Homosexual boy scout is mad because he won't be given eagle badge

Right, he hid the fact that he was an atheist from birth onward.


He repeated the boy scout oath hundreds of times without complaint. Suddenly, 2 days before he gets his eagle scout award he has a problem with it?

I don't know...that's what the Boy Scouts say but since he didn't get his ceremony no one can answer the question. HE said he believes in God. Did he refuse to take his oath in advance?

Somehow I doubt it.

the only thing i read said he didn't believe in god.

whatever shall i do?
Do you know when he realized he was gay?
Do you know when it dawned on him that god was just made up ?

I seriously doubt it dawned on him two days before he got his eagle scout award.

He is a brave young man

More interested in telling the truth than taking the easy way out

If that was so, he would have told the truth when it first dawned on him, not 2 days before getting his eagle scout and then going straight to the newspapers to cry "discrimination".
He repeated the boy scout oath hundreds of times without complaint. Suddenly, 2 days before he gets his eagle scout award he has a problem with it?

I don't know...that's what the Boy Scouts say but since he didn't get his ceremony no one can answer the question. HE said he believes in God. Did he refuse to take his oath in advance?

Somehow I doubt it.

the only thing i read said he didn't believe in god.

whatever shall i do?


Gay Boy Scout Denied Eagle Award Says He Believes in God - ABC News

I can't really blame him for taking advantage of the situation (referencing your post above).
Boy Scout Oath or Promise

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

The BSA is serious about the God part. They are serious about the morally straight part based on the fact they look at homosexuality as immoral

But if an Eagle candidate is not physically strong, mentally awake, courteous, kind, helpful, thrifty, brave, obedient, cheerful, clean......

They don't care

I have never seen a scout candidate denied advancement to Eagle for not meeting these requirements
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The Scout Oath and Law apparently means nothing. All scouts should simply ignore them because it's PC apparently.
I don't know...that's what the Boy Scouts say but since he didn't get his ceremony no one can answer the question. HE said he believes in God. Did he refuse to take his oath in advance?

Somehow I doubt it.

the only thing i read said he didn't believe in god.

whatever shall i do?


Gay Boy Scout Denied Eagle Award Says He Believes in God - ABC News

I can't really blame him for taking advantage of the situation (referencing your post above).

i don't blame him either.

my experience at the local level is that no one cares about sexual orientation. of course, i've never had a scout come out either.

i'm kind of surprised that his scoutmaster wouldn't sign off on it after encouraging him to pursue it. that's a real douche bag move, imo.
The Scout Oath and Law apparently means nothing. All scouts should simply ignore them because it's PC apparently.

Kind of like those idiots that wrote the Declaration of Independence calling the higher power the "creator" was PC.

Yeah, man. What a bunch of pansies.
the only thing i read said he didn't believe in god.

whatever shall i do?


Gay Boy Scout Denied Eagle Award Says He Believes in God - ABC News

I can't really blame him for taking advantage of the situation (referencing your post above).

i don't blame him either.

my experience at the local level is that no one cares about sexual orientation. of course, i've never had a scout come out either.

i'm kind of surprised that his scoutmaster wouldn't sign off on it after encouraging him to pursue it. that's a real douche bag move, imo.
Exactly. If nothing else happens, that scoutmaster should be booted to the curb as he certainly doesn't appear to follow the scout code. It is a lot easier to forgive a teen than a supposedly mature adult.
The Scout Oath and Law apparently means nothing. All scouts should simply ignore them because it's PC apparently.

There is nothing in the scout law or oath regarding homosexuality

It is all in the broad archaic interpretation of the BSA national council
It's fine that you think he's going to Hell for his actions, but if you're basing those beliefs off of God's laws as set forth in Leviticus then he will have a lot of company. I hope you follow all of the laws as well: "Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material", "And the pig...does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you", etc. Deuteronomy 17:2-7 indicates that Christians should kill those who worship another God. So if you abide by all of the other laws put forth then so be it otherwise I believe that based on scripture it could be asked: "And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?". Also, "For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged"

Actually I base it on the Lord's teachings found from Gen. (which predates the law of Moses and shows some 400yrs between just the destruction of Sodom to Moses even getting the laws you quote, not to mention the many other condemnations against sexual immorality of all manner going back before the destruction of Sodom, therefore BEFORE the Law being given to Moses) to Rev. As for me following all the law, why would I do that? I am not an Israelite and the Law was given, by God, through Moses, to the People of Israel and those who dwelt in Israel. You, like many heathens lack any understanding of God's word yet feel the irresistable urge to bloviate on it for some reason. You quote Deut and then say something stupid like it "indicates Christians shouls kill those who worship another god". Here's a hint for you bubba, there was no such thing as a Christian back then, and the book of Deuteronomy tells us who specifcally it is being addressed to right in it's text, the people of Israel, the Jews. Same with the Laws in Leviticus, "Now the Lord called to Moses, and spoke to him from the tabernacle of meeting, saying, “Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them": Maybe a serious study of the scriptures would be in your best interest if you wish to try and use them to make a point. You don't have to be under the law and follow the penalties written out in that law, to recognize sin as being sin, to recognize immorality as immorality. The bible says the Christian is not under the law but under Grace, it also says sin is STILL sin and unrepentent sin will still land you in hell.

Genesis is also part of the Old Testament. My point is you are quoting laws from the Old Testament and many of those laws are not followed nor do people suggest that they be followed. I understand that Christianity did not come around until Christ, however you are suggesting that Christians should follow the law (or whatever you would like to call it) of the Old Testament. I am not familiar with any reference at all to homosexuality in the New Testament. It's not consistent to pick and choose which parts of the Old Testament should be followed.

