CDZ Homophobic People Often Have Psychological Issues

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The issue is that you don't believe you fear something that is not danger to you. The study shows that people who are uncomfortable with the idea of homosexuality do fear it and have personality disorders.
I will admit that I do fear homosexuals.

I don't want a homo waiter serving or touching my food at a restaurant. Many of them are disease ridden and infected with STD's and AIDS.

I don't want a homo watching my kids at the daycare. Homos are known to have a propensity to be pedophiles. Well above the national average.

Every person convicted in the last several decades in the US for cannibalism has been a homosexual. ..... :eek-52:
"homophobic" is a fake word created to describe a fake "condition" people with an agenda invented to either further their fake "psychology" careers .....or for a perceived political advantage by using a negative term to describe people they disagree with..

people may not like/agree with faggotry but not many are "afraid" of it...
If you are not afraid of it, then what is the problem? It is no danger to you. It is something two consenting adults do in their bedroom. It doesn't do you any harm. It is fine to disagree with it, but why be so expressive and angry about it? Why not live and let live?

I'm not afraid of it. I find it repulsive, counter productive and narcissistic. So what? Humans are flawed creatures. I can't stop homosexuality... and never thought of trying...but the word is a fake, purposely biased word as I said.
I think that's really an important point. Those who feel very threatened by this study, so threatened they can't engage in civil discourse....that's very telling. If you are not threatened, why has this study triggered such an angry response?

I'm not being angry with you. I think I'd like you to read the article before giving a knee jerk response to the title.

Read what I wrote ... you claim we are giving an 'angry response'. Where?

You didn't answer my second point ... Where is the tolerance from you guys of those with opposing viewpoints on this issue?
Where is the angry response? Are you kidding? Every post.

?? I'm discussing this and you're reading my responses as 'angry'? lol, wow, there's just no winning with you guys is there? Try reading what I'm writing without your imagined 'this poster is angry' voice in your head.
According to the study, people's basic mental health was surveyed along with their attitude toward homosexuality. It has nothing to do with making assumptions.

According to the first word in the article, those who do not adhere to 'all things homosexual' are afraid and/or haters of homosexuals.

Talk about making assumptions.

You said you didn't get past the first word and then YOU made assumptions that were incorrect.

Its very telling that some are very threatened by a civil conversation about this. It proves the OP is correct.

So the use of the term 'homophobe' does NOT mean that you guys believe that anyone who does not understand (for lack of a better word) the homosexual lifestyle is either afraid and/or a hater of homosexuals? Cause that's sure how you guys mean it when you use the term.

I don't understand homosexuality but it doesn't threaten me. Nor do I believe they should have fewer rights than I do.

So if someone called you a homophobe due to your lack of understanding, they'd be correct? Again, because that is what you guys do when someone does not tow the line with the homosexual mantra.

Where are you getting that homosexuality it threatening others? Because they have a differing viewpoint on it? Religious people view h/s as a sin. Where is your understanding of their differing viewpoint?
You know, if you would only read the article and explain with what in the article you disagree, aside from the term homophobic, that would be nice. You are only responding to one word; the original post is about the entire study.
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I think that's really an important point. Those who feel very threatened by this study, so threatened they can't engage in civil discourse....that's very telling. If you are not threatened, why has this study triggered such an angry response?

I'm not being angry with you. I think I'd like you to read the article before giving a knee jerk response to the title.

Read what I wrote ... you claim we are giving an 'angry response'. Where?

You didn't answer my second point ... Where is the tolerance from you guys of those with opposing viewpoints on this issue?
You haven't actually expressed an opinion that is a response to the full article and description of the study. You have only posted angry responses to the title.

