Holy SHIAT trump is walking thru Lafayette park like a king, real leader

And Trump was in the White House leading a country. He walked into a park that not just last night was full of rioters and arsonists, and stood in front of a church those hooligans tried to burn to the ground. He's is standing in the middle of the chaos while Biden moves about in secret.
What a load. The tremendous pussy got the park forcibly cleared before he put a foot in it. Isn't it good how the Constitution protects your rights and prevents the IMPOTUS acting like an emperor?

And Trump was in the White House leading a country. He walked into a park that not just last night was full of rioters and arsonists, and stood in front of a church those hooligans tried to burn to the ground. He's is standing in the middle of the chaos while Biden moves about in secret.
What a load. The tremendous pussy got the park forcibly cleared before he put a foot in it. Isn't it good how the Constitution protects your rights and prevents the IMPOTUS acting like an emperor?

Omg what a drama queen hahah
I wonder whether he'll be scourged from the temple...

The Right Rev Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, told the Washington Post: “I am the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and was not given even a courtesy call, that they would be clearing [the area] with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop.”
Trump’s message is at odds with the values of love and tolerance espoused by the church, Budde said, before describing the president’s visit as an opportunity to use the church, and a Bible, as a “backdrop”.
“Let me be clear, the President just used a Bible, the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and one of the churches of my diocese, without permission, as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus,” she told CNN.
“We align ourselves with those seeking justice for the death of George Floyd and countless others. And I just can’t believe what my eyes have seen,” she added.
“I don’t want President Trump speaking for St John’s. We so dissociate ourselves from the messages of this president,” she told the Washington Post. “We hold the teachings of our sacred texts to be so, so grounding to our lives and everything we do, and it is about love of neighbor and sacrificial love and justice.”
Omg what a drama queen hahah
Well he did need a dramatic photo op to make up for pussying in the bunker with the lights out. Be fair to the Orange Excrescence on the body politic of the US.
I wonder whether he'll be scourged from the temple...

The Right Rev Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, told the Washington Post: “I am the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and was not given even a courtesy call, that they would be clearing [the area] with tear gas so they could use one of our churches as a prop.”
Trump’s message is at odds with the values of love and tolerance espoused by the church, Budde said, before describing the president’s visit as an opportunity to use the church, and a Bible, as a “backdrop”.
“Let me be clear, the President just used a Bible, the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and one of the churches of my diocese, without permission, as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus,” she told CNN.
“We align ourselves with those seeking justice for the death of George Floyd and countless others. And I just can’t believe what my eyes have seen,” she added.
“I don’t want President Trump speaking for St John’s. We so dissociate ourselves from the messages of this president,” she told the Washington Post. “We hold the teachings of our sacred texts to be so, so grounding to our lives and everything we do, and it is about love of neighbor and sacrificial love and justice.”
That’s holy tds
What? Throwing rocks and even fireworks, and getting into physical fights with Secret Service outside the fence and you say they were trying to lynch the president? Yeah, I would say that is an monumental exaggeration.
OMG, what the HELL do you think these arsonist and rioters would do if they got to Trump?

Please, stop making a fool out of yourself, OK?
I am glad you brought that up, it was Lyndon Baines Johnson(D) who was president, who FORCED young men to go to an unjust war. Those protesting were attacked by the National Guard who were called up by that Democrat President. So you would think that liberals would learn from their mistake back them, but you cant teach idiots about history, so the idiots will repeat history...
There was nothing wrong with defending our ally as they sorted through their own democratic process.
It was an incredible moment in American history of true leader ship this president does not back down
It's so strange to hear the word courage associated with Donald Trump. As a child his parents sent him to military school because of his bulling little kids in his neighborhood. As a young man he dodged the draft while others fought and died for their country. In business, he readily filed lawsuits, particularly against small businesses and individuals who could not afford a lawsuit. He cheated on his wives, lied to his investors and lenders. When his opponents stood up to him, he always took the cowards way out by settling out of court. As president, he uses the bully pulpit to intimidate those of lower rank such as mayors, governors, congressmen, judges, government workers, reporters, and entertainment personalities. He has never accepted responsibilities for any of his failures but blames the people that work for him. For Donald Trump the buck stops anywhere but the Oval Office. Donald Trump is the epitome of a coward.
/———/ If you have proof Donald Trump “dodged the draft,” which is a felony, send it to your local JAG office. Then he can be removed from office. DemocRATs will cheer you and hildabeast will give you a hummer.
The balls in this leader! Link to come

