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Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

I can direct you to "anything you choose to believe" friendly churches so what? We''re talking about Christian churches thoughm and you cannot promote, condone or support what the Lord of the bible calls filth, corruption, an abomination and sin and still be a Christian church. If you support, condone or promote homosexual behavior or gay marraige, you are not a Christian church, you are an apostate church that leads peopel not ot salvation, but to hell. Now, I'll tell you the same thing I told the sodomite pirate, run along now, you're unqualified to decide what is and what isn't "Christian".

Dear JTPR: Given what you said, that all people are sinners and fall short.
The way I would distinguish who is Christian, who is your neighbor in Christ,
is which people or groups are willing and committed to accepting mutual
rebuke and correction in the spirit of Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice.

I have met as many Christians who struggled with this standard,
as I have met secular gentiles, even one gay atheist friend of mine
who LIVES by it, and yes, I do recognize him as a follower of Christ.

Don't let appearances fool you. it is the spirit of how we relate to one
another that determines if we submit to Jesus to govern our lives and relations.

J since you truly commit to honoring Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
i trust you will follow this process of restoring relations in Christ Jesus,
by his instructions given in passages such as James 5:16 and Matthew 18:15-20

Forgiveness comes first, then corrections can be made in that spirit.
The spirit of truth is established by agreement among witnesses,
and the truth shall set us free.

This is done in the environment of forgiveness and healing.
In openness to receiving God's wisdom and higher understanding.

Anything that causes disruption by unresolved conflicts clashing
because people can't forgive each other first, that is the devil's
way of dividing and conquering us by demonizing our differences with fear.

Perfect love casts out all fear. Where we speak the truth with love,
and forgive others as the Lord forgives us, then we can establish agreement in Christ.

You are in my prayers. I join you in prayer and agreement in Christ
and to cast out anything that would otherwise cause relations to fail and to fall.
God wants us to succeed, so by forgiving and letting God in through Christ
to govern our relations, of course God will lead us to success in reaching understanding.

Yours truly,
Love, Emily
What about em? What in the world do the Laws God gave Moses to give TO THE ISRAELITES have to do with me, a Christian? Here's the thing. You, being a heathen, are not even remotely qualified to argue the meanings of scripture with me, or any other Christian for that matter, as they don't belong to you. I could show you where the Lord rescinded the laws regarding what you eat, just as I could show you the verses in the NT that tell us Christ made us all two "tribes", the sheeps and the goats, the wheat and the tares, the the children of God and the children of the devil, the damned and the saved and he no longer recognizes Jew or gentile, but I would be wating my time as the Scripture tells me not to cast my pearls before a swine, nor to give what is holy to a dog.

You DO realize that Jesus was Jewish, right?

So what? You didn't say anything about Jesus following the Jewish laws, you claimed Christians in general and me in particular should be following those laws. You do realize I'm not Jewish right. You also do realize that the Lord said we, Christians, are not under the law, but under Grace? You do realize that the Laws given in Lev and Deut. all 613 of them, where given to the Israelites and those who dwelt in the land of Israel, not ever to the gentiles?

Actually, Jesus DID follow the Jewish laws. He was circumcised (a requirement under Judaic beliefs), as well as went to Temple (remember when He was debating the rabbis), and the whole reason He was in Jerusalem just before He was crucified was because He was there in observance of the Passover (another Judaic requirement).

Try again.
As for Jesus condemining homosexuailty, I consider Jesus to BE the Word of God, and to have inspired EVERY word written in the scriptures, so EVERY instance where homosexuality is condemned, isfrom the Lord. Jesus spoke volumes about sexual immorality being a sin, and unrepentent sin leading you to hell, and homosexuality is just one form of sexual immorality. As for chapter and verse the only chap and verse I'll give you is Matt 7:6.

Dear JTPR:
Can you name one instance in the Bible where Jesus healed someone of homosexuality
by judging them and calling them a sodomite?

All the cases I know of people being healed were achieved by forgiveness
in Christ Jesus. I don't know ANYONE healed by being judged and condemned!

Is this how you came to an understanding of Christ?
Is that why you think it will work to approach it this way?
As for Jesus condemining homosexuailty, I consider Jesus to BE the Word of God, and to have inspired EVERY word written in the scriptures, so EVERY instance where homosexuality is condemned, isfrom the Lord. Jesus spoke volumes about sexual immorality being a sin, and unrepentent sin leading you to hell, and homosexuality is just one form of sexual immorality. As for chapter and verse the only chap and verse I'll give you is Matt 7:6.