I'm suppose to read and believe a 'study' when the first word of the title is offensive, insulting, and wrong? :lol: I don't think so, Tim.
"homophobic" is a fake word created to describe a fake "condition" people with an agenda invented to either further their fake "psychology" careers .....or for a perceived political advantage by using a negative term to describe people they disagree with..

people may not like/agree with faggotry but not many are "afraid" of it...
If you are not afraid of it, then what is the problem? It is no danger to you. It is something two consenting adults do in their bedroom. It doesn't do you any harm. It is fine to disagree with it, but why be so expressive and angry about it? Why not live and let live?

I'm not afraid of it. I find it repulsive, counter productive and narcissistic. So what? Humans are flawed creatures. I can't stop homosexuality... and never thought of trying...but the word is a fake, purposely biased word as I said.

Exactly, if they want to be gay then be gay but stop trying to force it on everyone. Normal people want nothing to do with it
According to the study, people's basic mental health was surveyed along with their attitude toward homosexuality. It has nothing to do with making assumptions.

According to the first word in the article, those who do not adhere to 'all things homosexual' are afraid and/or haters of homosexuals.

Talk about making assumptions.

You said you didn't get past the first word and then YOU made assumptions that were incorrect.

Its very telling that some are very threatened by a civil conversation about this. It proves the OP is correct.

So the use of the term 'homophobe' does NOT mean that you guys believe that anyone who does not understand (for lack of a better word) the homosexual lifestyle is either afraid and/or a hater of homosexuals? Cause that's sure how you guys mean it when you use the term.

I don't understand homosexuality but it doesn't threaten me. Nor do I believe they should have fewer rights than I do.

So if someone called you a homophobe due to your lack of understanding, they'd be correct? Again, because that is what you guys do when someone does not tow the line with the homosexual mantra.

Where are you getting that homosexuality it threatening others? Because they have a differing viewpoint on it? Religious people view h/s as a sin. Where is your understanding of their differing viewpoint?

According to Christian doctrine, adultery is also a sin, but not only are Christians not having fits about other peoples' adultery, half of them are engaging in it themselves.
The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section
Then I call "Foul"

The title of the thread starts with, not only, name calling but a misnomer of a name at that.

If you truly want an honest discussion, you don't start the conversation by insulting those that have a different opinion
Who s she insulting unless you personally identify as homophobic?

If you do not, youre not a part and parcel human to this study.
The word is the insult.
It's meant to marginalize anyone that doesn't support the homosexual lifestyle as normal.

Phobic implies an irrational fear.
There is no fear in someone identifying a mental disorder.

You're free to stick your dick wherever one wants....whether it's another man's ass or a vegomatic. But you don't get to tell me I have a "phobia" for having enough intelligence to know that it's not 'normal' behavior.

I'm not denying you any 'rights' by telling you that you have a mental disorder.
I would only hope that one day you would stop sticking your dick in strange places.
I'd still hang out with you and have some beers. Just like I hang out with bipolars and PTSDs and go fishing or drinking with them.
But, just like them, I'd hope the homosexual gets the help they need.

Does that make me a BiPolarphobe or a PTSDphobe?
Then stop
Normal pll? :lol: support in the 90's was in the 20's.

Today, its in the 60's.

"Normal people" woke up after awareness was raised. Homophobes and zealots did not.
According to the first word in the article, those who do not adhere to 'all things homosexual' are afraid and/or haters of homosexuals.

Talk about making assumptions.

You said you didn't get past the first word and then YOU made assumptions that were incorrect.

Its very telling that some are very threatened by a civil conversation about this. It proves the OP is correct.

So the use of the term 'homophobe' does NOT mean that you guys believe that anyone who does not understand (for lack of a better word) the homosexual lifestyle is either afraid and/or a hater of homosexuals? Cause that's sure how you guys mean it when you use the term.

I don't understand homosexuality but it doesn't threaten me. Nor do I believe they should have fewer rights than I do.

So if someone called you a homophobe due to your lack of understanding, they'd be correct? Again, because that is what you guys do when someone does not tow the line with the homosexual mantra.

Where are you getting that homosexuality it threatening others? Because they have a differing viewpoint on it? Religious people view h/s as a sin. Where is your understanding of their differing viewpoint?

