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Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

I can direct you to "anything you choose to believe" friendly churches so what? We''re talking about Christian churches thoughm and you cannot promote, condone or support what the Lord of the bible calls filth, corruption, an abomination and sin and still be a Christian church. If you support, condone or promote homosexual behavior or gay marraige, you are not a Christian church, you are an apostate church that leads peopel not ot salvation, but to hell. Now, I'll tell you the same thing I told the sodomite pirate, run along now, you're unqualified to decide what is and what isn't "Christian".

Churches that preach hatred towards their fellow man and exclusion are less christian than inclusion-based churches. You are on the outside looking in..out in the cold, pretending you are the warm inside. Delusional at best...perhaps even a little insane.
Apostate | Define Apostate at Dictionary.com

If a person is still practicing all other tenants of their religion and only overlooking homosexuality, they aren't really apostates, because they never abandoned their religion if they still practice it.

Run along now.

BTW............got any Bible references where Christs SPECIFICALLY condemns homosexuality? I'll save you the trouble, there aren't any.

Of course they're apostates, maybe you need to look up the actual defintions of the word. They have abandonded or betrayed their faith/morals/beliefs and created ones of their own liking. That is what an apostate person, or church does.

1. apostate - a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
Adj. 1. apostate - not faithful to religion

As for Jesus condemining homosexuailty, I consider Jesus to BE the Word of God, and to have inspired EVERY word written in the scriptures, so EVERY instance where homosexuality is condemned, isfrom the Lord. Jesus spoke volumes about sexual immorality being a sin, and unrepentent sin leading you to hell, and homosexuality is just one form of sexual immorality. As for chapter and verse the only chap and verse I'll give you is Matt 7:6.
Of course they're apostates, maybe you need to look up the actual defintions of the word. They have abandonded or betrayed their faith/morals/beliefs and created ones of their own liking. That is what an apostate person, or church does.

1. apostate - a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
Adj. 1. apostate - not faithful to religion

As for Jesus condemining homosexuailty, I consider Jesus to BE the Word of God, and to have inspired EVERY word written in the scriptures, so EVERY instance where homosexuality is condemned, isfrom the Lord. Jesus spoke volumes about sexual immorality being a sin, and unrepentent sin leading you to hell, and homosexuality is just one form of sexual immorality. As for chapter and verse the only chap and verse I'll give you is Matt 7:6.

What total and absolute crock.
Internet Sacred Text Archive Home

Scroll down in the index to the LBGT section and you'll see how wrong you are.

By the way assmunch, what makes YOU specifically qualified to speak for all of Christianity? Do you speak for the Lutherans and Baptists as well as the Episcopalians and Pentecostals?

Here's the deal sodomite. You can give me all the bs you want to about your particular perversion and sin being ok and not being against God and His word and you can give me all the heathen sources you want to, I don't give a crap squid. Here's the facts, here's what the ONLY authority I recognize, the word of God, says about your particular perversion, homosexuaity.

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

This is the category the Lord places people who engage in homosexuality in, the same group that includes thieves, idolators, fornicators, drunkards and all other manner of vile and corrupt people. As for what makes me qualified to speak for all Christianity, why that would be the Indwelt Holy Spirit boy. As for my speaking for baptists, lutherans, episcopals etc, I speak the truths given by the scirpture for the ONLY church, which is the bride of Christ some denominations are part of that church some aren't. Like I said, some are apostate.
Jesus Christ, are you ignorant, man.

What about the 'abomination' of shrimp cocktail (eating shellfish)?

Or marrying outside of your tribe?

Or wearing mixed threads?

How do idiots like you reconcile those 'abominations'.

You are not Christian. Please stop pretending to be or pretending to understand the teachings of christ.

What about em? What in the world do the Laws God gave Moses to give TO THE ISRAELITES have to do with me, a Christian? Here's the thing. You, being a heathen, are not even remotely qualified to argue the meanings of scripture with me, or any other Christian for that matter, as they don't belong to you. I could show you where the Lord rescinded the laws regarding what you eat, just as I could show you the verses in the NT that tell us Christ made us all two "tribes", the sheeps and the goats, the wheat and the tares, the the children of God and the children of the devil, the damned and the saved and he no longer recognizes Jew or gentile, but I would be wating my time as the Scripture tells me not to cast my pearls before a swine, nor to give what is holy to a dog.

