Holy Father Really Did Try To Keep A Pedophile At An Acceptable (Age) Level!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Holy Father, of the famous Christian Hitler Youth, apparently really did understand how Conservative institutions think they can work. There was a convicted pedophile Catholic clergyman in the Oakland, CA area. The California clergy actually wanted him laicized. Guess who did "The Party of No!" thing, and did so for "The Good Of The Church?!"

My, My, My, does anyone notice the parallels with the on-going proceeds(?) of the Republican Party, or the current attempts even from a former Speaker of the House--to put words into the mouth of the President of the United States?! Gingrich is the kind of fellow who would know the $55.0 tril. credit market: If it all fell down and around his house! He thinks Obama did radical Socialism!?! First, there had to be a President Ronald Reagan, former President of the socialist Screen Actors Guild in liberal Hollywood!

One thing about Conservatives, they do like to lie like. . . . .children, anyone would supposed!

Future pope resisted defrocking priest - Faith- msnbc.com

That went on over a whole lot time, to try to make the youth of the convicted pedophile, into a more older looking kind of guy.

Anyone notices that the California clergy really didn't want that kind of cover--for whatever it was they were doing.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better to leave ancient Lincoln Memorial, to the elements, where it belongs!)
The Vatican itself has tried to deflect the problems of the Conservative Church as mere attacks by liberal and liberated political groups and advocacy organizations. They have even intended to blame the whole thing on the Archbishop of Caterbury.

Actually, these are Conservatives, with Conservative positions and political agenda: Doing what Conservatives do. It is even being reported!

People now know what Conservatives do, and how they go about it! No doubt Conservative will cite what the Conservatives are doing, in the Catholic Church, in support of their agenda!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Many nations knew that cover-up better included with soil form red-ant colony, alive! Conservatives showing Conservative agenda, and behavior, are best not seen, too much, in public!)

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