Home Depot Allows Black Employee (Bernie Supporter) To Wear 'America Was Never Great' Hat To Work

Free speech and the 1st Amendment. No problem here.

I had a Drill Sergeant tell me in 1965 - "Boy, your "rights" ended the day you joined the military". And he was correct.

"Free Speech" ends at the front door of your employer.

No, it really doesn't.

You'd better wake up sonny. Perhaps at some point in your life you will have a job. Try "exercising" your "free speech" and see how far it gets you.
Some of you people really ought to I don't know , READ, the COTUS. the first amendment does NOT guarantee you free speech at your place of employment. It ONLY pertains to the government.

Why people believe free speech means they can say anything they want without consequence is just beyond me.

Well, other than the obvious fact that most people are stupid wastes of oxygen.

The constitution applies, for example, constitutional principles to prevent discrimination over sex, gender, race, and religious belief. That necessarily covers speech as well, albeit to a limited degree.

Like I said - go to your boss and call him an "asshole" - then sit back and enjoy your unemployment. :)
I had a Drill Sergeant tell me in 1965 - "Boy, your "rights" ended the day you joined the military". And he was correct.


Our TI, (USAF Training Instructor), told us we didn't lose our 1st Amendment rights when we enlisted------but we would sure as Hell pay a heavy price if we used them!


Indeed. The Military is the only organization (that I'm aware of) that you have to give up your rights in order to protect the rights of the rest of the country. I guess it has to be that way - and I accepted it as fact while in the Military.
Snopes confirms the story is for real:

Krystal Lake, 22, of St. George, was spotted wearing the controversial hat during her shift at Home Depot, located on Forest Avenue in Mariners Harbor.

"The point of the hat was to say America needs changing and improvement," Lake told the Advance. "I don't think it's a positive message to say, "Let's look to the past.'"

Lake said she awoke to a barrage of text messages, tweets and phone calls from friends and co-workers asking her if she had been checking her social media accounts. "Everyone kept asking me if I was on Facebook or Twitter, which I hadn't been," she said, "and then I saw how many people were sharing [the picture] and that it was going viral. "I was honestly shocked — I didn't expect any of this to happen."

Lake, a lifelong Staten Islander and student at the College of Staten Island, said this was the first and only time she had worn the hat to work, and that she was not reprimanded by any manager for the decision to wear it.

Lake, a Bernie Sanders supporter, said she has seen other employees wearing pro-Trump pins and pendants on their uniforms — yet no one has ever told them not to wear them.

"For the past two months, there have been a few people I work with wearing 'Vote for Trump' pins on their uniforms," she said. "But no one ever says anything to them."

When asked whether she intends to wear the hat again, Lake said, "Definitely."

"I feel it offended a lot of people because a lot of Trump supporters live in Staten Island," she said. "Trump is very rash and in your face, but when someone else has a message against him, his supporters can't take the criticisms."

Lake said she has received dozens of death threats on her social media accounts.

"People have been saying really racist things to me and that they're going to come and find me," she said, "and that what I said is disgraceful and I hate America — but I don't hate America.

"I know there are a lot of opportunities here," Lake added. "I just wish we would worry about making America better — not 'great again.'"

Home Depot responded to complaints by stating that store management had not noticed Lake wearing the hat or she would have been instructed to remove it immediately, and that the slogan on the cap did not reflect the viewpoint of Home Depot:
I just have a low tolerance for the uneducated.

The COTUS guards your rights from GOVERNMENT intrusion. LAWS protect you from individuals or businesses.

The law is based on the 14th Amendment OF THE CONSTITUTION, you water-headed dumbfuck.

What law? There is no law stating I can't prohibit my employees from wearing religious shirts, etc etc.

You have ZERO freedom of speech when it comes to your employer.


Get it now chowder head?

Oh but please tell me you were claiming the CRA of 1964 is based on the 14th Amendment. Please make that claim, I would love to tear it to shreds.