You DO realize that Jesus was Jewish, right?

So what? You didn't say anything about Jesus following the Jewish laws, you claimed Christians in general and me in particular should be following those laws. You do realize I'm not Jewish right. You also do realize that the Lord said we, Christians, are not under the law, but under Grace? You do realize that the Laws given in Lev and Deut. all 613 of them, where given to the Israelites and those who dwelt in the land of Israel, not ever to the gentiles?
Lol, you sodomites are no different than any other group of sinners. You whine and cry and look and search for some justification to believe that God wasn't actually talking to you when He said He considered what you do to be filth, corruption, sin or an abomination in His eyes. Keep looking, keep listening to those apostate preachers, keep following after your own perversions and lusts, they'll all lead you to hell, I could care less. AS a Calvinist I don't even believe you could stop and be saved and believe the true Gospel even if you wanted to, which by the words I see here not one of you does, but no sweat off my back. I don't know a single one of you and I could care less what you believe, do or think and care even less where you spend eternity. Not all are called to the Son.
I can direct you to "anything you choose to believe" friendly churches so what? We''re talking about Christian churches thoughm and you cannot promote, condone or support what the Lord of the bible calls filth, corruption, an abomination and sin and still be a Christian church. If you support, condone or promote homosexual behavior or gay marraige, you are not a Christian church, you are an apostate church that leads peopel not ot salvation, but to hell. Now, I'll tell you the same thing I told the sodomite pirate, run along now, you're unqualified to decide what is and what isn't "Christian".

so by christian, you actually mean nutbar.

good to know, nutbar
Lol, you sodomites are no different than any other group of sinners. You whine and cry and look and search for some justification to believe that God wasn't actually talking to you when He said He considered what you do to be filth, corruption, sin or an abomination in His eyes. Keep looking, keep listening to those apostate preachers, keep following after your own perversions and lusts, they'll all lead you to hell, I could care less. AS a Calvinist I don't even believe you could stop and be saved and believe the true Gospel even if you wanted to, which by the words I see here not one of you does, but no sweat off my back. I don't know a single one of you and I could care less what you believe, do or think and care even less where you spend eternity. Not all are called to the Son.

All people are sinners under the eyes of gawd.

Sodomites are no different than other groups of sinners.

Therefore jtpr312 is no different than a sodomite.
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1. You cannot be a "Christian" period, let alone a Chrisitan leader, and be openly and actively engaging in the abomination of homosexuality.
2. Any church that condones homosexual behavior, is apostate, not Christian.

Jesus Christ, are you ignorant, man.

What about the 'abomination' of shrimp cocktail (eating shellfish)?

Or marrying outside of your tribe?

Or wearing mixed threads?

How do idiots like you reconcile those 'abominations'.

You are not Christian. Please stop pretending to be or pretending to understand the teachings of christ.

What about em? .

So you don't even read the bible.

Stop pretending you're a Christian.
I can direct you to "anything you choose to believe" friendly churches so what? We''re talking about Christian churches thoughm and you cannot promote, condone or support what the Lord of the bible calls filth, corruption, an abomination and sin and still be a Christian church. If you support, condone or promote homosexual behavior or gay marraige, you are not a Christian church, you are an apostate church that leads peopel not ot salvation, but to hell. Now, I'll tell you the same thing I told the sodomite pirate, run along now, you're unqualified to decide what is and what isn't "Christian".

so by christian, you actually mean nutbar.

good to know, nutbar

No sodomite, by Christian I mean one who honors and fears God, repents and trusts in the Lord for thier salvation, and reads and believes what the word of God teaches.
Lol, you sodomites are no different than any other group of sinners. You whine and cry and look and search for some justification to believe that God wasn't actually talking to you when He said He considered what you do to be filth, corruption, sin or an abomination in His eyes. Keep looking, keep listening to those apostate preachers, keep following after your own perversions and lusts, they'll all lead you to hell, I could care less. AS a Calvinist I don't even believe you could stop and be saved and believe the true Gospel even if you wanted to, which by the words I see here not one of you does, but no sweat off my back. I don't know a single one of you and I could care less what you believe, do or think and care even less where you spend eternity. Not all are called to the Son.

All people are sinners under the eyes of gawd.

Sodomites are no different than other groups of sinners.

Therefore jtpr312 is no different than a sodomite.