Dear JTPR:
Can you name one instance in the Bible where Jesus healed someone of homosexuality
by judging them and calling them a sodomite?

All the cases I know of people being healed were achieved by forgiveness
in Christ Jesus. I don't know ANYONE healed by being judged and condemned!

Is this how you came to an understanding of Christ?
Is that why you think it will work to approach it this way?

Give up

He follows a different Jesus than you do. His is a Jesus of hate....to be used as a tool to persecute those he considers inferior
All people are sinners under the eyes of gawd.

Sodomites are no different than other groups of sinners.

RE: "Therefore jtpr312 is no different than a sodomite."

Two things.
1. I'm like any other REPENTENT sinner that asks forgiveness, not like any other sinner, and not a sodomite here has shown any desire to repent and ask for forgiveness.
2. 1 Cor 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body

Dear JTPR: You said it all, when you said ALL people are sinners in the eyes of God.
What all of us fail to do, that Jesus and God can do, is forgive unconditionally without our personal biases getting in the way. No one is as perfect in love and grace as God himself, and Jesus as the perfect incarnation of that love. We can forgive, and ask help to forgive so that perfect love can flow through us, but it is only through Jesus that God's will and love can govern when we submit through Christ and give up our own misgivings we have.

On that note, what you have on your plate is can you forgive this sin of sodomy?
Can you be like Christ and forgive and offer salvation first, without condition?
Or do you tend to put the condition first, that YOU must see repentance before YOU will forgive. If you, yourself, ask God's help to remove this unforgiveness you have, then God's will can clearly intervene and bring about the changes you believe in. But as long as you stall out the process by your inability to forgive first, then that is blocking things up here.

So that is your challenge, and if you can own up to this and ask help to forgive it,
well, that is what you are asking sodomites to do. So if you can set an example of how this is done, then you can better move others to the same level as humility as it takes you, or me, or anyone else to forgive first and then let God's will follow from there! God bless you

I know you mean well, and I do want you to succeed in sharing and opening up more hearts minds and relationships to healing. The first step is unconditional forgiveness where we trust in God's will to work, and we don't take it upon ourselves, but give it to Christ to do!

Thank you and God bless
My prayers are with you that you will reach many more people
and move toward transformation in Christ by letting forgiveness open the doors
instead of shutting them in people's faces. Let the doors be open to receive.
This is done by forgiveness first, and then all necessary corrections can follow after!

Take care!
Love, Emily

Thank you and God bless you also. Actually I don't need to fogive homosexuals, for they do not sin against me but against God. Nothing the sodomite or the lesbian does is a sin against me so I have nothing to forgive them for. I am involved in various ministries that deal directly with the public, and I treat the HIV infected, unrepentent sodomite the same way I treat the hungry and defeated, unrepentent dope addict and the same way I treat the fellow Christians who also work in the ministry alongside me. The ONLY ones I would treat different are those that claim the title brother or sister, meaning who call themselves a Christian, yet still embrace, promote, condone or practice homosexuality or any other sinful practice like drunkeness gossiping, lying, etc, etc, etc. With those, I follow the scriptural command to cast them out from amongst us that the devil may destroy their bodies that their souls may be saved. We are told not to even break bread with those people and I won't. To me, the ultimate act of kindness and love it to put the truth of salvation out their in plain and simple terms. As a person who leans heavily towards a Calivinistic POV, I don't consider it to be a person's choice that brings them to salvation anyway, but rather God's grace and His calling His chosen to His Son that saves you and for those, they only need to hear the plain and simple truth. With this in mind, I will never tolerate someone bad mouthing my Lord, my faith, the word of God or Christianity, ever. The Lord has His servants, but I never forget, the enemy has his servants also, and many are on this board, and when faced with the filth that flows from their mouth against my Lord, I have a hard time staying silent.
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The boy's mistake was believing anyone in authority in the BSA would be telling him the truth.

BSA leadership was crystal clear in their policy towards gays. The boy knew what their response would be towards an openly gay scout.

It was a brave thing to do. In the end, I think he will make more of an impact than his Eagle Scout Award would give
Give up

He follows a different Jesus than you do. His is a Jesus of hate....to be used as a tool to persecute those he considers inferior

Well Jesus is like a double-edged sword. You get the Justice you give.
If you live by retribution, you get that in return.
As you judge others, so shall you be judged.
If you forgive others, so will God forgive you.
God leaves it to us to learn by free will which way we want to go.