Are you one of those segregationists that still thinks it's 1850 and the 10th amendment rules all? Lemme guess, are you also a tax protester? Got a few IRS agents on your tail because you're mad at Woodrow Wilson?

LMAO @ the dimwit fucks who make it all too clear how we got to this point where a carnival barking reality show host may have nuclear codes in January.

Not at all. I'm just smarter than you

Now, you didn't answer the question. Do you make the claim that the CRA of 1964 is based on the 14th Amendment?

Not at all, it's the Supreme Court that makes that argument.

Employers are disallowed from engaging in certain discrimination with respect to speech. This is a fact. Therefore, your first amendment rights stay with you even as you enter the holy workplace.

It's never too late in your miserable life to learn something, sweetie.

Apparently Home Depot didn't get the memo, because they sure seem to believe they can make her remove the cap.

The ridiculous non-issues most conservatives get needlessly upset about.

What if it were an issue that you personally found irritating ?

If an employee were wearing a cap that read "Black People Have never Been Great", would you speak out, or walk away ?

Would it be something to "needlessly" be upset about ?
Sorry, she must have changed baseball caps for the picture, I never saw "white people have never been great"or are you just throwing crap around in order to get a reply???
Some bombed out losers pissed because she is more aware of the history of this country than they are...oh well.
Btw...any white folks calling for the firing of those Home Depot employees wearing "vote for trump" pins???

She's more aware by making the statement America was "NEVER" great ?
Millions of Americans would readily disagree with her. She being black has every right to say that, but me being white can also say America at times has been superbly great.

As for your question about the Trump pins, I don't see that as an equal issue.

One is about a very negative claim about America, and the other is about a particular candidate.
And by the way, there are plenty of white people that hate Trump and would be turned off by seeing Trump paraphanailia.
The ridiculous non-issues most conservatives get needlessly upset about.

What if it were an issue that you personally found irritating ?

If an employee were wearing a cap that read "Black People Have never Been Great", would you speak out, or walk away ?

Would it be something to "needlessly" be upset about ?
Sorry, she must have changed baseball caps for the picture, I never saw "white people have never been great"or are you just throwing crap around in order to get a reply???

I'm just giving Clayton an issue that he as a lib would probably find annoying, if he spotted an employee wearing an article of clothing with such a statement on.
Some bombed out losers pissed because she is more aware of the history of this country than they are...oh well.
Btw...any white folks calling for the firing of those Home Depot employees wearing "vote for trump" pins???

She's more aware by making the statement America was "NEVER" great ?
Millions of Americans would readily disagree with her. She being black has every right to say that, but me being white can also say America at times has been superbly great.

As for your question about the Trump pins, I don't see that as an equal issue.

One is about a very negative claim about America, and the other is about a particular candidate.
And by the way, there are plenty of white people that hate Trump and would be turned off by seeing Trump paraphanailia.
So your hissy fit is based on your race and not historical fact....

America was never great for Black people, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Women of all races, Gays, Whites sympathetic to the plights of others, etc.

She never made a negative claim about America...she made a factual statement.
Some bombed out losers pissed because she is more aware of the history of this country than they are...oh well.
Btw...any white folks calling for the firing of those Home Depot employees wearing "vote for trump" pins???

She's more aware by making the statement America was "NEVER" great ?
Millions of Americans would readily disagree with her. She being black has every right to say that, but me being white can also say America at times has been superbly great.

As for your question about the Trump pins, I don't see that as an equal issue.

One is about a very negative claim about America, and the other is about a particular candidate.
And by the way, there are plenty of white people that hate Trump and would be turned off by seeing Trump paraphanailia.
So your hissy fit is based on your race and not historical fact....

America was never great for Black people, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Women of all races, Gays, Whites sympathetic to the plights of others, etc.

She never made a negative claim about America...she made a factual statement.

She made an opinionated statement. I'm certain there are black people out there, as well as some in the other groups you mention that think differently.

