Holy toledo!! PC gone wild. Healthline changes "vagina" to "front hole" aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

I can see that this upsets you.
But I cant understand why.
Its not like its a threat to our way of life.
And nothing that happens in Australia really matters anyway.

Because they are corrupting medical terminology in the quest for idiotic political correctness.
But what harm does it do ?
What harm does the word vagina do?

Exactly so the Politically Correct crowd can STFU and go and boil their heads.
Any word assigned to female genitals isn't supposed to be inclusive! Because we men don't have those body parts! No, trannies will NEVER menstruate, lactate or get pregnant no matter how "female" they feel like they are! Certain basic laws of physical reality cannot be ignored. I have no idea what the LGBTABCXYZ is trying to achieve by warping language in this manner.
I can see that this upsets you.
But I cant understand why.
Its not like its a threat to our way of life.
And nothing that happens in Australia really matters anyway.

Because they are corrupting medical terminology in the quest for idiotic political correctness.
But what harm does it do ?
What harm does the word vagina do?




I have no idea what the LGBTABCXYZ is trying to achieve by warping language in this manner.
The ultimate goal is to conflate the genders and essentially dilute masculinity out of existence.

As I've said, the Regressive Left has completely lost its shit.
I can see that this upsets you.
But I cant understand why.
Its not like its a threat to our way of life.
And nothing that happens in Australia really matters anyway.

Because they are corrupting medical terminology in the quest for idiotic political correctness.

If the Right would have suggested this then the Politically Correct Leftists would be SCREAMING how offensive and sexist it is.
I can see that this upsets you.
But I cant understand why.
Its not like its a threat to our way of life.
And nothing that happens in Australia really matters anyway.

Because they are corrupting medical terminology in the quest for idiotic political correctness.
But what harm does it do ?

Any time you choose to alter medical, and scientific terms, for the "feelings" of someone, it is a problem. We have spent CENTURIES defining words, and their application to the various parts of the human anatomy. Ultimately, if this insanity is allowed to continue, the language will fail, and people will die because one person said one thing, but the recipient hears something else.
Most parts of the human anatomy have many words to describe them, not least our reproductive organs. And this has been the case since Roman times. Nobody got hurt.

I cant see it as a problem and I cant see it as something to get upset over.

Not medically. If you go to a doctor anyplace on the planet and describe an injury to your patella, EVERYONE knows what you are talking about. This desire to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of the population, to make them feel better, is asinine. It will lead to preventable deaths, and that is despicable.

How will this lead to preventable deaths?

I think it’s stupid, but I don’t see the sky falling yet.
Because they are corrupting medical terminology in the quest for idiotic political correctness.
But what harm does it do ?

Any time you choose to alter medical, and scientific terms, for the "feelings" of someone, it is a problem. We have spent CENTURIES defining words, and their application to the various parts of the human anatomy. Ultimately, if this insanity is allowed to continue, the language will fail, and people will die because one person said one thing, but the recipient hears something else.
Most parts of the human anatomy have many words to describe them, not least our reproductive organs. And this has been the case since Roman times. Nobody got hurt.

I cant see it as a problem and I cant see it as something to get upset over.

Not medically. If you go to a doctor anyplace on the planet and describe an injury to your patella, EVERYONE knows what you are talking about. This desire to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of the population, to make them feel better, is asinine. It will lead to preventable deaths, and that is despicable.

How will this lead to preventable deaths?

I think it’s stupid, but I don’t see the sky falling yet.

If idiocy like this is allowed to continue, then the medical personnel in the various country's are going to begin making simple mistakes because the language of medicine stops being the language of medicine. It's actually very simple.
But what harm does it do ?

Any time you choose to alter medical, and scientific terms, for the "feelings" of someone, it is a problem. We have spent CENTURIES defining words, and their application to the various parts of the human anatomy. Ultimately, if this insanity is allowed to continue, the language will fail, and people will die because one person said one thing, but the recipient hears something else.
Most parts of the human anatomy have many words to describe them, not least our reproductive organs. And this has been the case since Roman times. Nobody got hurt.

I cant see it as a problem and I cant see it as something to get upset over.

Not medically. If you go to a doctor anyplace on the planet and describe an injury to your patella, EVERYONE knows what you are talking about. This desire to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of the population, to make them feel better, is asinine. It will lead to preventable deaths, and that is despicable.

How will this lead to preventable deaths?

I think it’s stupid, but I don’t see the sky falling yet.

If idiocy like this is allowed to continue, then the medical personnel in the various country's are going to begin making simple mistakes because the language of medicine stops being the language of medicine. It's actually very simple.