According to Christian doctrine, adultery is also a sin, but not only are Christians not having fits about other peoples' adultery, half of them are engaging in it themselves.

You didn't answer my question.

Where is your tolerance from you guys of the religious who view homosexuality as a sin? Isn't that what being a liberal means?
Normal pll? :lol: support in the 90's was in the 20's.

Today, its in the 60's.

"Normal people" woke up after awareness was raised. Homophobes and zealots did not.

Sorry, GT. Homosexuality is abnormal. So is an autistic person.
The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section
Then I call "Foul"

The title of the thread starts with, not only, name calling but a misnomer of a name at that.

If you truly want an honest discussion, you don't start the conversation by insulting those that have a different opinion
Who s she insulting unless you personally identify as homophobic?

If you do not, youre not a part and parcel human to this study.
The word is the insult.
It's meant to marginalize anyone that doesn't support the homosexual lifestyle as normal.

Phobic implies an irrational fear.
There is no fear in someone identifying a mental disorder.

You're free to stick your dick wherever one wants....whether it's another man's ass or a vegomatic. But you don't get to tell me I have a "phobia" for having enough intelligence to know that it's not 'normal' behavior.

I'm not denying you any 'rights' by telling you that you have a mental disorder.
I would only hope that one day you would stop sticking your dick in strange places.
I'd still hang out with you and have some beers. Just like I hang out with bipolars and PTSDs and go fishing or drinking with them.
But, just like them, I'd hope the homosexual gets the help they need.

Does that make me a BiPolarphobe or a PTSDphobe?
Then stop
Im not gay, and lacking any indisputable rationale is why the homophobe label is cast.

Its not a mental disorder, thats an opinion and notan established fact. You choose to hold it as an opinion, and your choice to do so reflects on your willingness to empathize and understand your fellow human beings.
According to the first word in the article, those who do not adhere to 'all things homosexual' are afraid and/or haters of homosexuals.

Talk about making assumptions.

You said you didn't get past the first word and then YOU made assumptions that were incorrect.

Its very telling that some are very threatened by a civil conversation about this. It proves the OP is correct.

So the use of the term 'homophobe' does NOT mean that you guys believe that anyone who does not understand (for lack of a better word) the homosexual lifestyle is either afraid and/or a hater of homosexuals? Cause that's sure how you guys mean it when you use the term.

I don't understand homosexuality but it doesn't threaten me. Nor do I believe they should have fewer rights than I do.

So if someone called you a homophobe due to your lack of understanding, they'd be correct? Again, because that is what you guys do when someone does not tow the line with the homosexual mantra.

Where are you getting that homosexuality it threatening others? Because they have a differing viewpoint on it? Religious people view h/s as a sin. Where is your understanding of their differing viewpoint?

According to Christian doctrine, adultery is also a sin, but not only are Christians not having fits about other peoples' adultery, half of them are engaging in it themselves.
Are half of them stealing and killing also?
Let's be fair to all the sinners
You said you didn't get past the first word and then YOU made assumptions that were incorrect.

Its very telling that some are very threatened by a civil conversation about this. It proves the OP is correct.

So the use of the term 'homophobe' does NOT mean that you guys believe that anyone who does not understand (for lack of a better word) the homosexual lifestyle is either afraid and/or a hater of homosexuals? Cause that's sure how you guys mean it when you use the term.

I don't understand homosexuality but it doesn't threaten me. Nor do I believe they should have fewer rights than I do.

So if someone called you a homophobe due to your lack of understanding, they'd be correct? Again, because that is what you guys do when someone does not tow the line with the homosexual mantra.

Where are you getting that homosexuality it threatening others? Because they have a differing viewpoint on it? Religious people view h/s as a sin. Where is your understanding of their differing viewpoint?

According to Christian doctrine, adultery is also a sin, but not only are Christians not having fits about other peoples' adultery, half of them are engaging in it themselves.

