Homicides surge in Dem-led city


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
More than 50 people have been killed in New Orleans so far this year. Three died in a car chase and shootout. A 15-year-old girl was shot through a wall during a sleepover. Two siblings were gunned down at an intersection less than a year after their younger brother was also shot to death.

Jackson works for the coroner's office and is dispatched to the scene of as many homicides as she can get to. She comforts victims' loved ones and helps guide them through the legal system.

"Their grief and trauma needs to be addressed," she said. "And I'm a therapist. So even though I'm responding, I'm also able to do that crisis intervention at the time when it's most needed."

Elect a Democrat,destroy your city
Some things should be self-evident by now but the denizens of those shitholes keep voting "their people" into office so I really don't care what happens to them.

Didn't their former mayor Nagin call NO "chocolate city"?......You know, before he became convict #32751-034 in a fed prison.

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