You are right. I tend to favor Restorative Justice, not Retributive,
so I either clash with that other type -- unless we can agree what the goal is,
we can play good cop bad cop without shooting each other in the foot!

My bf is secular gentile, and he is also more the retributive justice type and does
not understand my way of correcting things by restorative justice. I am used to arguing
all the time with his type of approach, and trying to work out terms of partnership where
we can complement each other, and help where the other person's ways don't work.
He oftencomes across to people he criticizes as judgmental and sees no need to help correct anything, if it's that person's responsibility for fixing what is wrong on their side!
He does not get it is a mutual process. And when the other sides doesn't get it either,
they both stay stuck judging the other as the problem and reason nothing changes!
... I could show you the verses in the NT that tell us Christ made us all two "tribes", the sheeps and the goats, the wheat and the tares, the the children of God and the children of the devil, the damned and the saved and he no longer recognizes Jew or gentile..

whoa whoa whoa J slow down

yes, there are two folds of the same flock, the Jews under sacred scripture and the Gentiles under natural laws by conscience (see Romans)

But that does not mean the Gentiles are necessarily children of the devil.
If Jews and Gentiles become divided from each other, instead of being one in Christ and governed under Jesus in harmony, then we all become victims of the devil from that ill will.
That happens to people of all folds, of any tribe, if we fail to be reconciled in Christ to overcome such ills that you will find in all groups and institutions, because it is in all people.

Jesus fulfills BOTH these branches, the divine laws of God and the natural laws of Man.
See Col 1:16 that all authorities are created by and given unto the Lord, so that is why Jesus is called Lord of lords, or authority over ALL LAWS, both of man and God.

We can all receive Christ and be joined as one with God, yet still be of our respective tribes and cultures. The people brought up Secular Gentile, may still use that line of understanding and that system to work with, even as children of God governed by Jesus.

Christ makes all things new, so nothing has to be fallen to Satan or the Devil's influence.
All things even the secular gentiles under natural laws, even nontheists, can receive God through Christ yet retain their current systems that GOD created them to use for a reason.

See Romans 8:28 that all things can be used for Good, for God's purposes.
You give the Devil too much credit.

The Devil can corrupt anything, even Christian institutions and teaching, but so can anything be redeemed and fulfill the jurisdiction and dominion of Jesus and God.
You don't have to demonize the entire group or lineage, that comes from fear manipulated by the Devil to cut us off from each other with unforgiveness to try to block God's will.

Where we forgive and give all things over to God through Christ, you will see, there is nothing that God cannot reclaim and use for great purposes that fulfill his greater good will.

I never said the Gentiles where children of the devil, many Jews are children of the devil. My repsonse was to the poster's claim that we, Christians, are not allowed to marry outside of our tibe. I merely said there is no longer any importance in which "tribe" you belong to, because if you are in Christ the scriptures tell us in the book of Galations, For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek (gentile), there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
All people are sinners under the eyes of gawd.

Sodomites are no different than other groups of sinners.

RE: "Therefore jtpr312 is no different than a sodomite."

Two things.
1. I'm like any other REPENTENT sinner that asks forgiveness, not like any other sinner, and not a sodomite here has shown any desire to repent and ask for forgiveness.
2. 1 Cor 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body

Dear JTPR: You said it all, when you said ALL people are sinners in the eyes of God.
What all of us fail to do, that Jesus and God can do, is forgive unconditionally without our personal biases getting in the way. No one is as perfect in love and grace as God himself, and Jesus as the perfect incarnation of that love. We can forgive, and ask help to forgive so that perfect love can flow through us, but it is only through Jesus that God's will and love can govern when we submit through Christ and give up our own misgivings we have.

On that note, what you have on your plate is can you forgive this sin of sodomy?
Can you be like Christ and forgive and offer salvation first, without condition?
Or do you tend to put the condition first, that YOU must see repentance before YOU will forgive. If you, yourself, ask God's help to remove this unforgiveness you have, then God's will can clearly intervene and bring about the changes you believe in. But as long as you stall out the process by your inability to forgive first, then that is blocking things up here.