No, you have no point. I am not quoting any laws from the Old Test. I am merely pointing out that sexual immorality is now and always has been considered a sin in the eyes of God, that has nothing to do with the Law. My point was and is, homosexuality, and adultery and fornication for that matter, was considered sinful behavior BEFORE there was any law given to the Israelites therefore it being a sin has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Laws given Moses. Furthermore Jesus, in the New Test. condemned ALL sexual immorality, and trust me, if homosexuality is called an abomination by the Lord, it is by defintion immorality. Then we get to the Holy Spirit guiding other biblical authors to condemn sexual immorality in general and homosexuality in particular in numerous verses, along with Jude
re-iterating the fact that homosexuality will lead to your destruciton and eternal judgement. As for you not being familiar with any refrences to homosexuality in the New Test, that doesn't surprise me as the things about the scriptures you are unfamiliar with can fill volumes I'm sure.
I also think that Christianity should be about a lot more than blithering on about condemning this, judging that, and decreeing that certain people are heathens. I think that God's word should be used to focus on leading the best life that you can and improving yourself (not chastising others).

Doesn't much matter what you think Christianity should be all about, as Christianity was given us by God, and He gets to decide what it's all about and He does so in His word. It also gives us the single word Jesus used to start His public ministry and that word was Repent! Feel free to start your own religion though, then you can make it about whatever you want it to be.
I also think that Christianity should be about a lot more than blithering on about condemning this, judging that, and decreeing that certain people are heathens. I think that God's word should be used to focus on leading the best life that you can and improving yourself (not chastising others).

Doesn't much matter what you think Christianity should be all about, as Christianity was given us by God, and He gets to decide what it's all about and He does so in His word. It also gives us the single word Jesus used to start His public ministry and that word was Repent! Feel free to start your own religion though, then you can make it about whatever you want it to be.

Christianity is a man-made construct, created by those superstitious and bigoted people who twisted the words of a maybe-real philosopher, Jesus.
This is very much like those parents who enroll their kids in Catholic school then complain about the religious instruction.
I also think that Christianity should be about a lot more than blithering on about condemning this, judging that, and decreeing that certain people are heathens. I think that God's word should be used to focus on leading the best life that you can and improving yourself (not chastising others).

Doesn't much matter what you think Christianity should be all about, as Christianity was given us by God, and He gets to decide what it's all about and He does so in His word. It also gives us the single word Jesus used to start His public ministry and that word was Repent! Feel free to start your own religion though, then you can make it about whatever you want it to be.

Christianity is a man-made construct, created by those superstitious and bigoted people who twisted the words of a maybe-real philosopher, Jesus.

Like everyone else on this planet you're free to your own opinion, as wrong as it may be.
I hope Bode isn't on the verge of trying to obtain her Eagle Scout badge.

Bode, it has nothing to do with your sexuality, your sex or your lack of faith...they don't want you because you're just too damn old.
I hope Bode isn't on the verge of trying to obtain her Eagle Scout badge.

Bode, it has nothing to do with your sexuality, your sex or your lack of faith...they don't want you because you're just too damn old.

Well...that IS true....yuk yuk yuk.
Doesn't much matter what you think Christianity should be all about, as Christianity was given us by God, and He gets to decide what it's all about and He does so in His word. It also gives us the single word Jesus used to start His public ministry and that word was Repent! Feel free to start your own religion though, then you can make it about whatever you want it to be.

Christianity is a man-made construct, created by those superstitious and bigoted people who twisted the words of a maybe-real philosopher, Jesus.

Like everyone else on this planet you're free to your own opinion, as wrong as it may be.

I would say the same to you...as long as you don't try to get your superstitious opinion codified in our nation's laws.
Christianity is a man-made construct, created by those superstitious and bigoted people who twisted the words of a maybe-real philosopher, Jesus.

Like everyone else on this planet you're free to your own opinion, as wrong as it may be.

I would say the same to you...as long as you don't try to get your superstitious opinion codified in our nation's laws.

Many of our current laws are based upon the Judeo/Christian faith of our Founders and citizens, live with it.
the only thing i read said he didn't believe in god.

whatever shall i do?


Gay Boy Scout Denied Eagle Award Says He Believes in God - ABC News

I can't really blame him for taking advantage of the situation (referencing your post above).

i don't blame him either.

my experience at the local level is that no one cares about sexual orientation. of course, i've never had a scout come out either.

i'm kind of surprised that his scoutmaster wouldn't sign off on it after encouraging him to pursue it. that's a real douche bag move, imo.


I know Eagle Board of Reviews happen a little differently around the country based on council and district size and geography. In my neck of the woods, Eagle Boards are done at the District level by people NOT from your troop. That means that while a boy may have cruised thru advancement in his lower ranks in his troop, he could potentially be sitting in an Eagle Board with three complete strangers. While the Scoutmaster may have encouraged him, he should have known when he sends the boy for his Board, he won't have the favor of familiarity on his side.
Like everyone else on this planet you're free to your own opinion, as wrong as it may be.

I would say the same to you...as long as you don't try to get your superstitious opinion codified in our nation's laws.

Many of our current laws are based upon the Judeo/Christian faith of our Founders and citizens, live with it.

When the basis of those laws becomes irrelevant, the laws require modification. No need to live with it.

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