Two things.
1. I'm like any other REPENTENT sinner that asks forgiveness, not like any other sinner, and not a sodomite here has shown any desire to repent and ask for forgiveness.
2. 1 Cor 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body
Jesus Christ, are you ignorant, man.

What about the 'abomination' of shrimp cocktail (eating shellfish)?

Or marrying outside of your tribe?

Or wearing mixed threads?

How do idiots like you reconcile those 'abominations'.

You are not Christian. Please stop pretending to be or pretending to understand the teachings of christ.

What about em? .

So you don't even read the bible.

Stop pretending you're a Christian.

Lol. "What about em"? wasn't my answer dumbass. What, you have trouble reading the rest of the post? Couldn't get past those first few easy words so you gave up?
I said, "What about em? What in the world do the Laws God gave Moses to give TO THE ISRAELITES have to do with me, a Christian? Here's the thing. You, being a heathen, are not even remotely qualified to argue the meanings of scripture with me, or any other Christian for that matter, as they don't belong to you. I could show you where the Lord rescinded the laws regarding what you eat, just as I could show you the verses in the NT that tell us Christ made us all two "tribes", the sheeps and the goats, the wheat and the tares, the the children of God and the children of the devil, the damned and the saved and he no longer recognizes Jew or gentile, but I would be wating my time as the Scripture tells me not to cast my pearls before a swine, nor to give what is holy to a dog".
Now try again scrote, if you have trouble reading and comprehending all those words after "what about em" ask one of your friends or neighbors to give you a hand. Any competent 4th grader should be able to help you out.
I can direct you to "anything you choose to believe" friendly churches so what? We''re talking about Christian churches thoughm and you cannot promote, condone or support what the Lord of the bible calls filth, corruption, an abomination and sin and still be a Christian church. If you support, condone or promote homosexual behavior or gay marraige, you are not a Christian church, you are an apostate church that leads peopel not ot salvation, but to hell. Now, I'll tell you the same thing I told the sodomite pirate, run along now, you're unqualified to decide what is and what isn't "Christian".

so by christian, you actually mean nutbar.

good to know, nutbar

No sodomite, by Christian I mean one who honors and fears God, repents and trusts in the Lord for thier salvation, and reads and believes what the word of God teaches.

okay, nutbar, whatever you say :cuckoo:
Jesus Christ, are you ignorant, man.

What about the 'abomination' of shrimp cocktail (eating shellfish)?

Or marrying outside of your tribe?

Or wearing mixed threads?

How do idiots like you reconcile those 'abominations'.

You are not Christian. Please stop pretending to be or pretending to understand the teachings of christ.

What about em? .

So you don't even read the bible.

Stop pretending you're a Christian.

These are not Christian prohibitions. Christianity only concerns itself with the time period after Christ. The New Testament. Before Christ was born, obviously there was no such thing as Christianity.

The rules set down in the Old Testament made a tremendous amount of sense for the time. They were reasonable and very logical.
What about em? .

So you don't even read the bible.

Stop pretending you're a Christian.

These are not Christian prohibitions. Christianity only concerns itself with the time period after Christ. The New Testament. Before Christ was born, obviously there was no such thing as Christianity.

The rules set down in the Old Testament made a tremendous amount of sense for the time. They were reasonable and very logical.

Not true
All people are sinners under the eyes of gawd.

Sodomites are no different than other groups of sinners.

RE: "Therefore jtpr312 is no different than a sodomite."

Two things.
1. I'm like any other REPENTENT sinner that asks forgiveness, not like any other sinner, and not a sodomite here has shown any desire to repent and ask for forgiveness.
2. 1 Cor 6:18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body

Dear JTPR: You said it all, when you said ALL people are sinners in the eyes of God.
What all of us fail to do, that Jesus and God can do, is forgive unconditionally without our personal biases getting in the way. No one is as perfect in love and grace as God himself, and Jesus as the perfect incarnation of that love. We can forgive, and ask help to forgive so that perfect love can flow through us, but it is only through Jesus that God's will and love can govern when we submit through Christ and give up our own misgivings we have.

On that note, what you have on your plate is can you forgive this sin of sodomy?
Can you be like Christ and forgive and offer salvation first, without condition?
Or do you tend to put the condition first, that YOU must see repentance before YOU will forgive. If you, yourself, ask God's help to remove this unforgiveness you have, then God's will can clearly intervene and bring about the changes you believe in. But as long as you stall out the process by your inability to forgive first, then that is blocking things up here.