So that is your challenge, and if you can own up to this and ask help to forgive it,
well, that is what you are asking sodomites to do. So if you can set an example of how this is done, then you can better move others to the same level as humility as it takes you, or me, or anyone else to forgive first and then let God's will follow from there! God bless you

I know you mean well, and I do want you to succeed in sharing and opening up more hearts minds and relationships to healing. The first step is unconditional forgiveness where we trust in God's will to work, and we don't take it upon ourselves, but give it to Christ to do!

Thank you and God bless
My prayers are with you that you will reach many more people
and move toward transformation in Christ by letting forgiveness open the doors
instead of shutting them in people's faces. Let the doors be open to receive.
This is done by forgiveness first, and then all necessary corrections can follow after!

Take care!
Love, Emily

Thank you and God bless you also. Actually I don't need to fogive homosexuals, for they do not sin against me but against God. Nothing the sodomite or the lesbian does is a sin against me so I have nothing to forgive them for. I am involved in various ministries that deal directly with the public, and I treat the HIV infected, unrepentent sodomite the same way I treat the hungry and defeated, unrepentent dope addict and the same way I treat the fellow Christians who also work in the ministry alongside me. The ONLY ones I would treat different are those that claim the title brother or sister, meaning who call themselves a Christian, yet still embrace, promote, condone or practice homosexuality or any other sinful practice like drunkeness gossiping, lying, etc, etc, etc. With those, I follow the scriptural command to cast them out from amongst us that the devil may destroy their bodies that their souls may be saved. We are told not to even break bread with those people and I won't. To me, the ultimate act of kindness and love it to put the truth of salvation out their in plain and simple terms. As a person who leans heavily towards a Calivinistic POV, I don't consider it to be a person's choice that brings them to salvation anyway, but rather God's grace and His calling His chosen to His Son that saves you and for those, they only need to hear the plain and simple truth. With this in mind, I will never tolerate someone bad mouthing my Lord, my faith, the word of God or Christianity, ever. The Lord has His servants, but I never forget, the enemy has his servants also, and many are on this board, and when faced with the filth that flows from their mouth against my Lord, I have a hard time staying silent.

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

6 ¶ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Matthew 7. The Holy Bible: King James Version.
Dear JTPR: Given what you said, that all people are sinners and fall short.
The way I would distinguish who is Christian, who is your neighbor in Christ,
is which people or groups are willing and committed to accepting mutual
rebuke and correction in the spirit of Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice.
That's all fine and dandy, but regardless of what you would do to distinguish who is a Christian, the word of God tells us what one MUST believe to be considered a Christian and the word of God is the ONLY authoritive work on what is and what isn't, who is and who isn't, Christian

I have met as many Christians who struggled with this standard,
as I have met secular gentiles, even one gay atheist friend of mine
who LIVES by it, and yes, I do recognize him as a follower of Christ.
I'm confused here Emily. You say your gay friend is an atheist, yet you claim he/she is also a Christian. Now according to the Scrptures, remeber the ONLY authoritive work on who can and can't be considered a Christian, your gay atheist certainly doesn't qualify. How do you say someone is an athiest, yet also a foillower of the Christ?

Don't let appearances fool you. it is the spirit of how we relate to one
another that determines if we submit to Jesus to govern our lives and relations.
Not appearaces, words, thoughts, beliefs and actions determine whether you belong to Christ or not, whether you are a co-heir with Jesus or not, whether you are a Christian or not.

J since you truly commit to honoring Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
i trust you will follow this process of restoring relations in Christ Jesus,
by his instructions given in passages such as James 5:16 and Matthew 18:15-20
When dealing with an actual brother or sister in Christ I do my best to follow the commands in Matthew, but that only applies to how I am to interact with my fellow Christians, not with enemies of the Cross. With them, I do follow James 5:16, but my fervent prayers for them often times follow the guide of King David's imprecatory Psalms.

Forgiveness comes first, then corrections can be made in that spirit.
The spirit of truth is established by agreement among witnesses,
and the truth shall set us free.

This is done in the environment of forgiveness and healing.
In openness to receiving God's wisdom and higher understanding.

Anything that causes disruption by unresolved conflicts clashing
because people can't forgive each other first, that is the devil's
way of dividing and conquering us by demonizing our differences with fear.

Perfect love casts out all fear. Where we speak the truth with love,
and forgive others as the Lord forgives us, then we can establish agreement in Christ.

You are in my prayers. I join you in prayer and agreement in Christ
and to cast out anything that would otherwise cause relations to fail and to fall.
God wants us to succeed, so by forgiving and letting God in through Christ
to govern our relations, of course God will lead us to success in reaching understanding.

