Homeland security proposes face scans for American citizens

My Grandfather born with a slap on the butt over a hundred years ago [probably cost a couple / 5 bucks and his birth was in a farmhouse]. And that was about it for Doctoring for his lifetime .
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It's war on us! It's always been about war on us.



------------------------------- I think that those pics are a series of pics of Biff on his 'comng out Party' ain't they eh ??
I don't know about YOUR Darkies . I was specific and specified that imported third worlders and world travelers be scanned Biff .
I assume you want them scanned because you are afraid they may be terrorists...

However most of the terrorism committed here are by US CITIZENS of the pale skin variety....if we are all about security, shouldn't we be scanning and taking other Orwellian measures against them too??

Or do you feel that may inconvenience you too much??

Always fun to profile and scan folks when you are NEVER the demographic being profiled
I don't know about YOUR Darkies . I was specific and specified that imported third worlders and world travelers be scanned Biff .
I assume you want them scanned because you are afraid they may be terrorists...

However most of the terrorism committed here are by US CITIZENS of the pale skin variety....if we are all about security, shouldn't we be scanning and taking other Orwellian measures against them too??

Or do you feel that may inconvenience you too much??

Always fun to profile and scan folks when you are NEVER the demographic being profiled
----------------------------------------- SECURITY , generally security is a big city problem and I laugh at your problems with security . And even simpler than that , foreigners are full of unAmerican Traits because they have been raised as foreigners in foreign lands with foreign ways and thinking and are simply unAmerican foreigners . Besides that and as I have noted in the past imported foreign third worlders have helped swell USA population from about 210 million in 1970 census to about 320 million in the 2010 census Biff .
and yeah , I like chili and goulash and never had a REAL Mexican or REAL Hungarian make either dish for me . My MOM of American decent made those simple dishes from instructions in a Recipe book starting in about the 1950s Biff .

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