So that is your challenge, and if you can own up to this and ask help to forgive it,
well, that is what you are asking sodomites to do. So if you can set an example of how this is done, then you can better move others to the same level as humility as it takes you, or me, or anyone else to forgive first and then let God's will follow from there! God bless you.

I know you mean well, and I do want you to succeed in sharing and opening up more hearts minds and relationships to healing. The first step is unconditional forgiveness where we trust in God's will to work, and we don't take it upon ourselves, but give it to Christ to do!

Thank you and God bless
My prayers are with you that you will reach many more people
and move toward transformation in Christ by letting forgiveness open the doors
instead of shutting them in people's faces. Let the doors be open to receive.
This is done by forgiveness first, and then all necessary corrections can follow after!

Take care!
Love, Emily
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What about em? .

So you don't even read the bible.

Stop pretending you're a Christian.

These are not Christian prohibitions. Christianity only concerns itself with the time period after Christ. The New Testament. Before Christ was born, obviously there was no such thing as Christianity.

The rules set down in the Old Testament made a tremendous amount of sense for the time. They were reasonable and very logical.

Dear K: Yes and no. The OT records more of the history of humanity suffering destruction, death, and genocide by living by the "letter of the law" which is corrupted by greed for material control and power. The NT is about Christ Jesus renewing the "spirit of the law" and restoring life, justice and peace that is lost by enslavement to the letter of the law.

So you are right that the point of Christ Jesus is to make all things new. however, Jesus himself said he came to FULFILL the law, not to abolish it. When we live by the spirit of the law, then we can meet the letter of the law. It does not mean it is wiped out or voided in that sense. I compare it to laws on the death penalty for example: once we live by the spirit of the laws, of truth and justice and selfless charity for others, we no longer allow hatred in our hearts to turn to murder. So when there is no more murder, there is no more death penalty. It is not that the laws are voided, but that we met the standard that was the reason for the law to be in place. So we will meet all the standards by the spirit of the laws, and the letter of the law will follow from there.

NOTE: if you are still having issues or arguments with people over what the laws mean in the Bible, it is due to arguing over the letter instead of agreeing on the spirit of the laws first. If you seek where you agree in spirit, there is no need to argue over the letter. Stick to the real purpose, and both the spirit and letter of the law will lead to agreement on the important points. Any other differences will take care of themselves after that.
... I could show you the verses in the NT that tell us Christ made us all two "tribes", the sheeps and the goats, the wheat and the tares, the the children of God and the children of the devil, the damned and the saved and he no longer recognizes Jew or gentile..

whoa whoa whoa J slow down

yes, there are two folds of the same flock, the Jews under sacred scripture and the Gentiles under natural laws by conscience (see Romans)

But that does not mean the Gentiles are necessarily children of the devil.
If Jews and Gentiles become divided from each other, instead of being one in Christ and governed under Jesus in harmony, then we all become victims of the devil from that ill will.
That happens to people of all folds, of any tribe, if we fail to be reconciled in Christ to overcome such ills that you will find in all groups and institutions, because it is in all people.

Jesus fulfills BOTH these branches, the divine laws of God and the natural laws of Man.
See Col 1:16 that all authorities are created by and given unto the Lord, so that is why Jesus is called Lord of lords, or authority over ALL LAWS, both of man and God.

We can all receive Christ and be joined as one with God, yet still be of our respective tribes and cultures. The people brought up Secular Gentile, may still use that line of understanding and that system to work with, even as children of God governed by Jesus.

Christ makes all things new, so nothing has to be fallen to Satan or the Devil's influence.
All things even the secular gentiles under natural laws, even nontheists, can receive God through Christ yet retain their current systems that GOD created them to use for a reason.

See Romans 8:28 that all things can be used for Good, for God's purposes.
You give the Devil too much credit.

The Devil can corrupt anything, even Christian institutions and teaching, but so can anything be redeemed and fulfill the jurisdiction and dominion of Jesus and God.
You don't have to demonize the entire group or lineage, that comes from fear manipulated by the Devil to cut us off from each other with unforgiveness to try to block God's will.

Where we forgive and give all things over to God through Christ, you will see, there is nothing that God cannot reclaim and use for great purposes that fulfill his greater good will.

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