Yours truly,
Love, Emily
Dear JTPR: You said it all, when you said ALL people are sinners in the eyes of God.
What all of us fail to do, that Jesus and God can do, is forgive unconditionally without our personal biases getting in the way. No one is as perfect in love and grace as God himself, and Jesus as the perfect incarnation of that love. We can forgive, and ask help to forgive so that perfect love can flow through us, but it is only through Jesus that God's will and love can govern when we submit through Christ and give up our own misgivings we have.

On that note, what you have on your plate is can you forgive this sin of sodomy?
Can you be like Christ and forgive and offer salvation first, without condition?
Or do you tend to put the condition first, that YOU must see repentance before YOU will forgive. If you, yourself, ask God's help to remove this unforgiveness you have, then God's will can clearly intervene and bring about the changes you believe in. But as long as you stall out the process by your inability to forgive first, then that is blocking things up here.

So that is your challenge, and if you can own up to this and ask help to forgive it,
well, that is what you are asking sodomites to do. So if you can set an example of how this is done, then you can better move others to the same level as humility as it takes you, or me, or anyone else to forgive first and then let God's will follow from there! God bless you

I know you mean well, and I do want you to succeed in sharing and opening up more hearts minds and relationships to healing. The first step is unconditional forgiveness where we trust in God's will to work, and we don't take it upon ourselves, but give it to Christ to do!

Thank you and God bless
My prayers are with you that you will reach many more people
and move toward transformation in Christ by letting forgiveness open the doors
instead of shutting them in people's faces. Let the doors be open to receive.
This is done by forgiveness first, and then all necessary corrections can follow after!

Take care!
Love, Emily

Thank you and God bless you also. Actually I don't need to fogive homosexuals, for they do not sin against me but against God. Nothing the sodomite or the lesbian does is a sin against me so I have nothing to forgive them for. I am involved in various ministries that deal directly with the public, and I treat the HIV infected, unrepentent sodomite the same way I treat the hungry and defeated, unrepentent dope addict and the same way I treat the fellow Christians who also work in the ministry alongside me. The ONLY ones I would treat different are those that claim the title brother or sister, meaning who call themselves a Christian, yet still embrace, promote, condone or practice homosexuality or any other sinful practice like drunkeness gossiping, lying, etc, etc, etc. With those, I follow the scriptural command to cast them out from amongst us that the devil may destroy their bodies that their souls may be saved. We are told not to even break bread with those people and I won't. To me, the ultimate act of kindness and love it to put the truth of salvation out their in plain and simple terms. As a person who leans heavily towards a Calivinistic POV, I don't consider it to be a person's choice that brings them to salvation anyway, but rather God's grace and His calling His chosen to His Son that saves you and for those, they only need to hear the plain and simple truth. With this in mind, I will never tolerate someone bad mouthing my Lord, my faith, the word of God or Christianity, ever. The Lord has His servants, but I never forget, the enemy has his servants also, and many are on this board, and when faced with the filth that flows from their mouth against my Lord, I have a hard time staying silent.

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

6 ¶ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Matthew 7. The Holy Bible: King James Version.

I have absolutely no problem with being judged with the same measure I judge for my yardstick is the word of God.
Thank you and God bless you also. Actually I don't need to fogive homosexuals, for they do not sin against me but against God. Nothing the sodomite or the lesbian does is a sin against me so I have nothing to forgive them for. I am involved in various ministries that deal directly with the public, and I treat the HIV infected, unrepentent sodomite the same way I treat the hungry and defeated, unrepentent dope addict and the same way I treat the fellow Christians who also work in the ministry alongside me. The ONLY ones I would treat different are those that claim the title brother or sister, meaning who call themselves a Christian, yet still embrace, promote, condone or practice homosexuality or any other sinful practice like drunkeness gossiping, lying, etc, etc, etc. With those, I follow the scriptural command to cast them out from amongst us that the devil may destroy their bodies that their souls may be saved. We are told not to even break bread with those people and I won't. To me, the ultimate act of kindness and love it to put the truth of salvation out their in plain and simple terms. As a person who leans heavily towards a Calivinistic POV, I don't consider it to be a person's choice that brings them to salvation anyway, but rather God's grace and His calling His chosen to His Son that saves you and for those, they only need to hear the plain and simple truth. With this in mind, I will never tolerate someone bad mouthing my Lord, my faith, the word of God or Christianity, ever. The Lord has His servants, but I never forget, the enemy has his servants also, and many are on this board, and when faced with the filth that flows from their mouth against my Lord, I have a hard time staying silent.