Are you afraid the doctors will forget the word for vagina?
Any time you choose to alter medical, and scientific terms, for the "feelings" of someone, it is a problem. We have spent CENTURIES defining words, and their application to the various parts of the human anatomy. Ultimately, if this insanity is allowed to continue, the language will fail, and people will die because one person said one thing, but the recipient hears something else.
Most parts of the human anatomy have many words to describe them, not least our reproductive organs. And this has been the case since Roman times. Nobody got hurt.

I cant see it as a problem and I cant see it as something to get upset over.

Not medically. If you go to a doctor anyplace on the planet and describe an injury to your patella, EVERYONE knows what you are talking about. This desire to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of the population, to make them feel better, is asinine. It will lead to preventable deaths, and that is despicable.

How will this lead to preventable deaths?

I think it’s stupid, but I don’t see the sky falling yet.

If idiocy like this is allowed to continue, then the medical personnel in the various country's are going to begin making simple mistakes because the language of medicine stops being the language of medicine. It's actually very simple.

Are you afraid the doctors will forget the word for vagina?
Are you afraid of the word “vagina”?
Any time you choose to alter medical, and scientific terms, for the "feelings" of someone, it is a problem. We have spent CENTURIES defining words, and their application to the various parts of the human anatomy. Ultimately, if this insanity is allowed to continue, the language will fail, and people will die because one person said one thing, but the recipient hears something else.
Most parts of the human anatomy have many words to describe them, not least our reproductive organs. And this has been the case since Roman times. Nobody got hurt.

I cant see it as a problem and I cant see it as something to get upset over.

Not medically. If you go to a doctor anyplace on the planet and describe an injury to your patella, EVERYONE knows what you are talking about. This desire to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of the population, to make them feel better, is asinine. It will lead to preventable deaths, and that is despicable.

How will this lead to preventable deaths?

I think it’s stupid, but I don’t see the sky falling yet.

If idiocy like this is allowed to continue, then the medical personnel in the various country's are going to begin making simple mistakes because the language of medicine stops being the language of medicine. It's actually very simple.

Are you afraid the doctors will forget the word for vagina?

Nope. But I am a firm believer that once you have spent the time to formulate a language that the world can understand, you leave it the hell alone.
You tell me what possible good can come of corrupting the language.
Most parts of the human anatomy have many words to describe them, not least our reproductive organs. And this has been the case since Roman times. Nobody got hurt.

I cant see it as a problem and I cant see it as something to get upset over.

Not medically. If you go to a doctor anyplace on the planet and describe an injury to your patella, EVERYONE knows what you are talking about. This desire to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of the population, to make them feel better, is asinine. It will lead to preventable deaths, and that is despicable.

How will this lead to preventable deaths?

I think it’s stupid, but I don’t see the sky falling yet.

If idiocy like this is allowed to continue, then the medical personnel in the various country's are going to begin making simple mistakes because the language of medicine stops being the language of medicine. It's actually very simple.

Are you afraid the doctors will forget the word for vagina?
Are you afraid of the word “vagina”?

No. As evidenced by me just typing it.

But great non-sequitor.
Not medically. If you go to a doctor anyplace on the planet and describe an injury to your patella, EVERYONE knows what you are talking about. This desire to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of the population, to make them feel better, is asinine. It will lead to preventable deaths, and that is despicable.

How will this lead to preventable deaths?

I think it’s stupid, but I don’t see the sky falling yet.

If idiocy like this is allowed to continue, then the medical personnel in the various country's are going to begin making simple mistakes because the language of medicine stops being the language of medicine. It's actually very simple.

Are you afraid the doctors will forget the word for vagina?
Are you afraid of the word “vagina”?

No. As evidenced by me just typing it.

But great non-sequitor.
Then no need to change it. How’s that for a sequitor...?
Most parts of the human anatomy have many words to describe them, not least our reproductive organs. And this has been the case since Roman times. Nobody got hurt.

I cant see it as a problem and I cant see it as something to get upset over.

Not medically. If you go to a doctor anyplace on the planet and describe an injury to your patella, EVERYONE knows what you are talking about. This desire to cater to a vanishingly small percentage of the population, to make them feel better, is asinine. It will lead to preventable deaths, and that is despicable.

How will this lead to preventable deaths?

I think it’s stupid, but I don’t see the sky falling yet.

If idiocy like this is allowed to continue, then the medical personnel in the various country's are going to begin making simple mistakes because the language of medicine stops being the language of medicine. It's actually very simple.

Are you afraid the doctors will forget the word for vagina?

Nope. But I am a firm believer that once you have spent the time to formulate a language that the world can understand, you leave it the hell alone.
You tell me what possible good can come of corrupting the language.

I don’t see the good. I also don’t see the harm.

Apparently, this is a language choice directed to those who have expressed problems with the word vagina as too feminine. It’s an attempt to communicate on a patient’s level.

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