You didn't answer my question.

Where is your tolerance from you guys of the religious who view homosexuality as a sin? Isn't that what being a liberal means?
I'm not telling people who don't agree with homosexuality they don't have equal rights or they are second class citizens. I'm not hindering their lives or lifestyles. How am I not being tolerant?
Normal pll? :lol: support in the 90's was in the 20's.

Today, its in the 60's.

"Normal people" woke up after awareness was raised. Homophobes and zealots did not.

Sorry, GT. Homosexuality is abnormal. So is an autistic person.
Support for their cause, however, is not abmormal.

It is the norm, so thats what I was referring to.

There is no logical case to be made against homosexuality. None, every single one fails when deduced reasonably.
Normal pll? :lol: support in the 90's was in the 20's.

Today, its in the 60's.

"Normal people" woke up after awareness was raised. Homophobes and zealots did not.
And in the 80s more people liked Crack.
Approval does not equal right
You said you didn't get past the first word and then YOU made assumptions that were incorrect.

Its very telling that some are very threatened by a civil conversation about this. It proves the OP is correct.

So the use of the term 'homophobe' does NOT mean that you guys believe that anyone who does not understand (for lack of a better word) the homosexual lifestyle is either afraid and/or a hater of homosexuals? Cause that's sure how you guys mean it when you use the term.

I don't understand homosexuality but it doesn't threaten me. Nor do I believe they should have fewer rights than I do.

So if someone called you a homophobe due to your lack of understanding, they'd be correct? Again, because that is what you guys do when someone does not tow the line with the homosexual mantra.

Where are you getting that homosexuality it threatening others? Because they have a differing viewpoint on it? Religious people view h/s as a sin. Where is your understanding of their differing viewpoint?

According to Christian doctrine, adultery is also a sin, but not only are Christians not having fits about other peoples' adultery, half of them are engaging in it themselves.
Are half of them stealing and killing also?
Let's be fair to all the sinners
Half of all the married people on the planet are adulterers. Religious people behave no better than anyone else in the area of adultery.
The Clean Debate Zone is to be used for the clean debating of Government Policies, Candidates, Current News and Events ONLY. No personal attacks, name calling, flaming etc is allowed in this section
Then I call "Foul"

The title of the thread starts with, not only, name calling but a misnomer of a name at that.

If you truly want an honest discussion, you don't start the conversation by insulting those that have a different opinion
Who s she insulting unless you personally identify as homophobic?

If you do not, youre not a part and parcel human to this study.
The word is the insult.
It's meant to marginalize anyone that doesn't support the homosexual lifestyle as normal.

Phobic implies an irrational fear.
There is no fear in someone identifying a mental disorder.

You're free to stick your dick wherever one wants....whether it's another man's ass or a vegomatic. But you don't get to tell me I have a "phobia" for having enough intelligence to know that it's not 'normal' behavior.

I'm not denying you any 'rights' by telling you that you have a mental disorder.
I would only hope that one day you would stop sticking your dick in strange places.
I'd still hang out with you and have some beers. Just like I hang out with bipolars and PTSDs and go fishing or drinking with them.
But, just like them, I'd hope the homosexual gets the help they need.

Does that make me a BiPolarphobe or a PTSDphobe?
Then stop
Im not gay, and lacking any indisputable rationale is why the homophobe label is cast.

Its not a mental disorder, thats an opinion and notan established fact. You choose to hold it as an opinion, and your choice to do so reflects on your willingness to empathize and understand your fellow human beings.
If being a mental disorder can only be held as opinion then the same can be said for claiming it is NOT
Normal pll? :lol: support in the 90's was in the 20's.

Today, its in the 60's.

"Normal people" woke up after awareness was raised. Homophobes and zealots did not.
And in the 80s more people liked Crack.
Approval does not equal right
At no time ever did a majority approve of crack........wtff?
Right or wrong isn't decided in the court of popular opinion
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