Thank you for sharing, it is beautiful that God is able to work through you to help people in such need of spiritual strength in their process of recovery.

I think I understand what you are saying, that you are equally compassionate and loving with those who "don't know" but it's the ones who claim to know but then counsel others to fall that you have no tolerance for. I'm the same way. Even with Constitutional laws, if lawyers make money off the system but do not defend the law but twist it for personal gain or monetary profit, that makes me as outraged as I think Jesus was in turning the tables over in the temple on the money changers corrupting the house of God.

I believe God still challenges us as witnesses to speak the truth with love, to correct others with justice and wisdom, and yes we can use that sense of intolerance to motivate us to seek change, but not to judge the person which is God's place not ours. If we project onto people personally, that is mistaken for our own issues and it detracts from the wisdom and correction that God is trying to establish and be heard. So compassion and wisdom help temper the message where people can receive it on target. I agree this is easier said than done. I think we get better at
sharing as we practice interacting with different people, so we don't come across wrong.

Even though you perceive the wrong is against God and not you personally, the fact that you feel this is badmouthing and filth, that is still an offense to you and if you trust God to help you forgive it first and not react negatively but constructively, then God will help you to be even more effective. It is like learning to play in tune, God will help us hit the target if we get our emotions out of the way.

I fight this everyday, with learning how to say things cooperatively to invite change and improvement or reform, and not hostile in opposition that just incites rejection instead.

I am more concerned that I do not get caught up in the same negativity that causes people to fall away from God's will and plan. I believe most negativity can be overcome and corrected; and only in extreme cases are people so possessed with evil they can't be helped.

If I can even find one point where I agree with someone in truth, that one key is enough to open the door. So I look for those points, and build relations from there, rather than toss out the whole relationship based on the 98% that is the haystack instead of the needle.

With each person, the truth we share in common is different. I find it fascinating where people can share the Gospel using the same scriptures or Bible; because with me, each person and the experiences/parables we talk about to reach an understanding are unique.

That is great you are able to reach out in different ministries, and I hope the ministry of spiritual healing is one we might have in common. That one excites me the most, because of the potential of sharing and proving the process of spiritual healing through medical science to even demonstrate the transformation and cure for disease with secular minds.
I believe this will bring together the knowledge of the Jews with the Gentiles where there is no more false division between science and religion, and end distrust and fear which the devil has been using to keep people divided instead of united in understanding God's truth.

Take care and my prayers are with you and your ministries to reach and uplift as many hearts minds and souls as you contact and connect with. God bless you and good night!
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Thank you and God bless you also. Actually I don't need to fogive homosexuals, for they do not sin against me but against God. Nothing the sodomite or the lesbian does is a sin against me so I have nothing to forgive them for. I am involved in various ministries that deal directly with the public, and I treat the HIV infected, unrepentent sodomite the same way I treat the hungry and defeated, unrepentent dope addict and the same way I treat the fellow Christians who also work in the ministry alongside me. The ONLY ones I would treat different are those that claim the title brother or sister, meaning who call themselves a Christian, yet still embrace, promote, condone or practice homosexuality or any other sinful practice like drunkeness gossiping, lying, etc, etc, etc. With those, I follow the scriptural command to cast them out from amongst us that the devil may destroy their bodies that their souls may be saved. We are told not to even break bread with those people and I won't. To me, the ultimate act of kindness and love it to put the truth of salvation out their in plain and simple terms. As a person who leans heavily towards a Calivinistic POV, I don't consider it to be a person's choice that brings them to salvation anyway, but rather God's grace and His calling His chosen to His Son that saves you and for those, they only need to hear the plain and simple truth. With this in mind, I will never tolerate someone bad mouthing my Lord, my faith, the word of God or Christianity, ever. The Lord has His servants, but I never forget, the enemy has his servants also, and many are on this board, and when faced with the filth that flows from their mouth against my Lord, I have a hard time staying silent.

1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24

3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

6 ¶ Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

Matthew 7. The Holy Bible: King James Version.

I have absolutely no problem with being judged with the same measure I judge for my yardstick is the word of God.

God is the only one who can judge others, not you.

And hiding behind God as a way to denigrate other humans is the worst form of cowardice. You don't take responsibility for your views, you just say "God said it, so I do it".

