no argument in there. None. Zero. There is a red herring about "sides" but I already shot that down.

That about it then? Because I have paint to watch dry.

It's because all you do is argue the same nonsense, I bet in your world you think it's right for college kids to throw a local election and go home.

You still think people in New York have the same values as they do in Spruce Pines North Carolina.

You deny reality and claim you never saw what happened, that tells me you are a blazing fucking LIAR.

Oh really. I'm supposed to just sit here and take your word for it that something you claim to have seen six years ago, I somehow must have seen too.

Go learn how to read --- I just said that I have zero recollection of anything like that. Do you understand what that means? Are you going to read my mind now and prove how I do have such a recollection?

Freaking idiot.

Etherion -- you watching this shit? He just called me a "blazing fucking LIAR". Sic 'em!

And for the record, Loughner was criminally insane. He was so far gone politics had nothing to do with why he tried to blow Gabby Giffords' brains out and go on a killing spree.

Actually, we don't know when he became criminally insane....but as far as politics having nothing to do with it.....the jury is out on that.

Did you know about this?

    1. Research turned up an Obama-Loughner link: Obama and Ayers shunted funds to support Maoist Michael Klonsky. In 1991 Klonsky and Ayers co-founded a project known as the "Small Schools Workshop" (SSW); the teacher preaching the “social justice” gospel that American capitalism is a racist, materialist, imperialist cauldron of injustice can have greater impact on the students he seeks to mold into his conception of the “good citizen” — and on the teachers he is teaching to be preachers. Another Communist in Obama’s Orb - Andrew C. McCarthy - National Review Online .
    2. During his formative high school years, Jarod Lee Loughner attended the Mountain View High School, in Arizona…a school whose curriculum was designed by Mike Klonsky, friend and associate of Bill Ayers and Barack Obama… Shooting suspect?s nihilism rose with isolation - Herald News

"Educated" by the Left, in schools funded by the snake, Obama....yet the NYTimes tried to link it to the Right.

Yet more typical rightarded nonsense from PoliticalHack. :rolleyes:

Exactly what about Ayers/Klonsky's book do you contend caused Loughner to become the monster who unloaded his weapons on innocent folks?
Loughner should have been institutionalized long before he killed anybody.

So should you.
Your nuttiness consumes you. While you have a valid point on Loughner, you can't find a post of mind to validate your hallucinations.
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