He’s walking where the rioters were last nite. Wow
A pathetic abuse of power for a damn photo op. He is such a miserable POS just like you for supporting him.
/——-/ Every President since Adams has made that walk—- well, maybe not Obozo.
We witnessed blasphemy in real time. Trump did not even pray at the church. Where were the faith leaders he invited to be with him? He just held up a bible for a photo op. He's such a vile little minion.
I heard the head of the church denounce the fool on the MSNBC Maddow show.
/—-/ Unless there are pictures, it didn’t happen.
It happened you twit. Or robot.
/—-/ I was mocking Moonglow, who didn’t believe it happened, you moron.
I am glad you brought that up, it was Lyndon Baines Johnson(D) who was president, who FORCED young men to go to an unjust war. Those protesting were attacked by the National Guard who were called up by that Democrat President. So you would think that liberals would learn from their mistake back them, but you cant teach idiots about history, so the idiots will repeat history...
There was nothing wrong with defending our ally as they sorted through their own democratic process.
It was France that wanted to keep the Vietnamese enslaved to France. After WWII Vietnam asked the United States for its freedom like all the rest of the countries that were freed from oppression. The President Harry S Truman sided with France...Typical of a liberal Demoncrap to side with the slavers.
You forgot to mention that peaceful protesters were tear gassed and forced out of the area so that your cowardly bitch could walk there without hearing a peep.
Only maced? They should have been stripped, beaten, hung and left there as an example to the rest.

They were peaceful protesters. Are you sure that’s what you want?
Oh yeah? Prove it? Those people got violent VERY quickly after the authorities arrived and were forced to mace them. They threatened officer's lives and the state was forced to to take severe actions to prevent further violence, and protect the innocent, law abiding citizens of the community.
Further, it goes without saying that the ultimate safety of the POTUS was paramount.

Oh yeah...without a doubt ;)

You are lying. There was zero aggression from the protesters who were tear gassed and fired upon with non lethal rounds today in Lafayette Park.
They weren’t aggressive? They injured 60 secret service agents yesterday

It was 60 Secret Service agents and special agents.
And it was over 3 days, not just yesterday.

Only 11 employees were taken to the hospital for treatment for non-life threatening injuries.

And none of the protesters got across the White House fence.
Yes I know because we had Secret Service are you this slow?

Yes, there were Secret Service doing their job. YOu make it sound like the president and his kids were almost lynched. No one got across the fence. The president was never in any danger.
And they would have been, if it wasn’t for the agents.. what are you disagreeing with ?

Earlier you said "if there were no agents". Why would there not be Secret Service Agents and other members of the presidential protection details. They are ALWAYS on duty. And no one was close to getting into the WH. And the protesters were long gone before Trump took his walk.
You can read,, I said they were trying to lynch trump the past 3 nights,, who disagrees with that?

What? Throwing rocks and even fireworks, and getting into physical fights with Secret Service outside the fence and you say they were trying to lynch the president? Yeah, I would say that is an monumental exaggeration.
They got hurt holding them back.. are you blind?

And there was never a threat to the president.

Of all the people arrested, were any charged with any sort of threat to the president?

YOu are exaggerating, as usual. But then, I wouldn't expect any different for an agitator for the democrats.
Lol so they didn’t need to get hurt? Lol they could have kept the normal Amount of agents? Lol

The secret service and other agents are tasked with keeping people outside the White House fence. When the protests started, they brought in more agents and DC police to prevent any problems or people potentially getting across the fence. But the protesters would NEVER have made it to the actual White House. And never, ever got inside.
And that’s not what I said, I said they tried to lynch his family and they would have if they could, they had to move trump to the bunker.. do you know why? Is your brain working? Turd head?

Don't derail, little agitator.
What? Throwing rocks and even fireworks, and getting into physical fights with Secret Service outside the fence and you say they were trying to lynch the president? Yeah, I would say that is an monumental exaggeration.
OMG, what the HELL do you think these arsonist and rioters would do if they got to Trump?

Please, stop making a fool out of yourself, OK?

If they could get to Trump? I was responding to comments about them trying to lynch Trump, and the pretense that he was in danger.

I am not making a fool of myself. I am just talking to the dem agitator.

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