I've got news for you............God doesn't want hive mind drone followers, He wants someone who can CHOOSE Him based on their own experiences, not because some archaic book says to. What do you think free will is all about?

And............lets not forget, some of the greater people in the Bible (like Abraham) even questioned and bargained with God.
Thank you and God bless you also. Actually I don't need to fogive homosexuals, for they do not sin against me but against God. Nothing the sodomite or the lesbian does is a sin against me so I have nothing to forgive them for. I am involved in various ministries that deal directly with the public, and I treat the HIV infected, unrepentent sodomite the same way I treat the hungry and defeated, unrepentent dope addict and the same way I treat the fellow Christians who also work in the ministry alongside me. The ONLY ones I would treat different are those that claim the title brother or sister, meaning who call themselves a Christian, yet still embrace, promote, condone or practice homosexuality or any other sinful practice like drunkeness gossiping, lying, etc, etc, etc. With those, I follow the scriptural command to cast them out from amongst us that the devil may destroy their bodies that their souls may be saved. We are told not to even break bread with those people and I won't. To me, the ultimate act of kindness and love it to put the truth of salvation out their in plain and simple terms. As a person who leans heavily towards a Calivinistic POV, I don't consider it to be a person's choice that brings them to salvation anyway, but rather God's grace and His calling His chosen to His Son that saves you and for those, they only need to hear the plain and simple truth. With this in mind, I will never tolerate someone bad mouthing my Lord, my faith, the word of God or Christianity, ever. The Lord has His servants, but I never forget, the enemy has his servants also, and many are on this board, and when faced with the filth that flows from their mouth against my Lord, I have a hard time staying silent.

Thank you for sharing, it is beautiful that God is able to work through you to help people in such need of spiritual strength in their process of recovery.

I think I understand what you are saying, that you are equally compassionate and loving with those who "don't know" but it's the ones who claim to know but then counsel others to fall that you have no tolerance for. I'm the same way. Even with Constitutional laws, if lawyers make money off the system but do not defend the law but twist it for personal gain or monetary profit, that makes me as outraged as I think Jesus was in turning the tables over in the temple on the money changers corrupting the house of God.

I believe God still challenges us as witnesses to speak the truth with love, to correct others with justice and wisdom, and yes we can use that sense of intolerance to motivate us to seek change, but not to judge the person which is God's place not ours. If we project onto people personally, that is mistaken for our own issues and it detracts from the wisdom and correction that God is trying to establish and be heard. So compassion and wisdom help temper the message where people can receive it on target. I agree this is easier said than done. I think we get better at
sharing as we practice interacting with different people, so we don't come across wrong.

Even though you perceive the wrong is against God and not you personally, the fact that you feel this is badmouthing and filth, that is still an offense to you and if you trust God to help you forgive it first and not react negatively but constructively, then God will help you to be even more effective. It is like learning to play in tune, God will help us hit the target if we get our emotions out of the way.

I fight this everyday, with learning how to say things cooperatively to invite change and improvement or reform, and not hostile in opposition that just incites rejection instead.

I am more concerned that I do not get caught up in the same negativity that causes people to fall away from God's will and plan. I believe most negativity can be overcome and corrected; and only in extreme cases are people so possessed with evil they can't be helped.

If I can even find one point where I agree with someone in truth, that one key is enough to open the door. So I look for those points, and build relations from there, rather than toss out the whole relationship based on the 98% that is the haystack instead of the needle.

With each person, the truth we share in common is different. I find it fascinating where people can share the Gospel using the same scriptures or Bible; because with me, each person and the experiences/parables we talk about to reach an understanding are unique.

That is great you are able to reach out in different ministries, and I hope the ministry of spiritual healing is one we might have in common. That one excites me the most, because of the potential of sharing and proving the process of spiritual healing through medical science to even demonstrate the transformation and cure for disease with secular minds.
I believe this will bring together the knowledge of the Jews with the Gentiles where there is no more false division between science and religion, and end distrust and fear which the devil has been using to keep people divided instead of united in understanding God's truth.

Take care and my prayers are with you and your ministries to reach and uplift as many hearts minds and souls as you contact and connect with. God bless you and good night!

Good advice, thank you. I have always struggled with a bit of a temper and pray that the Lord softens that temper.

I have absolutely no problem with being judged with the same measure I judge for my yardstick is the word of God.

God is the only one who can judge others, not you
This statement cleary shows you are ignorant where the Scriptures are concerned. Christians are commanded to judge the actions, words, teachings, etc of others.

