Home Depot Allows Black Employee (Bernie Supporter) To Wear 'America Was Never Great' Hat To Work

Why did you rank that "funny"? Other than it completely destroying your point, I mean...
They fired him for being a proud American simple as that. Its MY opinion so you can't "declare it wrong" or some such shit.


This associate chose to wear a button that expressed his religious beliefs. The issue is not whether or not we agree with the message on the button. That's not our place to say, which is exactly why we have a blanket policy, which is long-standing and well-communicated to our associates, that only company-provided pins and badges can be worn on our aprons. He was offered a company-approved pin that said, "United We Stand," but he declined it.
And you think you proved what? Home Depot is owned by jews and its anti american.Give me Lowes ANY day

It proved they didn't fire him for the reasons you thought, dipshit.
Lol sure they didn't.

Home Depot Turns Their Back on Christians, Promotes “Homosexual Culture”
On top of hating Americans and Soldiers they love faggots!
Oh lord, here we go again, its time for a national crisis to ensue......You people, you sorry excuses for human beings, you bored to the core ass holes, who have nothing better to do with your precious time but haunt the net looking for shit to whine about, all of you, need to get lives.......Maybe just maybe she's wearing a fuckin hat like you white boys do because she's going bald....John Deere ring a bell?

Get off the net and get a life, please.....
Home Depot IS Right wing and donates to republicans and right wing causes,

Lowes is left wing.

Yeah, utter and complete bullshit.

I assume you just made it up because it sounded good?

ignorance is no excuse for you!

Not again: Home Depot billionaire Ken Langone compares liberals to Hitler

Home Depot Summary | OpenSecrets

The Home Depot Man Who Wants to Demolish Obama

Ken Langone Puts Money on Chris Christie in 2016
Look at the bootlip on that sow. Must be one of Bubba from Forest Gump's illegitimate children.
what makes you so patriotic racist boi?
I don't to qualify my patriotism for you, wigger boi.
oh rlly? You seem like a tosser to this patriot
You ain't no patriot, ya slack jawed faggot...no real patriot uses toothless limey Brit slang like 'tosser'.

Quit LARPing like you're american, you can't pull it off.

And no "patriot" steals from Predator without attribution, you c*nt.
Shut the fuck up, you noodly armed libtard cock smoker.
How insulting!


NYC Home Depot staffer wears 'America Was Never Great' hat

My question to this piss ant would be "Then why the hell are you still here?" Then, I would find the store manager and tell him personally, that I had spent my last dollar in that store. Then, I would contact the district manager and let him know that I had spent my last dollar at ANY Home Depot - headed to Lowes instead. Then, I would contact the CEO of Home Depot and let him know my reasons why I would discourage EVERY friend I had to shop at Lowes or Ace. By the time I was finished, she would be out of a job.

what makes you so patriotic racist boi?
I don't to qualify my patriotism for you, wigger boi.
oh rlly? You seem like a tosser to this patriot
You ain't no patriot, ya slack jawed faggot...no real patriot uses toothless limey Brit slang like 'tosser'.

Quit LARPing like you're american, you can't pull it off.

And no "patriot" steals from Predator without attribution, you c*nt.
Shut the fuck up, you noodly armed libtard cock smoker.
Keep your emotions in check cave chimp.
Oh lord, here we go again, its time for a national crisis to ensue......You people, you sorry excuses for human beings, you bored to the core ass holes, who have nothing better to do with your precious time but haunt the net looking for shit to whine about, all of you, need to get lives.......Maybe just maybe she's wearing a fuckin hat like you white boys do because she's going bald....John Deere ring a bell?

Get off the net and get a life, please.....
Shut up, dindu.
I had a Drill Sergeant tell me in 1965 - "Boy, your "rights" ended the day you joined the military". And he was correct.


Our TI, (USAF Training Instructor), told us we didn't lose our 1st Amendment rights when we enlisted------but we would sure as Hell pay a heavy price if we used them!

Some of you people really ought to I don't know , READ, the COTUS. the first amendment does NOT guarantee you free speech at your place of employment. It ONLY pertains to the government.

Why people believe free speech means they can say anything they want without consequence is just beyond me.

Well, other than the obvious fact that most people are stupid wastes of oxygen.
Some of you people really ought to I don't know , READ, the COTUS. the first amendment does NOT guarantee you free speech at your place of employment. It ONLY pertains to the government.

Why people believe free speech means they can say anything they want without consequence is just beyond me.

Well, other than the obvious fact that most people are stupid wastes of oxygen.

The constitution applies, for example, constitutional principles to prevent discrimination over sex, gender, race, and religious belief. That necessarily covers speech as well, albeit to a limited degree.

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