There has never been a true utopian country that treated everyone with deep respect, and provided exact opportunities for everyone.

I would hope this woman would also make the exact statement about every other country that has existed as well.

The bottom line, while you say what she said was not negative, I assure you, it would be taken as a negative slam and offensive, to millions of Americans who love their country and who feel America has generally been the closest thing in the world to being great.

Maybe had she wore a cap stating "The World Has Never Been Great", most people would have probably either agreed, or have not paid much attention to it.
Going out of your way to specifically take a swipe at a particular nation is never going to go over well with many people.
Some bombed out losers pissed because she is more aware of the history of this country than they are...oh well.
Btw...any white folks calling for the firing of those Home Depot employees wearing "vote for trump" pins???

She's more aware by making the statement America was "NEVER" great ?
Millions of Americans would readily disagree with her. She being black has every right to say that, but me being white can also say America at times has been superbly great.

As for your question about the Trump pins, I don't see that as an equal issue.

One is about a very negative claim about America, and the other is about a particular candidate.
And by the way, there are plenty of white people that hate Trump and would be turned off by seeing Trump paraphanailia.
So your hissy fit is based on your race and not historical fact....

America was never great for Black people, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Women of all races, Gays, Whites sympathetic to the plights of others, etc.

She never made a negative claim about America...she made a factual statement.

She made an opinionated statement. I'm certain there are black people out there, as well as some in the other groups you mention that think differently.

There has never been a true utopian country that treated everyone with deep respect, and provided exact opportunities for everyone.

I would hope this woman would also make the exact statement about every other country that has existed as well.

The bottom line, while you say what she said was not negative, I assure you, it would be taken as a negative slam and offensive, to millions of Americans who love their country and who feel America has generally been the closest thing in the world to being great.

Maybe had she wore a cap stating "The World Has Never Been Great", most people would have probably either agreed, or have not paid much attention to it.
Going out of your way to specifically take a swipe at a particular nation is never going to go over well with many people.
It would be utterly stupid for her to state that "the world has never been great" when she has not been a resident of the various areas of the world.
Who cares if some "people"and I can guess which people you mean, are offended by her hat, if facts offend you learn to be an adult.
Some bombed out losers pissed because she is more aware of the history of this country than they are...oh well.
Btw...any white folks calling for the firing of those Home Depot employees wearing "vote for trump" pins???

She's more aware by making the statement America was "NEVER" great ?
Millions of Americans would readily disagree with her. She being black has every right to say that, but me being white can also say America at times has been superbly great.

As for your question about the Trump pins, I don't see that as an equal issue.

One is about a very negative claim about America, and the other is about a particular candidate.
And by the way, there are plenty of white people that hate Trump and would be turned off by seeing Trump paraphanailia.
So your hissy fit is based on your race and not historical fact....

America was never great for Black people, Native Americans, Asians, Pacific Islanders, Women of all races, Gays, Whites sympathetic to the plights of others, etc.

She never made a negative claim about America...she made a factual statement.

She made an opinionated statement. I'm certain there are black people out there, as well as some in the other groups you mention that think differently.

There has never been a true utopian country that treated everyone with deep respect, and provided exact opportunities for everyone.

I would hope this woman would also make the exact statement about every other country that has existed as well.

The bottom line, while you say what she said was not negative, I assure you, it would be taken as a negative slam and offensive, to millions of Americans who love their country and who feel America has generally been the closest thing in the world to being great.

Maybe had she wore a cap stating "The World Has Never Been Great", most people would have probably either agreed, or have not paid much attention to it.
Going out of your way to specifically take a swipe at a particular nation is never going to go over well with many people.
It would be utterly stupid for her to state that "the world has never been great" when she has not been a resident of the various areas of the world.
Who cares if some "people"and I can guess which people you mean, are offended by her hat, if facts offend you learn to be an adult.

If it were "facts" and not just an opinion, then I wouldn't be arguing.

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