Homeland Security to compile database of journalists, media influencers

Wow..you're really stupid!~ My bad--didn't mean to waste your time.

This 'something' has been going on for thousands of years. I assumed you knew this..as most thinking people do. Governments control..and the Press is the interface.
You seem to see some significance in Obama's behavior...and you seem to assume that I liked or supported him...I thought Obama was weak and I voted against him. Twice.

I gotta admit..he's looking pretty good now, though.

I posted the article as a possible wake-up call for someone. Not you, obviously.

Not in the USA, Comrade. Here in the nation you are waging war to destroy, the assault on freedom of the press began under the radical left regime of Barack Obama.

From the Communist site Alternet:

{It's hardly news that the Obama administration is intensely and, in many respects, unprecedentedly hostile toward the news-gathering process. Even the most Obama-friendly journals have warned of what they call "Obama's war on whistleblowers". James Goodale, the former general counsel of the New York Times during its epic fights with the Nixon administration, recently observed that "President Obama wants to criminalize the reporting of national security information" and added: "President Obama will surely pass President Richard Nixon as the worst president ever on issues of national security and press freedom."}

Obama's Attacks on Journalists are Worst Since Nixon

I like you..you amuse.

You posted a link titled, "Obama's Attacks on journalists Worse Since Nixon"

Yet you post.."the assault on freedom of the press began under the radical left regime of Barack Obama"

History is a hobby of mine...and since I know that there have been times when our govt. has effectively shut down the press, I know that you are posting from ignorance and partisan hackery.

Use your choice of search engine and research the position the press was in during the Civil War....or WW2...a truly free press is actually a new thing...1960's.

I get it..you just want to attack Obama..for whatever reason...the dude's gone and who cares?
Huh. What's a 'Zionist'? They 'control' the media? How so? To what end? Where does the Tri-lateral commission come in? Are Masons Zionists? Do they put voices in your head?
Other than Arabs..does anyone really care about the Jews? *yawn*
Are you MindWars? Is he you? Do you have a secret handshake?
If you were actually serious and had common sense and an open mind I would explain it or suggest some websites or books to read but you aren't either so I won't bother. :)
Good call.
That you have no common sense? Its no a hard call believe me.
Coming from you that's a compliment and an affirmation of my basic sanity and ability to reason cogently.

Thank you.
“A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.”

Nuff said.
How sadly arrogant."they're the crazy ones---only I see the truth--because I'm special."
Wow..you're really stupid!~ My bad--didn't mean to waste your time.

This 'something' has been going on for thousands of years. I assumed you knew this..as most thinking people do. Governments control..and the Press is the interface.
You seem to see some significance in Obama's behavior...and you seem to assume that I liked or supported him...I thought Obama was weak and I voted against him. Twice.

I gotta admit..he's looking pretty good now, though.

I posted the article as a possible wake-up call for someone. Not you, obviously.

Not in the USA, Comrade. Here in the nation you are waging war to destroy, the assault on freedom of the press began under the radical left regime of Barack Obama.

From the Communist site Alternet:

{It's hardly news that the Obama administration is intensely and, in many respects, unprecedentedly hostile toward the news-gathering process. Even the most Obama-friendly journals have warned of what they call "Obama's war on whistleblowers". James Goodale, the former general counsel of the New York Times during its epic fights with the Nixon administration, recently observed that "President Obama wants to criminalize the reporting of national security information" and added: "President Obama will surely pass President Richard Nixon as the worst president ever on issues of national security and press freedom."}

Obama's Attacks on Journalists are Worst Since Nixon

I like you..you amuse.

You posted a link titled, "Obama's Attacks on journalists Worse Since Nixon"

Yet you post.."the assault on freedom of the press began under the radical left regime of Barack Obama"

History is a hobby of mine...and since I know that there have been times when our govt. has effectively shut down the press, I know that you are posting from ignorance and partisan hackery.

Use your choice of search engine and research the position the press was in during the Civil War....or WW2...a truly free press is actually a new thing...1960's.

I get it..you just want to attack Obama..for whatever reason...the dude's gone and who cares?

Distorting history is a hobby?

Dayum, I figured you for a mal-ducator. Indoctrinating young minds for Marx....

So Comrade, Nixon had bad relations with the press, can you name which actions he took that subverted freedom of the press?

I mean, did he put reporters in prison the way Obama did? Did he use the FCC to try and shut down news organizations the way Obama did? I mean, history is your hobby, so you must have something more concrete than innuendo, right Comrade? :dunno:
If you were actually serious and had common sense and an open mind I would explain it or suggest some websites or books to read but you aren't either so I won't bother. :)
Good call.
That you have no common sense? Its no a hard call believe me.
Coming from you that's a compliment and an affirmation of my basic sanity and ability to reason cogently.

Thank you.
“A sane person to an insane society must appear insane.”

Nuff said.
How sadly arrogant."they're the crazy ones---only I see the truth--because I'm special."
Special nah. Just smart enough to grasp some very uncomfortable truths. I took the red pill you left the blinders on obviously.
Homeland Security to compile database of journalists, media influencers

Now this...this is scary:

"The Department of Homeland Security posted a contract request this week for "Media Monitoring Services," which will compile a database of hundreds of thousands of journalists, bloggers and "media influencers" for the federal government. After an outcry on social media, a Department of Homeland Security spokesman tweeted "this is nothing more than the standard practice of monitoring current events in the media."

The work request from DHS seeks a firm that has the ability to monitor up to 290,000 global news sources; ability to track media coverage in up to 100 languages and the ability to "track online, print, broadcast, cable, radio, trade and industry publications, local sources, national/international outlets, traditional news sources, and social media."

The work request also seeks the ability to build lists of journalists based on beat, location, outlet type/size and journalist role. Creating an online "media influence database" is also included.

DHS spokesman Tyler Q. Houlton tweeted that "despite what some reporters may suggest," this is "standard."

"Any suggestion otherwise is fit for tin foil hat wearing, black helicopter conspiracy theorists," Houlton wrote.

Responses are due April 13.

The news comes amid attacks on the media by President Trump, who frequently calls mainstream media outlets "fake news." Watchdog organization Freedom House said in its 2017 press freedom report that global media freedom has reached its lowest level in 13 years -- including attacks by Mr. Trump.

"But it is the far-reaching attacks on the news media and their place in a democratic society by Donald Trump, first as a candidate and now as president of the United States, that fuel predictions of further setbacks in the years to come," the report said. "
As scary as Obama and Hillary colluding with the Russians to create a fake dossier and then use the FBI to lie to a secret court to then listen in on phone calls of members of the opposing party in order to entrap them and then feed it to their lap dogs in the media?

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