Holy SHIAT trump is walking thru Lafayette park like a king, real leader

You forgot to mention that peaceful protesters were tear gassed and forced out of the area so that your cowardly bitch could walk there without hearing a peep.
Only maced? They should have been stripped, beaten, hung and left there as an example to the rest.

They were peaceful protesters. Are you sure that’s what you want?
They are democrat lynch mob, they should be put down

You are now lying.
60 Secret service agents were injured last night! Stfu
You forgot to mention that peaceful protesters were tear gassed and forced out of the area so that your cowardly bitch could walk there without hearing a peep.
Only maced? They should have been stripped, beaten, hung and left there as an example to the rest.

They were peaceful protesters. Are you sure that’s what you want?
Oh yeah? Prove it? Those people got violent VERY quickly after the authorities arrived and were forced to mace them. They threatened officer's lives and the state was forced to to take severe actions to prevent further violence, and protect the innocent, law abiding citizens of the community.
Further, it goes without saying that the ultimate safety of the POTUS was paramount.

Oh yeah...without a doubt ;)
Pictures or it didn't happen.
Ok, I see he found a bible laying around...
i hope he grabbed the right book and not the Koran Barry left laying around
Don lemon is melting lol
The Trump Shit Show live on TV. It took Bunker Boy and his lemmings 4 fucking days to come up with more acting? It is absolutely pathetic watching the wannabe President act like a fool. This will backfire. His poll numbers are in decline and the public does not like the man right now.
What he just did was showed Patton like leadership! History is recording
Peaceful protesting gets you gassed and shot with rubber bullets. Ever hear of Kent State. History in the making you loser.
They spent the last 3 nites trying to lynch the president and his kids! He just gave them the finger
Bullshit lies is all you have? Quit the crap. Open your eyes.
So if there were no agents there nobody would’ve tried to breach the wall and break into the White House?
The balls in this leader! Link to come

He’s walking where the rioters were last nite. Wow
A pathetic abuse of power for a damn photo op. He is such a miserable POS just like you for supporting him.
oh bullshit....if biden did the same thing you would be saying the same shit jitts is saying...
Yeah sure. Its happening live on TV. Not something made up in that feeble mind of yours.
Yeah sure
learn to read.....may help you in the future....
Why read your BS? Hmmm
because what you said had nothing to do with what i said.....so who is posting the bullshit?...
You forgot to mention that peaceful protesters were tear gassed and forced out of the area so that your cowardly bitch could walk there without hearing a peep.
Only maced? They should have been stripped, beaten, hung and left there as an example to the rest.

They were peaceful protesters. Are you sure that’s what you want?
They are democrat lynch mob, they should be put down

You are now lying.
60 Secret service agents were injured last night! Stfu

I am talking about today in Lafayette Park. You know, where your chicken hawk draft dodger took his photo op stroll.
And they are a lynch mob.. they had to be removed
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You forgot to mention that peaceful protesters were tear gassed and forced out of the area so that your cowardly bitch could walk there without hearing a peep.
Only maced? They should have been stripped, beaten, hung and left there as an example to the rest.

They were peaceful protesters. Are you sure that’s what you want?
Oh yeah? Prove it? Those people got violent VERY quickly after the authorities arrived and were forced to mace them. They threatened officer's lives and the state was forced to to take severe actions to prevent further violence, and protect the innocent, law abiding citizens of the community.
Further, it goes without saying that the ultimate safety of the POTUS was paramount.

Oh yeah...without a doubt ;)

You are lying. There was zero aggression from the protesters who were tear gassed and fired upon with non lethal rounds today in Lafayette Park.
They weren’t aggressive? They injured 60 secret service agents yesterday
Don lemon is melting lol
The Trump Shit Show live on TV. It took Bunker Boy and his lemmings 4 fucking days to come up with more acting? It is absolutely pathetic watching the wannabe President act like a fool. This will backfire. His poll numbers are in decline and the public does not like the man right now.
What he just did was showed Patton like leadership! History is recording
Peaceful protesting gets you gassed and shot with rubber bullets. Ever hear of Kent State. History in the making you loser.
They spent the last 3 nites trying to lynch the president and his kids! He just gave them the finger
Bullshit lies is all you have? Quit the crap. Open your eyes.
So if there were no agents there nobody would’ve tried to breach the wall and break into the White House?
Did that happen? Last night? What did you post about? Not last night. Stay on your own topic and quit the deflect.
Don lemon is melting lol
The Trump Shit Show live on TV. It took Bunker Boy and his lemmings 4 fucking days to come up with more acting? It is absolutely pathetic watching the wannabe President act like a fool. This will backfire. His poll numbers are in decline and the public does not like the man right now.
What he just did was showed Patton like leadership! History is recording
Peaceful protesting gets you gassed and shot with rubber bullets. Ever hear of Kent State. History in the making you loser.
They spent the last 3 nites trying to lynch the president and his kids! He just gave them the finger
Bullshit lies is all you have? Quit the crap. Open your eyes.
So if there were no agents there nobody would’ve tried to breach the wall and break into the White House?
Did that happen? Last night? What did you post about? Not last night. Stay on your own topic and quit the deflect.
Lol are you even following the conversation?
Trump [from bunker]: “Are the scary protesters still there?”
Sec Service Goon: “No sir, can we turn the lights on?”
Trump: “Are you crazy! The blacks will get me.”

Trump [next day still in bunker]: “Are you sure they are gone?”
Sec Service Goon: “No one out there but some peaceful kids”.
Trump: “What color?”
Sec Service Goon: “All colors sir. It’s a diverse crowd.”
Trump: “Get me the military, a bible, and a whopper big king with bacon”.
Sec Service Goon: “Again?”
Trump: “I’ve never asked for a Bible in my life, what do you mean again?”
Sec Service Goon: “It’s you 3rd big king today!”

Sec Service Goon: “What are you going to do with the Bible?”
Trump: “ I’m gonna walk 528 ft to St. John’s and hold it up”
Sec Service Goon: “Savage”.
The balls in this leader! Link to come

He’s walking where the rioters were last nite. Wow
Yeah, it took lots courage to walk through the park surrounded by Secret Service and Marine guards inside a perimeter of law enforcement hours after the rioting was over. There are many instances of real presidential courage but this is certainly not one of them.

People today think courage is sitting behind a computer and tweeting attacks, insults, and hateful language aimed at opponents. Real courage is defying your party and your supporters to do what you believe is right and suffering severe criticism and losses in popularity because of those actions. Donald Trump doesn't even come close to real courage. His behavior is cowardly at best.
Last edited:
Don lemon is melting lol
The Trump Shit Show live on TV. It took Bunker Boy and his lemmings 4 fucking days to come up with more acting? It is absolutely pathetic watching the wannabe President act like a fool. This will backfire. His poll numbers are in decline and the public does not like the man right now.
What he just did was showed Patton like leadership! History is recording
Peaceful protesting gets you gassed and shot with rubber bullets. Ever hear of Kent State. History in the making you loser.
They spent the last 3 nites trying to lynch the president and his kids! He just gave them the finger
Bullshit lies is all you have? Quit the crap. Open your eyes.
So if there were no agents there nobody would’ve tried to breach the wall and break into the White House?
Did that happen? Last night? What did you post about? Not last night. Stay on your own topic and quit the deflect.
Lol are you even following the conversation?
Not any longer. I fucked up and responded to a fucking bot.
A pathetic abuse of power

Like when the Kenyan Chimp wrote his own personal immigration policy and created some weird form of citizenship without The Peoples consent or when the Kenyan Chimp unconstitutionally forced Americans to buy insurance?

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