And hiding behind God as a way to denigrate other humans is the worst form of cowardice. You don't take responsibility for your views, you just say "God said it, so I do it".
You think so because you embrace moral relativism, I don't. God said it, so it is so, period.

I've got news for you............God doesn't want hive mind drone followers, He wants someone who can CHOOSE Him based on their own experiences, not because some archaic book says to.  What do you think free will is all about?
Free will is the reason you choose to reject God and instead embrace the god of this world who tells you your lifestyle choice is natural, normal and acceptable because it's your own life, your own experiances, your own thoughts, your own beliefs, you were born that way, love is love, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc. Look bud, like I said, I don't give a crap that you're a homo. That's between you and God. You don't have to explain your perverse way of life to me, nor do you have to justify the choices you make to me. Save your bs arguments for your judgement.

And............lets not forget, some of the greater people in the Bible (like Abraham) even questioned and bargained with God
Then by all means, question Him, but I'll tell you a truth you may not like, His word is what it is, and all the questioning in the world, and all the bargaining in the world, won't change the truths found in His word. good luck to you bud, your salvation or lack thereof are of no concern to me. ]QUOTE]
I have absolutely no problem with being judged with the same measure I judge for my yardstick is the word of God.

God is the only one who can judge others, not you
This statement cleary shows you are ignorant where the Scriptures are concerned. Christians are commanded to judge the actions, words, teachings, etc of others.

You think so because you embrace moral relativism, I don't. God said it, so it is so, period.

I've got news for you............God doesn't want hive mind drone followers, He wants someone who can CHOOSE Him based on their own experiences, not because some archaic book says to.  What do you think free will is all about?
Free will is the reason you choose to reject God and instead embrace the god of this world who tells you your lifestyle choice is natural, normal and acceptable because it's your own life, your own experiances, your own thoughts, your own beliefs, you were born that way, love is love, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc. Look bud, like I said, I don't give a crap that you're a homo. That's between you and God. You don't have to explain your perverse way of life to me, nor do you have to justify the choices you make to me. Save your bs arguments for your judgement.

Then by all means, question Him, but I'll tell you a truth you may not like, His word is what it is, and all the questioning in the world, and all the bargaining in the world, won't change the truths found in His word. good luck to you bud, your salvation or lack thereof are of no concern to me. ]QUOTE]

Kinda judgemental, aren't we? BTW, not gay, served this country for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, have 2 sons and am pretty happy with the relationship I have with God and Yeshua.

Notice that I've never said anything personal about you, just that your belief system is seriously flawed and tried to gently lead you there with logic.
God is the only one who can judge others, not you
This statement cleary shows you are ignorant where the Scriptures are concerned. Christians are commanded to judge the actions, words, teachings, etc of others.

You think so because you embrace moral relativism, I don't. God said it, so it is so, period.

I've got news for you............God doesn't want hive mind drone followers, He wants someone who can CHOOSE Him based on their own experiences, not because some archaic book says to.  What do you think free will is all about?
Free will is the reason you choose to reject God and instead embrace the god of this world who tells you your lifestyle choice is natural, normal and acceptable because it's your own life, your own experiances, your own thoughts, your own beliefs, you were born that way, love is love, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc. Look bud, like I said, I don't give a crap that you're a homo. That's between you and God. You don't have to explain your perverse way of life to me, nor do you have to justify the choices you make to me. Save your bs arguments for your judgement.

Kinda judgemental, aren't we? BTW, not gay, served this country for 20 years in the U.S. Navy, have 2 sons and am pretty happy with the relationship I have with God and Yeshua.

Notice that I've never said anything personal about you, just that your belief system is seriously flawed and tried to gently lead you there with logic.

First off thanks for your service in the Navy. The facts are though that it doesn't matter whether you're a homosexual or not if you support the belief that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality and tell homosexuals this. As a matter of fact, what you do is worse, you lie to the ones who are caught in the bondage of sexual sin and tell them it's ok don't worry about it. At least if you were a homosexual, you would have the excuse that the lusts of the flesh have you in bondage, but you're not, so that just makes you a false teacher, an anti-Christ who preaches the enemy's message that leads to hell. As for my belief system being flawed, I don't think so as it is based upon the word of God and not on man's logic. As a matter of fact, faith in the Lord and in the veracity of His word is quite illogical by man's standards but I have no problems with that.

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